Uni Versi Ty of The Punj Ab: Maxo Marks: 50 - Paper: 6

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UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB・・°・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・●●el

Fi nal Pr o■ A/ 2015 f・

Exami nat i on: ] Doct or of Phar macv

f Phar m. D. ) l 191∬ 91∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : : Li

Sut t eCt : COmput er and i t s Appl i cat i onsi n Phar macy TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

- Solve entire paper (both Objective and Subjective Parts) on Answer Book.
- ln case of MbQs, write the Correct Option only, cutting / overwriting is not allowed.
- There is no choice among questions; you have to attempt all questions.
- Read the Questions carefully before attempting.
- No lead pencils, only BLUE or BLACK ink is allowed to solve the paper.

f)etermine the correct option for each of the following questions. Write the Question Number and
your selected option like (A, B, C or D) in CAPITAL letters on the Answer Book only in a clear
manner. You do not need to write the question statement on the Answer Book.

Q.1. Which of the followings is an Input Device?

A. Hard Disk
B. Key Board
C. Printer
. D. Monitor

Q.2. If we increase the size of RAM, then it will reduce the usage of
B. Virtual Memory
C. Cache Memory
D. Registers

Q.3. Which Printer is an expensive one and better then from other printers in performance?
A. Dot-Matrix Printer
B. Laser Printer
C. Ink-Jet Printer
D. Thermal Printer

Q.4. The main role of data de-fragmentation is to

A. Increase the data access speed
B. Secure your data from viruses
C. Stop unauthorized use of data
D. None of the Above

Q.5. System Restore Utility can enable us to restore

A. drives data where OS is not installed
B. system state
C. your personal files
D. optiona&bboth
Page 1 of4
Q.6. Background pictures may have the following file extensions.
A. exe, doc, pdl'
B, brnp, gil; jpg
C. dll, lib, ppt
D. txt, zip

Q'7' The physical arrangement in a computer that contains the computer's basic circuitry and
components is called.
A. Processor
B. Motherboard
C. Flard Disk
perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to
the display screen. keeping hack of files and directories on tf,r disk, and contiolling peripheral devices
such as disk drives and printers.
A. Application Software
B. Operating System
C. Messaging Software
D. Management Information System

A. C++

C. Fortran

Q.10. website is one whose content is not regenerated at all a user visits or reloads the site.
A. Dynamic
B. Static
C. Informative
D. Entertainment

Q.lf . Which combination of keys can be used to align text centered in MS Word?
A. Ctrl+c
B. Ctrl+e
C. Ctrl+v
D. Ctrl+x
A. Application
B. 〕 √essagi ng
C. COmmunl cat l on
D. Devel opment

Q. 13. The allows you to copy the format setting applied to selected text to other text
MS WOr d.
A. Font
Bo Cl i pboar d
C. For mat Pai nt er
D. Desi gn

Page 2 of 4
Q.14. As you type in MS lVord, the insertion point moves automatically to the next line when you
reach the right margin is called.
A. AutoComPlete
B. Word Wrap
C. AutoCorrect
D. Spell & Grammar
Q.15. Using MS Excel when you want to preserve the exact cell address in a formula and cell
reference does not change when the formula is copied to another location is called
A. Relative Cell Referencing
B. Absolute Cell Referencing
C. Mixed Cell Referencing
D. None of the Above

Q.16. A is a built-in or predefine formula that makes it easy to perform a complex

calculation in MS Excel.
A. Label
B. Value
C. Function
D. Argument
Q.17. In a computer network, there are number of ways to join computers to speed up the performance
and fault tolerance, which are called as network.
A. Network Terminologies
B. Network Resources
C. Network Topologies
D. Network Processing

Q.18.An unintelligent network device that sends one signal to all of the connected stations is known
B. Switch
C. Bridge
D. Router

Q.19. A cable, consisting of a center glass core surrounded by layers of plastic that transmits data
using light rather than electricity is called.
A. Coaxial Cable
B. Fiber optic
C. Twisted pair Cable
D. None of the above

Q.20. resides on Layer 3 (Network Layer) of the OSI model.

B. Switch
C. Bridge
D" Router

Page 3 of 4
What i s meant b, 1薦 cr n33 Howdocs t he i nt cmct
i r npact On t he sOci O_ecOnol ni c aspect s Of Our l i ves?

What お syst e石ごDc ↓ 葛砺 ∬ ■ i t cyde( sDLC) ? Br i eny, expl ai n i t s phases.


Dei ne t heお H6高 l 高高耐

遭 ny・ Eacht em shodd bc d
ef l ncd no l l nOr e t han si x l i nes.
1. Di sk cOnt r Ol l er
3 Computer Viruses & Anti-Viruses
4. Access Time of Memory
5. Interactive Whiteboard
6. Ports and Bays in a System Unit

You havc esi t t bl i shcdr an

office o! granhic designing and you have
office. Please list down the specifications to purchase a computer for this
of th-e folo*ing a"ui.., that will fulfill your
graphic designer. needs as a
a- Processor
b. Memory
c. Input Devices
d. Storage Devices
e. Communication Devices,

Const t er ■ eお 1応 i ご Uご i t t har l nacy VoucheL
YOu ar e r ё qui r ed t O wr i t e ⅣI s Excel For mul ac bv
C° nギ de, ng t hC f O110wi ng COnst r ai nt s.

- Articlc price is a product of Rate and

- Gross Total is a sum of all articles,
- CalculateTax'o/o of Gross Total
IF Gross Total is up to Rs.g00/- otherwise Tax
Gross Total. would be l0% or.
orGross rotal IF Gross rotar is up
;Jl;:);j",[|ill[11f to Rs.600/- otherwise Discounr wourd
- Payable Amount is the calcuration
of Gross Totar, Tax and Discount.

