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ascents 38, Paper frente. Seq 20308 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED ‘Divisional Engineer (Telecom) under 33% quota Paper-It ‘Advanced Technical Paper Special (Objective Type) (Only for the candidates who have opted for CDOT Digital Switching System(MAX)) ‘Time: 3 Hours “Maximum Marks : 100 General Instructions for Candidates: Candidate should read and strictly observe the instructions printed in the ‘Question Booklet as well asthe instruction printed on the OMR Answer Sheet. 2. Candidate should not write anything except as directed in the OMR Answer Sheet. 3. In case of any doubt, discrepancy and ambiguity in the Hindi version, the English version should be treated 3s final ‘4. The Question Paper has 100 questions. Each question carries one’ mark. There are four choices for each question. The candidate is required to choose the most ‘answer from the choices given and darken the relevant bubble fapains the question number in the OMR Answer Sheet acvordingly 5. Candidates are advised not to resort to arbitrary marking of answers as there is negative marking and foreach wrong answer 25% marks of that question will be deducted Use of only simple /scientificcalculatortnon-programmable) is permitted. ya FIs -13 ere err farm fortee 38% mbar & ates gouty after (gear) ate 9 vray wife rot ‘uftatfiom after WAT pan vrata ee oa Pas (tafeas wae) (fora settzardt 3 hate faftres feaein free (rere) wt fran fort) wwe 302 afters sim: 100 viet & fre ara FET: Lis) tale el len aaalaall 5 2. etre sinew ae after fee fe avatar ge = Fa 3. fede wera aig See, Pree we feats gS oe ae ee at A ae aor TT 44. 7ea a9 100 sen feces ea wm afm are es ae Saves fh cher fee cre feet 8 2 afar area aft aga aboore oem ener es Fam eH at wre vt) wisi at ae see ah Pa ae al ve wn a a we Te eT TE fore 25% Be Be EAL ATT 63am moraine begat stndae)) & sein at eet soeraae 12 1 (maa ies TROIS PAPER-IL~ Advanced Techical Paper (Special) (Objective type) Seetion A(I-S) and A(T) ~ CDOT SWITHING ‘Max. Marks: 100 ‘Time: 3H. Instructions forthe candidate: ) i) i) AL » 2 2» D) » ® D » sperni0¢.12 ‘Choose one right arswer out of four multiple choice answers. All questions cary equal marks. ‘For each wrong answer 25% of the mark ofthat question willbe deducted under Neyative Marking. {mall TN (intelligent Network) services all alls must be first routed trough PSTN tothe IN Service acces cade for televoting (one unit is: a) 160box 190424 1903424 1902424 ‘Service aceess code for FPH service is 600s Lebo 2) 16020 8) 1604ox ‘Service code 0902.04 is used forthe following IN service: Universal Numbers Local (UNL) ‘Universal Personal Number ©) ACC Service 4) None ofthe above Fora VCC Call the card used by the customer of BSNL is: 2) Datacard b)* EVDOCard India Telephone Card )NICCand In Premium Rate service, the calls ride to Premium Rate numbers: a) Not charge tothe cain party > Changed higher teh te roma cal ©) Charged at normal rate bu premium is aken in advance 4) None ofthe above 10) Az i 12) » 14 19) 16) m sommre 13 ‘The voice VPN can be created in the system: a) Withinthe SDCA ») Within the Circle All adi ‘Allo above of te following is no an IN serve. 8) Virtual Private Network b) Account Calling Card ©) Number Portability Calling ine Idea Fation, In the cae of Multi frequency Push Button dialing: 8) Woes of eight voice frequency is used b)—twosets of eight ultrasonic frequency is used ‘eo sets of four voice frequency is used “wo sets of sistgen ultrasonic frequency i used. In subscriber line signaling, Answer Bac signals Altre calle subse ifs is ans tary ever is tansminad p) Aer the called subscriber lis his handset the lin impedance ees high ©) Aflerthe called subscriber lft his handset, the line impedance goes low ) On completion of cal the line wets disconnacied For interexchange signaling the signal tacsmied sing the same fiequency as. of speech signal is called: 8) Outof-band signaling b) Voice frequency signaling © inbends galing )__ None of the above Tn E&M signaling between exchanges: 3) sigan takes pace on te woice