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41 first date places to go

t date places to go
Everyone knows the first date is the hardes41 bestt one to plan. Should you opt for something

simple—such as coffee or a drink—or are you the type of person who wants to be remembered

by doing something out-of-the-box? One thing is for sure: when planning a first date, you want

to make sure it will go well— give you the chance to plan a second date as well if you want to blossom your love click this

link above.

Think you're right? How to test yourself in the battle of ideas.

Here, we've compiled all of the greatest, non-boring and expertly vetted first date ideas that are

guaranteed to not only impress your date but also potentially lay the groundwork for a lasting

relationship. Who knows? It could be the start of something new.

1. Take a walk.


Yes, sometimes the simplest date ideas are the best ones. According to research by the dating

app Zoosk, after dinner and coffee, a walk is the third most popular date idea for women in their

30s, 50s, and 60s. It ranked 4th among women in their 20s.

2. Go thrift shopping.

Hit up a couple of thrift stores and search for some hidden treasures. This is a great way to get

a sense of your date's style and sense of humor. And no matter how the date goes, you could

end up going home with some cool stuff.

3. Visit a museum.

"Visiting one or several museums can be a great first date," says Michelle Ngome, a speaker,

author, and connection enthusiast. "Many museums are free, affordable, or accept donations.

This gives the couple a chance to have casual small talk and understand each other's

perspective on life based on art."

It's also a surefire way of killing any awkward silences: There will be an endless supply of great

conversation starters all around you. Plus, many museums have a small cafe inside, so if things

are going well, you can extend the date by grabbing a bite.

4. Swap hobbies.

Splitting the day between your favorite activities is a great way to get to know each other. Each

of you pick one of your favorite ways to pass the time and share it with the other. After a meal

break, the next person gets their turn.

5. Visit a farmers market.


There are a ton of reasons this works so well as a first date. "First, it's a public place so it's

relatively safe," says Sunny Rodgers, a clinical sexologist and certified sex coach. "Plus, it gives

socially-nervous daters a lot of different things to discuss. You can discuss flowers, fruit, and

jam preferences as you wander and shop together. If the date is going well, I suggest buying

coffee, fruit, or ice cream and sitting someplace to eat or drink together. If things are going

extremely well, I suggest purchasing a few key ingredients and setting a second date where

you'll cook or prepare the purchased ingredients to enjoy together." And if the date's not going

well? You've got the perfect excuse to head out: fresh ingredients that need to be put away.

6. Try trivia night (and win)!


This beats the typical conversation over cocktails. Many bars and pubs have themed trivia

nights, so you can show off your pop culture or historical knowledge and get into the playful

competitive spirit together.

7. Check out a carnival or amusement park.


It doesn't matter how old you are, an amusement park (or pop-up carnival) outing is a perfect

summer date. Having rides, games, and food stalls at your disposal will help break the ice and

fill in any conversation gaps.

8. Escape an escape room.


These adventure games in which people get together to use clues to solve various puzzles are

incredibly popular right now, and they make a fantastic first date activity. "An escape room is a

surefire way to get to know your date quickly," says Laura Bilotta, a dating coach and

matchmaker. "You'll have to use teamwork, and the task at hand will keep the two of you talking

without awkward lulls."

9. Go hiking.

If you both like being active outdoors, this is a great way to get to know each other. "I don't

suggest hitting secluded trek or one that would take hours to complete, but instead find a

walking trail either around your city, in a park, or out in the countryside," suggests J. Hope Suis,

a relationship expert and author. "Pack some water and a few snacks, dress comfortably and hit

the road. You will have plenty of time for conversation and you can also judge their spontaneity

and maybe even their fitness skills."

10. Attend a reading.

If you find intelligence sexy, a literature or poetry reading will help you gauge your date's

intellect and provide a conversation starter. "It will allow you to talk about a subject matter that is

outside of 'tell me about yourself,' and yet you still get a sense of the other person," says Janet

Zinn, LCSW, a couples counselor.

