Crystal Guide: Free Ebook by Dear Zodiac

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Dear Zodiac

Crystal Guide

The Transforming power of

gems, minerals and stones


Stones corresponding to the following

Áries: Amethyst, Garnet, Hematite

Taurus: Agate, Jasper, Rose Quartz
Gemini: Aqua Marine, Tiger's Eye,
Rose Quartz
Cancer: Aventurine, Emerald,
Leo: Citrine, Rutilated Quartz,
Virgo: Amethyst, Amber, Lapis
Libra: Rose Quartz, Citrine,
Scorpio: Hematite, Rodonite,
Sagittarius: Onyx, Sodalite,
Capricorn: Amethyst, Obsidian,
Aquarius: Aquamarine, Amazonite,
Pisces: Aquamarine, Emerald,


Crystal Guide

AGATES: Are found in various colours. They have a high

couring power, working with chakras acting according to
colors, in children it is used as protection. Tones up and
invigorates the body. Helps to awaken and open ones inner

BOTSWANA AGATE: Is recomended for firemen and

smokers. Good for the circulation system, skin lungs and
brain. Balances the emotional body.

FIRE AGATE: Main cure - Influences all the endocrine

system. Stimulates memory cells, rationalizes, balances
and leads to harmony.

MOSS AGATE: Has a strong affinity with the gemini zodiac.

Balances conflicts between the brain left and right sides.
Relives depression helping to harmonize with nature. Has a
strong impact over sinusitis.

AQUAMARINE: Increases mind psychic power, smoothes and

soothes emotional problems. Brings peace, joy happiness,
especially to relationships, reduces fears. Brins courage, and
psychic purification.

ALBITE: Relieves depression and stimulates expression,

immunological and respiratory system, reduces mental stress
and strengthes the spleen and thymus.


AMAZONITE: Bluish green color aligns electrical and mental
bodies, invigorate all meridians. Attracts money, assures
succes, brings joy, soothes the nervous system. Broadens the
thinking process.

AMBER: It is not a stone, but a fossil resin originated from

ancient pine trees. Stabilizes and awakens the kundaline,
increases natural beauty, stimulate happiness and brings
friends to loners, a collar around the neck protects health.
Helps against memory loss, difficulties on making decisions,
anxiety and eccentric behavior.

AMETISTA - PURPLE QUARTZ: Helps sleep, peace.

Transformation and wisdom stone. helps to release stress
and fear. Elevates spirits and promotes spirituality. Helps
controlling adictions and bad habits. Elevates meditation
generosity and god consciousness. Healing power,
especially for the eye, skin, brain and immunological

AMETRINE: Strenght for decisions, communion with god,

inspiration, physic powers, polarization, sense of
responsability, capacity for establishing relationships,
perception capacity.

APATITE: Help in strengthening the imune system and

lowers the flu. Reduces stress and excessive efforts of
nerves. Meditation brings our soul a sense of warmth and

BRONZITE: Absorbs negative energies. Acts as a protective

shield for the soul. Soothes the temperament, setting the
mood. Help yo combat shortness of breath and other
respiratory problems.


CHALCEDONY: Helps people being more open minded
with more perspective, brings relief to nightmares, helps
with vision problems, gall bladder, bones, arms, blood
and circulatory systems organs.

CALCITE: Thinking process amplifier, increases mental

capacity for astral protection. Stimulates kidneys for
better body toxin elimination. Eases fear.

YELLOW CALCITE: Bones, joints, hair, stomach, kidneys,

spleen, comprehension, inspiration.

ORANGE CALCITE: Protects and energizes your body when


CYANITE: Stimulates expressive communications,

promotes truth, loyalty, serenity, facilitates inter-
dimensional astral journey.

CITRINE: A kind of Quartz, good for intestines

detoxification. Amplifies thinking, can be used on
meditation for physical rejuvenation and elimination of
toxic ways of thinking self-destructing tendencies such as
suicide are replaced by self confidence. Increases contact
with your superior self and the alignment amongst all the
energetic bodies.

CARNELIAN: Calms down, rage, jealousy, envy, hatred

and depression. Promotes peace and harmony. Good for
shy and timid people. Opens the cardiac chakra. Courage
and peace.

CHRYSOCOLLA: Excellent for women's sicknesses, releases

fear, guilt and illusions, helps to clear out unbalance of the
subconscious, alleviates ulcers, digestive perturbations,
amplifies thinking. Increases interior peace, knowledge and

CHRYSOPRASE: Increases personal problem understanding
and mental serenity. Stimulates sexuality, and therefore
procreation. It's the sexual organs stone and also the cure
for veneral diseases. Also the lack of appetite for opposite
sex. Good vision for problems and myopia treatment.

CRYSTAL: Balances emotions, excellent for meditation.

Undoes negativity on the person's energetic field as well
on the environment.

BLUE QUARTZ: Increases longevity and self expression.

