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August 2013

National Institutes of Health • Department of Health and Human Services •

Inside News: 3 Cataracts... 4 Predicting Drug Response... Type 2 Diabetes Study... Genome: Unlocking Life’s Code

Should You Take Dietary Supplements?

A Look at Vitamins, Minerals, Botanicals and More
When you reach for that bottle of by the U.S. Food and
vitamin C or fish oil pills, you might Drug Administration
wonder how well they’ll work and (FDA) as foods, not as
if they’re safe. The first thing to ask drugs. The label may
yourself is whether you need them in claim certain health
the first place. benefits. But unlike
More than half of all Americans medicines, supplements
take one or more dietary supple- can’t claim to cure, treat
ments daily or on occasion. Supple- or prevent a disease.
ments are available without a “There’s little evi-
prescription and usually come in dence that any supple-
pill, powder or liquid form. Com- ment can reverse the
mon supplements include vitamins, course of any chronic
minerals and herbal products, also disease,” says Hopp.
known as botanicals. “Don’t take supple-
People take these supplements to ments with that expec-
make sure they get enough essential tation.”
nutrients and to maintain or improve Evidence does sug-
their health. But not everyone needs gest that some supple-
to take supplements. ments can enhance
“It’s possible to get all of the nu- health in different ways.
trients you need by eating a variety The most popular nutrient supple- minerals, Hopp says, “fish oil probably
of healthy foods, so you don’t have ments are multivitamins, calcium and has the most scientific evidence to
to take one,” says Carol Haggans, a vitamins B, C and D. Calcium supports support its use.”
registered dietitian and consultant to bone health, and vitamin D helps The health effects of some other
NIH. “But supplements can be useful the body absorb calcium. Vitamins C common supplements need more
for filling in gaps in your diet.” and E are antioxidants—molecules study. These include glucosamine (for
Some supplements may have side that prevent cell damage and help to joint pain) and herbal supplements
effects, especially if taken before maintain health. such as echinacea (immune health)
surgery or with other medicines. Women need iron during pregnan- and flaxseed oil (digestion).
Supplements can also cause prob- cy, and breastfed infants need vita- Many supplements have mild ef-
lems if you have certain health min D. Folic acid—400 micrograms fects with few risks. But use caution.
conditions. And the effects of many daily, whether from supplements or Vitamin K, for example, will reduce
supplements haven’t been tested in fortified food—is important for all the ability of blood thinners to work.
children, pregnant women and other women of childbearing age. Ginkgo can increase blood thinning.
groups. So talk with your health care Vitamin B12 keeps nerve and blood The herb St. John’s wort is sometimes
provider if you’re thinking about tak- cells healthy. “Vitamin B12 mostly continued on page 2
ing dietary supplements. comes from meat, fish and dairy
“You should discuss with your doc- foods, so vegans may consider tak-
tor what supplements you’re taking ing a supplement to be sure to get @
so your care can be integrated and enough of it,” Haggans says. Subscribe
managed,” advises Dr. Craig Hopp, an Research suggests that fish oil can
expert in botanicals research at NIH. promote heart health. Of the supple- news in health
Dietary supplements are regulated ments not derived from vitamins and
2 August 2013

