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In all my previous books, I have

focused on my own sexual
sensations; but in my new book "'s
supersex" I decided dwell in detail
on how you yourself go to the
delightful travel to the land of sex.
You will learn even more from this
book than from my other books.
And with the new delights that you
find on these pages, you will find
more pleasure and joy with your
partner in bed. Here are my official
lessons in love. I want to convert
your attention not so much to what
I once did myself, but to what I
learned from what she was doing. I
will tell you step by step how you
become a more perfect partner in
bed. If you would come to me
personally, I could not show you
more and more clearly at one time
than this hour. So, are you ready for
your first lesson? Let's start then.
"(FOREPLAY is never having to
say" are you ready? ") Germaine
Greer said: "Every man needs to be
fucked at least once in ass, so that
he finally understands what it is
like for women. "Well, the lady has
own point of view. Different men
will certainly react differently to
this is a statement. While many men
sometimes experience homosexual
attraction, only a few really dream
of a partner man.

Nevertheless, in sex, as in other

areas of life, success depends on
whether we can look at things from
the point of view of our partner.
One thing is absolutely certain: men
must understand that penetrating a
woman without preparation is not
the way to force afterwards ask her
for more. Most men are shy and
selfish in as far as the pre-game is
concerned. The most typical
example of what is happening
wrong in many cases in our bed, the
phrase of one of married men, said
to her sex therapist consultant: "I
suppose that my pre-play requires
more work. "Too many give basic
meaning the prefix "pre", paying
little attention to the root.

Therefore, instead of erotic game

that equally enjoys both partners,
all this becomes a duty necessity
preceding something more
important. This is perhaps one of
the negative consequences of sexual
revolution. Today, when two people
start a light flirtation, they are fine
understand that nothing can stop
them, if they wish, to finish it all in
bed. Previously, couples who could
not even dream of love each other
"to the fullest" knew how to really
enjoy delightful real pre-game.
Caressing and caring for each other
down to what was called the limit.
There was nothing more for them
more important than what they
were doing for each other at the
moment, realizing that public
morality does not allow them to
enjoy real sex, they tried to get
maximum pleasure from their only
teasing caresses. No part of the act
of love is less important than the
rest; a kiss can be as significant as a
spontaneous intercourse.

Remember this always and you will

be a luckier lover, because the pre-
game never starts in bed. It starts at
head, ideal pre-play is the art of
constantly maintaining your
partner of an erotic mood. It might
just be a look saying "you're driving
me crazy." And this is what should
make the same feel your partner
too. The goal of the pre-game is to
create sexual arousal, and arousal is
best achieved unexpected caresses.
In the pre-game, enemy number 1
for a man is complete predictability
of his actions. He sometimes resorts
to the tried and proven love tactic
because it worked on previous four

He forgets that every woman is

different. Always remember what I
said about seeing things from your
partner's point of view. Men classify
themselves as "breast lovers", "ass
lovers", "leg lovers". However, they
often forget that women with their
own the parties have their own
preferences, each woman may have
her own the most sensitive parts of
the body. What happens when he's
bigger like one thing, and she like
another? I believe the preference
here should be surrender to a
woman. Then, in a delightful frenzy,
she pleasure will take caresses and
other parts of the body. I am in no
way I want to say that women do
not make mistakes during the pre-

The most a big and frequent

mistake of a woman is a false
shame. She's afraid to show her
sexual experience for fear of what
her lover will think afterwards, as if
she had already had a lot of fun in
her life. Despite what she wants
caress his penis and possibly take it
in your mouth. She will wait until
until he himself guides her hand
and asks her to do so. If she does
something really insanely exciting
and desired by a man, she afraid
that he, as one of the heroes of the
book "diary of a mad housewife"
(diary of the housewife's crazy
wife), say: "where the hell are you
learned all this? "- however, this
happens, perhaps in one case out of
a hundred, in the remaining 99
cases, the man will go mad with
Take a chance. ****
Don't be a weirdo in the pre-
game ****
The man I call an eccentric always
"works" top down. The script is
tough, unalterable, like a table of
time zones; and just like
Philadelphia appears in front of
Washington, the chest in this case
precedes clitoris. It never occurs to
him that it is possible to act in in
some other order.

