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Central Themes Unit 8_4-34 Beyond Gram & Comp U1 6/14/16 10:51 PM Page 195

Lesson 2
Theme: Forest Fires

Before Reading
A. The total forest area burned by fires has been rising steadily since the 1950s. Some of
the increase has been attributed to climate change.
How does climate change result in more frequent forest fires worldwide?

B. In pairs, fill in the chart with two negative consequences of forest disappearance on the
environment, the human health, and the economy respectively.
Negative Consequences of Forest Disappearance
Environment Health Economy
1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

While Reading
A Technological Edge* on Wildfires
by Kenneth Chang

1 When the winds change, a ferocious best way to fight catastrophic fires is to
forest inferno can make a sharp turn, and keep them from growing to a catastrophic
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the fire crews battling it may need to scale. However, that is becoming more and
depend on their eyes and instincts to tell more difficult, as global warming raises the
them whether they are in danger. likelihood of fires, especially in Western
Sometimes, as it appears to be the case in forests. By 2050, the annual extent of forests
the deaths of nineteen elite firefighters in burned is predicted to rise by 50% or more.
Arizona, it is already too late. Of course, the Hence, officials and experts are increasingly

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relying on technology high and low* to goats, which eat shrubs.

counteract the trickery of raging wildfires.
4 Weather satellites high overhead capture
2 In computer simulations, the United thunderstorms as they form, giving hints of
States Forest Service sets tens of thousands the gusty winds that often accompany
of virtual fires, factoring in* different them. Remote-controlled unmanned
weather patterns, topography, vegetation, aircraft, flying over a blaze for hours at a
and historical weather patterns. “You time, can take infrared photographs that
would sort of get a map that depicts a show its shifting edges. Those images are
likelihood of fire occurrence,” said beamed to iPads and Android tablets
Elizabeth Reinhardt, an assistant director of carried by the firefighters. Last year, the
fire ecology and fuels for the Forest Service. Forest Service tested iPads and smart
3 Of the 193 million acres it manages, the phones. In a pilot* program this summer,
Forest Service thins out* the undergrowth the agency is testing out Android tablets.
in about three million acres every year, “They exceeded expectations,” Laura Hill,
primarily through controlled burns or by an information technology strategic
laboriously chopping down and removing planner for the Forest Service, reported of
smaller trees and shrubs. In fact, in a few the iPads. “People find utility for them in
places, it employs low-tech innovations like their jobs.”

A. Answer the questions.

1. Why does the writer relate the death of nineteen elite firefighters in Arizona?
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2. State two hi-tech measures used by the United States Forest Service to prevent the
rise of more forest fire attacks.

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3. How can low-tech practices lessen forest fire occurrences?


5 But burning forests often have no cell inexact visual reports.

phone towers. “The real big stumbling 7 An unmanned aircraft can remain aloft*
block we’ve got to solve now is how to get over the fire for hours at a time. NASA
Internet connectivity to every fire every collaborated with the fire service in 2007,
time,” observed Mr. Sexton, of the wild land providing its Ikhana aircraft, a modified
fire-management program. Sometimes, the version of the predator drone fitted with
Forest Service can set up a mobile cell infrared sensors instead of missiles, which
phone tower or a microwave connection to flew out of the space agency’s Dryden
the local phone company that allows Flight Research Center in California. The
firefighters to use small antennas to infrared sensors kept track of the
communicate with one another. Another movement of the fires that would otherwise
possibility is an ad hoc* computer network have been obscured by smoke. “It was great
that allows firefighters to share information. information,” Mr. Sexton said. “The
If, for example, the leader of a crew has technology was there.”
Internet connection via satellite, he will be
able to download information and share it.
8 Robert Roth, an aviation management
specialist for the Forest Service, thinks there
Even if the Internet connection fails, the
are no immediate plans to deploy* more
crew members could still share information
drones, but instead, the Forest Service is
with one another.
trying to figure out what is exactly needed
6 Another challenge is gathering more and then analyze the risks and costs of
complete knowledge about a fire. Currently, various approaches. Predators are
for the larger fires, aircraft with infrared expensive, but smaller, lighter unmanned
sensors fly over the fire at night, producing aircraft may not be able to fly through the
a map first thing in the morning for the shifting winds of the smoke columns. Thus,
commanders on the ground. Updates existing airplanes with a flight crew aboard
during the day are based on incomplete and may turn out to be an option.

B. Fill in the chart.

Obstacles Facing Fire Crews Possible Solutions
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1. 1.

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Obstacles Facing Fire Crews Possible Solutions

2. 2.

9 Mr. Sexton imagines that in the future, “Sometimes it comes over a ridge, and the
people in the command post would be able crews can’t see it coming.”
to see the precise position of each firefighter,
via a GPS receiver, as well as the current
spread of the fire. They would also have
access to information like calculated safe edge advantage; margin of superiority
high and low everywhere
zones to which firefighters could retreat
factoring in taking account of something when
and the time it would take to get an injured making a calculation
firefighter to medical care. “We could thins out when one thins out a group of plants, he or
she removes some to make them fewer
remotely look at the locations of firefighters
pilot experimental
in relation to where the fire is and the heat ad hoc formed, arranged, or done for a particular
signature that it’s producing, and perhaps purpose only
anticipate the movement of the fires before aloft up in the air
deploy put into use or action
reaching the crews,” Mr. Sexton explained.

After Reading
A. What does each pronoun refer to?
1. it (Paragraph 1) _______________________________________________________

2. that (Paragraph 1) _______________________________________________________

3. them (Paragraph 4) _______________________________________________________
4. They (Paragraph 4) _______________________________________________________
5. we (Paragraph 5) _______________________________________________________

6. They (Paragraph 9) _______________________________________________________

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B. Complete the graphic organizer with the required information with reference to the
technologies used in counteracting fierce fires.

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Procedure(s) Effectiveness
Fire crews obtaining a map
1. Computer
indicating the chances of fire
Burning or cutting down
2. Shrubbery
undergrowth; goats eating
Empowering firefighters to
3. Unmanned
assess and make better rescuing

C. Paraphrase the sentences.

1. People find utility for them in their jobs. (Paragraph 4)

2. Updates during the day are based on incomplete and inexact visual reports.
(Paragraph 6)

D. Answer the questions in complete sentences, without copying from the text.
1. Which evidence proves that financial difficulties might slow down the adoption of
effective precautionary measures against wildfires?

2. How do the loaded words ferocious, inferno, sharp, battling, danger, deaths,
catastrophic, trickery, and raging wildfires used in Paragraph 1 set the mood? Explain.
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3. Is Mr. Sexton’s outlook on the future role of technology in firefighting positive or

negative? Explain.

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4. Identify the thesis statement, justifying your answer.
5. Illustrate how the use of figurative language in Paragraph 1 helps portray the scale
of the problem.
6. How are Paragraphs 1 and 9 thematically related? Justify.
7. Describe Hill’s attitude in Paragraph 4. Support your answer with evidence.
8. What is the writer’s purpose? Justify your answer.
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E. Natural disasters, such as forest fires, earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes, cause deaths
and injuries and destroy property.
In a well-organized, unified, 300-word essay, elaborate on this statement, shedding light


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