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10/27/2020 [Lets Build] Diseases : d100


Posted by u/dndspeak 2 years ago 

[Lets Build] Diseases

In Progress

Welcome to the 43rd [Lets Build]!

TOPIC: Diseases

Die Result

1 Red Rot - A disease that is contracted by direct contact with a

red ooze. The ooze attaches itself to the skin of the person
and slowly rots the flesh away at the point of contact.

2 Gambling Addiction - Will save or compelled to gamble when

presented with opportunity.

3 The Screaming Sickness - The victim moans and screams in

their sleep, making it hard for those sleeping near the victim
to get a good night’s rest.

4 Slate Fever - An uncommon sickness that causes skin to

become hard and brittle. Originating from the underdark and
eventually making its way to the surface, Slate Fever
propagates through contact with mosses and fungi
contaminated with the disease, as well as through contact
with the affected skin of those with the sickness. Early
symptoms include a slight grey discoloration of skin tone,
uncomfortable stiffness, and unusual amounts of neck and
back cracking when moving. The symptoms eventually
progress to the point where the diseased becomes noticeably
grey and stiff, causing them to move in small, jerk-like
motions and have their speed reduced by half. In addition,
the diseased develops exceptionally brittle skin that cracks
easily and painfully. This gives them vulnerability to
bludgeoning damage and causes them to frequently make
Constitution saving throws to avoid taking 1d4 damage from
shattering parts of their skin with excessive contact. The
disease itself usually passes by itself over the course of one
week resting and recuperating, but can be cured within 2
Die Result
days if the diseased is properly treated with a combination of
various tree saps. Catching this disease once results in the 1/20
10/27/2020 [Lets Build] Diseases : d100
a ous t ee saps. Catc g t s d sease o ce esu ts t e
diseased being more vulnerable to it in the future.
5 Spectre's Decay - The victim's soul and body separate but
continue to move in unison. Without a soul the body rapidly
degenerates and decays over the course of a year, however
wherever the flesh forms holes or rips the ghost of the
person continues to stand. This continues until the body has
completely decomposed and the ghost is left to wander the
earth, unable to pass into an afterlife. This disease can rarely
be contracted through contact with undead who have
lingering souls.

6 Summoning Sickness - Due to a teleportation spell gone

wrong, your stomach and head are all turned around.
Disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws until all
your parts manage to realign properly.

7 Casters Cough - Due to a nasty infection having spent too

much time in a component pouch, you have a nasty magical
cough. Whenever you cast a spell there is a 25 percent chance
that you must roll on the Wild Surge Table.

8 Goblinitis - every hour you have a 50% chance of alternating

between your normal form and that of a goblin.

9 Hydrophobia - you are afraid of any body of water larger

than a small puddle. Disadvantage on ability checks when in
or on water.

10 Begger's Pox - weeping sores break out over your face,

making you hard to look upon. Disadvantage in charisma
checks without some form of face covering.

11 Drunken Fool - slurred speech and perpetual dizziness make

you appear drunk, disadvantage on acrobatics checks and
charisma checks unless engaged with someone drinking

12 Sewer Rat Flu - When bitten by a sewer rat, the effect is just
like the regular flu, but 3 times worse. PC vomits through out
most of the day. To determine when PC vomits, roll a
percentile die every 30 minutes in game, If even then vomit, if
odd, nothing happens. Vomiting will force the PC to stop what
ever action they are doing, and breaks concentration.
Vomiting every 3rd time will also cough up blood. Roll 1d4 to
calculate damage. The cure is to drink very hard alcohol, and
let it dissolve the stomach acid poison. Another option is to
survive 10 hours. A lesser restoration spell automatically
cures it. Orcs, Half-orcs, and Drow are immune to this.
Die Result
Roll Transmutation Overload - this can happen if multiple
transmutation spells occur on the same time on the same 2/20
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transmutation spells occur on the same time on the same
Search subject or subjects. it deforms the subject to something in the
middle of all of them, but also makes the sick immune to
transmutation spells, no more room for magic on this body!
(based on the wonderful manga dorohedoro)

14 Magical Discord - You begin to lose connection to the forces

of magic. Each day your spellcasting ability drops by 1 point
until you're cured.

