Introduction I. The Possible Alternative Strategies and The Most Appropriate Future Strategy 1.1

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Introduction I. The possible alternative strategies and the most appropriate future strategy 1.1.

Different types of strategy and the suitable types for JFC In the previous part of the report, we show the
strategic plan for Jollibee Foods Coporation. However, there are some alternative strategies that JFC can
use to better the strategic plan; they may be product-market strategy, or market entry strategy; or we
can know as three types of strategies: substantive growth, limited growth, and retrenchment strategy.
In the situation of JFC with the strategic plan suggested in part 1, we can pick up some strategies that
are suitable for the plan, and they will be discussed after, they are: related diversification (substantive
growth strategies), franchising (market entry strategy), and innovation (limited strategies). Why do we
not choose any kind of retrenchment strategies? Withdrawal is a good idea if JFC has big problem in the
Vietnam market, because it will reduce the loss in the company's capital in the future. However, this
type of strategy is not suitable for JFC, because it will cause much trouble when exit the barrier. For
example, the cost barriers include redundancy costs and the difficulty of selling assets; or the company
may face political barriers such as defence from the government. The next 3 sub-parts will discuss about
some other strategies which are rational with the company to use in strategic plan. 2.1.1 Related
diversification Unrelated and related diversifications are two types of strategies in substantive growth
strategies. However, in JFC situation, we should choose related diversification. Related diversification
which takes form of vertical or horizontal integration is the development beyond the present product
market, but still within the broad confines of the industry. therefore builds on the assets or activities
which the firm has developed (HND Business, BS, 2004). JFC is now developing in Vietnam fast-food
market however, JFC is an international company which has more than 600 stores nationwide and over
30 international stores which could be found in America, US territories, Hong Kong, Brunei, Macau, and

Middle However, this kind of strategy requires much money and time on the search for competent
candidates where the franchiser requires many outlets. Because the strategic plan of JFC at the moment
is to widen the distribution network in Vietnam, so this strategy is capable to implement. Besides, if JFC
is going to implement the follower strategy (innovation), the company has to respond to innovation by a
competitor, either by introducing the same innovation itself. Thus, the company has to spend more time
than the other strategies on investigating the innovation of the competitor, and the behavior of the
consumers. It leads to the large sum of money spent on the researches and technologies. Since the
strategy requires too much things, it is harder to implement than the other two strategies. 1.2.3.
Acceptability to stakeholders When evaluating the 3 strategies, the company should think about the
acceptability to stakeholders, which are financial considerations, customers, banks, government, the
public, and risk. In financial considerations point of view, related diversification and innovation can
increase the shareholder wealth, because JFC may earn a lot of money if the innovation is successfully
applied and has a good reaction from other stakeholders like consumers, government or bank; and so
do related diversification. On contrary, franchising strategy just only give JFC the money from copyrights,
and increasing the value of brand name for JFC. However, if JFC continue to apply franchising strategy,
the company can face fewer risks than that of the two other strategies. If the innovation of JFC does not
meet the requirement of customers, banks, or government, it might be objected. 1.2.4. Synthesis of
evaluation and the most appropriate future strategy From the investigation and discussion above, we
have the table below to sum up which strategy is the most appropriate future strategy for Jollibee Foods
Corporation. Table 2 - Evaluation of three strategies: related diversification, innovation, franchising
(Mark: 1 - bad, 2 - normal, 3 - good).
Conclusion Functional managers Functional managers of both companies have the same mission which
is to control all activities of their department. Production, Human resources, and Marketing are the
three most improtant departments for both JFC and Wal-mart, and the roles and responsibilities of
those managers are nearly the same. For example: Marketing managers identify, develop, and evaluate
marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment objectives, market characteristics, and cost
and markup factors. Then they formulate, direct and coordinate marketing activities and policies to
promote products and services, working with the store managers. Besides, they use sales forecasting
and strategic plan to ensure the sale and profitability of products, analyzing business
developments and monitoring market trends. HR managers of both company have roles and
responsibilities in recruitment, training, motivating their subordinates perform well. Because,
services of two company are key factor to maintain customers, HR manager's roles become much
more important. Employees For both company, employees response for the quality and quantity
of the products having in the stores. Moreover, they have to follow the laws/rules of the company
which are mentioned in the labour contract. For example: maintains good health, safety practices
and attendance. Furthermore, both employees of the two company have to perform their assigned
tasks well, save cost, materials, have ideas to improve technology, and maintain their
relationship among workplace, etc. The number of employees of Wal-mart is very huge, more
than 2 million employees, and they work in different function from JFC. For instance, in one
Wal-mart supermarket has more than a hundred employees which take care about their divisional
products, and they help consumers by answering the question from the consumers to find the
products that their consumers need.

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