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Week 2: The envisioned “Self”

I. Lesson Overview
A. Introduction

“People perish for lack of vision.” Conversely, people thrive when they have vision. When students have
envisioned what they want to become at the end of the semester, their actions and efforts will be
intentionally geared towards making their vision a reality. Thus, it is deemed important to have a vision
of the Self

B. General Objectives

II. Discussion/Activity/Processing

Instruction: Read the article on “The Best Way To Create a Vision For The Life You Want” by Royale Scuderi in

Activity #1: “ A Symbol of my Self”


1. Make a symbol of the “self” you envisioned to become at the end of this semester. Be creative. Use
recyclable materials.
2. Write two paragraphs about the envisioned “self.”
3. List at least 5 possible obstacle from attaining your envisioned “Self.”
4. List the things you are willing to do in order to make the envisioned “Self” a reality.

Activity #2: Sharing of output

Instruction: Share your output for numbers 1, 2, 3 & 4 to your parents/guardian or an adult living with you.

Document your sharing time either by video (maximum of Two minutes only) or a picture . Let the adult sign
the following:

My son/daughter/ward_____________________________ has discussed with me the Self he/she has envisioned to


become at the end of the semester. My child has also shared with me the things he/she is willing to do in order to
make this envisioned Self a reality. And as parent/guardian, I promise to give my whole-hearted support in guiding
and encouraging, monitoring and making follow-up to ensure implementation of the measures enumerated and


Parent/Guardian’s Signature over printed name

Processing Questions:

1. What made you choose that particular symbol?

2. Are you happy and satisfied with your symbol or not at all? Why?
3. What was it like sharing your output to your parents/guardian?

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