15 Vorel's Phage - Disease starts by imposing one Exhaustion

level on the affected creature, in which small patches of
bumps errupt on the inflicted creature's skin and the joints
swell painfully. After an incubation period of 1d4-1 nights, the
creature gains another level of Exhaustion and the bumps
become raised and fungal looking. On the firstboccurance of
a new moon after the incubation period, the infected creature
gains 2 more Exhaustion levels. If this kills the creature, it
rises again after 1d4-1 nights as a wight. If a blood moon
occurs at any point after incubation, the creature instead just
succeed in a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or die
immediately, raising in a minute as a wight. Exhaustion levels
gained by this disease reappear every morning and only a
miracle, wish or some other similar magic can permanently
remove them without curing the disease.

16 Swordbearer's Bane - The disease is contracted by contact

with an infected creature's blood. After the incubation period
of 1d4 days, the hands and feet of the infected creature begin
to swell and become tender. This causes the creature to lose
5ft of movement and imposes disadvantage on Dexterity
(Slight of hand) checks. After another 7-1d4 days, the
infection causes the hosts extremities to go numb. The
infected creature's movement speed is halved and the
creature is treated as if it were under the effect of a Bane spell
until it is cured.

17 The Turquoise Death - This disease is contracted by contact

with a creatures bodily fluids, and the disease remains
infectious weeks after the fluid has evaporated, but only if
rehydrated. After the initial 1d3 day incubation period the
infected will start to notice heart palpitations, and will note
slow recovery rates. The infected creature can no longer
remove levels of exhaustion, and failed death saving throws
permanently reduce the number of death saving throws the
creature can fail in the future before death occurs. Both
effects are permanent after the creature has gone without
Die treatment for more than a month.
18 Hippogryff Hives - A an itchy rash that makes it unbearable 3/20
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to wear armor or heavy clothing until it’s treated. Highly

Search contagious via skin to skin contact.

19 Tapeworm - Unnoticeable for the first month, for three

months after must eat twice as much as normal each day.
After three months, receives a penalty to constitution as you
can no longer extract enough nutrients before the parasite
consumes the food.

20 Monstrous Tapeworm - As above, but after six months, it

eats it way out of the stomache, kills, then finally consumes
the host. Treatment is recommended before that happens.

21 Brain Fever - caught from proximity to Underdark denizens.

Causes paranoia (disadvantage on Charisma checks due to

22 Carrion Fever - Causes migraines and an intense craving of

raw meat.

23 Acidblight - Slowly causes blood and other bodily fluids to

become more and more corrosive, dealing acid damage
slowly over time.

24 The Yellow Plague - Pus and bile ooze from the afflicted's
pores. They gain a level of fatigue every day it is untreated.

25 Ser Avidore's Fire - Magical multi-colored rashing of the skin.

Can sometimes flare up and deal a type of magical damage to
those afflicted. Common among magic users.

26 Cobblestone Sickness - After a bite from a cockatrice, the

body will slowly turn to stone.

27 Two-Left-Feet Syndrome - Any kind of saving throw is

disadvantaged as well as -4 for any number for any roll.

28 The Common Cold - Just a cold. You’ll cough and sneeze, but
that’s about it

29 Conjurer's Mania - A mental illness that worsens over time.

The afflicted believes that they are able to create life, and
seeks out new ways to do so. Becomes obsessed with
anything that they have 'created.' If the afflicted has no
means for creating life, magically or otherwise, they may start
to irrationally believe that inanimate objects are their living
creations. May start believing other 'summoners' creations'
are their own creations that have been stolen. May eventually
progress to compulsion to steal newborn animals, monsters,
or humanoids, or become unstable when seeing another
magic user summoning a creature.
Die Result
30 Third Eye Blind - Unable to communicate telepathically, but
also unable to be targeted telepathically and is unaffected by 4/20
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also unable to be targeted telepathically and is unaffected by
Search any method that would not work on a creature without an
intelligence. Recalling images from memory become hazy and
unreliable. Penalties to any checks to recall visual information
from memory. This disease tends to present itself in those
who have been the target of many unwanted telepathic
intrusions. Some humanoids are hereditarily predisposed to
this disease, and may be afflicted upon after their first
telepathic intrusion.

