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1. Conduct research about the company
Your interview preparation should always begin with gathering information about the
company’s background, business areas, branch locations, culture, etc. Proper research is
important to answer the basic interview questions such as “what do you know about us?” or
“why do you want to work here?” Every employer expects the job applicant to know
something about the company he/she is applying for. Also, knowing about the company
helps the job seeker to understand how the company’s policies and culture will support his
career plans.

2. Practice
“Practice makes a man perfect”, this saying goes well for job seekers also. Practicing mock
interviews improves your self-confidence to answer some of the common interview
questions. Therefore, practice several sessions of interviews with your friends or family
members who are experienced and doing well in their careers. This helps you to get useful
feedback to improve your preparation. When practicing, work on your body language,
speech, and listening skills.

3. Maintain the right body language

We all know that an excellent verbal communication plays a crucial role in a job interview.
However, there is one more thing that is equally important in communicating the right
message across the interviewer, i.e. body language. Maintaining an appropriate body
language constitutes an important part of interview etiquettes and creates an impression on
the interviewer. A right body language includes everything from how you walk, sit, your
facial expressions and gestures. Holding a good eye contact is very important.

4. Dress appropriately
First impressions play a vital role in a job interview and how you dress up helps you create
that professional impression. You should avoid wearing glittering jewellery or heavy
makeup. Finally, make sure you wear stain-free and wrinkle-free clothes that fit you well.

5. Ask questions
A successful interview is not just about hiring manager asking questions to find his potential
employee. In fact, it is also about asking the employer some important questions relating to
your role, company, career growth and various other things that can help you make the
right career decision. Therefore, prepare not only to answer the common interview
questions but also prepare to have a two-way conversation with the employer. This is the
time when you can clear all your doubts about the job offer.
6. Follow up
Once the interview is over, it is important to follow up with the hiring manager. The way you
follow up with the employer is also important as you should not look too desperate or
annoying by reminding the hiring manager again and again


Proxemics Chronemics
It is the study of how people use space It is the study of role of time in
while communicating. How close or distant communication.The manners how we
people stand, whether people touch or not, utilise time while communicating gives
how the space between people is utilized, ideas about the speaker and are included in
etc come under this. The space we need as non-verbal communication. The utilisation
a person is called personal space. of time while communicating is different
from each country. Certain people are rigid
and stick on to time while others keep a
fluid approach
It is divided into intimate space, personal It is divided into polychronic and
space, social space, public space. monochronic
For example: We keep our loved ones and For example: When tasks are done at a
best friends in intimate space. Teachers, time it is monochronic. Polychronic cultures
friends in social space and strangers in prefer to do many things at the same time.
public space

Kinesics is the study of how body movements, actions and expressions play as a form of
non-verbal communication. There are five types of kinesics as given below:

1. Emblems: They are gestures used in place of words. For example, the gesture to stop
the vehicle or ask for a lift.

2. Illustrations: They are the gestures to illustrate or reinforce what has already been
discussed or said.

3. Affective Displays: They are body or facial movements to display emotions or affective
state. Example is showing our anger or happiness in different ways.

4. Regulators: They are non-verbal signs used to regulate the flow of speech. Example can
be raising the finger to intervene a speech.
5. Adapters: They are the forms of non-verbal communication which happens
unknowingly by the listener. Biting the nails, changing the postures due to lack of interest,
etc are examples.

Proxemics is the study of how people use space while communicating. How close or
distant people stand, whether people touch or not, how the space between the people is
utilized, etc come under this. The space we need as an individual is called personal space.
The magnitude of this space depends on factors like culture and tradition, social norms,
situations, personality traits, etc. It is divided into intimate space, personal space, social
space, public space.
Both Kinesics and proxemics are very important in non-verbal communication because it can
help in reinforcing what is said.

Resume or CV to be used in cases a), b), c), d), f)
In cases e) and g) resume not required.

1. Circuit Network
Messages and feedbacks are sent to and from two persons; not necessarily be superior and

2. Wheel Network
This is highly centralised. Everyone receives commands form the superior and the feedback
is fast.

3. Vertical Network
Communication happens between superior and subordinate. It is formal in nature and the
feedback is fast.