continued from page 1 For vitamins and minerals, check

used to ease depression, anxiety or the % Daily Value (DV) for each nutri- Web Links
nerve pain, but it can also speed the ent to make sure you’re not getting
breakdown of many drugs—such too much. “It’s important to consider
as antidepressants and birth control the DV and upper limit,” says Hag- For more about dietary supplements,
pills—and make them less effective. gans. Too much of certain supple- click the “Links” tab at:
Just because a supplement is pro- ments can be harmful.
moted as “natural” doesn’t necessar- Scientists still have much to learn
ily mean it’s safe. The herbs comfrey even about common vitamins. One
and kava, for example, can seriously recent study found unexpected doesn’t guarantee the product works
damage the liver. evidence about vitamin E. Earlier re- or is safe; it just assures the product
“It’s important to know the chemi- search suggested that men who took was properly made and contains the
cal makeup, how it’s prepared, and vitamin E supplements might have listed ingredients.
how it works in the body—especially a lower risk of developing prostate “Products sold nationally in the
for herbs, but also for nutrients,” cancer. “But much to our surprise, a stores and online where you usually
says Haggans. “Talk to a health care large NIH-funded clinical trial of more shop should be fine,” Coates says.
provider for advice on whether you than 29,000 men found that taking “According to the FDA, supplement
need a supplement in the first place, supplements of vitamin E actually products most likely to be contami-
the dose and possible interactions raised—not reduced—their risk of nated with pharmaceutical ingredi-
with medicine you’re already taking.” this disease,” says Dr. Paul M. Coates, ents are herbal remedies promoted
director of NIH’s Office of Dietary for weight loss and for sexual or
Supplements. That’s why it’s impor- athletic performance enhancement.”
Wise Choices tant to conduct clinical studies of To make it easy to find reliable
Safe Use of supplements to confirm their effects. information, NIH has fact sheets on
Because supplements are regu- dietary supplements at http://ods.od.nih.
lated as foods, not as drugs, the gov/factsheets/list-all/. NIH also recently
n Tell all of your health care FDA doesn’t evaluate the quality of launched an online Dietary Supple-
providers about any dietary supplements or assess their effects ment Label Database at www.dsld.nlm.
supplements you use. Some on the body. If a product is found to This free database lets you look
supplements can interact with be unsafe after it reaches the market, up the ingredients of thousands of
medications or affect medical the FDA can restrict or ban its use. dietary supplements. It includes in-
conditions. Manufacturers are also responsible formation from the label on dosage,
n Read the label instructions for the product’s purity, and they health claims and cautions.
for use. must accurately list ingredients and For more personalized, on-the-go
their amounts. But there’s no regula- information about dietary supple-
n “Natural” doesn’t always mean
tory agency that makes sure that la- ments, check out NIH’s free updated
safe. For up-to-date news
bels match what’s in the bottles. You app for your smart phone or tablet:
about the safety of particular
supplements, check http://nccam. risk getting less, or sometimes more, My Dietary Supplements (MyDS). You of the listed ingredients. All of the can access it at
ingredients may not even be listed. The MyDS app provides the latest
n Too much might be harm- A few independent organizations supplement information and lets you
ful. Don’t take more than the keep track of the vitamins, minerals,
conduct quality tests of supplements
recommended dose. herbs and other products you take.
and offer seals of approval. This
You can even keep track of supple-
ments taken by your parents, spouse
NIH News in Health (ISSN 1556-3898) or children.
National Institutes of Health Managing Editor Harrison Wein, Ph.D. “Deciding whether to take dietary
Office of Communications Editor Vicki Contie supplements and which ones to
& Public Liaison Contributors Vicki Contie, Alan Defibaugh take is a serious matter,” says Coates.
Building 31, Room 5B64
Bethesda, MD 20892-2094
(illustrations), Craig Fritz and Dana Steinberg “Learn about their potential benefits and any risks they may pose first.
Tel: 301-435-7489 Fax: 301-496-0019 Speak to your health care providers
about products of interest and
Attention Editors Reprint our articles and
illustrations in your own publication. Our material For more health information from NIH, visit decide together what might be
is not copyrighted. Please acknowledge NIH News best for you to take, if anything,
in Health as the source and send us a copy. for your overall health.” n August 2013 3