31 Desert Fever - Skin takes on a red tinge, fever & bouts of cold
sweat. Treat unusually warm or cold weather as hazardous
temperatures. Often a physical ailment caused by interacting
with malicious djinn magic. May be transmitted orally.

32 Displacer's Malalignment - Appears to be the common cold,

but is actually a disease that can be deadly for magic users &
planar travelers. Afflicted must make a check to succeed any
teleportation spell or ability. On a failed check, will move the
afflicted 1d6ft in a random direction. Afflicted may be
damaged or killed if teleported into a solid object. (If playing
DnD, use the Teleportation spell's Mishap rules) This disease
often causes magic users to be incredibly wary of those
presenting symptoms of the common cold. Spread through
ingesting of bodily fluids, most commonly from the sneezes
or runny nose of the afflicted.

33 Woodland Mania - Afflicted believes to have gained the

ability to speak with animals. The animals that they believe
they are talking to may or may not exist, and all conversations
tend to cause paranoia. Spread through bites, may be
transmitted by animals.

34 Other-Otherworldy Whispers - A mental illness that causes

the afflicted to believe that they are receiving knowledge from
another dimension. In truth, the advice & knowledge that
they get are delusional. The Afflicted tends to become a
know-it-all, and the whispers encourage & bolster their

35 Slippery sickness - Your skin constantly oozes a greasy fluid.

Without shoes, you're liable to trip. Without gloves, you're
liable to drop objects. The upside is that monsters will have a
hard time grabbing your skin.

36 Brilliant Urine Disease - You get dehydrated twice as quickly

as usual, and your urine glows neon yellow, brightly enough
that a pint glass of it could substitute for a torch. Spread
through pollen in heavy forests, this disease is the bane of
Die Result
scouts, spies, and hunters.
3 ild S h i ff d h i d bl 5/20
10/27/2020 [Lets Build] Diseases : d100
37 Wild Stench - You give off an odor that is undetectable to
Search humans and many other humanoid species like dwarves and
orcs, but can be smelled by most mammals, fish, and insects
from far away. They find it highly offensive and will flee from
it. Only the bravest scent hounds can be convinced to track
such a scent. It is rumored that wild stench is the partly
successful result of a magical experiment to keep crops safe
from wild animals. Curiously, dragons find it pleasant and
may ask where you got that enchanting perfume.

38 Beard Agnosia - You lose the ability to recognize a beard. You

have great difficulty recalling or describing a beard, or
noticing that somebody has grown or shaved a beard. In
advanced cases, sufferers of beard agnosia can be looking at
themselves in the mirror and be unable to tell whether they
just shaved off their beard or they've gone a month without
shaving it. Fortunately, this disease is less common in men
than women. Unfortunately, it is more common in dwarves.

39 Puffs - Fungi based parasite. Creature becomes infected after

inhaling airborne spores. First sign of symptoms appears to
be nothing more than mild acne. Soon, several of the 'zits'
begin to grow larger. Not unnaturally large for such
blemishes. Finally, a single 'puff' quickly grows to the size of a
grape and bursts into a small cloud of spores that quickly
spread in a breeze, infecting those around the host, as well as
leaving a large 'pockmark' in it's place. The fungus, while
growing inside the host, causes ever growing feelings of loss
and loneliness, pushing the host to seek out more and more
companionship. If the fungus is allowed to reach fruition and
spore, the sense of loneliness transitions into a permanent
and inconsolable state of depression.

