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Socrates – knowing oneself

Plato – Division of body and soul

-Appetitive soul – desire, pleasure

-Spirited soul – courage, competitiveness

- Rational soul- drive of life

St. Augustine – Teaching church and God will help us know the essence of our role and existence

Rene Descartes – Mind and body

John Locke – experiences can establish a person

David Hume – empiricism, skepticism, naturalism

- No permanent self, it may improve or be replaced

Immanuel Kant – collection of impressions defines a person

Sigmund Freud – 3 aspects of personality: id, super ego, ego

- He believed we are by-product of our experiences

- Id- pleasure
- Super Ego- conscience
- Ego- police or mediator between id and super ego

Levels of consciousness – conscious, pre-conscious, unconscious (iceberg)

Gilbert Ryle – Self is the behavior that we show

- Doesn’t believe that mind and body are separate

Paul Churchland – self is defined by brain movement

Maurice Jean Jacques Merleau-Ponty – phenomenological perception (self can be established by our
perception in the world)

Thomas Aquinas – soul animates the body


I – acting

Me – an object, combined image of yourself

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