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Republic of the Philippines



Location BUCAF, Guinobatan, Alb3y
ABC] Php 4,825,0fi).00
Duration 18O Calendar OaVs



works to be undeftoken sholt be in occotdonce with the plons ond wotking drdwhgs lt includes the lurnishinq

ol oll moteriols,lobor dnd equipment with supeNision necessory forthe comDlete construction of the soid proiecl

The plons, detdiled drowlnqs dnd this scope ofwork sholl be consldered os complemenling wilh eoah olhet, so thot
whot ls mentioned or shown on ohe, olthough not mentioned ot shown in onother, shdtl be .oosldered os oppeoring in both
1n cose of conflrct between the two, the sofie should be referred to the designinQ Archlted/Engtneer'


fhis progrum oJ work covers oll necessory ftems neededlot the instotldtton of new rcollng dnd celling of
BUCAF Llbrory Bu dlng,


Construction SafetY and Health Programs

[, stTEwoR(s 1.0O lot

This item of work includes the cieaning and cleering of site and dlsposal of waste meterials,
before and after
construction The contractor shall submit the waste material report prior to demobilzation'
and trusses, 553.32 m'?
This item of work also includes dirmantling and disposal of 564.42 m 'z existlng roofing
existing ceiling, and dismantling of existing electrical wirings for lighting'


This item of work includes pouring of concrete (compressive strength, fc'=25MPa) for
the roof beams'
equipments necessary to finish the work.
All materials shall be so delivered, stored and handled as to prevent the inclusion of forelgn materials
and the damage of materials bywate.or breakege
Packaged materials shall be so delivered and stored ln ori8inal packages unlil ready
for use
All mat€rials detivered shall be of the respective qualities as specified
4okg bag No re'baBged cement shall
Cements shall be of any standard commercial brand in standard
be used
other inert mateiah with simitar cheracteristics or a combination thereof, having clean, hard, strong' durable'
which will
more than 5 percent of clay In exposed work fine aggregates shall be free from any substance'
discolor the concrete surface,
Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stones, gravel or other approved inert
materials with similar

injurious amount of soft, elongated and lamineted pieces organic or other matter'
Coarse aggregale shall be well graded es to size, ranglng from 5mm up to size which
will readily pass
parts of
reinforced beams, floor slabs, columns, etc and may range up !o SOmm for less highly reinforced
structure such as footinS
of the concrele The
Curing shall be sterted as soon as free water has dlsappeared from the surface
entire surface of the concrete shall be covered with canvass, straw, jute sack or other satisfactory materials

kept mo{st by flushing or sPrinkling water. Cunng shall continue for a period of notless than 7 days after
placlnB the concrete.
Mixtng concrete/materials shall be measured, batched and mixed in a mixer or by hand in a

walertight wooden plat'orm at the iob site.

IV. STEEI. WOR(S 3,196.12 kgs

This item of work includes furnishing, fabncation 6nd installation of ASTM grade 50 & ASTM grade 33 deformed
steel bars for the roof beams
This item of worl also includes the rental of cur-out machrne and bar cutter as necessary as
possible to finish the work
Reinforcing bars shali be standard commercial deformed rype.
Use 10mm0 steel bars spaced at 12OOmm on center both weys for ceiling hangers.
Ti€ wlre shallbe localstandard commercial G.1 wiregauge 16
Placing steel reinforcements - PIace reinforcements securely fastened and supporl it to prevent
displacement before or during plecing of concrete. Bars shall be bent cold Bars shall be free from rust, scales
and oil. Splices in bars shall be made at critical points of maximum stresses.
Detormation of reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM 4615-G8
Unless otherwise not€d in the plans the minrmum yield strength of the main reinforcing bars shall be

10 mm fY = 230 MPa (Grade 33)

12 mm fY = 275 MPa (Grade 40)
15 mm and larger fy = 415 MPa (Grade 60)
Developmenr length requirements (td) shall be as tabuleted in standard details.
Splice and anchorages shall follow those set from development length (l d) unless otherwise shown in
the plans or approved bV the Engineer.
Stendard hook Jor re-bars lfrequlred shall be either ofthe fo owtngi
semicircular turns plus an extension of at least 4 bar diameters but not ress than 6smm at free end of
the bar.
90 degreeturn plus an extension of at least 12 bar diemeters at free end of the bar.
Mrnimum drameter of bend measured on the inside of the bar be as follows:
10 mm to 25 mm - 6 bardrameter

V. ROOFING WORKS 564.42 m2

This item of work includes the furnishing and installation of O.6mm pre_painted long
span G.l. roofing, O.Emm
pre_painted G,, ridge roll,0.6mm pre-painted G l. hipped roll, hardisenepa l3mmx4oommx
2 4m wrthG I sheet plain
(G 24) cover,50rhrh x 10omm x 2mm c-prrrrins on Tsrnm x Tsmm x 6mm
angurar creats, somm x somm x 6mm angre bar,
50mrh x 50mm x 4.5mm anele bar, 25mm x 2smm x 4 5mm angle bar, 6mm MS gusset plate, 12mm MS
base plate anchored
with 20mm djametea x 3OOmm anchor bolts This jtem also uses 12mm diameter srerods as for added reinforcements
This item also uses lOmm thk. polyethylene doubte film alumrnum foam as insul,rtion
This item of work also includes rental of wetdinB machrne, cut,off machine, use of E_70 welding rod
and allother equtpments needed ro comptete wetdinp works
Laying should start from the opposite end direction of the prevailing monsoon wind.
Laying of long,span roofing shallconform with the rnanufacturer,s specifications,
Apply sufficient amouht of colored roof sealaht to ensure leak free roofrhB and epoxy primer paiDt
on trusses, purlins, and sagrods,
All works shall be done in such a manner that will ensure a strong and lasting leak proof
The purlins shall be spaced as shown on plans. Sheets shall be taid with the ends lapping
as indicated
on the drawings, the minimum end Iap shall be O.30 meter.
Each course sharr be started in such a manner that the verticar
ioints are broken Top sheets shel be
la id with the slde corrugation down, with a side rap of at reast
two corrugations Each sheet raid shafl be
secured to the purIns with riveted straps.
Straps shall be gauged [24, 2Smm wide with corners chipped off at the riv€ting ends. They
shell be cut
sufficiently long and punched at correct distance to fit the rivet holes and allow for bendjng
around the required
si2e purlins. One strap shall be pleced at each alternate corrugation at the gutter
The lower end of each sheet shall be riveted to the sheet beneath such rivets
to atternate with rivets
engaging the straps. side laps shall be riveted with two lines ot rivets staggered
end spaced as directed bv
the E6gineer
The intersection ofallwalls with roofand wherever necessary shallbe flashed with G.l gauge I24 not
less than 2OO mm high unless otherwise showfl on the detarl drawings
or full sire deteils, and all connections
shall be made watertight.
Please refer to the plan for the complete details


