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Suggested Answers to Exam Practice for Topic 4

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. (a) C8H18 (1)
(b) (i) As the chain length increases, the number of points of contact between the
molecules increases. (1)
There are therefore more London forces among the longer chains, resulting in an
increase in the overall intermolecular forces of attraction. (1)
(ii) Any value between 418 and 428 K (1)
(c) (i) C10H22 → C8H18 + C2H4 (1)
(ii) C2H4 + H2O → C2H5OH (1)
350 ºC (1); 60 to 70 atm pressure (1); phosphoric (V) acid catalyst (1).
(d) (i)



for heptane (1) for methylcylohexane (1)

(iii) To produce more efficient burning petrol (1)

8. (a) (i) C (85.7 ÷ 12.0) = 7.14; H (14.3 ÷ 1.0) = 14.3 (1)

7.14 : 14.3 = 1 : 2
Empirical formula = CH2 (1)
(ii) Empirical formula mass = 14 56 ÷ 14 = 4 (1)
Therefore, molecular formula = C4H8
Isomer 1 Isomers 2 & 3 Isomer 4 Isomer 5 Isomer 6

but-1-ene methylpropene cyclobutane methylcyclopropane
(1) for each combination of correct structure with correct name.

9. (a) Alkanes (1)

They all have the same general formula (CnH2n+2) which is for the alkanes. (1)
(b) C and D. This is because they have the same structural formulae, even though these
are shown differently on paper (2).
(c) methylbutane (1)


dimethylpropane (1)


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