4. Chain Network
This has the downward movement of communication as a chain of commands to the

5. Star Network
In this all members communicate with each other and it is ideal for team communication.
(a) Chain of command
(b) Star network
(c) Star network
(d) Vertical network
(e) Circuit network
(f) Chain of command
(g) Star network
(h) Vertical network

Types of Reports:
1. Project Report
2. Seminar Report
3. Annual Report
4. Audit Report
5. Investigation Report
6. Progress Report

GD Debate
GD aims at reaching a consensus. Debate is a formal method of
argument in which the speakers take
a particular stand and remain in it till
the end.
The aim of GD is exchange of ideas. The aim of debate is to win.
listening, reasoning and opinion Defending and attacking are the
sharing are the practices in GD norms in debate.
GD is conducted to judge the Debates are conducted to judge the
personality. communication skills

No tobacco workshop held
A no tobacco workshop was held at our college on 13th March 2020 to spread awareness
among the students of our college on the negative effects of tobacco on their health.
Tobacco smoke contains approximately 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes, 100s of which are
toxic like formaldehyde, ammonia and cadmium. These constituents of cigarettes have a
detrimental effect on everything: from the body’s immunity to the functioning of the
Famous doctors & health personalities gave an enlightening and informative talk regarding
tobacco use. They also explained the negative effects of using e-cigarettes on our health.
At last, the session was concluded by asking the audience to take an auth to stay away from
using any forms of tobacco, cigarettes or drugs etc.

Dear student,
This is in regard with your request to change the internship dates. We are sorry to inform
you that such a request cannot be processed.
The internship dates are set by considering numerous factors such as availability of certain
trainers, machines, equipment, etc. Also, any change in the internship dates will affect the
schedule of other interns. Our company is already on a tight schedule, hence it is very hard
for us to abide by your request.
Thus, it is not possible for us to change dates and you are suggested to make arrangements
in your college itself.
Industry-University Relation Department
Delta Aerospace Inc.

i. Showing open palms implies that you are being honest and open. It also puts
you into a submissive position. It means you aren’t hiding anything.

ii. Tapping fingers makes one appear impatient and possibly nervous about

iii. In some cases, it can mean that you're feeling angry and may behave
aggressively. In others, it may simply mean that you're enthusiastic and ready
to get something done.

iv. Nail biting is a type of habit than can demonstrate stress, nervousness, or
insecurity. Oftentimes people bite their nails without even realizing it.

Psychological or emotional barrier
This is related to the mental stage of an individual. If a person is disturbed or distracted, it
prevents the sender or receiver from giving attention to the message. It includes lack of
attention, distrust, premature evaluation, poor retention, fear etc.

Ways to reduce:
• Accepting Imperfections. The drive to win every argument or get the last word often
spawns from overcompensation, or trying to cover emotional insecurities with a sense of
superiority. Other people might find you easier to communicate with when you accept your
imperfections from time to time.
• Removing Yourself. Angry people have difficulty processing logical statements, limiting
their ability to accept explanations and solutions offered by others. With this in mind,
remove yourself from communication until you feel you can collect your thoughts, think
clearly and hold back potentially hurtful and undue comments.
• Relaxation Exercises. While a mental health professional should address anxiety disorders
such as post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias -- typical anxiety, like the anxiety you feel
before giving a speech -- can be managed with relaxation exercises.
The word netiquette is the combination of network and etiquette. It is the etiquette we
should display in our online interactions. Good netiquette is an indicator of professionalism.

The Core Rules of Netiquette 1. Remember the Human Understand that we are interacting
with humans and not with machines. Consider the other end has humans.
2. Adhere to the Same Standard of Behaviour online that you follow in Real Life.
Never do anything illegal. If there is any ethical dilemma, follow the same level of activity
that you may engage in real life.