This type also adheres to one what

time. He gives each breast exactly
the same portions of caresses, plays
with each nipple before kissing him,
and then lowers his free hand down
the belly of the girl ki to start
stroking the clitoris just because
everyone it is known that this is
supposedly the only correct order
action. At the same time, the
delightful feeling of unexpectedness
disappears. given and
unpredictability, what will be the
next step, disappears the magical
effect that every surprise given

In addition, he has no idea what de-

do with the second hand. Finally,
when inspiration comes to him- he
finds that he cannot move. He leans
on your elbows in order to properly
bend over her, and his hand had
nothing to do with it and went
numb. Sometimes she finds herself
under her shoulder blades, and he
tries to reach with the other hand,
to caress her distant breasts,
however, this causes more great
difficulties, no matter how it is, it is
already impossible to move.
His woman not yet warmed up at
all, but he is already caressing her
clitoris, and therefore, she knows
that in a couple of minutes direct
intercourse will follow, and she will
tries to imitate passion and
excitement, which in reality is not
tries so that he does not think that
she is frigid - and this ends the
whole pre-game.

In the end, he had already reached

the bottom, and now he nowhere to
go but inside. In order to go through
such a procedure, she did not even
need to go to bed. She could easily
get this program by television: the
program is called "Upstairs,
downstairs" ("up, down").
NOT EXIST *******
This goes for the traditional
approach to pre-play. However, the
real one exciting sex -
"unconventional", that is, it is
believed that the most the great
things we do can shock someone.
Now let's take a look at some of
these amazing exciting tricks that
are performed somewhat
unexpected (unconventional) ways.
They are equally effective on both
sexes and do not need to be
performed in a specific order.

Preplay is a game for two a game

that can be played in any order and
that can be started by either a man
or a woman, depending on the
mood and case. *Eyelashes. Run
them over your partner's lips,
nipples, or the inside of the tip of
the penis. Start slowly, gradually
speeding up "blinking". This game is
called "butterfly". It is generally
accepted that eyelashes - this is
something purely feminine,
however, men often have eyelashes
even more long and hard, which
makes such caresses more exciting,
right? * Licking. Shower with your
partner and then try to lick
moisture from each other's body.

You will never again need a towel.

(Here you can argue: -Is it possible
to dry wipe the body with a wet
sore? -Of course no! But what a
delight to you will deliver this
attempt.) *Silk scarf. Stretch it
between your partner's thighs. Get
started drive them slightly above
the knees, gradually rising to the
groin. When the scarf gets wet, you
know it's time to move on to other
things. (Before using a scarf or
shawl, look at the label and make
sure it doesn't say dry clean only.)
*Spine. To get rid of the stupid up-
down procedure described above,
start in the middle. Lick gently
while doing quick tongue
movements as you move along the
spine partner.

The most sensitive part of the back

is at the base spine, where the
tailbone is located, near the
buttocks. Make it wide gentle
nibbles and kisses of the pulp, suck
it into your mouth. Then start lick
the hollow where the thighs begin.
Both of you will agree that it is
makes you tremble with pleasure. *
In the meantime, you are down
there ... Just like men and women in
our time do not wear very short
hair, this can be put to good use.

Men with very long hair can pull it

down and stretch it along woman's
pubis up and down. A woman with
long hair can do even better: gently
wrap your hair around your penis
partner, squeezing slightly, and
gently sipping, thereby making your
partner a kind of silky massage. It is
necessary to strengthen, then to
ease the contraction of the penis.

The pleasure is achieved here the

same as with normal caress, but the
use of long silky hair makes the
process is more romantic and gives
new sensations. * Nails. Not just for
women, as Barbara Walters would
say. If a a man will use his nails
intelligently, then he will find a lot
for himself things I hadn't noticed
before. Not only men grow hair on
back; most women have weak,
barely noticeable hair in some
places on back and buttocks.

They are often so subtle that men

usually they simply do not notice,
especially when they caress these
places with strong shaking. A man
should pull his partner's buttocks
so that they become tight, and then
gently slide your nails along the
elastic pulp, barely touching her
baby gun. She can do the same for
him: fondle him. hips, buttocks and
shoulders. *Navel. The navel - the
"hollow" can be caressed by
dropping the tip into it language;
convex can be sucked lightly.

If the "hollow" is really deep, it may

look like a small cup. Fill it up
honey and then scoop up nectar
from there, like birds and bees,
about which you once told by your
parents. * Pelvic nerves. They are
located at the junction of the thighs
and torso, stretch to the point
where the hip bones protrude
slightly from the body.

