Dali University Final Examination Paper: I. Completion, Complete Each Sentence or

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C. nothing special function D.

both A and B
Name: Yadav Shashi Bhushan Roll no LX19101406 DALI UNIVERSITY 2. Each _ Bit ___ represents one character, number, or punctuation mark.
A.Bit B. Digit C. Byte D. Nibble
FINAL EXAMINATION PAPER 3. Physical topology of computer network includes _ Bus ___
Total Score
2020- 2021 school year 3rd semesTer A.Star B. Ring C. Bus D. all of the above
For International students of 2019 batch People in 4. _ A MAC ___ address is a unique number assigned to a network interface
He yuan
Course name Basic Computer (Theory paper) charge card when it is manufactured.
I. Completion, complete each sentence or
5. An IPV4 address consists of _32___ bits, often shown as 4 octets of
numbers from 0-255 represented in decimal form instead of binary form.

Question I II III IV V A.32 B. 28 C. 16 D. 64

number belongs to which kind of IP address _ class B ___
A. class A B. class B C. class C D. class D
Marks 7. _ class A ___ of IPV4 address contains the largest number of
A. class A B. class B C. class C D. class D
statement. (1*10 marks)
8. An IP address consists of two parts _ node, or host address ___
1. In a computer, most processing takes place in a component called the A. network address B. node, or host address
ALU__CPU___CPU____Ram___, which is sometimes described as the "brain" of C. computer address D. server address
the computer. 9. If you have applied an account named zln from the website
2.____Input_____ALU 、 output_ 、 CPU and___interface___________are the http://www.163.com, which is your email address _ _ zln@163.com
characteristics of Von Neumann’s computer. __
3. __________computer data ALU_______ refers to the symbols that represent facts, A. zln@163.com B. zln@www.163.com
objects, and ideas. C. zln@com D. zln@www.com
4. __ Computer program_Language_______________ is series of instructions that 10. The largest, fastest, most expensive type of computer is the ___
tells computer how to carry out processing tasks. super _computer
5. Computer store, process and transmit data with ____binary_____________ form. A. personal B. super C. main frame D. mini
6. ASCII coding uses __________seven_______ bits to represent 2 7 Symbols (128 11. Which of the following does belong to data size in
symbols), including uppercase and lowercase letters, special control codes, computers_32bit ___
numerals, and punctuation symbols. A. 7bit B.10bit C.20bit D.32bit
7. Memory management of OS refers to manage _______primary 12. The information processing cycle includes _ input, processing,
memory__________ and distributing memory. output, storage ___processes .
8. LAN is a___________local area_____network. A. input, processing, output, storage
9. A(n) _____c____________driver is designed to help a peripheral device establish B. input, output, manipulation, arithmetic
communication with a computer. C. data, processing, printing, editing
D. storage, display, data, information
II. Single Choice Completion (2*20 marks) (each question has only one
13. The computer’s processor consists of _ Control Unit and
correct answer, choose the correct serial number and fill in the blank)
A.CPU and Main Memory B. Control Unit and ALU
1. The most responsibility of an operating system is _ both A and B___ C. Main Memory and storage D. Operating system and Applications
A. provide an environment for running software 14. If the bus width of a processor is 16 bits, that means that the
B. acts as an interface between a computer user and the hardware. processor can processor _16___ bits of data at a time.
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A.8 B. 16 C. 32 D. 10 commonly the Ethernet cable, or fiber optic cable.
15. If a processor has a word size of 64 bits, compared to a processor with
a word size of 32 bits, it can process twice as much _ ___at one time.
A. twice as much B. half 16 as much
C. a forth as much D. the same amount
16. A modem is used to change incoming analog signals to digital signals 3. RAM
and outgoing digital signals to analog signals ? RAM (Random Access Memory) is the hardware in a computing device
A. change incoming analog signals to digital signals and outgoing where the operating system (OS), application programs and data in current
digital signals to analog signals use are kept so they can be quickly reached by the device's processor
B. connect two computers using a satellite uplink
C. connect a computer to a shared printer
D. None of above
17. Auxiliary storage is used for data not being processed ?
IV. Short Answer Question (5*5 marks)
A. used to store data being processed
B. used to permanently store data 1. How many categories computer software? Give at least one example for each
C. another name for primary storage category of software?
D. used for data not being processed There are two categories computer software.
18. The software application that is used the most often is_ word Three are
processing ___ 1. application software
A. word processing B. desktop publishing example,. Word ,chrome skype
C. database D. graphical presentation 2. .system software
19. The arithmetic/logic unit performs __ both calculations and logical comparisons
__ actions . Example,. Mac os ,linux and Microsoft windows
A. checks data for accuracy
B. does calculations using addition, multiplication and division
C. does logical comparisons, such as equal to, greater than, less than
D. both calculations and logical comparisons 2. How many types of transmission media? Give at least three examples for each
20. An individual dot on a computer screen is called a(n) _ pixel___ type of transmission media?
A. character B. screen point C. font D. pixel There are two types of transmission media
1.Guided media
III. Definition Question (3*5 marks)( Describe relevant definitions)
Example;. Coaxial cable, Twisted Pair Cable and fiber optical cable
1. Operating System 2.Unguided media
Operating system (OS), program that manages a computer's resources, especially the Example,.Microwave ,radio wave and infra red
allocation of those resources among other programs. Typical resources include the
central processing unit (CPU), computer memory, file storage, input/output (I/O)
devices, and network connections

2. Computer Network 3. What is input and output device? Give at least three examples for
both input and output device?
A computer network is a set of connected computers. Computers on a network are Input devices are the component of the computer system that accepts incoming
called nodes. The connection between computers can be done via cabling, most data and instructions and converts them into a pattern of electrical signals in
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binary code that is understandable to a digital computer.
so we have to put our private docs on the network server to make is
Example; Keyboard, Image Scanner, Microphone, Pointing device, Graphics
more secure.
Output devices are the component of computer system that converts the digitized
signals into a form understandable to the user. The output devices are generally
All the mechine runs on the base of the computr.
known as reverse of input devices. Output devices also send data from one
computer system to another.
As we know the in the medical field all the instrument run eith the help
Example; Monitor, Printers, Plotters,
of the computer; which make ours word faster and more secure.
4. Please calculate the following formula and filling the blank (please write
out the calculation process)
As we know that when we have to any types segury we have to use
1GB(Giga Byte)=( 1024 )B
computer to accurate result.

5. How can we avoid security incidents happening?

we can avoid security incidents happening by instilling anti virus, update
regulary encrypted transmission securing the router etc

V. Free answer question: please use your words to answer the

question. (10 marks)

Do you think computer knowledge is important for your professional
learning? What other computer knowledge or computer courses do you
think you need to learn in the future?
Yes,I think computer knowledge is importance for my professional

leaning.as we know that the world is to advance as we have to run through

the modern era.

As we have many types of private docs which we can not carry with us and

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