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1. We couldn’t fly_______because all the tickets had been sold out.

A. economical B. economy C. economic D. economics
2. Does that name_______to you?
A. ring a bell B. break the ice C. foot the bill D. fall into place
3. If you want a good flat in London, you have to pay through the_______for it.
A. mouth B. ear C. nose D. teeth
4. Mrs. Granny is completely deaf. You’ll have to_______allowance for her.
A. bring B. take C. make D. find
5. I am not able to go anywhere this weekend because I am up to my_______in work.
A. neck B. nose C. head D. eyes
6. I asked him to drive more slowly, but he didn’t take any_______.
A. attention B. regard C. notice D. recognition
7. A_______of dancers from Beijing is one of the leading attractions in the festival.
A. packet B. troop C. herd D. troupe
8. Before you sign the contract,_______in mind that you won’t be able to change anything later.
A. hold B. bear C. retain D. reserve
9. Under the_______of the press, bloggers, and Vietnam’s technology community, Dong decided to
take the game “Flappy Bird” down.
A. order B. force C. pressure D. command
10. It doesn’t matter to me one way or another, but I wish you would at least_______an effort at
seeing his side of it.
A. make B. do C. doing D. making
11. The Red List - a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species - has been introduced
to_______people’s awareness of conservation.
A. rise B. raise C. draw D. arise
12. I_______sight of the robber just before he disappeared around the corner.
A. caught B. took C. got D. had
13. Recent discoveries about corruption have_______serious damage to the company’s reputation.
A. done B. taken C. made D. found
14. It seems that the thief took_______of the open windows and got inside that way.
A. occasion B. chance C. opportunity D. advantage
15. I wonder if you could_______me a small favour, Tom.
A. bring B. make C. give D. do
16. Every step_______to improve the living conditions in these slums only attracts more migrants.
A. held B. hold C. taken D. took
17. “How was your exam?” “A couple of questions were tricky, but on the_______it was pretty
A. spot B. general C. hand D. whole
18. I just took it_______that he’d always be available.
A. into consideration B. easy C. into account D. for granted
19. I accidentally_______Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.
A. kept an eye on B. lost touch with C. paid attention to D. caught sight of
20. I was glad when he said that his car was_______.
A. for my use B. for me use C. at my use D. at my disposal
21. Stop_______about the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving
22. I refuse to believe a word of it; it’s a cock-and-_______story.
A. hen B. goose C. bull D. duck
23. Why don’t you_______a go? It’s not difficult!
A. make B. have C. do D. set
24. Researchers have_______to the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes.
A. come B. got C. reached D. arrived
25. It was so quiet; you could have heard a_______drop.
A. pin B. feather C. leaf D. sigh
26. A flat in the centre of the city might_______you an arm and a leg.
A. spend B. lose C. cost D. require
27. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different
A. cats and dogs B. salt and pepper C. chalk and cheese D. here and there
28. I’m not surprised that Tom is ill. He’s been_______for a long time. It was bound to affect his
health sooner or later.
A. having his cake and eating it B. burning the candles at both hands
C. playing with fire D. going to town
29. Most scientists believe that the day robots will become a part of our lives will come
A. from time to time B. more and less C. sooner and later D. later than never
30. There was no_______in waiting longer than half an hour so we left.
A. use B. good C. worth D. point
31. It was a joke! I was pulling your_______.
A. thumb B. hair C. toe D. leg
32. The doctor who is_______tonight in the general hospital is Mr. Brown.
A. in turn B. on tour C. on call D. at work
33. Mr. Dawson was given the award in_______of his services to the hospital.
A. spite B. charge C. recognition D. sight
34. It never_______his mind that his dishonesty would be discovered.
A. crossed B. came C. spunk D. passed
35. I’m sorry! I didn’t break that vase on_______.
A. my mind B. time C. purpose D. intention
36. He has been given work as a window cleaner even though he has no_______.
A. head B. skill C. ability D. balance
37. Make sure you book a ticket in_______.
A. ahead B. advance C. forward D. before
38. I’m in two_______about whether to go to_______the wedding or not.
A. brains B. minds C. thoughts D. heads
39. I know his name, but I can’t recall it at the moment. It’s on the tip of_______.
A. tongue B. brain C. mind D. memory
40. All work and no play_______.
A. makes Jack a dull boy B. makes a dull boy Jack
C. make Jack a dull boy D. make a dull boy Jack
41. The government has_______every effort to stop the rapid spread of COVID-19.
A. done B. made C. created D. brought
42. Despite our careful planning, the whole surprise party was a_______of accidents.
A. volume B. verse C. chapter D. page
43. The athlete’s bitter defeat in the match_______a blow to his hopes of defending his title at the
A. had B. dealt C. paid D. brought
44. In spite of their disabilities, the children at Spring School manage to_______an active social
A. take B. gather C. lead
45. My sister really enjoys acting as a hobby, but she doesn’t want to do it for a(n)_______.
A. occupation B. existence C. living D. survival
46. Nicholas had never chaired a meeting before, but he rose to the_______yesterday when he
presided over a forum.
A. incident B. issue C. difficulty D. occasion
47. The students were worried that they wouldn’t be able to_______the deadline for the assignment.
A. meet B. match C. answer D. beat
48. Despite sharing viewpoints on many issues, Nina and her husband are_______when it comes to
child rearing.
A. at odds B. at hands C. at most D. at least
49. I feel terrible; I didn’t sleep_______last night.
A. a jot B. a wink C. an inch D. an eye
50. I can’t understand this song. It doesn’t make any_______.
A. meaning B. effort C. sense D. realization

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