1.00 lot
Thrs itemofworks inctudes the furnishlng and instBllation of 1/4,,thk Marine ptywood,
2,,x 2,,coco
lumber,2" x3" coco lumber, and assorted nails
This item of work arso incrudes renter of Gr pipe H-frame
scaffording needed to comprete the said item
in th's project.
construction of forms -constru.t forms sufficientry tight to prevent
reakage, securerv brace and shore
forms to prevent displacement and to safely support construction
loads. Forms shat'[not be removed ur]til
concrete is set
v. cEt[NG WORKS 553.32 mr

This item of work includes the installatlon of ceiling in the main building area using 3.5mm thk. fiber cement
board, 1" x 2" x 0.4mm metal furring spaced at 600mm o.c, bothways, 1" r 2" x 0.7mm carrvinB channel, 25mm x
25mm x 0.5mm wall engle, blind revits, s-furring clips, hangers at 1200mm spacing, and 50cm x 50cm manholes with
usin85.0mm thk. fiber cem€nt board,38mm x 38mm This item ofwork also includes the installation of ceiling
eaves x 3mm anEl€ bar ceiling ioist spaced at 500mm o.c. bothwavs, hangers at 1200mm spacing, Airvent Wood
(Stralght-Type Gemllina) 12" x 24", and epory primer paint.

a Ficem Eoard on Metal Furring 431.40 m

b Ficern Board on Angle Bars 115.92

Use bolts and/or nails fo. wallangles.

worl also includes rentalofwelding machine, cut-off machine, use of E,70 welding rod
This item of
and all other equlpments needed to complete welding works.
Use epoxy primer paint for painting angle bars.
x %'blind rivetsaod haogers rods, O4mrit thk metal furrtog maybe used as hangeis rods,
Use r,t" dia
It is necessary to use hacksaw blade for cuttflng rods and wafl angles.
tJse drill tool and drill blts, tiewires, level hose, nylon, and other miscellaneous hardware items
necessary for the completion of work,
All materials shallbe of approved high qualtty
Please refer to the Reflected Ceiling plan for complete detalls.


1'(x) lot

Thls item of wo.k incrudes the manhore size cutting at the ceiring and restoration, chipprnB works if
needed, and voltage test and megger testlng. Also includes the supply and installation
of the following electrical

Pinlight housing 5" dia with 22W ted butb 121.00 !€ts
dayliBht, cylindrical recessed type
Duple)( convenience outlet with grounding
2.00 sets
unlversal type, heavy duty
one gang swit(h
5.00 sets
Two gang switch
17 00 sets
Utdity box, s€h. 40
21.@ pcs
,unctlon box with cover, sch, 40 125,00 pcs
Pullbox 12" x 12" x4,'
1,00 pcs
Amco box
3.00 pcs
Electricaltape (big)
30.00 rolls
Rubber tape
8.00 rolls
Tie wlre 1,00 kg
PVC solvent 1.00 cen
PVC 20 mm dia condult 240.00 pcs
MIca tube 1/4"
125.00 m
3,5 sq. mm THHN wlre
13,00 bxs
5.5 sq. mm THHN wire
1.00 bxs
Plastic moulding 3/4" pas
Tox w/ inetal sar€w 1.O0 box
22 sq. mm THHN wire 30.00 m
8.0 sq, mm THHN wire
10.00 m
PVC 40 mm dia conduit
3.00 pcs
PVC 40 mm dia adaptor
2.00 p(s
Other mrscelleneous ltems
1.00 lot
and consumablessuch as bolts, cabletie,
terminal lugt taggrng tape, etc.

Feederline and Panelboa.d

Panelboard with main: 1OOAT/15OAF,
1,00 unit
Single, + grounding terminal
10 karc main circuit breaker, bott on type
with ll
branches: altbolt on type
9.15AT,2P,5 laic
2.30AT,2P, 5 kaic
1-space 2P, S kaic

Manhole slze cut ng at ceiting 1.00 lot

and restoration/ Chippingworks if n€eded
Voltage test and megger testing 1,00 lot
For plplng and wlrlng layout:
For llthting layout - use 2.3,5 sq. mm THHN wire in PVC 20 mm dia condult
tor convenlence outl€t use 2-5.5 sq. mm THHN wlre + 1- 5.5 sq. mm THHN ln PVC 20 mm dia
and wlll b€ tap to exlitlng powea outlet

Wi.h8 must be color coded

Uve - red,yellow
Neutral- blacl or white
GroundlnS - green

Pr€pared bvl Recomrhendft B Approval r

Dl.e.tor, BU.PDMO

Presldent lV

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