40 Tiny Devil - when having an unprotected sexual intercourse

with dwarfes you have a 35% possibility of getting this
disease. Tieflings and succubusses are immune to this
disease. Dwarfes do not suffer the effects of this disease but
can infect other humanoids. If you have the Tiny Devil, your
skin becomes very dry and making Athletics checks,
Acrobatics checks and Dex sabing throws gives you 1d4
slashing damage(little wounds forms on your limbs, they can
be cured only by magic). If you are a male, your ding ding
dong burns very bad(no damage suffered unless you have
sex. If so you take 1d4 fire damage per minute). To get rid of
this disease: female: this disease will go away in 1d12 months.
male: you need to cut your THING of infect 4d10 humanoids
with this disease.
Die Result
Roll Death Luck - if you fail a saving throw with a 1 you have 10%
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chance of getting this disease(1d100, from 90-100). While you
Search are infected you produce one Wild Magic effect every 2d12
hours and your skin hardenes(you have disadvantage on Dex
checks aka all skills that count on dexterity and all saving
throws but you gain +1 to your AC). This disease is contagious
and can be transmitted through touch. It can be cured with
25 days of resting doing nothing but eating, drinking(alcohol
might help) and sleeping.

42 The Dreaded Mallergy - Few have survived the infliction of

this fabled contagion. Not much is understood about the
Mallergy, but patients are struck with a deep sense of dread
as they become bedridden and sweat constantly. 48 hours
after the disease has set in they can no longer move. If they
do not fight off the infection they succumb to asphyxiation
and perish.

43 The Wariness - PCs develop this disease though

interactions/attacks from psychic creatures. All insight checks
result in the PC believing that others are lying to or trying to
harm them.

44 The Illusionary Insomnia - The first symptom is an inability

to sleep through non magical means. After 2 days the patient
begins to hallucinate. After three days these hallucinations
begin to manifest as magical illusions. As the patient nears a
week without sleep, the illusions become more physical as
their mental state deteriorates. The user finally falling asleep
through magical means is the only known cure.

45 Marked Blood - After swimming in any sort of sewage, under

a city or in a refuse dump, microscopic creatures have
sublimated into your blood stream. They lie dormant until you
move to a different sewage system. Once there you have to
succeed in DC x wisdom saving throw or you use your action
to slash yourself till your blood pours out.

46 Wraith Eyes - The person goes blind for random d20 periods
of d10 minutes.

47 Necrotic Blight - The disease causes double the amount of

necrotic damage to be dealt to this infected person.

48 Happy Cancer - This disease causes people to slowly die over

a d20 period of days. At the end the infected is over joyed
with the sweet release of death.

49 Ogre Poisoning - Turns the infected humanoid into a Ogre

after d20 days of being infected without treatment.
50 Result
Winter Insomnia - When the temperature around the
Roll infected person drops below fifty degrees, the person will 7/20
10/27/2020 [Lets Build] Diseases : d100

pass out and won't awake until the temperature increases.

51 Hostile Cough - When someone infected coughs on another
humanoid who isn't infected that person becomes hostile
toward the person who coughed on them.

52 Soft Bones - The player's AC drops two points until cured.

53 Golden Tumor - The tumor starts as a small gold tumor then

advances to the rest of the body. Once the disease has ran its
course the subjects body is completely made of gold. Bet you
didn't known were gold coins came from.

54 Swamp Rage - Pissed off about swamp people.

55 Beer Depression - When the infected person drinks more

than 2d6 cups of beer they become depressed for 4d4 hours.

56 Demon Ears - This person can only hear what demons tell it.

57 Zombie Delirium - Becomes Delirious about the undead.

58 Rabbit Panic - This person can't eat rabbit without being

panicked for 2d8 hours.

