5 TTT Implementation Plan Template

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Train the Trainer Implementation

In Partnership with CompassLearning

Implementation Plan
District/School Name
Developing a Partnership for Success: Roles and Responsibilities
The degree to which school/district implementation is successful in meeting the identified needs for
teacher learning is highly dependent on a strong partnership among all the program stakeholders.

Roles and Responsibilities

Instructional Leadership Team: School/District Leadership Supervisors
To achieve the best possible results for the implementation, it is critical that this key stakeholder
group is thoroughly involved in all aspects of the implementation process. Typically, this group is
made up of district and school level supervisors that are responsible for the areas of Curriculum
& Instruction, Assessment, and Technology & Networking decision making. This group is
normally tasked with the instructional leadership and vision for the overall school and district.
Without the involvement of these key members, the partnership with the School/District Name
will not garner the full intended results. Some of the specific responsibilities of the instructional
leadership group are:

 Providing clear, timely communication to school/district participants regarding dates, times,

logistics, and purpose of the implementation.
 Attending and actively participating in as many parts of the implementation phases as
 Discussing the learning objectives and outcomes with the TTT Facilitator regularly to ensure
adequate support is provided while teachers are engaged in the learning process and
implementing new teaching methods in their classrooms.
 Participating in the implementation planning phase, mid-service status review session, and
end of service results review session.
 Encouraging transference by providing participants with time and opportunities to practice
and reflect upon their new learning.
 Incorporating accountability measures for follow-up work into professional learning
expectations for participating teachers.
 Arranging all implementation logistics for school/district participants.

School/District Participants: Faculty Members and District Instructional Coaches

These participants are the largest stakeholder group in the partnership. The needs of these
teachers and their students are at the heart of each implementation and for that reason they,
too, share in the responsibility by:

Actively participating in each phase of the implementation.

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Train the Trainer Implementation
In Partnership with CompassLearning

Completing all assigned work, during onsite and virtual working sessions and also any assigned

Communicating learning needs and wants, in a timely manner to the CompassLearning

Implementation Manager and the school/district key leadership team representative.

Demonstrating application of the operating principles discussed and reviewed during

professional development sessions within their classroom instruction.

Train the Trainer Personnel:

Each of the TTT Facilitators has received professional development and practice on
CompassLearning Odyssey and Instructional Best Practices. For this reason, their assignment to
a school/district will be done based on the goals and objectives that have been predefined for
the overall implementation.

The TTT or designated District personnel will be responsible for:

 Serving as the main contact person, responsible for the successful completion of the services
as outlined within the agreed upon implementation plan at the school/district.
 Communicating with school/district key contacts as needed to ensure that all steps of the
planning, implementation, and follow-up processes are completed to the levels of
satisfaction necessary to achieve predetermined results and expectations.
 Providing support and timely communication to ensure the implementation is completed on
time and all pre-determined objectives are met.
 Implementing the professional development plan and session delivery methods as defined by
the implementation plan.
 Planning agendas for the professional development sessions.
 Meeting with local leadership team representative(s) to review and provide feedback
regarding the professional development sessions after completion.
 Completing all agreed-upon administrative follow-up work.
 Communicating any additional school/district needs to the district contact as needed.
 Providing final review and monitoring all the implementation plans in order to stay within
predetermined timeframes and performance measures.

CompassLearning Customer Support: *If the account has purchased support services.

 Working remotely with the school/district level technology coordinator to make sure that
onsite computers are certified to run the Odyssey Software package(s) that were purchased
for this implementation.
 Providing remote technology assistance needed to address any and all technical issues that
might arise during the implementation phase of the program.

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Train the Trainer Implementation
In Partnership with CompassLearning


GENERAL AREA OF FOCUS: (Check all that apply. Double Click on the shaded box and select checked)
Implementation Focus Objective Grade Levels
School Improvement Raise Student Achievement K-2
Intervention (RTI) Supplement Content & 3-5
Credit/Grade Recovery Instruction 6-8
English Language Learners Formative Assessment 9-12
Extended Day/ After School Digital Classrooms/21st Century Other:
Other: __________________ Skills
Other: __________________

CURRICULUM AREAS OF FOCUS: (Check all that apply)

Reading/Language Arts/English English Language Development
Writing Other:
Mathematics Other:

Scope of services
Name of Participating Name of Principal or Key Preferred Contact Info Number of
School Instructional Contact (e-mail or Phone Teachers
Number) Participating

Targeted Student Population: (Which students are we looking to have an impact on through the use of
Odyssey? i.e. students scoring under the “proficient” level on the state test)

Estimated Number of Targeted Students:

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Train the Trainer Implementation
In Partnership with CompassLearning


Professional development is not a single event, but an ongoing process. Through the implementation
planning process, we will create mutual expectations for effective student learning and maximized
teacher impact.

Date Session Title Location Status

District Pre-Service Implementation Meeting
School Leadership Pre-Service
Implementation Orientation Meeting
Faculty Session Getting Started with Odyssey
(Cohort 1)
Faculty Session Getting Started with Odyssey
(Cohort 2)
Faculty Session Getting Started with Odyssey
(Cohort 3)
Faculty Session Getting Started with Odyssey
(Cohort 4)
Faculty Session: Differentiating Instructional
Paths for Students (Cohort 1)
Faculty Session: Differentiating Instructional
Paths for Students (Cohort 2)
Faculty Session: Differentiating Instructional
Paths for Students (Cohort 3)
Faculty Session: Differentiating Instructional
Paths for Students (Cohort 4)
District Leadership Mid-Service Reporting and
Progress Review Session
Student Data Analysis & Performance
Monitoring Working Session
End-Service Reporting and Progress Review

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