1百 1

Page 4 of 4

Fi nal Pr o■ A/ 2016
三Rol l No。 ¨ “ "¨ ・
Exami nat i on: Doct or of Phar macv

井 ( Phar m. D。 )

Subj ect : Computer and i t s Appl i cat i ons i n Phar macy

TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

dh鉤 面Ve al d, t l bi Ct t Vet t TI PI . 全 I Wi l PT鷺

ξt t I : : l 鷺 paper ①
: i;::u:11[8ffi,;;il';J,jJil;o;,b;,'onrv, cutting i overwriring is not a[owed
- Read the Questions carefully betbre
the paper'
- No leacl pencils, onrv siuE or BLACIT|':l1i?1::,,t"1"
p軋 馨 cTⅣ■。 ツ 譜 寄 ■品 ざ
輌 灘お
l L=7' ■ 「 1 1 '
界 ‐


鷲漱: 諄_ 話

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On he Answer B00kハレOnけ
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sel ect ed opt i on l i ke( A, B, (

ent on t he Answer B00k.
You do not nced t o Wr i t e t he qucSt i On st t t el ■

Q. 1. A gr oup oF8 bi t s i s Cal l ed

A. Ni bbl e
B. Byt e
C. Gi ga Byt e
Do None of AboVe

Q。 2. Har dwar c r eた rs t o
A. CO‖ CCt i On of Pr ogr al ■ s

B. El ect r oni c and El cct r onl agnet i c Dcvi ces

C. Dat a of i nf or i nat i on
D. Any Col l ect i on of Dat a

Q. 3。 Whi Ch of t he b110wi ngs i s a Pr i mar y St Or age Devi ce?

■ 井 A. Har d Di sk
C. Fl ash USB Dr i ve

Q. 4. Whi Ch of t hc bl 10wi ng i s gencr al l y cal l ed` t Thc hear t of t he Coi nput cr "
A. Mei nor y
B. Cent r al Pr ocesSi ng Uni l
c. Har d Di sk
Do Regi st er s

Q. 5。 I f We i ncr ease t he si ze of RAM, t hen Syst em wi l l r educe t he usagC of

B, Vi r t ual Mei nor y
C, Cache MemOr y
D. Resi st er s

Q。 6. CachC Mei nOr y exi St i n

B. Har d Di sk
c. Cent r al Pr OCessi ng Uni t

Q7f 盤 me
D. Regi st er s

鼎 Ⅷ Bξ Tt t i ∬ ∬

∬f t t l bdh
Q8f 喫 =謡 l gt t Ce組
m創 0“ .

: 搬 Wmayt t et t eub面
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Page 1 of 3
D. t Xt , Zi p_二 _ _ _ ― っ

Q.9. The physical arrangelnent in a conrputer itrat contains the compruter's basic circuitrv arrd
cor.nponerlts is cal Ied.

A. Processor

B. F{ard Disk

C. Motlrerboard

Q.I0. H'[ML is a programtning language and it can be usccl for clcvcloprnerrt ol'
A. Application Software
B. Banking System
C. Websites
D. Managenrent lnfbrnration S-vsteln

Q.I l. A website is one whose content is regenerertecl every tirne a uscr visits or rcloarls (hc.sil,c.
A. lnfbrnrative
B. Entertainrnent
C. Static
D. Dyrrarnic

Q.12. What is a portion of a docutnent in whiclr yoLr set certain page tbrrnatting options'?
A. Page
B. Docunrelrt
C. Page Setup
D. Section

Q.13. The you to copy the format setting applied to selected text to other rext MS Worcl.
A. Font
B. Clipboard
C. Design
D. Format Painter
Q.14. What is gutter rnargin?
A. Margin that is added to the left nrargin when printing
B. Margin that is added to right rnargin when printing
c. Margin that is added to the outside of the page whin printirig
D. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printiirg

Q.15. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?

A. Lines and spaces
B. Layers and planes
C. Height and width
D. Rows and columns

Q'16' A is a built-irt or predefine formula that makes it easy to perform a corrplex

calculation in MS Excel.
A. Function
B. Label
C. Value
D. Argurnent

Q'17' Using MS E,xcel rvhen your want to preserve the exact cell address in a forrnula and cell refbrence
does not change when the formura is copiid to another location is called
A. Absolute Cell Referencing
B. Relative Cell Referencing
C. Mixed Cell Refbrencing
D. None of the Above


Q'18' In a computer network, there are number of ways to join computers to speed up the performance
and fault tolerance, which are calle<J as network.
A. Network Topologies
B. Netrvork -ferminologies
C. Netlvork Resources
D. Netlvork Processing
Page 2 of 3

data to its correct destination on a network.

A. Router
L B. Firewall
ヽ C. Modenr
D. Multiplcxer

Q.20. A cable, consisting of a center glass core surrounded by layers of plastic that transmits data using
light rather than electricity is called.
A. Fiber optic
B. CoarialCable
C. Twisted pair Cable
D. None of the above

What is lnearnt by Internet? Flow does the internet impact on the socio-economic aspects of our lives?

01“ 111, ■ ││二 : │││"百 雌 1

What i s Syst ei ns Devc10pi nent Li f c Cycl c( SDLC) ?Br i eny, cxpl ai n i t s phases.