Promotes peace and tranquility.

GREEN QUARTZ: Manifesting abundance stimulates

creativity and makes life easier. Keeps one's feet on the
ground. It is also known as Aventurine

ROSE QUARTZ: Stimulates love and open the cardiac

chakra. Increases confidence and eliminates false pride.
Helps to clear stores anger, resentment and jelously.

RUTILATED QUARTZ: Transmutes negativity.

Exceptionally powerfu, alleviates depression, facilitates
inspiration and increases clairvoyance. Very high curing

SMOKY QUARTZ: Initiates kundalije movement. Excellent

for meditation. Aligns the three lower chakras. Protection.
Indicates the light path when one is in the dark.

DIOPSIDE: Is the stone of realization of big projects and

succes on commercial ventures it is good for the cure of
digestive system sicknesses.

DOLOMITE: This stone is rich in calcium and magnesium.

Favorable to cure bone problems, muscle and skeleton
development. Good for people that have poor teeth and


EMERALD: Therapeutic effecr especially for the column,
nervous system, muscles, rhumatism and vision. Enriched
water with emeralds regulates sugar rates, improves vision,
corporal balance and prevents broken fingernails and hair.

SULFUR: A volcanic stone, useful for sickness treatment

FELDSPAR: Inspiration and succes with love, encourages

personal relationship, unmasks enemies, dignifies
emotional life. Protects against hydrophesia.

FLUORITE: Healing power, helps on inter-dimensional

communication, tooth strengthener, useful for putting
thoughts in order, and avoid distractions. Healing
properties similar to the ones of amethyst, helps spiritual

FUCHSITA: Promotes diplomacy, discretion, imagination

creativity, beauty appreciation.

GALENA: Powerful mental vibration transmitter and of

parapsychological experiences suach as telepathy,
telekinesis, etc.

GARNET: Found in many colors except blue. Invigorates the

blood system, heart, stimulates imagination, aligns
emotional and spiritual bodies, elevation of emotions,
increases self-esteem, increases personal magnetism,
optimism courage and energy.

HEMATITE: Strong effect over blood. Alleviates blood

perturbation, increases self-esteem and personal
magnetism, optimism, courage and will.


HOWLITE: Soothes and protects against the explosion of
feelings controlling and balancing emotions. Decreases
the disappointments. Give us courage and strength.

RED JASPER: Protects, sends negative energy back to its

origin promotes beauty grace, symbolizes vitality.

BLOOD STONE: Aligns Basic and blood chakras. Stimulates

kundaline movement. Internal guide, invigorates and
oxygenates blood and increases physical vigor. Calms
fears and eliminates anger. Attracts money and prosperity.
Healing power.

GREEN JASPER: Connection with Earth. Good to have at

home. Calms you down, decreases sadness develops
sensitivity and other people understanding, balances,
heals the aura field and aligns intuition.

BROWN JASPER: Centralizes and keeps one's feet on the

ground, hlps personal elimination, liberates hidden fears,
deep repression, used for past lives. Remembrance
marking traumatic events that are acting on present lives.
Calls back to the soul, informs the superior self.

KUNZITE: Smoothens and undoes muscle lumps, induces

to peace, nerves and fear calming. Opens the cardiac
chakra, facilitates spiritual self esteem. Unconditional

LARIMAR: Great healing power on the bone structure of

the human body. Also helps in cases of allergies, viruses
and bacteria. Good to ward off negative influences and
spread false friends.


LABRADORITE: Strengthens the defense system of the
human body. Indicated in the aid memory deficiency. By
having a high calcium content reduces and cure faster
bone diseases. Stone of spiritual harmony. 

LAPIS LAZULI: Mind and power sense stimulation vitality

and virility. Increases psychic ability and invigorates the
body during spiritual growth. Amplifies the thinking
process, good for meditation and perdonal expression,
curing power. Purifying properties. Helps on
inflammations, swelling and the expression  on the real
self for inspiration and clairvoyance.

MALACHITE: Helps sleep, alleviates radiation over

exposure, open the cardiac chakra and stimulates the
circulatory system. Balances the third chakra and self-

MICA: Indicated for stress, fears, melancholy, keeps

radiation away, tendency to forget, sclerosis, calming
down, peace.

OBSIDIAN: Quickly cooled lava. Used by aztecs for

guessing. Centralizes and keeps one's feet on the ground.
Balances the digestion system. Unblocks the

SNOWFLAKE OBSEDIAN: Adaptation capacity, bloking

releaser, freedom, flu, bone and blood growth.

FALCON'S EYE: Helps preventing evil eye and curing eye


TIGER'S EYE: Helps to recognize our internal resources

and use them to make our dreams come true.


ONYX: Objective thinking, spiritual inspiration,
controls emotions and passion. Alleviates apathy and
stress. Balances feminine and masculine qualities,
protection, self-defense against consciously directed
negativity and psychic attacks.