3. Know Where You are in Cyberspace Be familiar with the expected standard of behaviour
in the community you are interacting with.
4. Respect other People’s Time Do not disturb other people with unnecessary interventions.
If you are posting something and sending a mail, make sure that you are not disturbing
others. Do not post the same things repeatedly.
5. Make Yourself Look Good online. Always use good language and spelling. Don’t use
abusive language and don’t use all in CAPS.
6. Share Expert Knowledge If you have expertise with something, share it with others. There
are forums and blogs to share your knowledge. Make sure that you don’t violate any
7. Help Keep Flame Wars Under Control Flaming usually happens in social media. It involves
exchanging offensive and profane messages. Deliberate flaming which seeks to aggravate
certain controversial points in discussion is called trolling.

8. Respect Other People’s Privacy Don’t access other people’s social media profiles and
email accounts. Don’t pass on other people’s data to third parties without consent.
9. Don’t Abuse Your Power As system administrator, group admins or even as a person with
superior programming skills, you should not misuse your power.

10. Be Forgiving of Other People’s Mistakes Be tolerant with other people’s mistakes. If you
want to correct someone, that can be done by sending a private e mail message.
1. Put items in an appropriate group
Don’t abuse your network – Use your network the right way. Don’t post how your day is
going to your network all day long. It’s unprofessional and quite frankly, unnecessary. If you
must post something, post something of significance that your network can actually use, like
a great social media link you just found or some sort of tip, advice or quote you find
2. Read follow ups
If someone asks you a question don’t ignore them. If they are trying to strike conversation
respond back to them because that is how you become a good social media user. If you
have been doing this for a while remember that you were there once in those shoes when
you were trying to get going.
3. Don’t be rude or abusive.
4. Avoid sarcasm and facetious remarks
Treat others how you want to be treated.
5. Use descriptive titles
Fill out the Subject line properly. People want to know immediately what your E-mail is
about. Help them out by filling out the subject line with the proper text. Not only does this
make it easier for people to refer to or go through your messages.

Structure of Report The basic structure of a report follows the IMRaD model. The IMRaD
model stands for.
• Introduction: The basic reason why the research is carried out.
• Methods: How was the study done, what were the conditions and who participated, etc.
• Results: How was the question answered the validation methods of hypothesis.

• Discussion: What do the results say, any further question, etc. Based on the length of
report, a report will have some sections like title page, table of contents, abstract,
introduction, summary and conclusions, recommendations, discussion and appendix.

Formally structured Semi-structured
Written with a specific purpose and Not written with a specific reader in
reader in mind mind
Written in a style appropriate to each Written in single narrative style
section throughout
Always include section headings Usually do not include sub-headings
Sometimes use bullet points Usually do not include bullet points
Often include tables or graphs Rarely include tables or graphs
Offer recommendations for action Offer conclusions about a question
Informative and fact-based Argumentative and idea-based
Elements of a Successful Presentation All the ingredients given under have to be worked
together to make a presentation successful. The six key elements can be identified as,
1. Preparation
It is the first critical element of presentation. Decide the manner and method of
presentation to present the content successfully. The presenter should be well learned
about the topic to answer any doubt asked by the listener.

2. Mode of Presentation
The most suitable mode of presentation should be selected once the topic is finalised. The
most popular and suitable is oral presentation. All the supporting materials for presentation
must be ready with the presenter. Calculations should be there on the duration of
3. Audience
The mode of presentation depends on the target audience. The speaker should know about
the audience and the content and tone should be apt to the audience.

4. Language and Delivery

The choice of words must be in tone with the subject matter and the capacity of the
audience. Avoid difficult and technical words. The speaker should control the speed of
presentation. The audience should be treated well.
5. Non-verbal Communication

Ideas are not conveyed by words alone. The gestures, postures, voice modulation, etc are
also very important. The speaker should be able to understand the non-verbal cues shown
by the audience to improve his presentation. Keeping eye contact ensures connectedness.
6. Feedback

The presenter should obtain feedback from the audience during and after presentation. The
feedback we had can be used to improve presentation skills in future.

Components of a Typical communication model are:

1. Sender: Person who wants to communicate.

2. Message: The idea or content of communication.
3. Medium: Medium is the use of language or symbols for communication.
4. Receiver: Person who gets the message.

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