Exact hitting a target either with

your tongue, or with your finger, or
both produces the effect of an
electric shock: the body shudders
and arches as the awesome hot-ice
sensation grows.
**** Chest - not to grip with
frenzy ***
A woman can also be hit below the
belt. Some women breasts are so
sensitive that just walking without
a bra hurts them. Men would be
much more fortunate with women
if would remember all the time that
women's breasts are just as easily
vulnerable as men's testicles. Men
classify women by their breast size
and then apply with each "size" the
way they think it deserves. Women,
have whose large breasts often
begin to crush strongly and roughly,
like dough, since men are unable to
restrain themselves in front of her
"generous talent".

Them and it never occurs to her

that she might be against such
treatment, for they associate large
size with hardness and durability.
Thus - and this is perhaps one of the
saddest irony of sex - full-breasted
women sometimes experience
more torment than joy from their
beautiful big breasts.

Men are better at handling small

breasts - sometimes just out of
interest, but more often because of
an instinctive feeling of tenderness
for everything small. Thus, it is
women with lemon-sized breasts
receive from men the affection that
every woman dreams of.
****** Multiple views on special
points ****** (Points about points) *

One of the best ways to warm up a

woman with small breasts is next:
try to take all of her breasts into
your mouth. Man, who manages to
make rhythmic swallowing
movements and press the nipple to
his sky, will lead his happy woman
into frantic ecstasy. * A lot can be
achieved with short suction - a
excessive can tire.

If a man does not take his mouth

off the nipple during long time, the
nipple can quickly become
insensitive. Promising licks at
intervals are much more enjoyable,
especially if it is occasionally
accompanied by gentle nibbling.
Basic rule: air must flow to the
nipple. Lift your mouth completely
off your chest and pull your tongue
out so that it touches the nipple. *

After a woman's nipple, the halo is

most sensitive, often called the
"pink patch" despite the fact that
brunettes and women at older age,
it is usually darker; for black and
Indian women, he sweet chocolate
color. For some women, this halo is
quite strong. bloated and walnut-
like even when she is not aroused.

Have in others, this halo is

completely flat and grows after
stimulation, and although I cannot
absolutely guarantee this, but it
seems to me that such halos have
more sensitivity. Run your tongue
along the rim of the halo, making
slow rotational movements as you
get closer to the nipple. Traffic your
tongue on the nipple should be
quick and light and resemble
movement butterfly wings.

Then go back to the halo rim again

until nipple and halo will not turn
into one passionate tongue seeking
to meet you (personally, it excites
me insanely).

* How to blow a girl ... (literally:

how to "blow" a girl. Word "blow"
in colloquial English can mean: do a
blow job, blow in the head of the
penis - approx. Per.) Yes, it can be
done with the woman above belts! I
find it difficult even to appreciate
how easily excitable can be nipples.

The smallest thing can make them

tense: I once had bra with poor
seam, and a small hard tubercle all
day slightly tingled my nipple,
driving me crazy. I loved it! Blow on
your partner's nipples. If next to
your bed there is a little wine, then
put a few drops on the nipples, then
gently blow until the wine is dry. A
mix of ice wine and a warm breath
will make her float in the clouds.

* Despite the fact that the space

between the two breasts does not
have special erotic sensitivity, this
"cut" can have a certain value of a
psychological nature. Take in each
hand across your chest, gently
gather them in your palms, then
squeeze them together, forming a
deep, attractive cut. Keep your
palms clearly on each nipple,
moving the tongue clearly along the
formed hollow up and down.

Massage your nipples with your

palms, gently moving them back
and forth. Wherein breathe hard,
making passionate sounds and
adding to your partner pleasant
sensation of hot breath. * Many men
have a beard and mustache that can
do a good job. service. Try running
a stiff mustache over a woman's
nipples. Who knows, maybe it will
someday lead to the disappearance
of clean-shaven faces.

* Another area of the breast that

often goes unnoticed is fold under
the breast. Touching this hollow
with the tongue is especially
effective because how unexpected it

* Women with large or drooping

breasts can enjoy their light wiggle.
Feeling this weighty enough excites
both partners. The halo in such a
breast is very sensitive and usually
very large, sometimes the size of a
silver dollar. A man should sit on
the bed leaning her back against the
headboard (wall) while the woman
sits down between his legs with his
back to him.

He puts his arms around her and

puts his palms on her breasts. His
tongue and penis should not be
bored here: caress her ear with
your tongue, and press your penis
to her back while whispering to her
some fantastic script. Imagine that
you are two strangers in crowded
bus. Tell her why, of all the women
in the crowd, you chose her, and
then let her talk about the feelings
that delivers her your snuggling

* See-without-hands massage can

replenish your sexy the repertoire
is healthy and natural playing. But
let's start with a regular massage.
Offer to massage, in order to relieve
pain from tired muscles, can be an
innocent and unobtrusive pretext
for the transition to love the game.
Thanks to the massage, either side
can become either active or passive.
Remember the basic rule of pre-
game - no shyness. Massage is an
especially good way to get on top of
a man, not making him feel passive.

