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Reservoir sedimentation: The case of the Opa Reservoir catchment,

southwestern Nigeria

Article  in  The South African geographical journal, being a record of the proceedings of the South African Geographical Society · September 2005
DOI: 10.1080/03736245.2005.9713835


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1 author:

Aderemi Adediji
Obafemi Awolowo University


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South African Geographical Journal

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Department of Geography, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Version of record first published: 01 Feb 2012.

SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA, South African Geographical Journal, 87:2, 123-128

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This study aimed at determining the rate of sedimentationin Opa Reservoir since impoundment in 1978 with a view of ascertaininghow much
of its volume has been silted up. The volume of sediment trapped in the reservoir since impoundment was estimated using the bathymetric
survey method. Based on reservoir profiling, the volume and mass of deposited sediments since impoundment in 1978 were estimated at
1 313 397m3and 893 096 tomes, respectively.The rate of sedimentation and specific sedimentyield from the reservoir catchment wqe estimated
at around 38 OOOt'yr and 575tAun2/yr,respectively. The annual rate of sedimentationobtained in this study highlights the need for more frequent
bathymetric surveys especially after large floods to provide more information on the magnitude of annual sedimentation, and to help planners
determine how to prolong the economic life of reservoirs.

Accelerated erosion with attendant sediment transportation N.W. 263). The dam and the associatedreservoir were built
has been identified as an endemic problem in the tropics on the Opa River within the confines of the University estate
particularly in the humid and subhumid tropics (Rapp et al., in 1978. The reservoir on the Opa River was approximately
1972; Rapp, 1975; Jeje, 1987). Apart from causing the loss of 2.5km long and 0.5km at its widest point. It had a total
valuable soil resources from farmlands in the affected drainage impounded volume of 2.81 million m3 of water on completion
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basins, it has resulted in accelerated reservoir sedimentation, (Capital Project and Development Unit, OAU, Ile-Ife). It
with implications for severe reduction in the designed water provides treated water to the UniversityCommunity and supports
storage capacity of reservoirs. This has been observed in recreational fishing. The reservoir has successfully reduced
reservoirs all over the tropics, particularly in southwestern flooding incidences downstream of the dam. The dam spillway
Nigeria (e.g. Ado-Ekiti, Ede, Owo, Asejire). In fact, Jica (1994) is 25m wide and 55m long.
observed that about 650 existing dams in Nigeria were rapidly
being silted up. Among the consequences of severe reservoir The natural vegetation of the area is tropical rainforest
sedimentation is shortage of potable water supply to the characterized by emergents with multiple canopies and lianas.
communities that these reservoirs were designed to serve. However, widespread and persistent practice of rotational bush
farming, coupled with widespread cultivation of cash crops
Several studies have been carried out on reservoir such as cocoa, kolanuts and plantains has led to the destruction
sedimentation(e.g. Rapp et al., 1972; Rapp, 1975 in Tanzania; of the original vegetation. In fact, as shown in Figure 2, the
Adam, 1996 in Poland; William, 1996 in Miami, USA and area around the reservoir is intensively cultivated with arable
White et al., 1996 in the southern Pennines, UK). Also, reservoir crops. The reservoir basin is underlain by granites,
re-survey data provided by a large number of authors for over undifferentiatedschist-gneisses,pegmatilised schists,pegmatites
300 impoundments worldwide are summarized in White's and epidiorite. The Opa river channel at the university campus
( 1993) work. However, except for the pioneering work of Rapp is on quartz-biotite schist (Konsadem Associates, 1987). The
et al. (1972) and Rapp (1975) in Tanzania, studies of water study area falls under Koppen's Af humid tropical rainforest
bodies and reservoir sedimentation in the tropics are rare. The climates. The mean daily minimum temperature is 25°C while
volume and rates of reservoir sedimentation are still to be the mean maximum is 33°C (Adejuwon and Jeje, 1975). Mean
scientifically documented in most parts of the humid tropics, annualrainfdl is about 1 40Omm, with the miny season extending
including southwestern Nigeria. Thus, this study sets out to from April to October. The rainy season is marked by two
provide some information on reservoir sedimentation in this maxima, in June/July and September/October.These two periods
part of Nigeria. This study is especially important since the are separated by a short dry spell in August. The beginning and
Opa Dam Reservoir (the study reservoir) was impounded in end of the rainy season are usually marked by high intensity
1978 and nothing to date has been establishedregarding its rate thunderstorms.
of sedimentation. The findings of this study will not only
provide information on the volume of sediment deposited in Methods
the study reservoir to date, it will also provide an indication of A land use/vegetationmap of the study area (Opa Reservoir
the rate of reservoir sedimentation in the general study area. In Catchment) was compiled from SPOT images (SPOTXS IFE
addition, this study will shed light on the use of reservoir IMG, 1989) obtained from the Regional Centre for Training in
surveys as a means of deriving catchment sediment yields (e.g. Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS), OAU, Ile-Ife. Land uses were
Rausch and Heinemann, 1984) with the aim of overcoming the identified and classified from the SPOT images (1 420 by 1 420
limitations inherent in short term suspended sediment sampling pixels) based on colour, texture, shape and size using ILWIS 3.0
(see Walling and Webb, 1981). software (International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth
Study area Sciences, the Netherlands, 1997).
The Opa Reservoir catchment extends from the Obafemi Recent interest in sedimentary processes has focused attention
Awolowo University campus to Osu in Atakumosa and on the application of radionuclides as geochemical tracers to
constitutes the study area (Figure 1). The study area is determine sedimentation rates in aquatic environments (see
approximately 68km2in area. The area lies between latitudes Duck and McManus, 1994). The *l0Pbchronology in association
7"27N and 7'35" and longitudes 4"30'E and 4"40'E (Federal with 137Cshas been used to determine the sedimentation rate.
Survey Topographical sheets, Ilesha S.W. 243 and Ondo However, due to the absence of this dating facilityand technology