V口 9, 119, 11==: : 漱 夕l Ч t t y, r ド
Dcni l c t he f 。 │l ov/ 11l g t er nl s br
' 1i eny. Each t er i n shoul d be den1l ed n。 : 1l or e t ha1l si x l i ncs.
l. Disk Controller
2. Interactive Whiteboard
3. Ports and Bays in a System Unit
1. Disk Dettagmentation
6. Name any five soltware applications for data analysis

Define Local Area'Network (LAN) & Wide Area Netrvork (WAN), also draw sarnplc l,AN

Consider the fbllowing UCP Pharmacy Voucher. You are required to write MS Excel Fornrutac by
considering the lbllowing constraints.
- Article Price is a product of Rate and Quantity
- Cross Total is il sunl of all articles' prices.
- C:tltulatc'l'nx 3oh oF Closs 'fotal lF Cross Total is up to Rs.l000/- othenvise'['ax wogltl lrc 7%r.l'
Cross T'otal.
- Calculate Discount YYo of Cjross Total lF Gross Total is up to tts.li00/- otherrvise Discoupt rvoLrlcl
be 12% of Cross "[otal.
- Payablc Anrount is the calculation of cross Total, lrax and Discount.

7b 6
3i J ■ ■

Gross Total
鼻   ︶
′  ヽ

Page 3 of 3
Fi nal Pr o■ 2ndノ 、/ 2016
!ol lRotlNo......................
aa aa aa aaat aaataa
: aaoe

in PharmacY TI PI E ALLOWED: 3 hr s.
Subj eCt : Computer and its ApPlications MARKS: 50

Parts) on Answer Book'
- Solve entire paper (both objective and Subiective
cutting i overwriting is not allowed'
- case of MCQs, write the'correct option only,
- Read the Questions carefirlly before attempting'
to soive the paper'
- No lead pencils, only BLUE or BLACK ink is allowed
ewvぃ 与,LI 胤 : 鳳 I t t I よ ふ│: t 滝 : 息 : : 息 ゛i l 鳥 ‐6Ⅲ
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。k onl y i n a cl ear nl annCr .
sel cct ed opt i on l i ke( A, B, C Or D) .i n CAPI TAL, 1_l et t cr s on t he Answer Bo
稀「∬話籠 ∴ お
A^^… ^_D^^1´
: j ‐ : U高 t e i e quは n st t t ement on t hc Answer B00k.

Q. 1. A CPU COnt ai ns
A. a car d r eader and a pr i nt i ng devi Ce
B. an anal yt i cal engi ne and a cOnt r ol uni t
C. a cont r ol uni t and an ar i t hmet i c l ogi c uni t
D. an ar i t hi n, t i c l ogi c uni t and a car d r cader

Q. 2. CD‐ ROM st andS f Or

A. COl η pact abl e Rcad Oni y N4el l l or y
B. Col l l pact Dat a Rcad Onl y Mcl l 10r y
C. Col ■ pact Di sk Rcad Onl y Mel ■ Or y
D. Col ■ pact abl e Di sk Read Onl y Nl emOr y

Q. 3. VGA i s
A. Vi deo Gr aphi cs Ar r ay
B. Vi sual Cr aphi cs Ar r ay
C. Vi deo Gr aphi cs Adapt er
D. VOl at i l e Gr aphi cs Ar r ay
Q。 4. A no日 ■ al CD― ROM usual l y can st or e up t o
A. 680 KB
B. 680Bメ CS
C. 680 MB
D. 680 GB
f r agi nent at i on i S tO
Q. 5. Thel ■ ai n r ol e of dt t a dc―
A. Secur e your dat a f r om vi r uscs
B. St op unaLi t l 10r i zed t i Se of dat a
C. I nCr ease t he dat a acceSS Spced
D. None of t he AboVe
Page 1 0f 4


Q.6. Systern Restore Utility can enable us to restore

A. drives data where OS is not installed
B. yourpersonal tiles
C. optiona&bboth
D. systern state
f Q'7' The physical arrangement in a conrputer that contains the cornputer,s. basic circuitry a: l d
components is called. ´

A. Processor
B. Hard Disk
D. Motherboard

Q.8. Background pictures may have the foilowing fi[e extensions.

A. exe, doc, pdf
B. dll, Iib, ppt
C. txt, zip
D. bnrp, gif, jpg

Q'9'..----is a progmmming language and it can be used for developnrent

of Websites.
A. C++
B. Fortran
q't9' A^-_...-.-.- website is one whose content is regenerated at all a user visits or reloacJs the
A. Static sitc.
B. lnfornrative
C. Entertainment
D. Dyrramic

Q.11. Flow to use Fornrat painter multiple times

A. By click orr lock format paintericon
B. By double click on the format painter icon
C. By selecting Edit -> format painter _> multiple use
D. Fonnat painter cannot be use nrultiple times

Q.12. Microsoft Word is a very common example of software.

A. Messaging
B. Application
C. Commrrnication
D. Development

Q.13. what is the defaurt font used in MS word 2007 document?

A. Times New Roman
B. Calibri
C. Arial
D. Preeti

Page 2 of 4
′ 、
As you type in MS word, the insertion ,or.,
the right nrargirr is called.
oo,n, automatically to the next line when you reach

A. AutoCornplete
B. Word Wrap
C. AutoCorrect

D. Spell & Granlnar

Q.15. Gettirrg data ti'om a cell located in a ditfer.ent sheet is called..,.