59 Hemophilia - double bleed damage

60 Tetanus - disadvantage on dex throws after 1 day, total

paralysis after 4 days, death check every day after the 7th day

61 Creeping cough - disadvantage on infiltration throws

62 Spasm of The Entrails - the PC cannot regenerate health by

eating and resting, can be caught when fighting against
animal abominations

63 Skin Rose - a red mark that slowly spread around a wound

like a flower, after 2 weeks spawns little parasites that will
drain the PC of his energy (disadvantage on CON throws). the
pattern has to be burned deeply to kill the parasites. Take
care of your handsome heroes

64 Leprosis - the PC's skin start to slowly deteriorate and

wounds don't cicatrize anymore, the PC also becomes slowly
immune to physical pain.

65 Narcoleprosy - Your limbs and digits have an extreme

tendency to fall asleep in relaxing conditions. If left untreated,
your arms, legs, fingers, and toes can become shortened and
deformed, as cartilage is absorbed into the body.

66 Humanoid Immunodeficiency Virus - The diseased person

suffers general flu-like symptoms (runny nose, coughing,
aches in joints) for a few days that eventually pass. The true
Die Result
danger of this disease comes later. If the underlying virus is
left untreated, the affected's immune system degrades 8/20
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y g
tremendously, temporarily losing one ability point in
Constitution each month until the disease is treated, gaining
all lost Constitution back on the next long rest. If left
untreated, the affected will also suffer a permanent level of
exhaustion every 6 months that does not go away even after
the disease is treated.

67 Arboreal Petrification, or The Dryad's Rot - They say to slay

a dryad is bad luck. But killing a dryad who is ill or favored by
the gods will surely inflict this disease should any of her sap
touch your skin. First, blindness and deafness slowly takes
you, soon followed by sluggishness and fatigue. Then, your
body begins to painfully turn, inside out, into the hard, coarse
bark of an old dying tree. Your body rejects food, so you begin
to starve. You require ten times the amount of water you
normally do, or you will die of thirst. Your limbs become too
heavy to move and your skin takes the flaky, layered
appearance of wood chips. Your throat will eventually become
thick and you will die of asphyxiation, and finally your body
will be grown over with bark, and you will become a
misshapen pile of vile sap and wood.

68 Hairasite - Many of the entities hairs have been replaced by

long, light worms, latching on to the victim’s scalp.
Disadvantage on all charisma checks until the victim takes fire
damage or is magically healed.

69 Involuntary Mirror Touch Synthesia - Whenever the victim

sees someone take damage, they take 1d4 psychic damage. If
the victim is the one attacking, they take an additional 1d4+1

70 Chronic Shrinking - A possible effect of transmutation magic

gone wrong. The victim shrinks to one half their previous
height every week until cured. This disease is contagious if
anyone is near the victim for an extended period of time.

71 Grave Grub - In infection given from maggots that have

grown inside an undead creature that were transferred to a
living humanoid during some close-quarters encounter.
Causes the infected to make a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw, on a failure the infected's movement is reduced by
half, their Constitution & Charisma score lower by 1 point and
and they get Disadvantage on Persuasion checks due to
visible greenish rot growing out of their ears, mouth, nostrils,
and eye sockets. Every midnight they can make another
Constitution saving throw, if they fail 3 in a row the humanoid
suffers the effects permanently.
72 Result
Magic Allergy - You experience a mild allergic reaction to
Roll prolonged exposure to anything even slightly magical. "Oh is 9/20
10/27/2020 [Lets Build] Diseases : d100

that an achoo everburning torch? achoo"

73 Cheatersbane - you vomit vigorously when attempting
sexual contact. May be made to explicitly allow intimacy with
one particular person. Intended for suspicious spouses, but
accidentally found a cult following among emetophiles.

74 Noblewind - you fart uncontrollably, but it smells sweet.

Everybody notices.

75 Polychromia - each of your eyes view the world as if through

a randomly-colored sheet of glass. Every day, the colors

76 Bard's Revenge - your ears constantly hear a repeating brief


77 The Twisted Tongue - The patient begins to swear and insult

others by chance. They can't controll it.

78 The Paralyzed Tongue - The patient is not able to move his

tongue while talking. Very often they let their tongue stick out
to of their mouth get rid of their pain too.