Figure 1: The study area and Opa Reservoir Catchment.
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Reservoir Basin Divide

in Nigeria, the rate of sedimentation of Opa Reservoir was A corer manufactured locally from a transparent plastic
determined using the bathymetric survey method as outlined pipe with a diameter of 2.50cm was used to take core samples
by Heinemann and Dvorak (1965). In this regard, the profiling of deposited sediments in the reservoir. The diameter and height
of the reservoir was carried out between February and of sedimentslmud trapped in the plastic pipe was used to
March, 2002. determine the volume of the cores. Samples of the deposited
sediments were taken from ten different locations between the
A longitudinaltraverse was cut along the side of the reservoir dam long axis and the end of the reservoir. The samples were
and profiling was carried out at intervals of 50m. The profile taken to the laboratory for the determination of bulk density.
lines were made parallel to the dam axis with the aid of a Following oven drying, bulk density of the deposited sediments
prismatic compass; full details of the procedures involved are was calculated as:
documentedelsewhere (see Adediji, 2002). Depth measurement
was conducted at 10m intervals along each of the profiles, with Bulk density of deposited sediments
the exception of a few which were less than 20m in length. The - Wt. of oven-dried sediment (glcm’)
values were then used to produce a bathymetric survey and Vol. of the core sampler
cross-sectional diagram of the reservoir bed by plotting depth
against distance from the edge of the reservoir.
The average bulk density (g/cm3)of samples of deposited
The volume of water (m3)between the profiles was calculated sediments was used to determine the mass of sediment trapped
as the average of the cross sectionalarea of the profiles multiplied in the reservoir since impoundment. This was done by simply
by length of interval (5Om) between all the profiles (50 profiles) converting the bulk density value in glcm’ to kg/m3 and
across the reservoir and summed to obtain the current total subsequently the deposited volume in m3 was multiplied by
volume of water in the reservoir. The current volume of water weight of sediment in kglm’. The result obtained was divided
in the reservoir obtained was then substracted from the total by the total number of years since impoundment (i.e. 23 years)
impounded volume (2.81 million m3) when the dam was in order to determine the rate of sedimentation per annum
constructed. This was done to determine volume of sediment (tonneslyear). The specific sediment yield of the reservoir
deposited (volume of reduction) in the reservoir since catchment was obtained by dividing the annual sedimentation
impounded. by the reservoir catchment area (68km2).

