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Symmetrical Components

1- Introduction

The symmetrical components are a mathematical tool for solving

problems on unbalanced poly-phase systems.

The impedances of the individual phase are identical in a balanced poly-phase

system. Further the currents and voltages of the phase are of equal magnitudes and
are equally spaced angularly. Thus, the balanced poly-phase system can be analyzed
on single-phase basis and interpreted to give results for all the phases. Such a process
reduces the amount of computation.

The theory of symmetrical components recognizes that any unbalanced poly-

phase system of phasors may be resolved into balanced systems of phasors equal in
number to the number of phases. These balanced systems of phasors are called the
symmetrical components of the original unbalanced system.

2- The Concept of Symmetrical Components

For a system of three phasors, three different types of symmetry are possible:

- Positive Sequence Component (+ve Sequence)

- Negative Sequence Component (-ve Sequence)
- Zero Sequence Component (zero Sequence)
Positive Sequence component (+ve Sequence)
Three phasors equal in magnitude with phase shift equal 1200 and have a
sequence coincides with the original sequences (a, b, c - a1, b1, c1).
Negative Sequence component (-ve Sequence)

Three phasors equal in magnitude with phase shift equal 120o and have
sequences opposite with the original sequences (a,b,c - a2, c2, b2)

Zero Sequence component (zero sequence)

Three phasors equal in magnitude with phase shift equal zero.

From the above analysis the three phase quantities are equals
Va = Va1 + Va2 + Va0 (1)

Vb = Vb1 + Vb2 + Vb0 (2)

Vc= Vc1 + Vc2 + Vc0 (3)

The Sequence Operator “a”

To deal with unbalanced problems in general, and to assist in defining the

relationships between phase voltages and phase currents, we use sequence operator.
The operator “a” turns a phasor through 1200 and can be express in polar form as: -

a = 1 1200 ,
a2 = 1 2400 ,
a3 =1,
a4 =a,
1+a+a2 =0,
a *= a 2,
we can express “a” and “a2” in cartesian co-ordinates as:
a = -0.5 + j0.866, a2 = -0.5 - j0.866
From (+ ve) Sequence
Vb1 = a2 Va1 , Vc1 = a Va1
From (- ve) Sequence
Vb2 = a Va2 , Vc2 = a2 Va2
From (Zero) sequence
Va0 = Vb0 = Vc0
Then equations (5-1), (5-2) and (5-3) becomes;
Va = Va1 + Va2 + Vao (4)

Vb = a2 Va1 + a Va2 + Vao (5)

Vc = aVa1 + a2 Va2 + Vao (6)

Set, equations (4), (5) and (6) in matrix form

To obtain on the symmetrical components on left side: summing equations (4), (5)
and (6), then
3Va0 = Va+ Vb+ Vc
Va0 = (Va+ Vb+ Vc) (7)

Multiplying equation (5) in “a“ and equation (6) in “a2“ and summing the resultant
with equation (4), we get on:
3V a1 = Va + aVb + a 2Vc
Va1 = (Va + aVb + a 2Vc ) (8)
Multiplying equation (5) in “a2 “ and equation (6) in “a” and summing the resultant
with equation (4), we obtain on:
3Va 2 = Va + a 2Vb + aVc
Va 2 = (Va + a 2Vb + aVc ) (9)
Equations (7) , ( 8) and (9) in matrix form

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