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SELECT intern_ID, Recruitment_Possbility

From Internship_Employees
Where Recruitment_Possibility=Yes

SELECT Client_satisfaction
FROM Client
Where Client_satisfaction=Yes

Select intern_id,salary_type
From internship_employees
Where location=”DHAKA”

Select count(Client_satisfaction)
From Client

SELECT SUM(Adv_revenue) AS Expr1

From Advertisement;

Select Client_ID, Adv_duration 

From Advertisement
Where Adv_duration>”6 Months”

SELECT SUM(Employees_recruited)
From Client

Show permanent employees employee id, first name and experience years who works in
finance department.

Select Employee_ID,Employee_First_Name,Experience_years
FROM PermanentEmployee
WHERE Department=”FINANCE”

Show Internship Employees intern id, job performance whose performance is satisfactory

SELECT intern_ID,Job_Performance
From InternshipEmployees
Where Job_Performance='Satisfactory'
Show all the client’s client id and client satisfaction who are satisfied

SELECT Client_ID,Client_satisfaction
FROM Client
Where Client_satisfaction=Yes

Show Permanent Employees Employee ID, Age and Location where department is Admin.

Select Employee_ID,Age,Location
From PermanentEmployee
Where Department='ADMIN'

Show Client’s Company, Client Satisfaction where client is satisfied

Select Company,Client_satisfaction
From Client
Where Client_satisfaction=Yes

Show total revenue from Advertisement

SELECT SUM(Adv_revenue) AS TotalRevenue

From Advertisement;

Show total employees that has been recruited by client from Careerjet

SELECT SUM(Employees_recruited) As TotalRecruited

From Client

Show Permanent Employee’s Employee ID, Location and salary whose salary is 20000 or

SELECT Employee_ID, Location, Salary

FROM PermanentEmployee
WHERE salary >=20000

Show the advertisement’s client id and Adv duration whose duration is more than 6 month

Select Client_ID, Adv_duration 

From Advertisement
Where Adv_duration>6
Show Permanent Employee’s employee id, employee first name, experience
years. Shoes salary is 20000 or more and works in HR department

Select Employee_ID,Employee_First_Name,Experience_years
FROM PermanentEmployee
WHERE Department=”HR” and Salary>=20000

Show highest paid permanent of employee from marketing department

Select Max(Salary) As HighestSalary

From PermanentEmployee
Where Department='Marketing'

Show Job applicant’s applicant number, location and qualification who applied in
finance department

Select Applicant_number,Location,Qualification
From JobApplication
Where Department='Finance'

Show Applicant’s applicant number, qualification and adv code whose works experience
is between 3-7 years and applied in marketing department

Select Applicant_number,Qualification,Adv_Code
From JobApplication
Where  Department='Marketing' and Experiance_years between 3 and 7

Show employees last name and who earns 20000 to 100000.

SELECT Employee_Last_Name, Salary

FROM PermanentEmployee
WHERE Salary BETWEEN 20000 AND 100000;

Show Internship Employee’s Intern Id, Salary type and job performance whose job
performance is unsaisfictory

Select Intern_ID,Salary_Type,Department,Job_Performance
From InternshipEmployees
Where Job_performance='Unsatisfactory'
Show Advertisements adv code, employee id and adv revenue from advertisement.

SELECT Adv_code,Employee_ID,Client_ID,Adv_revenue
FROM Advertisement
Where Adv_revenue>=100000

Show Job Applicants Adv code, qualification, department whose qualification is Post
Graduation and applied for HR

Select Adv_Code,Qualification,Department
From JobApplication
Where Qualification='Post_Graduation' And Department= 'HR'

Show Internship Employees intern id and department whose job performance is

satisfactory and has recruitment possibility

Select Intern_ID,Department
From InternshipEmployees
Where Job_performance='Satisfactory' and Recruitment_possibility=YES

Show permanent employee’s employee id, employee last name, age and salary whose salary
is 600000 or less

Select Employee_ID,Employee_Last_Name,Age,Salary
From PermanentEmployee
Where Salary<=60000

Show advertisement’s adv code, client id, adv duration and adv revenue wh0se revenue is
90000 or more

Select Adv_code,Client_ID,Adv_Duration,Adv_revenue
From Advertisement
Where Adv_revenue<= 90000

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