Figure 2: Classification of SPOT-XS sub-scene of the study area.
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The Opa river was gauged at the main point of inlet into Results and discussion
the reservoir to monitor sediment inflow. In addition, the gauge Land usehegetation types
at the dam spillway was used in order to determine sediment
outflow from the reservoir outlet during the study period (i.e. The land usehegetation classification of Opa Reservoir
between June, 1999 and June, 2000). Reservoir-sediment trap Catchment from the SPOT images of the study area using
efficiency was also determined. This requires accurate ILWIS 3.0 software revealed the following merged classes of
measurements of all sediment transported into the reservoir as land usehegetation types (Table 1).
well as the sediment discharged through the spillway. Reservoir-
Reservoir sedimentation
sediment trap efficiency (E), usually expressed as a percent, is
the ratio of the weight of sediment entering a reservoir as to Figures 3a-g and Figure 4 show the current cross-sectional
the weight that is trapped therein: shape of the reservoir bed and bathymetric map of the reservoir

Sediment inflow - Sediment outflow

E = Sediment inflow
x 100

Suspended iediment yield at the point of inlet and outlet of Classes Percentage (%) of Area Extent
the reservoir was obtained using the sediment rating curve the Study Area (km2)
technique (see Walling, 1977). Streamflow discharge was Built-up 8.46 5.75
monitored using a staff gauge at the point of inlet on Opa river
and at the Opa dam spillway (outlet).The staff gauge reading I G o a , kola,oil palm, etc. 1 38.81 I 26.39
was observed twice a day, in the morning and evening.
Streamflow discharge was determined using the velocity-area
technique. Streamflow velocity was measured with a Valeport
I Cultivated tieldlfallow
I 23.73 ' I 16.14

BFM current meter but during flood condition when it proved Hydrophytes 3.73 2.54
difficult to use the meter, a surface float was used to determine
the velocity (see Gregory and Walling, 1973). Rock outcroplbare surface 2.84 1.93

The water samples taken during the streamflow discharge

I Sec. regrowthlrelictof forest I 20.29 I 13.80
measurement were analysed for suspended sediment Water-bodylreservoir 0.19 0.13
concentration using standard laboratory methods (see Davis
and De Wiest, 1966). Determination of suspended sediments Non-classified point (reject) 1.95 1.33
involved the filtration of each 200ml of stream water using Total 100 68.00
Whatman filter paper and a vacuum pump assembly, oven
drying, cooling in desiccator and weighing the sediment residue.