A. Accessing
B. Referencing
C. Updating
D. Functioning

Q'16' A is a builrin or predefine formula that makes it easy to perfornr a complex

calculatiorr in MS Excel.
A. Function
B. Label
C. Value
D. Argument

Q'17' In a computer network. there are number of ways to join conrputers to speed up the perfonnance
and fault tolerance, which are called as Network
A. Topologies
B. Ternrinologies
C. Resources
D. Processing

Q'18' An unirrtelligent network device that sends one signal to all of the connected stations is knor,v, as.
B. Switch
C. Bridge
D. Router

Q'19' A cable, consisting of a center glass core surrounclecl by layers of plastic that transmits data usi. ,

light rather than electricity is called

A. Fiber optic
B. Coaxial Cable
C. Twisted pair Cable
D. None of the above

Q.20. resides on Layer 3 (Network Layer) of the OSI moc1el.

A. Router
C. Switch
D. Bridge

Page 3 of 4

∼ t heこ
be used to enhance tlre perfornrance of a pharmaceutical
れ Xt t ξ
百も 6mput cr t echnoЮ gy

e騰 帥 ∝n蹴 山

辮 ‰ 鮮蒲 菫 闇 誡 m町 ∝ ぃJ t t cr mdJ 山 面騰 山C dt t К

Processing and Real-'time Processing'

bど 衛Aも t hど f ol 10wi ng t er ms br i eny. Each term should be defined no more than six lines'
l. Disk Controller
2, ROM & RAM
3. Computer Viruses & Anti-Viruses
4. Access Time of MemorY
5. lnteractive Whiteboard
6. Ports and BaYs in a SYstern Unit

1早Ч ツ ■‐l i =l i l せ Ч脇■■ ■

l or t hi s ol l l cc.

' ' リ ' I nε

Yot i have est abl i shed an of ncc Of gr aphi c desi gni ng and you haVe t o pur chasc a col l l put c「
vi ng dcvi ces t hat Wi l l f Ll l nH yoLl r nCedS as a gl ・
aphi c
Pl easc l i st do、 vn t he speci ncat i ons of t he f ol l o、
dcsi gner .
a. Pr ocessor
b. Mel ■ or y
C. I npLi t I ) evi ccs
d. St or age Dcvi ces
e. Coi l anl uni cat i on D3Vi CeS

i t t m… ほ wt t ar e r ccl 山 Ю面 にMSt t d b… my


Fn露 肝∫譜1蝋 ‰ at t Qumt t y

― Gr oss Tot al i s a sunl of aH al t i cl es' pr i ccs.

― Cal cul at e Tax 5%of Gr oss Tot al I F Gr oss Tot al i s up t o Rs. 800/ ‐ ot her wi se Tax WOul d be 10%ol `
Gr oss Tot al .
‐ Cal cul at e Di scount 8%of Gr oss Tot al I F Gr oss Tot al i s up t o Rs. 600/ ― ot her 、 vi se Di scount woul ( │

be 120/ O of Gr oss Tot al .

― Payabl e Amoul l t i S t he cal cul at i on oFGr oss Tot al , Tax and Di scount .

4 Panadole

Page 4 of 4
^ 、
aoaaat oaotoa aa t aatooaata aa

Final Prof: Annual - 20L7 aa

Examination: Doctor of Pharmacy I Roil No. .....................
laa aa aa aatataaraol
o al a a ato

Subject: Computer and its Applications in Pharmacy TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

- Solve entire paper (both objective and Subjective Parts) on Answer Book.
- In case of MCQs, write the Correct Option only, cutting / overwriting is not allowed.
- There is no choice among questions, you have to attempt all questions.
- Read the Questions carefully before attempting.
- No lead pencils, only BLUE or BLACK ink is allowed to solve the paper.

(A, B, C or D) in CAPITAL letters on the Answer Book only in a clear manner.
selected option like
You do not need to write the question statement on the Answer Book.

Q.1.A CPU contains

A. a card reader and a printing device
B. an analyical engine and a control unit
C. a control unit and an arithmetie logic unit
D. an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader

Q.2. is the processed and organized data presented in a meaning form.

A. Data

B. Information
C. Byte
D. None of Above

Q.3. Software is the part that tells the computer how to do its job.
A. Tangible
B. Non-Tangible
C. tnvisible
D. None of Above

Q.4. A byte can store

A. Alphabet
B. Special Character
C. Space
D. All of Above

Q.5. Hardware refers to

A. Collection of Programs
B. Electronic and Electromagnetic Devices
C. Data of Information
D. Any Collection of Data
Page 1 of 4

Q. 6。 Whi Ch Of t he f 01l oWi ngs i S a Pr i mar y St 9r ag, Devi C, ? │

ム Har d Di sk ‐
3・ RAM :
` D‐_FlCPU
ash USB Dr i ve
e uSaま of
Q. 7. r wc hc"ぉ e● eSセ
eOf RAM, ぬ enSyst Ⅲ Wmr ed“ e■
A. ROM ‐ 1 f
B. Vi r t ual Memor y
C. CaChe MemOr y
D. Regi st er s

Q. 8. Whi Ch Of t hc f Ol l oWi ng i s gener al l y Cal l ed` The br ai n Of t he COmput er ' :

A. NI l emOr y
B. Cent r al Pr ocesSi ng Uni t
c. Har d Di sk
D. Regi st er s

Q・ 9・ Cache Memor y eXi St i n こ
B. Har d Di sk
C. Cent r al Pr oCessi ng Uni t
D. Regi st er s ,
に I np雌 Out p滅
t he pr e‐ pЮ gr ammed COmpt t er i ns品 ∝i l t suChお t he B器
Q. l o。 ____cOnt 」 ns
Syst em( BI OS) ・
D. Regi st er s
Q. 11・ Whi Ch Of t he f ol 10wi ng i s an exampl e of i nput de宙
A. Audi o SpCal cr s
B. Tot i ch SCr een LED Moni t or
co Pr i nt er