11. Get a spa treatment.


It's way too early for a couples rubdown, but a side-by-side manicure or chair massage, you can

do. It'll ease any nerves that you or your date have about meeting, making for a much more

relaxed conversation. You'll also both get the satisfaction of doing something nice for yourself.

12. Go skating.

"Ice skating or roller skating was a dating staple back in high school for many," notes Stef

Safran, a dating and matchmaking expert. "Try out doing an activity that keeps the focus on

balancing yourself from falling—literally." At the end of the day, a little light physical danger is a

great, time-honored bonding experience.

13. Sing karaoke.


"Nothing draws us close to someone like a willingness to share with openness and honesty,"

says Michelle Puster, a licensed professional counselor. "A demonstration of such vulnerability

shows confidence and an effort to get to know someone by sharing about themselves first."

14. Check out some open houses.


Pick a weekend day to check out open houses in a nice neighborhood near you. Lots of them

have free snacks and drinks, plus you'll be able to see what your date is hoping for out of their

future without having to ask straight out.

15. Go bowling.

Bowling can be a little goofy (the shoes, the music, the technique), which only means it's perfect

for breaking the ice.

16. Take an art class.


"This activity can spark your creativity and will also allow for conversation and connection,"

notes Susan Ruth Freedman, a couples therapist and a clinical sexologist who works with Jack

& Jill adult store.

17. See a comedy show.


"A great way to ditch the tired dinner and drinks combo is to grab a cocktail and go to a comedy

show," Bilotta says. "Having a drink first will help you get comfortable and acquainted.

Hopefully, the show you see is funny, but even if it isn't, you'll have lots to talk about afterward."

18. Visit an animal shelter.


"If you're an animal lover, one of the best first dates is to go to an animal shelter where they

have a selection of animals from cute kittens to Komodo dragons," says Cherry Davis, a dating

coach. It's a great way to see how your date interacts with them, plus you can often gauge how

affectionate someone is by how they treat potential pets.

19. Attend a sporting event.


Love sports and know your date does too? Head to a local game. "Both people can get to know

each other and how they react at events like this," explains relationship coach Susan Golicic,

PhD. "It also has lots of things going on in case some awkward silences pop up at the

beginning." Don't do this if your date isn't into sports, however—they won't enjoy you explaining

every play to them.

20. Listen to jazz.


If your city has a great jazz club (and chances are it does), take your date to enjoy some live

music while you have a cocktail or three. The setting will be more romantic than your typical bar,

and you'll have plenty of material to chat about in between sets. (After all, it's the perfect

opportunity to channel your own Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling.)

21. Take a cooking class.


"I usually suggest a cooking class because it's hands on," Rodgers says. "Again, it's a safe

place and offers a shared experience that allows for lots of topics to discuss. It's also usually a

short time period, so the dater can decide if they wish to extend the date or make plans for a

second date. With something like a pasta making class, you could suggest a second date at an

Italian restaurant known for their fresh pasta."

22. See a psychic.


What better way is there to find out if you're destined to be together forever?

23. Check out a street or music festival.


You'd be surprised how many of these events there are, and they make great date destinations.

"It's pretty easy to find a festival within 10 or 20 miles if you look hard enough," says David

Bennett, a certified counselor and relationship expert. "They often involve free shows, good

food, games, and rides. And, at the very least, you can people watch."

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24. See a drive-in movie.


Seeing a movie isn't generally ideal for a first date since it's pretty difficult to have a

conversation in a crowded theater. A drive-in, on the other hand, allows for a little more privacy

so you can chat about your favorite scenes without bothering anyone else.

25. Hit up a botanic garden.


"If the weather allows, checking out a botanic garden can be a nice way to view things when

you have to focus on what's in front of you," Safran says. That way, you don't have to stress

about coming up with topics when there's a break in the conversation.

26. Take a wine-tasting course.


Many wine shops and bars offer wine-tasting evenings, which can be a fun way to do something

social and still get to know each other at the same time. If you can't find a class near you, DIY

one at a BYOB restaurant with a few different bottles of wine.

27. Anything at the beach


If you have access to a beach, it's a good idea to utilize it. In Zoosk's research on date ideas,

women of all age groups mentioned the beach one of their top romantic venues.

