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Route planning is used to optimize routes by taking factors like vehicle capacity

constraints, travel time, and transportation costs into account, It creating most cost effective and
shortest way to reach from starting point to destination with minimum number of checkpoints in
between. taking your schedule and mapping out precise (and optimal) routes for delivery drivers
or service professionals. Route planning is used to optimize routes by taking factors like vehicle
capacity constraints, travel time, and transportation costs into account, while scheduling is used
to optimize workloads and workforce availability. While

Scheduling is the process of planning out time windows for when deliveries will be made
and who will make them. Routing is the process of mapping specific routes that drivers will take
to make these deliveries, Scheduling involves taking orders or service requests, determining how
many employees (and the number of vehicles) you need to have worked to cover those orders,
and assigning workers to orders during specific time windows. To execute seamless field
operations, you almost always need to do scheduling first assigning an arrival and service time
for each stop, with drivers being assigned shifts that adhere to their working hours. The role of a
fleet owner is to make an effective route planning and schedule timely delivery of goods and
services to the customers

Together, scheduling and routing to increase your bottom line, handle more orders, and scale
successfully. Like the peanut butter and jelly in a lunchtime classic, routing and scheduling are
good on their own, but they’re even better together

Route planning Software and scheduling delivery is a far too complex process that
cannot be done manually. It is also an ongoing challenge for a fleet company to provide efficient
routing and scheduling and due to this improper planning and mismanagement, many companies
losing customer expectation. This requires an Advanced Route Optimization Software solution
that combines deliveries with efficient route planning, scheduling and executes transportation in
such a way that total cost is minimized, and all business rules and service constraints satisfied.
The core idea of route planning is to let the customers choose what, when and where their
deliveries are to be serve

Due to route planning and scheduling have important objectives in the company still there are
challenges and create an optimal route and plan timely delivery that matches the driver's shift
while at the same time taking into account other business necessities. Those challenges include.
 Availability of goods at the loading and unloading points.
 Vehicle capacity that includes weight, volume.
 A driver must be available and must adhere to driving hours.

Also helps drivers get from starting point to destination in the shortest possible time with
minimum checkpoints in between. Furthermore, it can also solve a wide range of business
challenges and provide you complete fleet management such as:

 Saves money on tolls by providing an efficient route that has minimum

possible tolls in between.
 Saves traveling time as you go through the most efficient route.
 Provides real-time visibility of fleet with live Vehicle GPS tracking.
 Monitors vehicle driving regularly that improves the vehicle's life and saves

Generally route planning and scheduling are being used for, scheduling and routing to increase
your bottom line, handle more orders, and scale successfully. Like the peanut butter and jelly in a
lunchtime classic, routing and scheduling are good on their own, but they’re even better together

Troy T. Kirby, The Duke of Wellington and the Supply System During the Peninsula War,
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2014

Cloutier, Peter J.; Frank, Brian K. (July–August 2009). "The Joint Logistics Analysis Tool".
Army Logistician. 41 (4).

Mallik, Susan (2010). "Customer Service in Supply Chain Mana

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