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History of Computer Graphics

 Computer Graphics (CG) was first developed as a visualization tool. Computer

CHAPTER I graphics were basically introduced for scientists and engineers in government and
corporate research centers, i.e., Bell Labs and Boeing in the 1950s.
 After then the tools would be developed at Universities in the 60s and 70s at places,
Computer Graphics i.e., Ohio State University, MIT, University of Utah, Cornell, North Carolina, and
the New York Institute of Technology. The computer graphics are invented by
researchers Verne Hudson and William Fetter of Boeing. It is often brief as
 Brief History of Computer Graphics computer graphics.
 The early development that took place in academic centres continued at research
centres such as the famous Xerox PARC in the 1970?s. These achievements broke
 3D Graphics Techniques and Terminology first into broadcast video graphics and then major motion pictures in the late 70?s
and early 1980?s.
 Common Uses of Computer Graphics  Computer graphic research continues still today around the world. Companies such
as Industrial Light and Magic by George Lucas are regularly refining the cutting
edge of computer graphic technology to present the world with a new manufactured
 Examples of application areas digital reality.

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We can understand it by the following steps:  1956: Lawrence Livermore labs associate graphics display with IBM 704 and film
recorder for color images.
 1940-1941: The first directly digital computer-generated graphics that would
 Bertram Herzog uses analog computers to create CRT graphics in the behavior of
associate with today as being actual CG. The very first radiosity image was invented
military vehicles at the University of Michigan computing center.
at MIT in the 1940s.
 1957: In the National Bureau of Standards first image-processed photo was used.
 1946: The images were first presented at the 1946 national technical conference of
 The IBM 740 created a sequence of points on a CRT monitor to represent lines and
the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. shapes.
 1948: The images were published in the book: Lighting Design by Moon and D. E.  1958: Steven Coons, Ivan Sutherland, and Timothy Johnson started working with
Spencer. 1948. the TX-2 computer system to manipulate the drawn pictures.1959: The first
commercial film recorder produced in San Diego, CA.
 1950: John Whitney Sr. invents his computer-assisted mechanisms to create some
of his graphic artwork and short films.  Don Hart and Ed Jacks invented the first computer-aided drawing system at General
Motors Research Laboratory and IBM.
 1951: Vectorscope computer graphics display on the computer at MIT.
 1960: William Fetter was first termed “Computer Graphics” for cockpit drawing.
The General Motors Research Laboratory also begins the study of computer-aided
 John Whitney Sr. invents motion graphics in LA.
graphical design applications.
 1962: In MIT Lincoln Laboratory Ivan Sutherland produced a man-machine
 1955: Sage system uses the first light pen as an input device at MIT Lab by Bert
3 graphical communication system. 4
 1963: An analog computer was developed by Charles Csuri and used to transform a  1978: For the mechanical Universe Jim Blinn produced the first series of animation. Jim
Blinn has also published the technique of bump mapping.
 1979: Ray tracing created at Bell Laboratory & Cornell University.
 Edgar Horwood introduced a computer graphics mapping system which is used by
U. S. Housing and urban development.  1980: The first digital computer was used in computer graphics in the Digital Equipment
 1965: IBM 2250, the first graphics computer available.
 1981: The making of computer graphics for IMAX film format is done by Nelson Max at
 1966: Ralph Baer developed the first consumer computer graphics game, Lawrence Liver more National Laboratory. The Donkey Kong video game was introduced by
“Odyssey.” Nintendo.

 1968: Tony Pritchett made the first computer animation “FLEXIPEDE” in the UK.  1982: The first broad use of 3D graphics animation was done in Disney featured film.

 1972: Nolan Bushnell, “the father of Electronic games,” developed PONG game.  AutoCAD 1.0 is launched-It is only used for wire frame representation.
 1985: Medical imaging software combined with Voxel technology.
 1973: The concept of Z-buffer algorithm and texture mapping were developed by
Edwin Catmull.  1987: Video graphics array (VGA) standard was introduced.

