GEM 601 Syllabus Ver 2016 2nd Sem

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2nd Semester, AY 2016-2017 

Course Information Faculty Information

Course Code: GEM 601 Name: Engr. Luis K. Cabatingan
Course Title: Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1 Office: Department of Chemical Engineering
Credit Units: 3
Pre-requisites: None Email/Phone:
Schedule: 6:00-7:30 pm Wed-Fri, LB264TC Consultation To be posted.
Course Description
The course provides you with an opportunity to develop skills in setting up mathematical models, as well as, master
some analytical techniques for solving partial differential equations which arise from the modeling of physical
phenomena. In particular, you will study how to apply the method of separation of variables and the method of
integral transforms in solving initial-value and boundary-value problems in rectangular, polar, cylindrical, or
spherical coordinate systems.
By the end of the semester, you should be able to:
CO1: set up a mathematical model for a well-defined physical problem through the application of fundamental
principles in physics;
CO2: solve partial differential equation subject to initial and/or boundary conditions using separation of variables or
integral transform method; and
CO3: interpret solutions of initial-value and boundary-value problems in terms of physical significance.

As evidence of having achieved the outcomes, you must successfully do examination tasks.
Formative Summative
Exercise Sets, Short Quizzes, Long Tests Comprehensive Final Exam
Each final examination item will test all three outcomes (setting up model  solving the model  interpreting
solution). The rating you get for each item will be based on the rubric found in the Annex.

Grading System
Your grade for the course is computed based on both formative and summative assessment data. The assigned
weights to the assessment tasks and the computation of the course grade are detailed below.
Grade Component Weight Computation
Short Quizzes (SQ) (5%) SQ Average Grade x 0.05
Long Tests (LT) (25%) LT Average Grade x 0.25
Comprehensive Final Exam (CFE) (70%) CFE Grade x 0.70 
Total Grade
Passing Grade: 3.0

Topics Week Learning Activities
Course Syllabus  Getting organized for the semester
--- 1
 Getting oriented to the course outcomes
Review of Fundamental Mathematical Concepts  Reviewing topics in undergraduate math
---  Functions 2
 Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations

© Department of Chemical Engineering, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines Page 1
Fourier Series  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 627-641)
 Orthogonal Functions  Doing Exercise Sets
CO2 3
 Fourier Series  Short Quiz
 Fourier Cosine and Sine Series
Boundary-Value Problems in Rectangular  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 661-663, 664-
Coordinates 668)
CO1  Deriving the Wave Equation and the Heat  Doing Exercise Sets
CO2 Equations
 Classifying PDEs
 Method of Separation of Variables
 Wave Problems  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 669-671, 672-
 Heat Conduction Problems (Homogeneous 674, 677-680)
CO2 5
Cases)  Doing Exercise Sets
 Short Quiz
 Sturm-Liouville Problem  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 646-652)
CO1  Wave & Heat Conduction Problems 6  Doing Exercise Sets
CO2 - Nonhomogeneous Cases  Short Quiz
CO3 - Orthogonal Series Expansions  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 682-687, 688-
- Double Fourier Series 7 690)
 Doing Exercise Sets
CO1  Recap on BVP in Rectangular Coordinates  Preparing for Long Test 1
Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 242-258)
CO2  Solutions about Ordinary Points 9  Doing Exercise Sets
 Solutions about Singular Points  Short Quiz
 Bessel Functions  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 260-269)
CO2  Legendre Functions 10  Doing Exercise Sets
 Short Quiz
 Fourier-Bessel Series  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 646-652; 653-
 Fourier-Legendre Series 657)
CO2 11
 Doing Exercise Sets
 Short Quiz
Boundary-Value Problems in Other Coordinate  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 698-701, 702-
CO1 Systems 707, 709-710)
CO2 12
 Polar Coordinates  Doing Exercise Sets
 Cylindrical Coordinates  Short Quiz
CO1  Spherical Coordinates  Preparing for Long Test 2
CO2 13
Integral Transform Method  Reviewing Laplace Transform Method for
CO1  Solving BVP by Laplace Transform solving ODE IVP’s
CO2 14  Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 715-721)
CO3  Doing Exercise Sets
 Short Quiz
 Fourier Integral & Fourier Transforms  Reviewing Laplace Transform Method for
 Solving BVP by Fourier Transforms solving ODE IVP’s
 Reading: Zill & Wright (p. 724-728, 729-
CO2 15
 Doing Exercise Sets
 Short Quiz
CO1  Recap on BVP in Other Coordinate Systems &  Preparing for Long Test 3
CO2 on Integral Transform Method 16
CO3 Long Test 3
Study Week 17  Preparing for Final Exams
Comprehensive Final Examinations 18