However, in the absence

professional massage table, most
massages are done on wide bed.
This means that in order to get to
massaged object, you need to
literally sit on your partner. But is
that bad? If you want to get serious
about massage, it will be better if
you sit on the floor, especially if the
floor is covered thick carpet. If you
don't have a carpet, spread a couple
of blankets on the floor. Now we
come to the hands-free massage
technique, a great activity for those
who know how to handle their

A woman can caress her a man with

nipples, which equally arouses him
and her. First put your man on his
stomach. Spread his shoulders, put
your knees on both sides of his
shoulders. In this case, your legs
should be spread wide apart. Lean
over him and slide your chest back
and forth along his head and neck.
Then bend over and, taking one
breast in your hand, slide the nipple
over his ear.

Then take the other breast and do

the same with his other ear. By as
you move along his back, holding
your breasts in your hands, press
them well in the area of the ribs
where the most "sensitive" areas.
When your journey has gone far
enough down his back so that your
legs apart are directly above it
buttocks, lift up slightly and rub
your pubic hairs against his
tailbone. If you have rich hair in this
place, then the feeling of becoming
the already wet cannon on its
buttocks will drive him into a
wonderful frenzy.

IN at this point, you should snuggle

tightly and quickly rub, then let go.
Continue this procedure down his
thighs; when your chest located
directly above his buttocks, spread
his cheeks with your hands and
lower first one and then the other
chest between them. Lead nipples
along his anal gap, then fix the
nipple at the rim of the anus. If you
lubricate the nipple with saliva (or
cream), then you will be able to
inject tiny tip of the nipple in the

When you do this, he will be in

ecstasy to contract and unclench
the muscles around the nipple.
Continue to run your nipples along
his legs, paying particular attention
to areas on the inside of the knees.
Finally, kneel down on the floor in
front of the bed at his feet and tickle
the nipples of his feet, inserting
nipples between his toes.

Now flip it over onto its back and

start the whole process over. From
the scent of his body will emanate
from your breasts, which will excite
him additionally when you run
them over his face. Drop your
breasts in deepenings of his neck -
they are also erogenous zones in a
man, although many women neglect
them. When your nipples are over
his breasts, gently caress his
nipples until they turn into tense
mounds, then press your nipples
against his.

Stocky men often have enough pulp

on their chest, which makes them in
some way the least similar to real
(female) breasts. This can be a
powerful incentive. normal
bisexuality, which by nature, in one
way or another, is in every person.
Slide down his belly and drop the
nipple into his navel. In it while you
are already sitting directly on his
groin, so cuddle him the penis with
the lips of your vagina.

Then move so that the penis ended

up in front of your buttocks. Bend
over slowly, letting him slip first
between the legs, and then under
the feet. Lifting your body up like
this so that it only touches the inner
lips of the vagina, let it slide along
your groin. When he suddenly
breaks down and flops again in
front of push it away gently, taking
care not to reject it from a natural
angle. Press lightly on it and let it
rest in your stomach, and enjoy the
convulsions yourself. Then rub
lightly and fidget on it.

Now you may think you are ready

to cum. Perhaps you and right. But
this is just the beginning of my
catalog of charms. Now is the time
go from simple eroticism

Long pre-play is what everyone

marks about, but most people still
prefer not to mess around too much
long: men are afraid of losing their
erection - and at the same time
disgrace yourself. Women worry
that forcing men for a long time
wait, they give them physical pain -
like in the old days, when the
tenderness dragged on for hours
without the possibility of relief in

Of course, about the case `` strike

while the iron is hot '' is also talk
about 'kuiki' - a fleeting momentary
sex, and I'll cover that in a future
chapter. but there are always
moments when you want to stretch
the pleasure 'on all night 'bringing
each other almost (but not quite) to
highest point. Endless pleasure is
not so bad thing to while away the
night. Try some of the following
delightful torment, imagining that
they would be whipped again in
those days when you were shy
schoolchildren, virgins.
**** when was the last time
you were rocked on your
knees? ***
This famous procedure has long
been considered a practical some
lesbians, but this is a wonderful
thing for a couple who swarm for
two there is at least one clitoris and
one knee. For men the pressure of
the wet female pubis pressing and
working rubbing against his thigh
and knee can be very exciting. One
my sign man told me that such a
procedure makes up for his little
penis. 'I imagine that my hip is the
biggest cock in the world and my
knee is a huge head.

