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Data Structures, Homework 5, Answers

1. Carrano, Chapter 5, Exercise 2: Consider the language that the following

grammar defines:

<S> = $ | <W> | $<S>

<W> = abb | a<W>bb

Write all strings that are in the language and that contain seven or fewer

$, $$, $$$, $$$$, $$$$$, $$$$$$, $$$$$$$,

abb, $abb, $$abb, $$$abb, $$$$abb,
aabbbb, $aabbbb

2. Carrano, Chapter 5, Exercise 7: Consider the following grammar:

<word> = R | <D> | <D><word><S>

<D> = Q | P
<S> = 1

Write pseudocode for a recursive function that returns true is a string is

in this language and returns false otherwise.

isInLanguage(in st : string) : boolean{

if (st has only one character)
if ((st is R) or (st is Q) or (st is P))
return true
return false
if ((first character of st is Q or P)
and (last character of st is 1))
return isInLanguage(st minus its first and
and last characters)
return false
3. Carrano Chapter 6, Exercise 4: The section “Recognizing Strings in a
Language” describes a recognition algorithm for the language
L = {w$w0 : w is a possibly empty string of characters other than $, w0 = reverse(w)}

Implement this algorithm.


bool isInLanguage (string aString){

Stack<char> aStack;

int i = 0;
while (aString[i] != ’$’){
} // end while


while (i < aString.length()){

char stackTop;
if (aStack.isEmpty())
return false;
if (stackTop == aString[i])
return false;
} // end else
} // end while

return aStack.isEmpty();

4. Carrano Chapter 6, Exercise 12: Evaluate the following postfix expression

by using the algorithm given in this chapter. Show the status of the stack
after each step of the algorithm. Assume the following values for the
identifiers: a = 7; b = 3; c = 12; d = −5; e = 1.
(a) abc+-
Solution: The state of the stack is given below each character after
it’s processed.
a b c + −
3 3 15
7 7 7 7 −8
So the answer is −8.
(b) abc-d*+
a b c − d ∗ +
12 −5
3 3 −9 −9 45
7 7 7 7 7 7 52

So the answer is 52.

(c) ab+c-de*+
a b + c − d e ∗ +
3 12 −5 −5 −5
7 7 10 10 −2 −2 −2 −2 −7

So the answer is −7.

5. Carrano, Chapter 6, Exercise 13: Convert the following infix expressions
to postfix form by using the algorithm given in this chapter. Show the
status of the stack after each step in the algorithm.

(a) a − b + c
Solution: Below each character is the value of the string postfixExp
and then below that, the state of the stack is given (after the character
is processed).

a − b + c
a a ab ab- ab-c
− − + +

So the answer is ab-c+ (Recall all the remaining operators on the

stack are popped off and appended to postfixExp.)
(b) a/(b ∗ c)
a / ( b ∗ c )
a a a ab ab abc abc∗
∗ ∗
( ( ( (
/ / / / / /

So the answer is abc*/.

(c) (a + b) ∗ c
( a + b ) ∗ c
a a ab ab+ ab+ ab+c
+ +
( ( ( ( ∗ ∗

So the answer is ab+c*.

(d) a − (b + c)
a − ( b + c )
a a a ab ab abc abc+
+ +
( ( ( (
− − − − − −

So the answer is abc+-.

(e) a − (b/c ∗ d)
a − ( b / c ∗ d )
a a a ab ab abc abc/ abc/d abc/d*
/ / ∗ ∗
( ( ( ( ( (
− − − − − − − −

So the answer is abc/d*-.

(f) a/b/c − (d + e) ∗ f
a / b / c − ( d
a a ab ab/ ab/c ab/c/ ab/c/ ab/c/d

( (
/ / / / − − −

+ e ) ∗ f
ab/c/d ab/c/de ab/c/de+ ab/c/de+ ab/c/de+f
+ +
( ( ∗ ∗
− − − − −

So the solution is ab/c/de+f*-.

(g) a ∗ (b/c/d) + e
a ∗ ( b / c / d
a a a ab ab abc abc/ abc/d
/ / / /
( ( ( ( ( (
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

) + e
abc/d/ abc/d/* abc/d/*e

∗ + +
So the answer is abc/d/*e+.
(h) a − (b + c ∗ d)/e
a − ( b + c ∗ d
a a a ab ab abc abc abcd
∗ ∗
+ + + +
( ( ( ( ( (
− − − − − − −

) / e
abcd*+ abcd*+ abcd*+e

/ /
− − −
So the answer is abcd*+e/-.

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