OPAL: Used for recalling past lives. Develops psychic

power, brings out the internal beauty and helps
spiritual purification. Opens a channel for teaching the
truth. Amplifies personal traces and should be used by
balanced and mature people. Helps visual problems. 

NATURAL SUN STONE: Assists in sleep-related

difficulties. Excellent stone for meditation. Removes the
negative infouences. Also helps to combat depression
and melancholy.

CROSS STONE-KIASTOLITE: Know since ancient times

as the stone of mysticism and faith; Pilgrims take them
to spiritual journey for direction gudance. It also
protected against danger and temptations.

MOON STONE: Brings love, peace harmony and

clairvoyance. Develops acces to subconscious. Works
with emotions especially with the ones which originate
anxiety and stress. Associated with mother energy. Used
on all women's and stomach problems. 

PYRITE: Useful for respiratory problems. Applied on the

throat. Helps healing bronchitis and allergy, similar to
gold it is considered the stone that attracts richness,
money and helps making good deals.

RHODOCHROSITE: Relieves and calms down the heart,

has strong influence upon creative process, and
intuitive mind, creates peace feelings and human

SAPPHIRE: According to buddhist tradition, stimulates
praying, devotion, spiritual illumination, internal peace,
brings clarity, inspiration and bonds together body and
mind spirit stimulates psychic ability, expands cosmic
consciousness. Good for meditation.

SODALITE: Relieves and balances internal conflicts

between consciousness and sub'consciousness. Gives
courage and invigorates the lymphatic system. Spiritual
balance. Creative expression

SELENITE: Against the misfortunes of pregnancy, it has

purifying effect on intelligence. Is a stone known as light
source and so enters us assisting in the release of blockages
related to sexuality. Also back vitality and therefore makes
us healthier.

IMPERIAL TOPAZ: Inspires superior mind the soul.

Excellent for nervous traumas, exhaustion or mental
tirednedd. Tranquilizer and inspiring electrical and
magnetic forces. Contains clarity, helps on spiritual search.


Knowledge, will power, activates creativity, and fertility,
protects the body from radiation overexposure, attracts
love and friendship.

GREEN TOURMALINE: Balances all levels brain, mind and

nervous system calming and helps with confidence,
rubbind the stone together. Eliminates stress. Opnes the
heart solving problems with one's father.

WATERMELON TOURMALINE: Balances Yin-Yang Energy.

Eliminates hatred, jealousy, judging and increases
unconditional love.


BLACK TOURMALINE: Protection against negativity.
Great curing powers magnetically and electrically. The
black stones are the most benefical. Helps with dreams
and abstracts thoughts turning them out more real.

TURQUOISE: Protects against enviromental poluiton.

Improves meditatio, circulation, and peace of mind.
Great curing power. Holy stone for buddhists and
tibetans. A symbol of the sea and the sky. The sea talks
about the deepness of the soul. The sky talks about

UNAKITE: Anti-Depressant. Reduces anxiety. Has

soothing properties and reassembles the balance (yin
and yang). Recommended for patience, sensitivity and



7th Crown Chakra

Stone to be used:
Crystal - Crystal leads man to a higher integrity bringing light and cçarity to
the mind and soul. It stimulates spiritual understanding and the opening of
the third eye.

6th Third Eye Chakra

Stones to be used:
Amethyst - Transmuting energy - Stone of spiritual attainment that helps to
release hard times and transformations, promoting learning and leading to
"the following step".
Sodalite - Targeting Stone that increases inner version and self-knowledge. It
deeply calms the mind intensifying the ability to see the possibilities more


5th Throat Chakra
Stones to be used:
Blue Quartz - It soothes and promotes wellnes by treating physical,
emotional and mental stress. It presents a complementary action as
anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-anxiolytic.

4th Heart Chakra

Stones to be used:
Green Quartz - Balance in every sense: physical, mental, spiritual and
emotional. It makes connection with Earth and encourages creativity and
Rose Quartz - It brings to consciousness all the capacity to love. Our best
emerges including self steem.

3rd Solar Prexus Chakra

Stone to be used:
Citrine - Citrine approaches the strength of the sun and opens the heart
and soul to the new things. It makes us more understanding towards
others, bringing lots of ligh into our lives. It promotes wellness, warmth,
liveliness, safety and certainty.

2nd Sacral Hara Chakra

Stone to be used:
Carnelian - It calms anger, jealousy, envym hatred and depression. It
promotes peace and harmony. Good to be used by people who are shy and
timid. It brings courage and peace

1st Root Chakra

Stone to be used:
Red Jasper - It helps decision making motivates courage and practically.
It also functions as a general energizing tonic for the body and spirit.
Black Tourmaline - Stone protection that heals the most dense, heavy
and negative energies transformed. It energetically helps in cases of
neuroses and negative thought patterns.



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