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Body of the Research paper:..............................................................................................2
What part do inequality and discrimination play in our society?......................................3
Real life events that inequality is visible...........................................................................4
What to do if we are victims of discrimination?...........................................................6
What causes people to discriminate?.............................................................................6
Personal reflection.............................................................................................................7

 Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Comprehensive Edition v2.0 by Steven E.
Inequality in the United States

Many topics are discussed among society, inequality is one of the topics that

cause more noise in society nowadays. We hear discussions about inequality every day,

whether it is on the news or the internet. We can see inequality when it comes to racism,

age, or even gender. These three things are very present in today’s society, every day we

see people being judged because of their race, because they are too old or too young to

do something, or just because they don't have the perfect genre for a job or to practice a


Body of the Research paper:

 First part: Introduction to my thesis

 Second part: What part do inequality and discrimination play in our society?

 Third part: Real life events that inequality is visible

 Fourth part: Discrimination

 Fifth part: Conclusion and personal reflection

 Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Comprehensive Edition v2.0 by Steven E.

Discrimination is an action or omission that treats a person or group of people

differently (inferiorly) because of their belonging to a particular race, color, sex,

nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or another factor. The

crime of discrimination occurs whenever there is the formation of organizations or the

dissemination to the public of materials that incite discrimination, hatred, or violence

against a person or group of persons because of their race, color, ethnic or national

origin, religion, sex or sexual orientation.

What part do inequality and discrimination play in our society?

This type of discrimination is very present in our daily lives, we can see cases of

discrimination in the newspaper or on television, on the street, or even in the courts.

This topic is discussed by everyone in the world and often generates controversy when a

different opinion is heard. Discrimination is not something that people know from birth,

discrimination is a topic that is taught as people grow up and by the society, they are

involved in. As one of my source’s quotes “Most Americans say, as a country, we have

yet to achieve racial equality. Roughly six in ten (61%) say that our country needs to

continue making changes for blacks to have equal rights with whites, while 30% say we

have made the changes needed to bring about equality. Blacks and Hispanics are

 Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Comprehensive Edition v2.0 by Steven E.
particularly likely to say more work is needed to achieve racial equality, although more

whites also say this is the case than say enough changes have been made. Looking

ahead, about four in ten (43%) blacks are skeptical that the country will ever make the

changes needed for blacks to achieve equal rights with whites. Far lower shares among

whites (11%) and Hispanics (17%) are doubtful that these changes will eventually take

place.” This topic has to be studied a lot, but it has to be solved immediately to achieve

social harmony so that we can live in a peaceful world where color, gender, and

ethnicity are not a reason for mistrust and contempt.

Real-life events that inequality is visible

A much talked about case of discrimination in recent times was the case of

George Floyd. George Floyd had been infected with coronavirus, fired from his job as a

consequence of the pandemic, and died under the knee of a white police officer. The

story of this 46-year-old man, whose name and agony went around the world, is lost in

the jungle of statistics that tell what it means to be black in America today. Half a

century after the demise of segregation laws, more than 150 years after the abolition of

slavery, and reaching milestones as symbolic as the election of an African-American

president, whites and blacks do not live the same life and, in many cases, literally do not

inhabit the same piece of land.

On the other hand, social inequality has been present in our society from very

early on and is most common when it comes to people having different salaries when

they have the same kind of job. Generally, a man is paid much more than a woman

doing the same job. This kind of thing also happens when it comes to race. For example,

 Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Comprehensive Edition v2.0 by Steven E.
a white man is paid more than a black man and at this point, these kinds of attitudes are

completely unacceptable. We live in a society in which we are evolving in many terms,

but terms like this are put on the back burner and no one wants to discuss them so that

there are no conflicts and cutbacks in some world interests. As one of my sources quotes

“sociologists recognize that social stratification is a society-wide system that makes

inequalities apparent. While there are always inequalities between individuals,

sociologists are interested in larger social patterns. Stratification is not about individual

inequalities, but about systematic inequalities based on group membership, classes, and

the like. No individual, rich or poor, can be blamed for social inequalities. The structure

of a society affects a person’s social standing. Although individuals may support or

fight inequalities, social stratification is created and supported by society as a whole.”