My a woman gets wild when she

sits on it. she is up to this degree is
aroused that wriggles, as if it wants
to immerse my knee into my vagina.
Her excitement takes over and me
so that my fantasies begin to seem
to me almost real- ness'. 'Knee
riding' can help a woman
experiencing difficulty reaching
orgasm. Many women end up happy
but quickly, as soon as they
'straddle' something.

It happens from the fact that such a

procedure, consciously or
subconsciously, does not remind
them of the very first form of
masturbation they practiced as a
child, holding a pillow or rolled up
between her legs a blanket. Such
sexual associations from childhood
can help a woman to overcome
stiffness and achieve a spontaneous
orgasm. Female Orgasm During
'Lap Ride' Shakes Most men.
Men are mesmerized by the
thought of 'female eaculation'. At
all, it is believed that this is a myth,
although we all know that a woman
becomes very wet down there
when it comes. And if a man wants
he can then lick your knee to taste
it. I know several men who really
like it.
*** penis like vibrator ***
We live in a time when the vibrator
is often used as a a substitute for a
male member (we are talking about
Western countries where for a long
time along with electric
toothbrushes, etc. spread electric
vibrators designed to massage the
skin and various parts of the body -
approx.) Thanks to this, we almost
forgot that can make a real penis
without help. And it's worth it talk.

The only thing missing is a penis

compared to a vibrator, so it's
buzzing. And if a woman cannot do
without buzzing - and such
happens, believe me, - then I can
only advise her to always keep her
buddy's electric shaver next to the
bed while she enjoys a massage on
his living penis. A tense member
can perfectly perform this function.
vibrator - it is attractive, soft and
hard at the same time, and it

There is a large artery on the inside

of the penis if the 'trunk' is tight
press the puppy to the skin, she will
feel light pulsations similar to
heartbeat, that's when the drums
start to beat in the jungle! Penis
massage can be started from either
end of the body and be conducted
up or down, respectively. One of the
most delightful things what a man
can do here for a woman is to start
with her head and 'give' your tense
penis to her in volos.

Here's how to do it. Kneel down in

front of her face. Your testicles
should be near her mouth so she
can lick and kiss them while you
'brush' her hair with your penis.
Lean forward a little and start
lifting the parts her hair, as a
hairdresser does with a comb to
part the hair into various stacking
sections. Swipe your penis around
her ears; then direct it into the thick
of it, entangle it with hair.

If her hair is still warm after drying,

then you may be so good that you
come - in In this case, she will
receive a good portion of this
protein health improving for hair.
Warren Beatty in her 'shampoo'
never achieved such excellent
results! Plus, you'll have a good
excuse to take a shower together.
Light, caressing touches to her ears,
armpits, to the bends of the elbows
and wrists will make your woman
feel especially loved as your penis is
interested in all parts of her body,
and not just that 'between the legs.'
it can be exciting to 'kiss' the penis
of her nipples if you press the tip of
the penis to the nipple and then you
will drive the inside of the glans
along halo, savoring and enjoying
the rigidity of her swollen circle.

Remember, that the more lubricant

you use on both the nipples and
penis, the more sensitive they will
be, and the more pleasant
sensations dryness in these places
reduces sensitivity and can even
make the procedure painful. An
excellent lubricant here can be
shaken cream spray from an
aerosol can (for example, cream for
tanning, etc.) - for God's sake, not
cold! Also as a lubricant you can use
some aromatic tasty jelly, which
you then with eat it with pleasure.
Gently poke your penis in the navel,
move it along pelvic nerves, along
the protuberances of the hip bones,
drive the dexterous in the gun at
the bottom of her belly, behind her
knees and between her shoulder

Finally, press your tense penis

against the arteries. on her neck. By
this time they should be just as
tense nim, like the artery of your
penis. Let them pulsate together let
the beating of two hearts merge
into one.
***** foot and toes ****
(The foot, le pied, der fuss - mit
toes, too) The leg is the organ that
has the most sex in the Western
world. neglected, In the east, the
Persians, Indians for many
centuries have known - and
displayed it is in the pictures - that
the legs, and especially the big toe,
are excellent helpers of the male

Here is how one emperor managed

to serve a whole harem with wives
and concubines Look, madam,
handles, here they are! Legs have a
bad reputation because they are the
most utilitarian part of our body.
Partly for this reason, but more
often due to a lack of the
imagination of the leg as a sexual
organ is usually not taken into
account. However, the leg as a sex
symbol is something else. Bare foot
it sometimes a symbol of simple
independent people and today
when a woman walks barefoot, this
could be a sign that she is sexy The
erotic symbolism of a graceful
female leg is all good known.