camels 8) Nosigating tak plas betwen exchanges Ge Testis cling terran cles estan: ‘An aditina pur of cei, reserved for igling, employed ‘CCITT sanded R2 signaling nyse wes B—_Combinaton wing wo ot of six eqns or forward a wo otf hr six frequencies for backward signaling 5) Combination tw oat of 9 fequences fo frward and backward both ©) ffequeney same as DIME 4) Separate Fequeney sett of speech quency range In R2 signaling forward signal are used: » Yor sending dialed digits only Dosen adress information of also and cago and ‘sues infomation o ling bier ©) fordemandng eles enepay ‘)_Noneottheabove In channel associated signaling: 2)" Sinaling informations Satin tie set 0" of cach PCM ame 1) Sipmlingivormsion = sex time slo 31" ofeach PCM fame ® _Somingeoaion sewn tne sk 1' ofeach POM ne 1) Signaling information sent wits exch ine lt 18) 19) Aa 2) 2) 2 24) 28) ™m sorrmrare_13 In channel associated signaling, multi frame synchronization information is: carried in TS16 of Frame 0". )—_enried in TS'0! of Frame ‘0° ©) cartied in TS'0" of Frame ‘16° 4) catied in TS16' of Frame “I6" ‘Signaling link in CCS#7 signaling consists of. 4a) Time slot and timeslot 16 of a PCM link >) Timeslot 16 of Frame 0" of PCM link ‘Signaling data lnk ands transfer control function “d)__STPand wo exchanges In. CCS#7, user neutral means of transport for messages between user i represented by Mire )_ISDN-UP TUR scp Inan OSI model, the mains function of transport layer is: 8) Nodetonode delivery Bend to-end message delivery ©) synchronization ) updating and maintenance of routing tables. In ISDN Basic Rate Acoess the channel availabe othe customer are: '8) One basic channel of 64 kbps & and one data channel of 16 Kbps 1b) Two Basic channels of 64 kbps & two data channe!s of 16 kbps. “Two Basic channels of 64 Kbpe and one data channel of 16 Kops ‘2) Thirty Basic channels of 64 kbps and one data channel of 64 kbps. ‘Terminal Adapter (TA) is used “To convert information received in non-ISDN format into ISDN format 3) _To-counect an ISDN equipment to ISDN line ©) Inall ISDN connection at customer premises )__ Toconnect a dial Video conferencing equipment ‘Which ofthe following is nt ISDN customer premises equipment: » oT! ©) Digital Facsimile @® ww "Maximum numberof terminal that can be supported in ISDN BRI Jo 4 @ & Any number ‘The imerface between ISDN exchange and NT is called a) Rinterface S interface T interface U interface {eae of ISDN when a terminal canbe cated from place to place and connected to different sockets is known as: ora ©) Multipoint 4) Muli service -—————————— 30) 3 3) 2) 34) 39) 36) sper. Signaling information is not caried by the following channel: a) Dechannet DREW crmoet ©) B&D channel d)DaHehannel PRI in BSNL caries: 8) 30B channel + one 16 Kbps D channel 1b) 23.Behannel + one 16 Kbps D channel ©) 23. channel + one 6 kps channel @, gqj20 Betamel + one kbp D chanel ‘2 digital PABX is tobe connected then: ISDN BRI is required @ wove wns "e)—BothISON PRI BRI are required 4) ISDN can not serve the purpove, ‘As per national numbering plan, in Basic telephone network: 2) All India based 10 digit numbering scheme i followed ) Long distance charging aes (LDCA) based 10 ditt numbering has been followed © Shoristance tarzng wes (SOCA) be 10d menbern sche hasbeen 4) Nonof the above As nernbring lusts mane fr bse (PSTN il bf 2) Gor digits b) Ter Bdigits @ Shetdae ) digits For ccatar telephony he leigh of PLMN accem code, MSC code and subscriber number shal be: 23,85 respectively 24,8 4 respectively ©) 1,3.8 6 respectively Non ofthe above ASTD bared PSTN phone withost wing IN service can make clls to: 8) PSTN numbers within LOCA and PLMIN numbers within ctcle. @__PSTN umber within SOCA and PLMN number within LSA ©) PSTN numbers within the circe and PLMIN number within SDCA. 4) All sumer within the Circle Routing of call from a PSTN sumer to another PSTN number oitside the Circe fs Len TAX Lex TAK Ler 2 TAK Locale by BTS-BSC—MSCI--MSC2—RSC-Brs Local exchange ~Ley 1 TAX ~Ley 2 TAX —Ley 1 TAX - Local Be Ueatcetange tz tat- Lee rak ctor TAX Local exchange (Charging fra long deance callin PSTN decided by: a) Leading local exchange ® Leading level? 