Talking About Scientific Advances

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Talking about scientific advances

What is considered as a scientific advancement?

It's considered as a scientific advancement when attempts to

understand the notions of scientific progress, scientific objectivity,
and the growth of knowledge by taking up the challenges that have
been issued by scholars in the history and sociology of science.

What are some current advances in science?

All scientific discoveries are amazing, and some are truly life

Some current advances in science are:

 Genome editing

This has been an absolute game-changer for understanding the

mechanisms underlying how biological systems work, but also the
diseases that disturb them.

 CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short

Palindromic Repeats)

CRISPR can be used to edit, knock-out, inhibit and activate genes.

 RNA-sequencing
 Penicillin
 The molecular structure of DNA
 The eradication of smallpox
 Vaccines, etc.

How do simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries?

Just think a little more about what we are seeing, because this leads
to discoveries, also, to be a little more curious and, therefore,
curiosity changes the way people think about the world. Other ways
is through simple questions, which lead to scientific knowledge.

How have new scientific discoveries affected today's society?

Basic science fuels advances in technology, and technological

innovations affect our lives in many ways every-day. Because of
science, we have complex devices like cars, X-ray machines,
computers, and phones. But the technologies that science has
inspired include more than just hi-tech machines. The notion of
technology includes any sort of designed innovation. Whether a flu
vaccine, the technique and tools to perform open heart surgery, or a
new system of crop rotation, it’s all technology. Even simple things
that one might easily take for granted are, in fact, science-based
technologies: the plastic that makes up a sandwich bag, the
genetically-modified canola oil in which your fries were cooked, the
ink in your ballpoint pen, a tablet of ibuprofen it’s all here because of


Scholarship, O. (2003). The Advancement of Science: Science

without Legend, Objectivity without Illusions. Recovered from

Anonym. (s. f.). What Are The Greatest Scientific Discoveries Of All
Time? Recovered from

The University of California Museum of Paleontology. (2013). What

has science done for you lately? Recovered from

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