Suffice it to recall how girls' feet

were locked in ancient China in
stocks so that they remain small
and graceful forever or the
wonderful tale of Sindarel. Small
female leg also looks great on high
heels, which sometimes attracts
men, so what it looks like ... well,
perverted. Although one
psychoanalyst I knew said to me it
looks phallic. Nevertheless, it is
obvious that this question confuses
us. I see the only way to get rid of
this embarrassment is to try what
your feet can do in bed (when you
don't need go nowhere, either on
foot or otherwise.) In addition, the
guy who will work with his foot,
keep his 'gun' and combat efficiency
for another time.
Finger work (her).
A woman should lubricate the space
between the large and second toes,
with which you need to act as a big
and index finger of the hand, so that
his penis easily passes between
Finger work (his).
He lubricates his thumb and inserts
it (make sure your nails are
trimmed well first) into her vagina.
Female can receive it while in the
usual missionary position, or while
standing on on all fours facing the
edge of the bed. At the same time, a
man must sit in headboard. She can
also stand on the floor at the edge
of the sent, spread wide legs and
tilting the body slightly forward.
The work of the feet (her).
She slides with all ten pre with
lubricated fingers up and down
along the 'shaft' of his penis, or, she
grips with thumb and second
fingers at the base, caressing it the
head with the big and second toes
of the other foot.
Foot work (his).
He can tickle her - in the most
ticklish place of all - with the toes of
one foot or both at once. For
example, he can press your thumb
against her clitoris and then start
lightly press, almost without
touching. You can try something
else. The man lies on his back with
his legs so that the feet go over the
edge mattress.

She spreads her legs wide and falls

on his toe, besides both partners
can lie on opposite ends of the bed
and the man can massage the entire
surface of her pubis with his feet.
Bugger your toe. (Bugger - in
English lingo means 'bugger',
'sodomite', etc. this phrase can be
given the following meaning: let the
finger your leg will become a
'bagger' for a while) English game
for all, stipulating that the players
must bring one big toe and one butt.

One of the partners places a large

toe into the anal rim of your partner
and gently begin to move up and
down. The side receiving the serve
must half-sit, half-stand on the edge
bed, thighs on the mattress, the
back part is raised.
*** will you believe - that's
not all ***
Finally we come to that last mind-
blowing thing that girls call
'everything except', and boys' grip,
dry wood, rub knees', etc. but
despite the fact that both of them
complain about it, they all enjoy
every minute of this procedure,
because the last includes some of
the most adorable things that can
do a man and a woman to each

A few decades ago before there

were shared bedrooms and
contraception, caused by a freer
attitude towards sex, the 'crime
scene' is usually served as rear
seats of cars or blankets spread in
secluded places in the open air. The
latter was undoubtedly better, since
after all this can be pretty much

In general, always keep close to a

sufficient number of towels, and
ideally, of course, to be near there
was a bath. Compression by the
hips. If necessary, the woman
should here use artificial
lubrication between the thighs. But
usually she doesn't need it; joyful
vagina sprinkles the upper thighs
with its own juices, making them
adorable and slippery.

Such a hip caress can be carried out

in any position, but the most a
pleasant position for both partners
is as follows: the woman lies on her
back the man on top of her. She
should squeeze her thighs tightly,
put under them thick towel. The
man lies down on the woman,
spreading his legs so that her the
legs are between his thighs.

Leaning on his elbows, he lowers

and rises, pushing the penis
between his partner's slippery
thighs - this is one of the most
enjoyable morning exercises. At the
same time, your ecstasy can reach
agony: the penis does not need to
touching her vulva. It was a rule of
thumb in the days when girls they
were afraid to get pregnant if the
guy just came close to them. This is
by still a good rule of thumb if you
want to experience 'moreplay'

The most important element of sex

is imagination; for you there will be
good practice in reaching the third
sexual dimension - in your
imagination - if you both imagine
that her slippery clenched thighs
and there is a real vagina. The hip
compression can also be performed
in various positions on side: when
the partners lie facing each other,
and when the woman lies back to
the man. However, my favorite
position is as follows: I stand and
my partner stands behind.