Do None of Above
1. ■ 1群 謝omy
群鷺 mm∝ y
B. Compact Dat a Read Onl y Mcmor y

[ W留瑠洲鵬6ッ
&: 器 聞£
dat a?
Q。 13. A nor mal CD― ROM usual l y can■ 。r e up t o

A. 680 KB
B. 680 Byt cs
C. 680 MB
D. 680 GB

Page 2 of 4_
rt /・

peripheral devices
track of file, # ?i'"':t"?i*
dtht; ;iti;; ;;rolling
the display screen,
such as disk drives and Printers'
A' APPlication Software
B. Messaging Software

C. OPerating SYstem
O. frfLugtment tnformation
is to
role of data de-fragmentation
Q.15. The main
A. data from viruses
Secure Your
;. a;"P trnauthorized use ofsPeed

c' in"i.utt the data access

D. None of the Above

other printers in performance?
is an expensive one and better then from
o.16. which Printer
---A. Dot-Matrix Printer
B' Laser Printer
C. Ink-Jet Printer
D. Thermal Printer

may have the following

file extensions'
Q.1?. Pictures/lmages

B. dll,lib, PPt
C. bmP, gif' jng
D' txt' ziP and
s basic circuitrY
cimPonents is called'
\ A. Processor
B. Hard Disk
C. Motherboard

Q.19. What is LINUX?

A. Malware
B. OPerating SYstem
C. APPlication Program
D. Firmware
System is an example of-.-.._--'
Q.20. Operating
A. APPlication Software
B' Banking SYstem
C. SYstem Software
D. Managernent Information

Page 3 0f 4
ム ゴ
What i s meant by l nt emet ?HOw does t he i nt emet i mpact On t he sOci O_ecOnomi c aspect s OFOur l i ves?

Define Local Area Network (LAN) & Wide Area Network (WAN),
also draw sample LAN

what is Data Processing and Data Processing cycle, and

describe the difference
Er^rvrvrrvv between
uvrv Batch
Processing and Real-Time processing.

You have established an office of graphic de-signing and you

have to purchase a computer for this office.
Please list down the specifications of the fot-io*ing
devices that will fulfill yo;'neeos as a graphic
a. Processor
b. Memory
c. lnput Devices
d. Storage Devices
e. Communication Devices

Define the lollowing terms briefly. Each term should

be defined no more than six lines.

b. Cornputer.Viruses & Anti_Viruses
c. Name any five software applications for data anatysis

Page 4 of 4

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Final Prof: 2nd Annual - 2017 .● .

Examination: Dector of Pharmac

: Rol l No. ¨ ¨ . . ¨ ...・ ¨ ¨ …… :

. . . . . . . . . 0● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ・●

Subi eCt COmput er and i t s Appl i cat i Ons i n Phar macy

TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.
PAPER: 6 l■ I AX. DI I ARKS: 50
- Solve entire paper (both Objective and Subjective parts) on Answer Book.
- In case of MCQ', write the correct option only, cutting / overwriting is not allowed.
- Jherg
is no choice among questions, you have to attempt all questioris.
- R€ad the Questions carefully before attempting.
ヽ - No lead pencils, only BLUE or BLACK ink is allowed to solve the paper.

Dct cr mi nc t he
|,Ersttlrttrc tnE cor r cct O
correcr pt i on fror
optlon or eacn
cach of
oIt tne
hc ftoltowing
ol l owi l l g questions.
qucst i onS wr i t c tthe
Writs hc
Question Number and your
selected option like (A, B, c or D) in CAPITAL letters on the Ansryer Book only in a clear
You do not need to write the question statement on the Answer Book.

Q. 1. is the processed and organized data presented in a meaning form.

A. Data
B Information
C Byte
D None ofAbove

Q. 2. A byt e consi st s of
A 4bl s
B. 8 bi t s
C 12 bi t s
D. 16 bi t s I

Q. 3. A byt c can st Or c

舎 鎌: : 曽Ъ har act c: │
C Spacc
D. A‖ of Above

Q. 4. Har d, var c r cf cr s t o
A. Concct i on of Pr ogr al ns
B El ect r ohi c and El ect r Omagnct i c Dcvi ccs
C Dat a of l nf or mat i on
D. Any COHcct i On of Dat a

Q. 5. Sot t var c i s t he part that tells the computer how to do itsjob.

A. Tangi bl e
B. Non-Tangible
C. Invisible
D. None ofAbove

Page 1 of4
ヽ ヽ


A. Hard Disk : : .."'

B. RAM ,

E. ffutn USB Drive 'r .' : :

;. bPU

A. MemorY
B. CentralProcessing Unit '

C. Hard Disk
D. Registers

in /'
Q.8. Cache MemorY exist
B. Hard Disk
C. Central Processing Unit
D. Registers
RAM, then system will increase the usage of
Q.g. If we decrease the size of
B. Virtual MemorY
C. Cache MemorY
D. Registers
instru tctions such as the Basic lnput Output
Q.10. contains the pre-programmed computer
slvrt.* tffisl
D. Registers

is an example of input device'

Q.11. Which of the following
A. Audio SPeakers
B. Touch Screen LED Monitor
C. Printer
D. None of Above

Q.12. CD-ROM stands for

A. ComPactable Read OnlY MemorY
B. ComPact Data Read OnlY MemorY
C. ComPact Disk Read OnlY MemgrY
' :

D. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory

the keyboard, sending output to
Q.13. perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from devices
the dispray screen, teeping track of file. unJ
air..toiie, on tt disk, and controlling peripheral
such as disk drives and Printers'
A. APPlication Software
B. Messaging Software
C. OPerating SYstem
D. Management Information SYstem

揚l l ` タ

Q.14. Which Printer is an expensive one and better then from other printers in performance?
A. Dot-Matrix Printer
B. Laser Printer
C. Ink-Jet Printer
D. Thermal Printer

Q.15. System Restore Utility can enable us to restore

A. drives data where OS is not installed
B. your personal files
C. system state
D. option a& b both

, .i, a.t{. lre main role of data de-fragmentation is to

A. Secure your data from viruses ,

B. Stop unauthorized use ofdata

C. lncrease the data access speed
D. None ofthe Above

, Q.17. PicturesAmages may have the following file extensions.