 1974: The Phong shading method is developed by Phong Bui-Toung.  1989: Super video graphics array (SVGA) was recommended. Tim Berners Lee developed
the first website ever, which has the original URL (Universal resource locator).
 1975: Dr. Edwin Catmull introduced the Tween animation system.
 1993: Mosaic, the web browser was released by UIUC for general usage. The Codename of
 1976: The first 3D appearance film was created by Gary Demos, John Whitey Jr. at mosaic was “Mozilla.”
Triple-I. 5 The Mosaic, the first web browser was released. First public call made by cell phone. 6

 1994: Netscape founded by developers of the Mosaic. 3D GRAPHICS TERMS & TERMINOLOGY

 1995: First, fully CGI (Computer-generated imagery) was released. MS Internet  In order to clarify the terminology, we include here a brief overview of the key graphics
Explorer 1.0 released.
 For example, the terms 3D graphics, visualization, virtual reality, and 3D browsers for the
 2000: The first web-based CAD system Sketchup released. internet are not interchangeable, since they refer to different technologies used in different
application markets.
 2006: Google acquires Sketchup. Modeling
 2009: The state of the art of computer graphics, as of 2009, was brief in a short Computerized 3D models (of mechanical assemblies, architectural concepts, animated virtual
video. worlds, human organs, geological sites, or moving fluids) may be created using computer
aided design and animation software, reconstructed from data acquired through sensing
 2013: Now, it is possible to create graphics on a home computer. devices, or computed with simulation or analysis packages.
 2015: Big data is being used to create animations. Visualization
 2018: Now, we can create “realistic” graphics on mobile phones. We can also create The way a 3D model is rendered by an application is controlled by: the particular
a completely CGI-based human face in real-time. visualization techniques employed, by the state of an animation or simulation, and by the
user's interaction.
It is the process of automatically adjusting the positions and shapes of the various elements in
the model, so as, for example, to simulate a natural behavior or to demonstrate how a
7 computed model evolves over time. Animation often requires considerable computational 8
Uses of Computer graphics
It is the process of manually controlling the view, i.e.: the position and orientation of the
model with respect to the view point. Control mechanisms in general involve multi-
Some important benefits of Computer graphics are:
dimensional input devices (mouse, head tracker) and are most effective when the effect of a
gesture is immediate (real-time feedback) and can be anticipated (a natural, easy-to-use  Increase Productivity
 Computer graphics give us tools for creating pictures of
Given a particular interpretation and a particular view (as dictated by the visualization, solid objects as well as of theoretical, engineered objects.
animation and interaction states), the model must be rendered to produce the desired image.
 Computer graphics also point out the moving images.
Popular rendering techniques include
 The computer can store complex drawings and display
1. Shading 2.Radiosity 3. Raytracing, and 4. Volumetric visualization.
complex pictures.
Virtual Reality (VR)The promise of virtual reality technology is to enable the user to experience
and interact with computer-generated environments that seem real. Such an environment should:  Sound cards are used to make computers produce sound
change in real time, in response to a change in viewpoint or model; appear as a 3D world,
whether concrete or abstract, to our senses of vision, hearing, and touch; and respond to direct effects led to other uses of graphics.

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Applications of Computer Graphics  Medical Imaging: MRIs, CT scans, and other internal scans are
Some applications of computer graphics are mentioned below- possible because of computer graphics.
 Graphical User Interface (GUI): It is a way of interacting with a computer using  Flight Simulator: Computer graphic is used to provide training to
the icon, menu, and other visual, graphics by which user easily interacts. pilots of aircraft. The pilots give much time to a flight simulator on the
 Art: Computer Graphics provides a new way of making designs. Many artists and ground instead of real airplanes.
designers use illustrator, coral draw, Photoshop, adobe muse, and other types of
applications for creating new designs.  Printing Technology: Computer graphics are used in textile
 Entertainment: Computer graphics allow the user to make animated movies and
designing and flex printing.
games. Computer graphics are used to create scenes. Computer graphics are also  Typography: Use of character pictures to replace the rough form of
used for special effects and animations. the past in printing.
 Presentations: Computer graphics are used for making charts, bar diagrams, and
 Satellite Imaging: Computer graphics are used to forecast the
other images for the presentation purpose, with the graphical presentation the user,
can easily understand the points. movement of the cloud and to predict the weather.
 Engineering Drawings: Computer Graphics has also provided us the flexibility to  Cartography: Computer graphics are used in map drawing.
make 3D models, house circuits and engineering drawings, etc.  CAD/CAM: CAD/CAM is also known as Computer-aided design and
 Education and Training: Computer graphics are also used to provide training to computer-aided manufacturing. CAD/CAM is used to design and
students with simulators. The students can learn about the machines without
11 build prototypes, finished products, and manufacturing processes.
physically trying them. Continue…………….

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