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Ministry of Higher Education

and Scientific Research

Dhi Qar University
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
) Evening study(

Workbook Solutions
Unit One

Name : Ahmed Ameer Shaker

Department : Mechanical Engineering
Stage : First - Evening
Group : - B -
Unit 1
Ex.1 The forms of be, do, and have p.5

Present simple Present continuous

1 I like skiing. 2 I’m studying English.
I don’t like snowboarding. I’m not studying Spanish.
Do you like skiing? Are you studying English?
My father likes skiing. My father’s studying English.
My mother doesn’t like skiing. My mother isn’t studying English.
Does your father like skiing? Is your father studying English?

Past simple Present perfect

3 I saw the Empire State Building. 4 I’ve met Muhammad Ali.
I didn’t see the Statue of Liberty. I haven’t met Pelé.
Did you see the Empire State Building? Have you met Muhammad Ali?
My father saw the Empire State Building. My father’s met Muhammad Ali.
My mother didn’t see the Empire State My mother hasn’t met
Building. Muhammad Ali.
Did your father see the Empire State Has your father met Muhammad
Building? Ali?

Ex.2 Full verb or auxiliary verb? p.6

3. A 4. F 5. F 6. A 7. F 8. F 9. A 10. A 11. A 12. F

Ex.3 Contracted forms p.6

1 She’s got two brothers and she doesn’t get on with either of them.
2 He has no brothers and sisters – he’s an only child.
3 We weren’t happy with the hotel so we didn’t stay there for long.
4 He didn’t go to the party because he had a cold.
5 They’re getting married when they’ve saved enough money.
6 John isn’t sure where Jill is.
7 She’s parking the car. It’s always difficult in our street.
8 I don’t want them to know who I am.
9 Don’t you understand what I’m saying?
Unit 1
Ex.4 My computer s gone wrong! p.6
(1) ’ve (2) isn’t (3) ’s (4) don’t (5) ’m (6) was (7) don’t (8) did
(9) did (10) didn’t (11) have (12) does

1 Why is Phil ringing the Computer Helpline?

Because he’s got a problem with his computer.
2 Which company does Phil work for?
He doesn’t work for a company.
He’s self-employed.
3 What was he doing when his computer stopped?
He was working away happily.
4 Why can’t Phil remember the message?
Because he didn’t understand it.
5 Has he switched his computer off?
No, he hasn’t.
Ex.5 Making questions p.7
2 What are you wearing at the moment?
3 Do you play any sports at the weekend?
4 What time did you get up this morning?
5 Have you ever met a famous person?
6 Do you look like your mother?
7 Where did you go on holiday when you were a child?
Ex.6 Replying with questions p.7
2 What languages does he speak?
3 What did you get?
4 How much did they pay?
5 How many kittens did she have?
6 What film is she going to see?
7 What’s he going to buy?
8 Where did you go?
9 What do you do?
10 Who’s she talking to?
Unit 1
Ex.7 Negatives and short answers p.8

1. (3) hasn’t (4) am (5) don’t (6) didn’t (7) have (8) do (9) did (10) isn’t
2. Sample answers
2 Yes, I am. I’m going skiing.
3 No, we didn’t. It rained every day!
4 No, I haven’t – but I’d like to go.
5 Yes, I do. I have to travel in my job.
6 No, she doesn’t. I always go with my family.
Ex.8 have/have got p.8
(3) ’ve got (4) ’s got (5) ’ll have (6) haven’t got (7) ’s had (8) ’re having

(9) have (10) Did you have (11) Have you got (12) does she usually have
Ex.9 Word formation p.9

musical music achievement achieve
scientific science competition compete
happy happiness discussion discuss
greedy greed organization organize
dangerous danger appearance appear
wonderful wonder exploration explore

2. 1. musical 2. invite 3. wonder 4. scientific 5. dangerous

6. discussion 7. greedy 8. organization 9. competition 10. explore

Ex.10 Words that go together p.10

2. c 3. g 4. i 5. a 6. j 7. b 8. f 9. d 10. h
Ex.11 Grammar words p.10

2. e 3. g 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. i 8. k 9. o 10. a
11. l 12. n 13. j 14. m 15. h
Unit 1
Ex.12 Word stress p.10

President Breakfast Afford Computer Penicillin
happiness business believe important politician
Ex.13 Phonetic script p.11
2 the birds to build a nest
3 the moon is not quite round
4 lights the stars
5 the rainbow in the sky
Ex.14 Verb + preposition p.11

1. with 2. in 3. about 4. to 5. to 6. about

7. on 8. of 9. for 10. for 11. about 12. with

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