A. exe, doc. pdf
B. dll, lib, ppr
C. bmp, gif, jpg
D. txt, zip

-, Q.lE. The physical arrangement in a computer that contains the computer's basic circuitry and
is called.
A. Processor
B. Hard Disk
C. Motherboard

Q.19. Operating System is an example of

A. Application Software
B. Banking System
C. System Software
D. Management Information System

Q.20. What is LINUX?

A. Malware
B. Operating System
C. Application Program
D. Firmware

Page 3 of 4
Flow does the computer technology be used to enhance the performance of a pharmaceutical

What is Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? Briefly, explain its phases.

Define Local Area Network (LAN) & Wide Area Network (WAN), also draw sample LAN

You have established a small office and you have to purchase a computer for this office. Please list
down the specifications of the following devices that will fulfill youi needs as a smail office user.

a. Processor
b. Memory
c. lnput Devices
d. Storage Devices
e. Communication Devices

Define the following terms briefly. Each term should be defined no more than six lines.

a. Network Topology & Types of Topology

b. Computer Viruses & Anti-Viruses
c. Name any five software applications for data analysis ,

Page 4 of 4

IINIYERSITY OF TITE PIII\JAB ".. Roll No. ..r..........r....
Fi nal Pr of : Annual - 2018
of Ph
Subject: Computer and its Application in Pharmacy TIME ALLOWED:30 min. '.
-\PAPER: 6 Part-I (Compulsoty) MAX. MARKS:20

Q.I. the processed and organized data presented in a meanir"rg fomr.

A. Data
B. [nformation
C. Byte
D. Noue of Above
Q.2. A byte can store
A. Alphabet
Fi. Special Charactcr
C. Space
D. Aitol'Above

Q.3. Any data or iustructions enteled into the rnemory of a computer is considered as
A. Storage
B. InpLrt
C. Output
D. lufbrmation
Q.4. A Special Character can be stored in
A. One byte
B. Trvo bytcs
C. Three bytes
D. Four bytes

Q.5. I-lardware reltrs to

A. Collection of Programs
B. Electronic and Electromagnetic Devices
C. Data of Information
D. Any Collection of Data
Q.6. Which of the followings is a Primary Storage Device?
A. Disk
C. Flash USB Drive

Q.7. Which of the followirrg is not an application sof'trvare package?.

A. Iledhat Liuux
B. Microsoft Office
C. Adobe Reader
D. Open Office

Q.8. Which of the following is generally called "The brain of the Computer".
A. Mcrnory
Il. Ccntlal Processing Unit
C. I-IaLd Disk
D. Registers

Q.9. A list of instructions used by a computer is called

A. Tcxt
(i. l)rogram
I). OLrtput

Q. 10. C.aclre Memory exist in

B. I'lard Disk
C. Ceutral Processing Linit
[). Rcgislcrs

Q.l l. Whiclr is considerecl a direct crrtry input dcvice'?

A. Optical Scanner
ll. Mouse
C. Light Pen
D. All olthe above
Q.12. Computer Virus is a
A. Flardware
B. Software
C. Bacteria
D. Freeware
Q.13. The Opcrating systern Manages
A. Memory
B. Processor
C. Disk and VO Devices
D. Allof the above
Q'I4' wlticlr Printer is a, expensive one and better then ltonr
other plinters in performance?
A. Dot-Matrix printer
B. Laser printcr
C. Ink-.let printer
D. Themral printer

'fhe ntain r.ttle ol.clata rJe_fragrrrentation is
A. Sccur.c yoLrr clata ll.our viruies
B. Stop unar.rthorizecl use of data
C. Lrcrcase the clata access speed
D. Nouc ol'thc Atrove

Q'16' lictur:es/Ir,ages may have trre folrowing file extensions.

A. exe, doc, pcll
Il. dll, lib, ppL
Cr. brup, gif, jpg
D. txt, zip

Q'17' The physical arrangement in a computer that contains

components is called. the computer,s basic circuitry and
A. Processor
B. I.lard Disk
C. Motherboarcl
Q.18. Operating System is an example of
A. Application Software
It. llarrking System
C.1 Sl,stem Software
D. Management Infbrmation System

Q'19' If we increzuie the size of RAM, then system will

redr"rce the usage of
B. VirtualMemory ヽ

C. Cache Memory
D. llegisters
Q. 20。 A nor mal cD― ROM usual l y can st Or e up t o
dat a?
A 680 KB
B 680 Byt es
C 680 MB
D 680 GB

● ● ● 00● ● 0●
00● ・ 0' │

Final Prof : Annual - 2018 ` °

Examination: Doctor of Pharmacv 卜
1「 : 1' 91∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : : t F

( 111: r i r ndi t SAppl i cat i Oni nPhar macy TI ME ALLOWED: 2 Hr s. &30 mi n.