These two topics are very delicate to talk about, but if all this is well discussed

and planned, we can reach a social harmony, a harmony that would allow us to live in a

peaceful world where we are not judged by our appearance.


Discriminatory behavior can be overt but is usually subtle. They can be

expressed through comments, jokes, a derogatory image conveyed towards a group, by

insults, discrimination in employment or housing, with physical assaults...

Suffering from discrimination is a painful experience that can have important

consequences for physical and mental health, as well as for our self-esteem and well-

being. The discomfort it causes can manifest itself as physical discomfort or bodily

 Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Comprehensive Edition v2.0 by Steven E.
If we experience this repeatedly, we may even end up disengaging from the host

society and withdrawing from our group. We also run the risk of developing prejudices

around us. We may go so far as to hastily and wrongly accuse another person of

discrimination or racism. The frustration and sense of failure that we may feel in the

face of certain difficulties can cause us to lose judgment or to ignore the degree of our

personal responsibility.

The feeling of being recognized and appreciated with our cultural identity is

important for integration. It strengthens self-esteem and facilitates the use of native

cultural contributions as an asset in relationships with others and in life in the host


What to do if we are victims of discrimination?

If we feel rejected, or discriminated against because of our origins, we should

not hesitate to seek support and to tell someone not to keep this wound within us.
It is important to be proud of our cultural origins and to encourage others to
respect our customs in the same way that we have sought to respect the customs of
others. By cultivating our sense of identity and belonging to our cultural group, within
which we feel valued, we will feel stronger to face the negative impact of possible

What causes people to discriminate?

Faced with the difference and complexity of the things around us we are all driven

to categorize. This allows us to simplify the world and to give opinions easily, but also
 Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Comprehensive Edition v2.0 by Steven E.
to satisfy our need for explanations about the events around us and to maintain a

positive image of our group. So anyone can attribute a characteristic to a whole group of

people, using preconceived ideas and stereotypes.

Or, by having a negative judgment about culture, there is a risk of judging a person

from that culture based on his or her belonging and without taking into account his or

her individual particularities. Judgment about culture can influence opinion and lead to

discriminatory behavior.

Why does this happen? In situations where people are divided into groups, they

resort to strategies to preserve a positive image of their own group. They are mostly

forced to use negative judgments when they feel threatened or insecure. This can

happen because of negative experiences in the past, or because of a lack of contact with

and knowledge of the other culture. Another reason is the impression that one's own

values may be endangered by the way others approach life.

These ways of thinking are not always voluntary and conscious, but it is

indispensable to be aware of them in order to overcome them. Avoiding prejudices,

which we can all have, requires awareness and work on ourselves. If we make an effort

to keep our distance from the use of generalizations and judgments, as well as putting

ourselves in the other's position, we end up with greater neutrality and openness to see a

person as an individual and not as a member of a group. We cannot really be interested

in the other person without putting aside the prejudices that blind us and influence the

relationship without us realizing it. Instead of focusing on the differences, it can help to

see the similarities between ourselves and the other.

 Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Comprehensive Edition v2.0 by Steven E.
Fear, judgment, and discrimination do not contribute to overall and individual well-

being. Cultivating a spirit of openness and enrichment by multiple knowledge and

discovering each other's particularities are precious resources for our life in the

community and for everyone's quality of life.

Personal reflection

With this paper, I wanted to show how difficult it is to discuss this topic. With

this work, I was able to learn a little about American history and concepts. Being

Portuguese, I didn't have this view of inequality, because in my country we don't have

this kind of problem. The case of George Floyd would be impossible in Portugal, I can't

imagine the shame I would feel if this kind of thing happened in my country. I think that

this country, being one of the most developed countries in the world, should set an

example on these issues.

 Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Comprehensive Edition v2.0 by Steven E.

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