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Reading and Writing Skills July 14, 2016

The Importance of Education

Education is the best way to a better life. First of all, education leads to a better
job. When one finishes college, he/she would earn a diploma that will assure him/her of
getting a decent job and earning a living. Secondly, education brings wealth. This is
because nowadays, educated people tend to get a lot of opportunities from companies,
organizations and businesses. Third, education can cure the world for educated people are
not ignorant towards the environment. Innovations and researches done by these degree
holders bring solutions to environmental problems we are facing today (e.g. climate
change, etc.) Lastly, an educated person also avoids conflict and endeavors for peace. To
sum it up, education brings out the best in a person. It enables them to pursue more things
in life, thus making them a better and successful individual.

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