During The Film III-Watching The Film

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During the Film

III- Watching the Film

 List the main strategies.

Strategies that we deciphered from the film are the following:

Love of teaching

Model ideal behavior

Document rules

Avoid punishing the class

Use non-verbal communication

Address inappropriate or off-task behavior quickly

Use EdTech that adjusts to each student

Collaborative work

Expressive and functional illustration

 Most important details

During the film “the chorus” the film recounts the story of a teacher (Clément
Mathieu), he loves music. He is contrasted as a guard of a youth reformatory, in
his presentation as a new prefect the establishment, he tells a bit about his
experience as music teacher to the guard of the establishment.

During the film the most important scene, we highlight the following:

Welcome from the new prefect, first presentation with the headmaster of the
reformatory, headmaster demands to Mathieu like he should call him ... in this
scene we observe the authoritarianism exercised by the headmaster in the
establishment. In addition, we observe how the headmaster explains the
importance of the value of responsibility.

Attack of the guard, ... just the first day of the new prefect, after this, all the
students of the establishment are summoned with the purpose that the author of
causing what happened to the nurse is punished ( punish it's consisted of
spending six hours for the dungeon), but none of the boys raised their hand.
However, the headmaster introduces the new prefect and asks to his be in
charge of selecting a random student, guided by the class list, since they
choose a student who had already been punished, but in this case the boy
wasn't the cause of the attack. Therefore, on this occasion, the headmaster
punishing to all the boys: restricting class recess and restricting visiting relatives
until the culprit appears.

Replacing Mr. Régent by Mathieu, Régent explains to the new prefect how the
kids are. The new prefect's first meeting as a teacher with the troubled boys, the
teacher finds a lit cigarette stuck in the anatomy skeleton. So, when Mathieu
takes a step forward, the briefcase falls and the students take it as if it were a
toy, but the teacher manages to grab a student of whom they had taken his
briefcase and at that moment, the headmaster entered. The headmaster
observed that the new prefect was putting order and he believed that he was
going to punish him, but it was not like that, Mathieu lied to the headmaster and
hid what was happening. So the teacher introduces himself and tells him to
present the culprit of the attack by the nurse, but Mathieu already knew who did
it. Then he goes to the headmaster with the culprit ...... however on the way he
regrets and decides to punish him, and it is to help the same one that the boys
attacked him until he recovers.

Mathieu's first class assignment consisted of writing on a blank page about

expectation of them….after Mathieu read each of those written by the boys he
observed each of them had different visions.

Theft of Mathieu's briefcase, because on this occasion the boys who took the
briefcase realized that the teacher was carrying ... because the new Teacher
found the boys checking his briefcase and at that moment, one of the members
of the establishment arrived and he says What do you happen Mathieu? And he
says “nothing". So, that was the moment in which the students realized that the
new teacher, he had written note of music, which Mathieu had saved for a long
The headmaster in the classroom, in that time, he asks the boys questions
about the contents developed and their answers are wrong ... and at the end of
this scene he tells Morhange boy to pass him the notebook ... because in the
notebook, boy had written insult to the headmaster... and for that, he was

Meeting of the new prefect with Morhange's mother, at that moment, he was
impressed with the beauty of that woman and told her that her son could not
see him because he had a toothache, but the exclamation was lied.

First experiment or singing practice, this scene was the moment in which
Mathieu realized that the boys were out of tune with the voice, bad intonation,

Teacher Mathieu's meeting with the most unbearable boys (Mondain) in the
establishment, in this scene the new prefect tells the boy not to mess with
Pepinot, so Mathieu greatly admired.

Mathieu helps Morhange in the solo voice of the chorus, this arises after the
teacher managed to hear the boy singing alone with an impressive voice.

Scene in which the most violent boy (Mondain) steals the watch from one of the
surveillance team, because in this case Mathieu asks to be forgiven, but he is
punished in dungeon for 15 days anyway. In this scene, the rule of the
reformatory "action-reaction" is applied.

Part of the film where the boys, Mathieu and the headmaster have had a radical
change of self-improvement. However, later a situation happens, headmaster is
disappointed in Mathieu's choristers because of the theft of a sum of $ 200,000
pesos, so who is accused of this theft is Mondain and he was handed over in
the power of the police.

Another part of the most important film is the scene where the headmaster tells
Mathieu - no more chorus”. However, Mathieu along with another work team
continue to help the boys of the chorus clandestinely. That scene is the part
where Mathieu shows that teaching for boys is above all else.
Presentation of the choristers for the countess, in this scene the headmaster
assumes that the emergence was his idea, but it wasn't, but Mathieu's idea.
That presentation was magnificent.

Scene when part of the establishment burns, this part of the scene after the fire
happened, Mathieu and the reformatory guard are accused. Consequently,
Mathieu's cancellation of the establishment forever. Well, the students say
goodbye with writing, thanking him for the good dear teacher!

V- Giving personal opinions.

Student’s personal opinion.

From my point of view, it's a movie that has a lot of love for teaching and it also
shows a bit of drama. After watching the film, I have learned from this film,
shape how teaching connects with the teacher. Despite what was said above,
film presents a contest against the dominant power and authoritarianism.

On the other hand, in the film I observed the motivation of the boys to improve
themselves, so that is achieved by the help of the teacher Mathieu, when he
makes some boys responsible without discipline and without motivation to learn:
Mathieu instructs them in the road of music, thus creating a youth chorus.
However, I have learned from the film constructivist teaching rules that
strengthen student motivation.

In conclusion, following the guidelines of the film, the attitude of the headmaster
seems very important to the situations that he assumes it.

As for the strategies I going to use in future teaching practices are: love of
teaching, model ideal behavior, collaborative work, document rules, among
other strategies.

Bibliographic References
Guido, M. (2021). 20 Classroom Management Strategies and Techniques [+
Downloadable List]. Recovered from https://www.prodigygame.com/main-

Cine max (2020). Les Choristes - Je suis la mère de Pierre Morhange.

Recovered from https://www.youtube.com/playlist?

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