Figure 3: Cross-sectional diagrams of the reservoir bed obtained along the profiles.
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respectively, based on the data obtained through the profiling twenty or so years is 38 830.26tlyr and 575.26t/km2/yr,
of the reservoir. Water depth at the sides of the reservoir is respectively. The specific sediment yield obtained for this
naturally shallower than at the middle of the reservoir. This is reservoir catchment, while lower than the values obtained
also an indication of current scouring of the reservoir bed in (1 1 0 4 W y r ) from the reservoirs studied in the USA by White
the rainy season in association with storm discharge. In addition, et al. (1996), the value is greater than those obtained from other
the shallow depth of water at the sides of the reservoir indicates parts of Africa (259t/km2/yr)and Asia (293t/km2/yr)by White
that the edges of the reservoir are silted up. This confirms the (1993).
observations of Bourman and Bamett (1995) in South Australia
where it was found that the margins of the terminal lake on Sediment outflow through the Opa Dam Spillway during
River Murray have silted up by lOdyr. The sediment trapped the study period was determined as 35 1.73t/yr and sediment
at the reservoir margin encourages the growth of hydrophytes inflow into the reservoir through the main point of inlet on the
such as ferns and water weeds among which are Pistia stratiotes, Opa River was estimated at 1 727.41tlyr. Therefore, using the
Scirpus cubensis and Rhnchospora corymbosa. Other common sediment budget method, the total sediment retained in the
plants include Lemna spp., Wo@a arrhiza, Nymphaea spp; reservoir was calculated at 1 375.68 tonnes. The reservoir-
Ipomoea aquatica and Ceratophyllum demersum. In fact, these sediment trap efficiency (E) is thus calculated at 79.6%. The
water weeds have virtually completely colonized the periphery sediment deposited in the reservoir through the main point of
of the reservoir. The effect of these aquatics is to increase the inlet was lower than the mean annual sedimentation of the
effective surface area of the reservoir and, through transpiration reservoir estimated through bathymetric survey. This may be
especially in the dry season, lower the water surface. accounted for by soil eroded and transported fiom slopes around
the reservoir as well as under-estimation resulting from the
The volume of water in the reservoir at the time of sediment rating curve used for estimating sediment yield at its
measurement was calculated at 1 496 623.0m3,while the total main point of inlet on Opa river (see Walling and Webb, 1981).
impounding volume of water in the reservoir was 2.8 million m3, This further confirms the reservoir survey method as an accurate
which implies that water had been reduced by 46.7% of its means of deriving catchment sediment yield and one that
impounded volume. The estimated volume of deposited sediment overcomes the limitations inherent in short term suspended
since impoundment was 1 313 377.0m3. This volume of sediment sampling (Rausch and Heinemann, 1984). As shown
deposited sediments per km2 (839m3/km2/yr)obtained in this in Figure 2, bare surfaces are indicated by yellow colours on
study compares to the sediment yield of 729m3/km2/yrobtained both sides of the reservoir reveal the sites where laterite was
by Rapp (1975) from the Matumbulu reservoir basin in Tanzania. minedremoved for construction purposes. This could have led
At a mean bulk density of 0.68g/cm3, the mass of deposited to high volume sediment loss from slopes into the reservoir. It
sediments (sediment trapped) since impoundment in 1978 is is also evident from Figure 2 that, apart from bare surfaces,
calculated to be 893 096 tonnes. Thus, the rate of sedimentation most of the area around the reservoir was intensively cultivated
and reservoir catchment specific sediment yield for the past with arablelannual crops (cultivated field crops). This would

Figure 4: Bathymetric survey map of Opa Reservoir. likely increase sediment yield from slopes draining directly
into the reservoir. As observed during the field survey, bush
paths created by (illegal) fishermen would further contribute
to the volume of sediment into the reservoir. In addition, the
common farming practice in the area of using maximum tillage
in the form of heap and ridge making enhances the generation
of large volumes of runoff loaded with sediments.
This study presents a bathymetric survey of Opa reservoir
with the aim of determining the volume and mass of sediment
trapped in the reservoir since impoundment as well as the
specific sedment yield of the reservoir catchment. The sedment
inflow into the reservoir through the main point of inlet on the
Opa River was determined at 1 727.41t/yr while sediment
outflow over the Opa Dam Spillwaywas calculatedat 351.73Vyr.
Thus, the total sediment mass trapped in the reservoir through
its point of inlet during the study period was calculated at
1 375.68 tonnes. However, the result of the reservoir profiling
shows that the volume and mass of deposited sediment since
impoundment in 1978 were 1 313 377.0m3and 893 096 tonnes,
respectively. Thus, the rate of sedimentation per annum was
estimated at 38 830.26tlyr. The rate of annual sedimentation
obtained in this study has further shed light on the need for
more frequent bathymetric surveys especially after large floods
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to provide more information on the magnitude of annual

sedimentation.Also, with the findings of this study on annual
sedimentation, there is need to integrate anti-erosion measures
before dam constructionif the life span of any proposed reservoir/
dam is to be prolonged. In this regard, the participation of the
local population in anti-erosion management is an important
requirement. Thus, the local population should be enlightened
as to the consequences of accelerated erosion. In the case of
the Opa reservoir, the university authority should urgently take
measures to clear hydrophytes and other water weeds which
have colonized the area around the periphery of the reservoir
if its life span is to be prolonged.

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