79 The Shaking Parrot - Whenever a trigger word comes up

during a conversation (said by the patient or someone else).
The patient repeats the word out loud. Sometimes they
repeat the trigger word combined with a whole sentence
(always the same). While they are triggered they jump around
or shake their body or repeat one specific movement again
and again.

80 The Soldier's Fear - Whenever fear or high stress manifests

in the mind of a warrior they begin to see illusions. If the
fighter spots an enemy his will is testet (DC10 or DC15 if the
infection is older that 2 weeks). If his mind fails he sees
multiple enemys or enemys in a different more dangerous

81 The Golden Vision - One becomes obsessed with gold. The

patient recognises the true worth of everything. They try to
take possession of everything valuable to sell it for gold. They
stop at nothing. They steal or use force. However if they get
only a glace on gold pieces they lose the ability to count and
just want to take the money with them and leave. They often
begin to store their gold in a hidden place or bury it.

82 Oil of Ferrosix - Slowly turns those infected into mindless

Warforged. Highly contagious but can be cured or halted by
golems and Warforged.
Die Result
83 Animaseperatism - Over the course of 1d6 days, your soul
slowly exits the body. Over this time you may lose interest in a 10/20
y y [Lets Build] Diseases y: d100 y
hobby or lose motivation in fighting the big bad, it can be
stopped if you meet a cleric fast enough, but if not, you must
acquire a vessel for the soul and roll disadvantage on all skill
checks for 1d6 days.

84 Cephalogorgonism - colloquially referred to as getting

medusaed, your hair turns to snake (yes all hair). The only
known treatments are a buzzcut or using a lot of shampoo.

85 Medusa Rash - A slow growing petrification. Lasting as short

a month to as long as several years the rash will slowly spread
causing the flesh to turn to stone. The disease is 100% fatal
with the disadvantages becoming more pronounced as full
limbs become petrified.

86 The Vanishing Plague - Turns people invisible, highly


87 Tinder Sickness - Gives you a dry cough and vulnerability to

fire damage, you explode if you are dropped to zero hit points
by fire damage.

88 Slime stomach - A slime is in your stomach. It could have

crawled in when you were sleeping, or maybe it was a spore
in something you ate. It causes major pain, gives you bad acid
reflux, and devours your food, leaving you malnourished. The
only known solution is to swallow baking powder and pray to
a god of healing.

89 Burning passion - A magical disease that causes you to get

burns whenever you do something you love. first degree for
eating your favorite food. Second degree for practicing your
hobby. Third degree when you express love to your closest

90 Frogtongue - The afflicted's tongue gradually becomes

malleable and sticky, like a ball of taffy, and the afflicted
gradually loses the ability to pronounce words and enunciate.
At its most advanced stages, the tongue can be protruded
and retracted exactly as a frog's tongue, and the afflicted
loses the ability to speak. Other symptoms include a craving
for flies and an undying hatred for the wizard that crafted this

91 Mindbane - A magic psychic ailment passed by proximity with

the afflicted, Mindbane shows those suffering it The Things
Man Was Not Meant To See. Early stages of this ailment only
seep into feverish nightmares, but later stages show
unrelenting visions causing dissociation from reality,
Die Result
permanent psychosis, and even apparent death from insanity.
Roll This ailment can arise organically from contact with certain 11/20
10/27/2020 [Lets Build] Diseases : d100

creatures from outside the mortal world.

92 Green-Skinned Death - This disease causes the unfortunate
afflicted's bones to decay inside their bodies, becoming brittle
and snapping with regular usage and movement. The one
tell-tale sign is that the afflicted's skin develops a pale green
hue from the decay. The most common forms of death from
this ailment are high blood toxicity and internal bleeding from
a bone shard rupturing a vital organ.

