Basics and Arithmatic: Question-1 Print "Hello"on Screen

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Question-1 Print “hello”on screen

Question-2 Calculate sum of two numbers
Question-3 Calculate difference between two numbers
Question-4 calculate multiplication of two numbers
Question-5 calculate division of two numbers
Question-6 Calculate average of given numbers
Questions -7 Combine all five arithmetic operations in one
Question-9 Demonstrate the working of \t \n \r.
Question-10 find quotient and remainder if input is two
Question-11. Find area and perimeter of circle.
Question-12. Find area of rectangle.
Question-13. Swap two numbers using third variable.
Question-14. Swap two numbers without using third variable.
Question -15. Calculate Simple Interest & Compound Interest.
Question-16. Convert temperature Fahrenheitto Celsius.
Question-17. Calculate gross salary of person.

Question-18. Calculate distance between two cities in km. and

change it into meters, feets and inches.
Question-19. Calculate aggregate of student marks.
Question-20. Calculate the sum of first and last digit of given 4
bit number.
Question -21 Demo of constant using #Define.
Question-22 Question-22 Demo of const key word .
Question-23 Demo of enumerated data type.
Question-24 programm to separate decimal and integer part of
given floating point number.
Qustion-25 program to check even or odd
Question-26 to find the absolute value of given
Question-27 To check whether number is
positive or negative.
Question-28 to find maximum of two numbers.
Question-29 – to find maximum of three
Question-30- to find profit and loss if selling
prise and cost prise is given
Question-31 to check whether the year is leap
year or not.
Question-32 To calculate the electricity bill
when the condition of meter reading are: units
less than 1002.25, 100-200  3.00, 200-
5004.25 and above 7.00Rs.
Questiom-33 To find roots of a quadratic
Question-34 Check whether a given character is
alphabet/ digit/ vowel/ consonant/ special
Question-35 Perform arithmetic operations
(addition/ subtraction/ multiplication/ division)
on two given numbers according to user’s
Question-36 To find the day of week given
input from 1-7.
Question-37 Mini Calculator that performs
action on char bit input like +,-,*,/
Question- 38 Generation of table according to given
input.( using all three loops).
For loop:-
while loop
Do while loop :-
Questiom-39 To find the factorial of a given number.
Question-40 To check whether the given number is
prime/ Armstrong/ perfect/ palindrome.
Armstrong :-
Palindrom number:-

Question-41 To display all prime numbers in a given

Question-42 To find reverse of a given number.
Question-43 Compute series 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + …
Question-44 Compute series 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5! + …
Question-45 Compute series 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + …
Question-47 Find HCF and LCM of two given numbers
Question-48 . Find GCD of given number.
Question-49 Draw patterns: Given below with its mirror
and reverse order
Question-50 To draw Pascal pyramid
Question-51 . Initialization of one dimensional array
Question-52 To find max and min value of array.
Question-53 To reverse an array
Question-54 . Insert an element in array.
Question-55. Delete the element from array.
Question-56 Sort array using bubble sort
Question-57 Sort array using insertion sort.
Question-58 Sort array using selection sort
Question-60 Search an element in array using linear search
Question-61 Search an element in array using binary search.
Question-62 Initialization of two dimensional arrays
Question-63 To find the addition of 2 matrices
Question-64 To find the subtraction of 2 matrices.
Question-65 To find the multiplication of 2 matrices.
Question-66 Program to Merge 2-Arrays.
Question-67 Program to calculate sum of rows of Matrix
Question-68 Program to calculate sum of columns of Matrix.
Question-69 Program to calculate diagonal sum of Matrix.
Question-70 Program to find transpose of matrix
Question-: 71 Program to print a simple string
Question-72 Demonstrate the string functions like strcat,
strcpy ,strrev, strlen, strcmp etc
Strcat function
Question-73 Program to reverce a string
Question-74 Program to count number of vowels in a
Question-75 Program to find number of words in a string.
Question-76. Program to check string is palindrome or not
Question-77 Demo of no return type and no parameter
Question-78 Demo of return type and with parameter function.
Question-79 Nesting of function.
Question-80 Convert the case of character using function
Question-81-Print Fibonacci series using function
Question-82 To reverse a given number using function.
Question-83 To find factorial of given number using function
Question-84 Sort array using bubble sort using function
Question-85 Sort array using insertion sort using function
Question-86 Sort array using selection sort using function.
Question-87 Search an element in array using linear search
using function
Question-88 Search an element in array using binary search
using function.
Question-89 - Find factorial of a number using
recursion in c program.
Question-90 To generate Fibonacci series using recursion in c
Question-91 . To find power of numbers input by users.
Question-92- . To find GCD of given number.
Question-93- Reverse a string using recursion.
Question-94 Find sum of series 1+2+3+...+n using recursion.
Question-95 Program to print address of a variable along with
its value.
Question-96 . Program to compute sum of all elements stored
in an Array.
1. Question-97. Program to swap 2 no’s using call by value.
Question-98 Program to swap 2 no’s using call by reference
Question-99 Program to demonstrate pointer as structures.
Question-100 Program to demonstrate pointer as char strings to
determine the length of char string.
Question-101- Program to copy 2 strings using pointer

Question-102 Program to demonstrate the working of structures

in c with input and output
Question-103 Program to demonstrate the Array of structures in c
for student’s details.
Question-104 Program to demonstrate the nesting of structures in
c for employer’s personal and professional details.

Question-105 Program to find complex variables solution using

function of structures.
Question-106 Program to demonstrate the working of Union.

Question-107 Program that defines the difference of memory

location between structure and union.

Question-108 Program to convert binary number to decimal

Question-109 Program to convert decimal to binary number
Question-110 . Program to convert octal to decimal number
Question-111 . Program to convert binary to hexadecimal number
Question-112 Program to convert decimal to hexadecimal number

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