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my name is ratull and my portfolio is a representation of all that I've learned and accomplished as a science engineers student.

Video content
funny Fun and entertainment Reach per weak 120000 the writing samples in this portfolio show how my critical thinking skills have evolved
over the Course of the program "My personal philosophy when it comes to education and learning is closely related to several cognitive
theories of motivation. I believe that what goes on the classroom is my responsibility, and, by working with students, all of us can create an
ideal environment for education, safety, understanding, and even fun. By keeping things positive, I believe that students will end up learning
more and getting more out of each and every lesson. "I'm md hasan turabin, and I design building for small businesses. While l am Austin,
Texas, I help build building for people all over the world." "Over the past five years as a site engineering, I've taken pictures for graduation
ceremonies, weddings, and birth announcements." "I came out of my time as a camp counselor with a better understanding of empathy and
connection than I had previously. Now, when I see my younger sister acting up, I understand better how to help her without sounding bossy
or controlling."

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