1A ©) Leading Levelt TAX Terminating leyel-1 TAX 3 38) 39) AS 4a 2) 43) “) 49) ‘Synchronization of exchange is most important: 8) Toimprove voice quality b) So that traffic in an exchange is reguleted @ Fordascall ‘d) Else exchange will not work “The earthing of power plants i required: 4) for working lope of the power plant ® __toprovide cret connection with ea wo proect apparatus arto provide protection persons ©) to stabilize the powerplant physically 4) Nowe the above ‘Aspe Natioal Switching Plan al the Lev-1 TAX ae onnected generally Onions ©) Ina Ring 4) —_Noneofthe above ‘Charging between two cities in India is decided by: 8) Road Rail distance between then BX coors ©) Department OF Telecom as pr population of ets None ofthe above na SMPS based Power Plants used in telecom system the sizeof power plant is reduced due to: Qo UE seetarie me Use of high frequency switching ©) Use of power plant modules 4) None ofthe above ‘While planing a SMPS based powerplant following factors ar taken ino eorsiseraion: 8) Present and ultimate lad ofthe system 1») Banery back up ©) Redundant capacity requirement © Allofabove While choosing DG set fora station, AC requirement for the powerplant and UPS sytem is taken: 2) Same as ultimate Power Plant load b) LS times the ultimate PowerPlant load ® 125 times the ukimate Power Plant load 8) None ofthe above, the present equipment ily load is 192 AH and ulimate daily load is 227 AH, what shal be the best suited artery capacity if depth of dlschargeis permitted to 08 @ Bisa ) 200A 233004 }) _ is400A) For power plant of ukimate capacity of $00 Amp a $4V float voltage, power plant efficiency of 85% and Power plant Power fictor of 0.9 the DG set capacity required shall be about: re 3 oe 3} ke 3 Se soerz010713 6 45) Which one of the following isnot a correct typeof Fite extinguishers ina telecom building? 2) Firehydrant ») CORBpE 2) Fomnpe B Coupe 47) _A7-5TR air-conditioner in BSNL will be of: 3) Splttype AIC D Package ype NC ©) Winlow pe AC 4 Canbe ary ofthe above pe 48) tn oa no, votage ina 300A SMS Power Pans: s) -S0V-+03 vole B® Saveosv ov d #52.4V202V_ 49) Be gma aaa oc meen r 75% 8% BD 90% 50) The following ype of fie extinguishers is not used a) Sodatype ») Foam ype a ca "None of the above. Section A(T) 51. Ina CDOT exchange the procesor architecture is characterized by: 8) Centralized control oken ring based communication b) Centralized consol, message based communication isuributed contol, message based commorication )__Diswibued control, token ring based communication! 52. Forimery ‘communication’ MDL ks wed by Ei link is used ©) TH ink is used 4) Noneof the above 53. Due toiis redundant architecture, flare oF any one security block will effet: 2) Upto 32 subseribers 1b) Upto 16 subscribers Upto 8 subscribers @)—-Nosubscrbers 4, Module control units built around 2 .S 16 bit Microprocessor ©) 32it Microprocessor 4) 128bit $5. All provesvor complexes in a CDOT DSSMAX switch employs a ® sorraoec 13 7 ‘The function using resources whose requirement is drcetly linked with numberof ines and trunks is: 2) Terminal interfacing D) Circuit switehing, } Call processing Allo the above [Resourée allocation in CDOT exchange is done by: # ‘Administative module 5) Central Module ©) Base module 4) None ofthe above ‘Trunk and circuits are interfaced in: a) Admin modle ») Central module @ Base Module d) None ofthe above Ina line circuit cad, to form a digital stream: ‘it digital output of 4 LCC are multiplexed 3 ‘output of 2 LCC are multiplexed output of LCC are multiplexed 4) 6b digital ouput of 2LCC aze multiplexed ‘The ouput of a terminal interface controller car i: ‘2) Duplicated 2 mbps Kinks b) 16 mbps inks ) 128 mbps link Duplicated # Mbps inks ‘The: of origination detection, digit reception & transmission etc is performed by: B Siping recent ©) Tamnol eras contort 3 Saeed Base message switch isi ial cing 6 peer an nema apse 1) Maaplite unit comlig of ht lcropicemor od memory & tipo 4 NSD cards ©) non duplicated unit consisting of 8 bit