Recognizing Cataracts
Watch for Vision Changes as You Age
As life goes on, we all start to notice it’s simply a normal aging
certain changes that are a natural change of the eye,” says
part of aging. Maybe our joints aren’t Dr. Rachel Bishop, an
as flexible as before, or our hear- ophthalmologist (eye doctor)
ing just isn’t what it used to be. Our at NIH. “Typically, cataracts
vision, too, may be less sharp than it don’t cause damage to
once was. the eye the way most eye
One cause of impaired eyesight diseases do.”
later in life is cataracts. A cataract Early symptoms of cata-
is a clouding of the lens in the eye. ract can be improved with
People with cataracts may notice eyeglasses, brighter light-
cloudy vision or halos around lights ing, anti-glare sunglasses or
when driving at night. If left untreat- magnifying lenses. If these
ed, cataracts can greatly limit vision. steps don’t help, surgery is
In fact, some people with severe the only effective option for
cataracts may only be able to tell the treatment. Surgery involves
difference between light and dark. removing the cloudy lens
Cataracts are common in older and replacing it with a
adults. About half of all Americans plastic lens.
will either have cataracts or have had Cataract procedures are
cataract surgery by the time they among the most common
reach age 80. surgeries performed in the
“I don’t usually think of cataract United States. Most patients
as an eye disease. In most cases, recover in just a few weeks,
and many have improved
eyesight after a few days.
Recent advances have allowed To screen for early signs of eye
Wise Choices doctors to tailor new lenses to disease, Bishop recommends that
Cataract Symptoms
patients and help reduce the need for everyone have a dilated eye exam at
Check with an eye care profes- eyeglasses after surgery. age 40, even if your vision seems fine.
sional if you have any of these The decision to have cataract Once you’re in your 60s, a dilated eye
symptoms. They may also be a surgery is a personal one that should exam is usually advised every year.
sign of other eye problems: be made between you and your “Some people think reduced vision
n Cloudy or blurry vision. doctor. Some experts advise that is just an unavoidable part of normal
cataracts be removed only when aging,” says Bishop. “It isn’t. If you
n Colors seem faded. vision loss interferes with your notice your vision isn’t as good as
n Glare—headlights, lamps everyday activities, such as driving, it used to be, you should see your
or sunlight may appear too reading or watching TV. eye doctor.” Since many serious eye
bright. A halo may appear The best way to prevent or delay diseases have no early warning signs,
around lights. cataracts is to protect your eyes from it’s also important to make regular
n Poor night vision. harmful ultraviolet rays from the eye exams part of your standard
sun. Try wearing sunglasses or a hat health care routine. n
n Double vision or multiple im- with a brim. Researchers also believe
ages in one eye. (This symp- that good nutrition can help reduce
tom may clear as the cataract the risk of age-related cataract. Web Links
gets larger.) They recommend eating plenty of
n Frequent prescription changes green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts For more about cataracts,
in your eyeglasses or contact and other healthy foods. Also, don’t click the “Links” tab at:
lenses. smoke, because smoking may speed
cataract development.
4 August 2013

Health Capsules For links to more information, see these stories online:

Predicting Response to Breast Cancer Drugs

Scientists found tiny genetic differ- choices about their treatment. genetic factors that can help predict
ences that can help identify women To learn more, an international which high-risk women should be of-
most likely to benefit from certain team of NIH-funded scientists ana- fered breast cancer prevention treat-
breast cancer prevention drugs—and lyzed the genes of women in a breast ment and which women should be
who should avoid them. cancer prevention study. The women spared any unnecessary expense and
Women at high risk for breast can- had taken tamoxifen or raloxifene for risk from taking these medications,”
cer—such as those with a previous several years to reduce their risk for says study leader Dr. James N. Ingle
tumor or a family history of the dis- breast cancer. of the Mayo Clinic. “We also discov-
ease—can take medications to lower Two tiny genetic regions tended to ered new information about how the
their risk. These drugs include tamox- differ between women who did and drugs tamoxifen and raloxifene work
ifen and raloxifene. But many women didn’t develop breast cancer while to prevent breast cancer.” n
decide not to take them. The drugs taking the drugs. Women who had
don’t always prevent cancer, and in “helpful” versions of both regions
rare cases they can cause serious side were about 6 times less likely to de- Featured Website
effects. If doctors could better pre- velop breast cancer than women who Genome:Unlocking
dict a patient’s response to therapy, didn’t have these versions. Life’s Code
women could make more informed “Our study reveals the first known
Volunteers Needed for Diabetes Study Your genome holds clues to your
Have you been diagnosed with type To address this issue, NIH launched current and future health as well as
2 diabetes in the last 5 years? If yes, a long-term clinical trial called the your ancestry. Explore how genome
you may be eligible to help scientists GRADE study. Researchers will exam- studies are improving medical care
test treatments by participating in an ine the benefits and risks of common and our understanding of the world
NIH study. diabetes drugs used with metformin. around us. This educational website
Type 2 diabetes, the most common Scientists hope to enroll about is part of a state-of-the-art museum
type of diabetes, usually appears 5,000 participants at 37 locations exhibition developed through an NIH-
during middle age or older, but it across the country. All volunteers will Smithsonian partnership.
can affect people of any age. People take metformin, along with a second
with type 2 diabetes have too much medication randomly assigned from
glucose, or sugar, in their blood, and among 4 classes of drugs approved
they have trouble converting food to for use with metformin by the U.S.
energy. The drug metformin, which Food and Drug Administration.
helps to control blood glucose, is Participants will have their diabetes
often the first line of treatment. medications managed free of charge
If metformin isn’t enough to keep during the study. Other health care
blood glucose in check, doctors must come from participants’ own
sometimes add another drug. But providers.
no long-term studies have looked at Learn more about the GRADE study
which drug combination works best at n
and has fewer side effects.

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