© Department of Chemical Engineering, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines Page 2

Learning Resources
Books. The following books and many others are available at the Learning Resource Center:
Kreyzig, E. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken (2011)
O’Neil, P. V. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th ed, Cengage Learning, Stamford (2012)
Wylie, C. R and Barrett, L. C. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th ed, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (1995)
Zill, D. G. and Wright, W. S. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed, Jones & Bartlett, Sudbury, Mass. (2011)

Some Course Guidelines

Responsibility for Learning
The responsibility for achieving the learning outcomes rests on you. Learning is a process which requires time and effort, and
because of that learning may be painful to some. I will only be guiding you in that process, providing push when necessary. It
is expected that you spend hours working on recommended exercises diligently. Depending on your learning style, it may be
optimal to study alone or in groups.
Missed Long Tests and Exams
In principle, you can make up for a missed long test or exam. If you miss to take a long test or the final exam on the scheduled
date, you can make a formal written request to take it on another date but only in the case when your failure to take it as
scheduled is due to some serious medical condition or emergency reasons. "EMERGENCY shall be understood as an
unforeseen combination of circumstances which calls for an immediate response to an urgent need for assistance or relief.”
Pertinent supporting documents must be attached to your letter of request. In principle, a request can be granted or denied.
My consultation hours with students are as indicated in the Faculty Information above. Should you wish to consult with me on
matters pertaining to your achievement of the learning outcomes, send me notice through the course email at least 24-hours
before. If you wish to consult me with a quick question related to a topic or recommended exercise, you can just see me in the
department without prior notice. You may consult with me individually or as a group.
All course-related communications outside of class should be done through the course email I will
send to you supplementary learning materials, copies of lecture slides, announcements, instructions, etc. through email. Make
sure that you regularly check your inbox.

Prepared by Approved by
Engr. Luis K. Cabatingan Dr. Evelyn B. Taboada
Associate Professor, ChE Dept. SOE Dean
Date Submitted Date Approved
for Approval

© Department of Chemical Engineering, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines Page 3
ANNEX: Rubric for Evaluating Final Exam Tasks
Level 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Criteria Outstanding Competent Marginal Not Acceptable
Mathematical model is Mathematical model is Mathematical model is Development of the
developed from a clear developed from a clear developed from a vague mathematical model
and detailed description and detailed description and sketchy description does not show clear
Setting Up the of the situation; of the situation; of the situation; connection with the
Model appropriate principles appropriate principles appropriate principles description of the
(30%) are correctly applied in a are applied with only are applied with minor situation, and mistakes
highly logical manner minor logical flaws that logical flaws that do not in the application of
towards the model do not cause major cause major errors in relevant principles are
equation. errors in the model the model equation. present.
The solution process is The solution process is The solution process is An insignificant amount
worked out to worked out to worked out partially and of solution process is
completion, the steps completion, the steps the steps shown are made and/or the steps
shown are well-detailed shown are well-detailed correct and could shown are
Solving the Model and mathematically and mathematically potentially lead to a mathematically wrong,
(50%) error-free, and the final error-free; the final result correct result if worked irrelevant or
result is correct and is correct but still through. inappropriate.
expressed in its required requires one or two step
simplest form. to bring it to it required
simplest form.

Makes correct and Makes correct but Interpretation evidences Interpretation is totally
thorough interpretations incomplete interpretation limited ability to tie up irrelevant.
of the solution of the solution; the meaning of the
Interpretations evidencing a deep interpretation does not solution to the behavior
understanding of the consider full the model of the system under
(20%) behavior of the modeled assumptions. study.
system; and clearly
indicates how the model
assumptions limit the

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