Single Theta Method of Convergence

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Procedure i: Single  Method of Convergence

Keywords: Single , G functions, Newton’s Raphson method

In this case the multiplier  is defined by equation l v  (1/ v) with the

qualification that the corrected rates must satisfy the component material balances
enclosing the entire column:
V 1  1  V …34.1
N  1 0i Ni 1, i
Equations (34.3) & (34.4) may be solved for v1, i to give
V 1
Vl  N  1 0i …34.2
i 1  (1 / V )
Ni 1i ca

For any choice of , the corresponding value of the total flow rates V is found by
summing the component flow rates given by equation(34.1) overall components i.
the corresponding flow rates 1 and L may be calculated by use of equation
Ni N
Next, formula for calculation of a new set of total flow rates which are consistent
with the corrected flow rates V and L developed as follows. Let the corrected flow
rates for all component I which appear in both phases be defined by:
L ji  n j (1 ji / V )caV
1i 1i
V ji   j (V ji / V )caV …34.3
1i 1i
Where ή and σ are at this point undetermined multipliers .the definitions given by
equation (17) do imply that
Lj  njj and V j   j j …34.4
l 
ji 
Where   i  1 
c v
1i  v 
 ji 
 v 
 j i 
 j   c
i  1 v
1 i  v 
 1 i 
From the definition of mole fraction and the above relationships, it follows that
l  v 
ji  ji 
x   v / and y ji   v / …34.5
ji  v  1i j v  1i j
 1i   1i 
These multipliers σ and ή are related by a total material balance enclosing the top
of the column a and any plate j as follows:
  n  B  0 …34.6
j j 1 j j
Where B  V  L
for any choice of , the values of the quantities V, φ and Ψ may be computed and
this equation (34.6)
Reduces to one equation in two unknowns, σj+1 and ήj.
  1/ nj (1  j  N  1) …34.7
J 1
This choice gave the most satisfactory results for the absorbers problems. This
relationship is an agreement with the fact that convergence  j  1 j  1 . When

equation (34.6) and (34.7) solved for ή. The following formula is obtained
    2  4
ή= …34.8


The formulation of the function g( ) for the determination of is analogous to the
demonstrated for the isothermal flash problem. Instead of only one bubble point
function, however, there exists N bubble point function to be satisfied by the
choice of, namely,
fi = ∑ ( ) − 1 (1  j  N ) …34.9
By use of the definitions of x ji , y ji jn and the fact that ( ) =( ) ( )

The assumed K values may be eliminated to give

) − 1 (1  j  N )
∅ …34.10
fi =( ) (
the expression given by equation no. (34.10) are more rapidly evaluated than those
given by equation number (34.9) the g function may be defined as the arithmetic
average of the square of the Euclidean form of the bubble point functions.
g ( ) = (∑ ) …34.11

Determination of an improved set of temperatures

The energy balance for each plate j,
+ ℎ - − ℎ =0
May be restated in either of the following forms

Gj  ∑ , , + , ℎ , − − ℎ
(1  j  N ) …34.12
Gj  ∑ , ( , −ℎ )+ , (ℎ , − ℎ )− ( − ℎ ) (1  j  N )

f  1    1.8  180(1   ) / R e 
  …34.13

The second expression may be obtained from the first by eliminating lji by use of
the component material balance
= - , − ,

In the prediction of new set of temperature, apply the Newton Raphson method.
When the variations of the total flow rates and compositions with the temperature
are neglected in the application of Newton –Raphson method to apply enthalpy
balances, the Jacobian Jn of the Newton Raphson equations
J n    Tn  Gn …34.14
T 
Reduces to tridiagonal matrix. The subscript ‘n’ denotes the nth iteration through
the column, the jacobian matrix Jn is a square matrix of order n and ∆Tn and Gn are
column vectors.

J (G / T ) 
( ) - - - ( )
( ) ( )
- - -
( ) - - - ( )
( ) ( )

G  [G G ........G ]T
N 1 2 N
T   T
j j, n  1

j  
Assume a set of temperatures T and a set of vapor rates  L  a  by use of the
 j  
total material balances given by equation (34.13). Solve equation (34.14) for
component flow rates for each component i and denote them by {(vji) ca}.then

compute the corresponding flow rates 1  ca  for each component i in the liquid
 ji  

   
phase by the use of relationship 1 ji  ca    A ji  a V ji   on the basis of the
      ca 

sets of calculated values of

     
V ji  ca  and 1 ji  ca  found in step -1. The set of assumed vapor rates
     

     
V ji  ca  and corresponding liquid rates 1 ji  ca  used in step -1 , find the
     
closest to unity that minimizes g( ). Then computed the corresponding corrected
value of the total flow rates.
Repeat step 1 and step 2 until the convergence criterion for the material balances
has been satisfied.
Use the final set of corrected compositions and total flow rates found in step 1
through 3 and temperature profile assumed in step 1 to evaluate the G functions
and the partial derivatives appearing in tridiagonal matrix approximation of jn .
Repeat the procedure until the convergence criterion for the temperatures and total
flow rates have been satisfied.

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