In this case, a woman can test her

imagination and then the same
time, allow yourself to feel a little
harmless bisexuality. Passing his
penis between her squeezed thighs,
she will see how the penis grows in
front of her body. When he is fully
'grown', she can take with his
fingers and begin to make caressing
forward movements along his head,
imagining that this is her own
penis. (Don't get lost, be a man for
at least a couple of minutes - it's
interesting!) Speaking about this, I, I
remember Boris, one of my
enthusiastic Russian lovers, who
tried to teach me obscene Russian
vocabulary. 'Pizdun' - he explained -
'This is what I have, but what you
do not have.

But I can gladly give it to you on the

condition that you give it back to
me '(obviously the author
unimportantly learned the lessons
of Boris and made an inaccuracy by
using the word wrong, which she
meant. - approx. transl.).
Compression by the chest. The
woman lies on her back and
squeezes both breasts while her
partner sits on her knees over her
breasts. His the penis should be
properly coated with artificial
lubricant. While he drives his penis
along her hollow, she must with her
palms massage your own nipples.
Men are always wildly delighted
seeing how a woman is engaged in
one or another type of self-
excitation at the moment their sex
together. It looks like she says:
'what are you doing it makes me so
excited that I also want to fondle
myself. ' Most men think about how
to arouse a woman only with

But much more it's delightful to

make a woman aroused on her own.
Then you have there is a great
common cause - taking care to give
pleasure to her. Also, squeezing
your breasts can be combined with
a blow job. If a the woman will put a
pair of elastic pads under her head
to help her mouth was in line with
his penis when he emerges from
her 'hollows'. Then she can lean
forward to meet him and take the
head of his penis in his mouth. If he
understands what is good for him -
and for her, - he will not disturb the
rhythm of his movements; both
sides will receive great pleasure if
she only slides her tongue along the
rim, then quickly sucks the head
and lets go, allowing the man to do
the opposite movement of the penis
along the hollow between her

Thus, both partners get the same

'squeeze', sometimes losing control
of themselves. If during such a game
he suddenly ends, the surprise from
his eruptions in all directions can be
stunning. Save real blowjob for real
oral (mouth) sex, take it 'surprise'
on your body (not your mouth). Not
every woman likes it. But how will
you know if you don't try?
Squeezing by the buttocks. The
main idea is not to to get inside, but
to slide between, so a woman
should lie not stretched out on the
stomach, but on its side in the
'embryonic' position so that her
buttocks form a sickle-shaped guide
along which the penis could slide. A
woman can also kneel near bed,
leaning on your elbows.

The man spreads her buttocks and

inserts between them a member,
moving up and down so that the
penis is directed down to floor.
Both the penis and the inside of the
buttocks should be well lubricated.
As he moves his cock up and down
and between her buttocks, she
should squeeze the penis between
the buttocks as tightly as possible
and strain and relax muscles in time
with his movements. If she does it
vigorously enough, then the next
morning she will ache
corresponding muscles. This is the
same muscle pain as after horse
riding. And if she is a rider, then, in
theory, she should be perfectly
prepared for such a game. Armpit
constriction. It is best if the woman
kneels and the man stand behind
her. At the same time, she can move
vigorously, not poking his face into
his pelvic bone.

All that must now be them bind is

his penis, squeezed in her armpit.
He must protect your testicles by
holding them with your hand. She
can either move the arm, as during
a fast run, or sway whole body back
and forth. Previously, a woman
must be obliged rinse off your
deodorant thoroughly, otherwise it
may cause rash. And you know
where. "On" but not "in". Again,
penetration into a woman is
undesirable, as the name suggests.
this game. The woman should lie on
her back, putting more under her
hips pillows so that her partner can,
kneeling between her legs, drive the
penis up and down between the lips
of her vagina.

Or, on the contrary, she can remove

pillows and stretch out on his back
with legs drawn together. Her
partner is located on top and,
directing the penis vertically
downward, drives it up and down
between her vaginal lips. Several
such movements, and she, almost
probably ready to cum, because this
technique provides more pressure
on the clitoris than normal
intercourse. To do this exercise any
intercourse position can be used. A
woman can sit in a pose puppy,
tucking his knees under him and
leaning on his hands, and the man
on his knees behind her and
"dissect" her from the rear.

Every time his penis appears in

front of her, she can, like a friendly
politician, greet him handshake.
Rubbing against the clitoris. A
woman can get pregnant this way,
therefore she has to take care of
protection. The man is just
exercising rhythmic circular
movements of the penis along the
upper part of the female vulva,
where the clitoris is located. When
he cums, he has to channel his
ejaculation right on the clitoris. Any
woman will be overwhelmed by the
sensation of acute an intense jet on
your clitoris. This can be best
described as "hot thick trickle of
syrup." And trust me, nothing beats
this feeling.