28. Create your own culinary tour.


If you feel like getting really creative, give this first date idea a go. "Order one appetizer at a

local place, then go to another place and share another appetizer," suggests Zinn. Keep going

until you're full! "You'll learn your date's food tastes, and it's a fun way to try different things


29. Meet up at sunrise or sunset.


"Meet to watch the sunrise or sunset," Golicic recommends. "This is not only romantic, but also

allows for conversation—sometimes really deep conversation—while taking in the beauty of

something we often take for granted."

30. Visit the zoo.


Similar to the botanic garden idea, this shifts the focus onto something other than the two of

you, Safran says, which can help cut out the first date awkwardness that sometimes occurs.

31. Go dessert hunting.


Take it upon yourselves to find the best dessert spot in town. "Going from place to place on a

tour can have you sampling deserts while making small talk," Safran says. You could also book

a cupcake tour or something similar if it's offered in your area. "While being one-on-one can

make some people nervous, going with a small group can make things easier if it takes you a bit

to come out of your shell," Safran adds.

32. Do a park picnic.


If the weather is nice, there's nothing better than an outdoor picnic in your local park. Pick up

some fruit, cheese, crackers, and wine and you'll be set. Dinner in a fancy restaurant is nice as

a first date idea, but this is way more thoughtful.

33. Go on a bike ride.


Or do pretty much any other physical activity you both enjoy. "Not only do you get to do

something you would normally do and get to talk about how you work out, you get to check the

other person out in workout clothes," Golicic says.

34. Bounce around in a trampoline park.


It's pretty hard to not have fun when jumping around in a room filled with trampolines. "These

indoor parks are popping up everywhere," Bennett says. "They add a little thrill and fun to your

first date." What's more, you'll see if your date is able to have a good time and not take

themselves too seriously.

35. Meet at a bookstore.


Take each other on a tour of the bookstore, pointing out your favorite books and why they're

important to you along the way. Many bookstores have coffee shops, so you can always start or

end with a cup of joe.

36. Try a swing dance class.


"This is a playful way to engage, get exercise, and learn how you move together as a couple,"

Freedman says. Even if neither of you is a great dancer to begin with, learning a new skill

together is a surefire way to gauge your compatibility.

37. Go to a concert.

"Similar to the sports event, there are times when talking isn't required," Golicic points out. "I

would suggest something on the more mellow side to start with, but this is a chance to have fun

moving and singing to the music."

38. Visit a neighborhood you've never been to.


If you live in a major city, it's likely that there are neighborhoods in your area that you've never

explored. Maybe there's even a major tourist attraction in your town that you've never been to.

Meet your date there and explore.

39. Play arcade games.


"Bars are popping up that are filled with old school arcade games and Skee-Ball," Bennett says.

You can often play for free if you buy a drink or two, and some friendly competition is a solid

way to see if there's a spark.

40. Volunteer.

Do some good together. "Volunteer dates for an organization are great way to see if you share

the same values and morals," Davis says. "You can observe how they interact with other

volunteers, if they are adaptable or need structure, and if they are willing to try something new

interacting with people that wouldn't be in their social circle."

41. Eat at a diner.


This takes all the stuffiness and pretension out of the typical restaurant date. It's hard to take

yourself too seriously when you're eating pancakes for dinner.

42. Go on a photography walking tour.


This first date idea can easily be DIY-ed. "Take your smartphone and go for a walk and talk

while taking pictures of what you like," Zinn says. "Then, sit and compare what you took and

why you liked it."

43. Eat brunch.


Daytime dates are seriously underrated, and brunch is an easy way to give them a try if you

haven't done one before. Pick a restaurant you know has amazing food and a lively atmosphere

that will inspire conversation.

44. Go kayaking.

"For the outdoor enthusiast, this is a great activity for a beautiful day," Freedman says. "Ideally,

rent a two-person kayak so you can be close and communicate about the beautiful sites in


45. Eat ice cream.


It's safe to say you and your potential S.O. have been on a million coffee dates, but have you

ever been on an ice cream date? Probably not. Grab a cone and take a stroll.



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