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Oktober 2020 – Februari 2021 (20204)









STUDENT : 2018445848


Oktober 2020 – Februari 2021 (20204)


“Scientists think; engineers make.” This phrase shows how engineers and physicist
stay connected and related to one another. Engineers and physicists perform research.
For engineers, this will depend on their area of specialization as such, civil engineers
may spend time having soil samples tested to ensure an area is safe for building on,
while biomedical engineers may research devices they're designing to see how
effective they are. Physicists are involved with conducting studies related to their area
of specialization. Engineers perform practical tasks such as reviewing the
manufacturing process of things that they have designed. Physicists may help identify
ways to improve medical treatments, or they may spend their career focused on
performing studies to prove or disprove theories. Other than that, in general, we can
state that Physicist, by its very nature, is about probing the limits of material systems
and trying to uncover new facts about the way things behave. Engineering, in contrast,
is about taking elements that tend to be already known and reshaping them in some
way, either to make improvements to existing systems or to create some new solution
to a problem.

Engineer vs Physicist

Todd Sierer's interview with Michio Kaku at the Embedded Systems Conference.
Kaku simply stating the clear data, science and engineering have to come hand in
hand, without one, the other one falters. Michio Kaku is an American theoretical
physicist said in the interview that Engineer and Physicist they work in
synchronization. In which, these two fields are both very similar, yet very different
from one another. People will end up debating about what being a Physicist or
Engineer actually means, what they do, and how they do it. However, several
whoopers in history where physicist invented the transistor but then it was left to
engineer that was then ran with it to revolutionize modern civilization and eventually
change the fabric of our life. Back in the 20th century, the invention were done by
physicist in a medical field and others. They make the initial breakthrough but then
they stop, lose interest. Therefore, this is when invention continues by engineer.
Physicist and Engineer works hand in hand as ultimately it has a huge impact on jobs,
well being and society itself.

Robot vs Human

Robot world is a possible things that one day they might conquer the whole universe
as the world is evolving faster right now. It might exist far in future, as they takes up
100 years ahead to evolve. The robotic technology that created by human may
become as smarter as a dog. At this particular point, they might be dangerous and
become a threaten to human. Therefore, as a human scientists we need to plan forward
several ways to handle the era of robotic war. First and foremost, a failsafe device is a
chip that can put in the brain of the robot to shut them off if they have a murderous
thoughts. Next, friendly AI, is a designing robots that functioned to be a helper and to
help humans rather than destroy.


Oktober 2020 – Februari 2021 (20204)

Start Trek vs Star Wars

Kaku said in the interview of his point of view about this movies is that, the impact of
the technology itself may give a social implications. At the center of the social
implications of technology are humans. It is humans who make the technology and
humans who benefit or are harmed, by it. It is neither capable of doing good nor doing
evil. Only human use of technology for good or evil is possible. Human use of
technology for good is laudable. The capacity, however, for humans to use technology
for evil is frightening and yet it appears daily on our information delivery systems.
For instance, as in Star Trek, they delve into the technology as they created city in the
sky with the help of advanced technology. It creates social problem because as seen in
the movies, the elite group is living happily and peacefully in the sky city while the
poor lives in chaos in the land. On the other hand, Star Wars movies put in technology
element to enhance the plot of the story and does not create this social problems.


To sum it up, Physicists study the universe and how it works, and discover and
formulate new laws according to their observations, whilst Engineers take the
knowledge they have of those laws to invent something new and interesting to make
people’s lives easier. Both fields work hand in hand to do what they do without even
knowing it, and one can do what the other has difficulty with. This ultimately shows
that neither field is better or harder, rather, they’re compliments of each other, and
they help each other out to create new things for the world.


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