microprocessor and memory & supports 2 MSD cards |) ‘a.non duplicated uit consisting of 16 bit Microprocessor & memory & supports 4 ‘MSD cards. Each MSD eard provide: 2) 4 HDLC channels for communication with ether unit b)— SHDLC channels for communication with ether units 16 HDLC channels for communication with other units ‘32 HDLC channels for communication with other units soer010.18 s 1. ‘Which subsystem generates on exhaustive Call Event Record (CER) on every call: Qtr Peripheral Processor 9) Administation 4) DataBase Thes responsible for system integrity human interface and initialization i: "Maintenance subsystem Peripheral processor subsstern CDOs ) Administration subsystem ‘What i used by input Output processor sub sys as basic operating system a) MS WINDOWS MSOs Qo nH cDos The fate at tt evalsbe in CDOT extant 8) Direct dialing in (DDI) toa PBX extension 1b) Service quality cbservation for incoming and outgoing calls both Qo ‘With respect to common channel signaling (CCS#7) in CDOT DSS MAX exchange, which statements tue: FB erento meaty apr neterperopy peter “The exchange can funeton both as signaling end point and a signaling transfer point 2) The exchange can function as signaling transfer point not as signaling end point 6) The exchange can neither function as signaling endpoint nor assigning ans point, Thamar eof gt ttn exchange cn esve oma bere ine i 9 b 2 0 a When sascrber (A) books an lm cll ands ava call diversion 1 enter uber (8) hen Benet Somber 3 Eesate sedi Chars peo toed nal Aye cw ae och eps available on disk for each BM. sc ‘The charging calendar hes provision for: a) 36S days Q san ) 3S6Tdays 2) 368 days sorraonere_1. 10 on. 93. In ase of fault in the individual circuit of «Terminal equipment number: TTEN can be changed with same directory number ‘A new directory number is tobe given to new TEN ©) TEN cannot be changed 4) None ofthe above ‘In trunk group data management the same set of MMI. commands can modify: 2) Prefix digits, minimum digits for seize forwards, rank of digit and typeof signaling 2) Pf gh minimum igh for seize forward, ype of lenin ype of dentnaton ne @_ Prefix digi, minimum digit for seize forward, rank of digit, group priority @) Prefix digit, group priority status (incoming outgoing both way) rank of digit ‘When a subscriber lifts hand set the ead that forms the origination message is Tie ) TSC ) scIc 4 BP Digit analysis is done by the eard: ) TIC b TSC 3) Lec BP ‘Meter count updation of calling subscribers is done by: source AP ‘Source BP destination AP destination BP Originating traffic measurement is NOT made for: Incomplete dialing ‘Transit eal attempt 2) Unavailability of system resources 9) Nodialing For each newly generated alarm 1 unique alarm sequence number is assigned. Maximum number of ASN system can allot are: @ im ) 2088, 4096 ) Bi92 ‘In case of severe fault concition where many subscribers are affected, the alarm generated is: a) Urgentalarm b)— Severealarm Critical alarm @) Emergency alarm ‘The possibility of diagnosing a fault 1 a single PCB level is: a) 5% 65% Qo 8% 95%. ‘The memory check does not involve: 2) Compare with duplicate memory b) Disk to memory compare ©) Active and standby disk compare @ None of the above soerzo1ae 13 nt 94, 97, 100. Minimum distance between two suits of CDOT exchange should be: 2) 600mm ® %mm =) 1200mm 4) 1500mm ‘atu nei ne: g ‘Drawn through points located at 600 mm from wall of swith room rom which first ack is installed bie sree 1500 mm away from the last suite ofthe switch cat tading cape of ac se Ma ‘2) 2000BHCA 1%) 4000 BHCA 8000 BCA. ‘16000 BHCA "Number of Power supply unit (PSU ID in a duplicated base processor unit are: 2 Pao 9 4 4} 6 "The following isnot Time Switch Unit card: 2) TSS. MSC 3 ae Tuc “The MFC Caed ina switch is configured as: a) Dvplicated b) Single @ Netvotnaaney 1) None ofthe above Fora total of ‘A" subscribers, BHCA per BM of*B! and BHICA per line of °C" and the value of BIC is Jess than 750, numberof ase modules shail be: aA Bic Avo 2) ASO 4 Single BM sperz010%¢.13 2

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