93 Bloodfungus - A parasitic mushroom spread by internal

contact with spores, bloodfungus grows mycelium
throughout the mortal body, feeding on the nutrients passed
through the digestive tract and blood stream. After two
months of relatively silent incubation, the mycelium will
flower, bursting small fruiting-body stalks the size of an index
finger from the skin along the afflicted's appendages, which
flower in a day and quickly begin to release spores. Further,
the mortal's nervous system is affected, producing extreme
anxiety unless they seek out contact with other mortals.

94 Devil Rot - A horrible disease caused by contact with devils

and demons, the vicitm's flesh becomes hotter and hotter to
the touch. While victims eventually spontaneously combust,
in the meantime they gain resistance to fire and their touch
does an additional 1d6 heat damage.

95 Moor plague - An unplesant illness caused by scratches and

cuts in foul swamps, this illness slowly turns the victim's skin
green; additionally, the victim begins to emit the most
unpleasant stench. Victims are Slowed while suffering this

96 Salt plague - This unpleasant disease feeds on the victim's

salt levels. The victim eventually loses her humanity as her
salt cravings become so intense that she becomes violent,
seeking the salty blood of other victims.

97 White Fog - This illness attacks the eyes of the patient, slowly
eroding his vision. Patients tend to see an increasingly
opaque white fog obscuring their vision. Victims are Blind
while suffering this disease.

98 Wyrm Flu - Supposedly an illness originally suffered by great

dragons, this injury-transmitted disease is often suffered by
those who survive attacks by wyrms and similar creatures.
Victims are fatigued while suffering this disease.

99 Dragon fever - A magical disease contracted by being near

Die Draconic influences for far too long. The symptoms start as a
Roll simple change in the eyes, making them take the look of a
d b t th
th th t th it tf l fi If t 12/20
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dragon, but other than that the paitent feels fine. If not
Search treated then the second stage of the sickness begins, the
patient becomes near obsessed with wealth and money, and
will do anything to get it even at the expense of others. This
may be subtle at first but once the third phase begins most
people know exactly what has happened. The final phase
involves a fever that if not treated constantly can kill the
paitent. However if this last phase is survived, the patient
finds themselves with some sign of Draconic nature, like
horns or a small scales on parts of the body.

100 Qi Disconnect Disorder - You have advantage on physical

skills made with just the right side of the body, disadvantage
on all other attacks and skill checks. Cure with 1d4 days of

Special thanks to u/dndspeak, u/L2pZehus, u/OptimumTurner,

u/FlannelViolin, u/Jacknerik, u/Nny7229, u/ApertureJunkieZA,
u/TheTwoHandedGuy, u/Lucid_Ulfhedinn, u/Kodiologist, u/-Brigand-,
u/buddychrist627, u/ABAKES7, u/Courtholomew, u/DonkeyGuy,
u/polaroid_ninja, u/Thatyahoo, u/michaelweil, u/Andrewx8,
u/branman6875, u/Grim_Darkwatch, u/send_your_fave_song,
u/ThePragmaticPimp, u/Patergia, u/definitely_joe, u/HiveMindRock,
u/AEP1C, u/o11c, u/Bubby211, u/Jarek86, u/LordOph, Retiopot and

 51 Comments  Share  98% Upvoted

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 Patergia 2 points · 2 years ago

 The Vanishing Plague: Turns people invisible, highly


Tinder Sickness: Gives you a dry cough and vulnerability to fire

damage, you explode if you are dropped to zero hit points by
fire damage.

 Hwga_lurker_tw 2 points · 2 years ago

 Oil of Ferrosix: Slowly turns those infected into mindless

Warforged. Highly contagious but can be cured or halted by
golems and Warforged. 13/20
10/27/2020 [Lets Build] Diseases : d100


AEP1C 2 points · 2 years ago · edited 2 years ago

The soldiers fear: Whenever fear or high stress manifests in the
mind of a warrior they begin to see illusions. If the fighter
spots an enemy his will is testet (DC10 or DC15 if the infection
is older that 2 weeks). If his mind fails he sees multiple enemys
or enemys in a different more dangerous form.

The golden vision: One becomes obsessed with gold. The


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