/ゞ MAXo MARKS: 30
t]J : l l i f〕

Attempt this Papet on Separute Answer Sheet
eoual marks'
Attempt all questions' Each question carrv

of our lives?
cloes trre interner i,rpact o, the socio-economic aspects
wrrat is meant by rnte,.ret.? Ilow

Wht t i S t hC df f er el ■ Ce bct wecn sySt enl s andysi s and s, st emS deJ gn?

between Batch
SSi ng CyCI Cっ and also describe the difference
what i s Dat a Pr OCessi ng and Dt t a Pr ocё
pr occssi ng and Rcal ― Ti me Pr OCessi ng.

Ш血dパ 嗣 0籠 ∝ 山 Ot l l l al l l 酬
Yot l l l 押
Ces 鵠 ‖朧 ぶ ぶ 盤 TP
aown t he…
speci i Cat i Ons of t he f 0110Wi ng de宙

a. Processor
b. MemorY
c. Inpr'rt Devices
cl. Storage l)evices
e. Clourmunication Dcvices

than six lines'

b五 e■ y. Each t er r n shou鳳 be defined no more
Deni et heぉ uowi ng t Fmζ

l 聯鑽 胤 . _Lr i l ・ uses
° ° °°°° 000000● 0● ● 0000%
2nd Annual - 2018
Fi nal Pr o彙 0°

ion: Doctor of Pharmac

1: 191f 191∵ : ∵ : =: =: ∵ : ∵ : : . f

Subi eCt : Computer and its Apptication in Pharmecy (New Course) Ⅳmx. TI l l I E: 2 Hr s. 30 Mi n.
PLヽ Xo MARKS: 30
PAPER: 6 o3r t ―

At t empt al l Quest t ons. Each quest i on car w equal mar ks.

ffi ':r 'r

What is Systems DeveloPment Life Cycl e( SDLC) ?BA1l y, eXpl an i s pl l ases

Define Looal Area Network (LAN) & Wide Area Network (wAN), also draw sample I-AN

How does the computer technology be used to enhance the perforrnance of a


you have established an office of graphic designing and you have to purchase a computer for this office'
please iist clown the specificariois of tn. folo*irg devices that will fulfilt your needs as a
a. Processor
b. MenrolY
c. InPut Devices
d. Storage Devices
e. Cotnntunication Devices

than six lines.

Define the following terms briefly. Each term should be defined no more

a. Network Topology & Types of Topoiogy

b. Name all OSI Reference Layers
ё ヽat t ё any i VC Sdf t war , appl i cat i ons f or dat a anal ysi s

." RoI No. i n Fi g。 ・●●●"● ●●●"

. . . . . . …・

Fi nal Pr of 3 2nd Anmual … 2018 `

、Rol l Nooi n Wor ds.

Sut t eCt : Comput er and i “ Appl i cat i on i n Phar macy● ew Cour s0 MAXo TI ME830 Mi n) 、 、

PAPER86 Par t ― I ( COmpul sOl yJ MAXo MARKS820 、、

Q. 1. Enci r cl e t he r i ght answer cut t i ng and Over wr i t i ng i s not a1l owed.
( l x20裁 o
Q. 1, A byt , cOnsi st s of 「
A. 14 bi t s
B. 8 bi t s
C. 12 bi t s
D. 16 bi t s

d Bi l ar y Di gi s or
Q. 2. The o and l i n i e bi nar y, umber i ng syst em ar e cal l ё
A. Bi t s
B. Byt es
C. Ki l obyt Os
D. Deci mal Byt e,

Q: 3. OneTl r abyt et ont ai ns

A. 1024 byt es
B. 1024K1l obyt es
c. l o24 Mogabyl es
D. 1024 Gi gabyt es

i s t he_____二 put さ r how t o do i t sj ob.

Q. 4. Sof t wal ё _pt t t t hat t el l s t l l e co轟
: A. Tt t gi b10
B, Non― Tangi bl e
C. Ll vi si bl e
Do Not t c of Above

Q. 5. Whi cl 1 6f t he f ol l owi ng st at ement i s wr ong?

A. Phot oshop i s a gr aphi cal desi gn t ool by Adobe
Bo Li hl l x i s f r eC and open sour ce sof t war e
i C. Wi l l dOWs 10 i S an oper at i ng syst em i
Do Mi ё r 6sOnWor d i ζ a wst em sonwar c

。 帥
T競 ヤ│十 11ず Ψ 71T響 I T' 讐 ザ
♀ :十
│す 1準

3: 嶽 : 駆黒VI I ■■│ │:
D Regi st er s

α7∬ 蹴柵 ょ
, I m, TeXamザ ゃ
Pt t Pt t β

B. Laser J et Pr i nt er s i
C. Dot ‐ mat nx Pr i nt er s
D. Phё t Ogr aphy PFi ht er S

Q. 8. Whi ch 6f t he f O1l o"i ng i l an Oxanl pl e of i nput devi co.

A. Aぃ dl o SpCakcA
B. Touch Sor cen I ′ ED Nl l oni t or
C. Pr i nt eF
D. Nono of Above `

Q. 9. is the high speed meinory used in the computer.

A. l t AM
B. Har d Di sk
Ci Cacl l c
D. Bl ‐ OS PoT. 0.
Q.10. CD-ROM stands for
A. Cornpactable Read Only Memory
B. Compact Data ReadrOnly Memory
C. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
D. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory

the displal, screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices
such as disk drives and printers
A. Application Software
C. Operating System
D. Management lnfounation System

Q.12. What is t.INUX?

