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TESD Operations




Davao Occidental Provincial Office

SUBJECT : Activity Report on the of Conduct of Site Visit and Consultative

Meeting with the MILF Decommissioned Combatants

DATE : April 05, 2021

1. Reference : Attendance Sheet and Photo Documentation

2. Narrative Report:

In adherence to Executive Order No. 79 also known as Implementing the

Annex on Normalization under the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro,
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Davao Occidental, one of the
member-agencies of the Inter-Cabinet Mechanism on Normalization (ICCMN) of EO
79, and Provincial Political Committee of the MILF jointly conducted a site visit and
consultative meeting with the MILF Decommissioned Combatants (DCs) and their
families in Brgy. Camalian, Jose Abad Santos, Davao Occidental on March 16, 2021.
The purpose of which was to conduct community training needs assessment, and
make necessary arrangements with the Brgy. Council on TESDA-led target
interventions. This is to ensure timely, appropriate and efficient delivery of the
Normalization Programs for the DCs.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Bayani E. Gofredo, TESDA Davao

Occidental Provincial Director, with the presence of Ms. Nelly L. Magbanua, Sr.
TESD Specialist, Albert N. Maningo, TESD Specialist II, Neilbert Tagulinao,
Provincial Political Committee of the MILF Secretary and Lathifah Tagulinao, PGO’s
EO 79 Focal Person.

The event was held with observance to the COVID-19 safety guidelines and
protocols set by the Municipal Inter-Agency Task Force (MIATF).

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
PD Gofredo started the meeting by expressing his gratitude for the trust given
by the DCs by attending and participating in the consultation. He encouraged the
DCs to support the government programs towards achieving their desired quality of
life. PD Gofredo, during his discussion highlighted the following:

1. The salient points of EO 79 specifically, the normalization programs and

how these and other interventions by the member-agencies will address
the gaps on socio-economic development in the case of decommissioned

2. TESDA’s plans to conduct community-based skills training for the DCs.

The basis of which will be the output of the Training Needs Assessment to
be conducted.

3. Other member agencies i.e., DTI, DA, DOST, DOLE among others to
provide interventions upon completion of the skills training for the DCs to
complement and ensure the sustainability of the livelihood programs.

4. To take advantage of the consultation as their opportunity to speak up and

explain their community situation and training needs.

5. Other important matters concerning human resource development for


Mr. Neilbert Tagulinao, Provincial Political Committee of the MILF Secretary,

ensured during the meeting that they will continue to closely coordinate with the
Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) - ICCMN chair and
ICCMN member-agencies in extending the Normalization Programs for the DCs. He
emphasized that with the help of TESDA, the DCs can acquire relevant skills
sustainable livelihood.

During the open forum, Ms. Lydia Bute, wife of one of the DCs, raised a
question if there are skills training that will be given for the family members of the
DCs particularly for women. PD Gofredo addressed her question by explaining that
DCs’ families are part of the Normalization Programs, hence, TESDA will also
provide skills training for them. Other questions and clarifications raised were
diligently noted and answered by PD Gofredo. Ms. Magbanua and Engr. Maningo
also conversed with and actively responded the individual queries of the DCs.

This report is submitted for the information of the Director General.

Provincial Director

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
Reference: Photo Documentation

TESDA Davao Occidental and Provincial Political Committee of the MILF with the
Decommissioned Combatants during the consultative meeting.

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
PD Gofredo expressing his gratitude to the decommissioned combatants for attending
the event.

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
PD Gofredo explaining all the TESDA training programs and interventions under EO 79
for the decommissioned combatants and their families.

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
The decommissioned combatants attentively listening to the talk of PD Gofredo.

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
Mr. Neilbert Tagulinao, Provincial Political Committee of the MILF Secretary, delivering
his speech for the Decommissioned Combatants.

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
One of the decommissioned combatants asking the team during the open forum.

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
Ms. Lydia Bute, a family member of a Decommissioned Combatant, approached PD
Gofredo to raise her concern during the consultation.

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
Ms. Nelly L. Magbanua addressing the questions and clarifications of the
Decommissioned Combatants.

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
Reference: Attendance Sheet

TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:
TESDA XI Regional Operations Division, #616 Rimas St., Aquino Subd., J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mobile Nos. 0939-924-0267(Smart);0917-704-8380(Globe); 0925-707-8448(Sun), Email:, Website:

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