A. Malware
B. Operating System
C. Applicatiori Program
D. Firmware
6a+^$^ i I+;l:+., ^^'. ^-^L'l^
Q.13. System Restore Utility can enable rr^ us +^
to -^^+^-^
A. drives data where OS is not installed
B. your pelsollal files
C. system state
D. optiona&bboth
Q.14. An enor is alio known as: : - - -
A. Bug
B. Debug ;
C. Culsor
D. Icon

A. Graph Use Interface

B. Graphical Universal Interface
C. Graphical User interface
D. Graphical Uuique Interface

Q.16. contains the pre-programmed computer instructions such as the Basic Input Output
System (BIOS).
D. Registers

Q.17. The two kinds of main memory are:

A. Prirnary and Secondary
B. Random and Sequential
C. I{OM and RAM
D. All of above

Q.18. Whicli of the following Optical Drive can store more data. . 'lr'
A. Compact Disk Y
B. Digital Versatile Disk
C. Blue Ray Disk
D. None of Above

Q.19. A CPU contains

A. a card..uJ"r'""a a printing device
. B. an analytical eirgine and a control unit
C. a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
D. an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader

Q.20. Graphical pictures that rrpresent an object like file, folder etc are:
A. Task bar
B. Windows

C. I cё ns
I D. : Deskt op


、Rol l

No, i n F19, , "` ` =1・ ` "' ││=“ 1“

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Final Prof: Annual-2019 `Ro‖ No. i n Wor ds.

Computer and its Application in Pharmacy (Old Gourse)

Part - I (Compulsory) Ti me: 30 Mi n.


Si gnat ur e of Supdt :
Division of marks is qiven in front of each ouestion.
This Paper will be collected back after exoirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. Encircle the correct option. 120x1=201

: is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers,

images, audio, and video.
a) lnput b) ( Dut put
c) lnformation d) Dat a
ii. The _ unit is a case that contains electronic components of the computer that
are used to process data.
a) Power Supply b) Motherboard
c) Processor d) System
iii. A(n) _ device is any hardware component that conveys information to one or
.more people,
a) Storage b) i nf Or mal on
c) lnput d) Out put
iv. A(n) computer is a type of personal computer designed so the system unit,
input devices, and any other devices fit entirely on or under a desk or table.
a) Laptop b) Server
c) - Mobile d) Desktop
v. Possible dangers and threats for files are that fle can be:
a) Destroyed b) Modified
c) Accessed d) All ofabove
Vl ・
_ are electronic collection of real or virtual resources which is available
anywhere in the world online or offline.
a) Digital libraries b) lnformative Websites
c) Library Management Systems d) Simulation Laboratories
vii. Which of the following is a System Software?
a) Redhat Linux b) Microsoft Office
c) Adobe Reader d) Open Office
VⅢ Data becomes when it is presented in a format that people can
understand and use
a) lnformation b) Processed
c) Graphs d) Presentation
ix. The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called
a) AA: gont hm b) A‖ st
c) A pl an d) A sequenl al st r uct ur e
X perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard,
sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk,
and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
a) Operating System b) App‖ ca10n St t ar e
c) Messaging Software d) Management l nf or mal on syst em
P. T. 0.

XI gives you the facility to share your views or media publicly or privately
and to keep in touch with people you want to.
a) Search Engines b) Shopping orAuction Sites
c) Social Networking Websites d) Blogs
X‖ A( n) is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to
coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources.
a) Email program b) Spreadsheet program
c) Operating system d) Web browser
A printer can be classified as a(n)
a) System unit b) lnput device
c) Output device d) Processor
xiv. Which Printer is an expensive one and better then from other printers in performance?
a) Dot-Matrix Printer b) i nk‐ 」et Pnnt er
c) Laser Printer d) Ther l nal P面 nt er

xv. A scanner can be classified as a:

a) Processor b) SySt em unl
c) lnput device d) Out put devi ce
XVI . storage provides user with the convenience of accessing their files from
almost anywhere using internet.




XV‖ The physical arrangement lll a computer that contains t e computer's basic circuitry
and components is called.
a) Processor b) MOt her bOar d
c) Hard Disk d) RAM
connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such.as. a home,
school computer laboratory, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings.
a) WAN b) LAN
c) MAN d) None of t he above
xix. An unintelligent network device that sends one signal to all of the connected stations
is known as:
a) Switch b) HUB
c) Bridge d) Rout er
A cable, consisting of a center glass core surrounded by layers of plastic that
transmits data using light rather than electricity is called.
a) Coaxial Cable b) Fi ber opt i c
c) Twisted pair Cable d) N one of t he aboVe
i IIII■ 1
: 3D∝ 」 鮮精 麗 脱 糀 脇 :alPUN J AB- 2019
Pr of : Annual ri ∬ ・・ ●●●●
・ ●●●
■ . . . . ・・ ●●●●
(Old Course)
€ubject: Computer and its Application in Pharmacy Ti me: 2 Hr s. 30 Mi n, Mar k型
Paper: 6 Part - ll

Note: Attempt ALL questions. Each question carries equal

economi c { 06)
Q. 2. VVhat i s meant by l nt er net ?HOW dOes t he i nt er net i mpaCt On t he soci o‐
aspecls of our lives?
( 06)
design? ( 06)
Q.4. What is the difference between systems analysis and systems
( 06)
Q'S.Youhaveestablishedasmallofficeandyouhavetopurchase.acomp.uterfor devices that will
this office. ptease tisi Jo*n it" specifications of the following
fulfill your needs as a small office user'
. Processor
. . Memory
o. lnput Devices
o Storage Devices
r CommunicationDevices
Define the following terms briefly. Each term should be defined
no more than six (06)
a. Name all OSI Reference LaYers
b. lnput Devices and Output Devices
c. Name any five data analysis software'

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