I guess it looks like a scoop of ice

cream should feel, when sprinkled
with hot chocolate sauce. Men who
in childhood won the competition
for "targeting", must be sure try this
game; perhaps their "jet" stream
will bring their girls to orgasm.
Balling jack. Some women prefer
men with huge testicles rather than
a huge penis - a situation known as
"one potato without meat".

These women state that the

sensation of masculinity scrotum
rubbing along the anal area during
intercourse is the most an
important thing to help you achieve
orgasm. With the help of testicles
alone, a man is able to bring a
woman to orgasm. In her normal
missionary position, a woman
should be spread your legs and,
raising them high, wrap them
around the back of your partner.

Then she reaches out and with

both hands gently takes him by the
testicles, putting them in a "nest"
between their vaginal lips. Then,
then while his penis lies on her
stomach, she begins to move, as if
he really is in it. A man with a fairly
fluffy scrotum can bring his woman
to orgasm, although, most likely,
she will just very aroused by the
heat and pressure of his testicles,
which create a feeling of "fullness"
between her legs and near the
clitoris - similar to what a feeling
the blanket between her legs gave
her as a child. *** Well, maybe
someone wants to add something to
everything said about the pre-game.
If so, then I don't want to hear
anything. shake about it. There is
enough material here for you to
find yourself to do for a whole
month of rainy Sundays. And what
about- it seems to me, then I
personally have long been ready for
the BASIC game.
"Belly-to-belly" (Fundamentals; or
"belly-to-belly" basisc) The art of
sex can be compared to the art of
dance: you just have little what
happens if you are just a beginner.
And don't try to imitate Fred
Astaire with his classic chair-to-
chair jumping and walking walls. I,
of course, in no way intend to
dissuade you from experimentation
- in a later chapter I will tell you
about the ability use your
imagination in a way you have
never used it before.

However, I want to say that before

trying "The Last Tango in Paris
"(title of a famous film), you must
master perfectly the basics.
Otherwise, it may really be your last
tango - at least with this partner.
**** Face to face with a
partner *****
Have you heard the Indian version
of the famous joke about the
manual sex? Hari finally, after years
of research, interviews and
personal experiments finished
writing "Kamasutra", where he
collected 3542 different poses. He
showed the manuscript to his friend
Krishna and asked what he thought
of all this. Krishna read the
manuscript very carefully, then his
face darkened, and he asked: "What
about that position when the girl is
lying on her back, spreads his legs,
and the guy lies down between
them on top? "Hari thought, biting

Then he exclaimed: "Oh, I

remember! This is what somehow
showed me Lady Jane! " Recently,
the "missionary position" has
received a lot of criticism. some
aggressive feminists who claim that
she symbolizes male superiority. In
doing so, they forget the fact that it
is this position that allows the
woman to receive the most
stimulation clitoris.

So who is more profitable? Not

being on the side of those who
certainly insists only on this
position, I still believe that she is
the most comfortable and most
logical position for partners, who
make love to each other for the first
time, and of course for virgins of
both sexes. In addition, this posture
brings the greatest emotional
satisfaction. It allows all the senses
to work simultaneously in the most
romantic form, while not requiring
much effort.

You can taste your partner's tongue,

smell their skin, listen to a soft
whisper, look into each other's
eyes, keep each other in natural
hugs. And this is a pose that does
not need to be "specially" taken - it
turns out by herself. After long
caresses and kisses, a woman
should spread her legs, because her
vagina swells and heaves in such a
way that she simply cannot keep
them shifted more.

Her leg will rise and wrap itself

around male thigh. When she does
this, he will just as naturally be
between her thighs. And thus, they
are already in this position, even
without thinking about it and
without changing the rhythm of
your sex.
**** First step ****
The strained penis goes into a wet,
thirsty vagina very easy -
sometimes too easy. Men love to do
what they do called "pocketing".
And when the "path" is slippery
enough, then that is exactly what
can happen. However, any actor
will tell you that the most effective
going on stage will be when you
pause on the threshold, wait for the
applause and then just go out to the

It is this a short pause allows the

audience to rate you and applaud.
BUT rolling onto the stage, slipping
on a banana peel, this is truly
chickens to laugh! It doesn't matter
how much a woman wants to
"immerse in" a man. The shock of
the sudden introduction of a
member to the full depth deprives
her of the opportunity enjoy the
slow penetration process.

Especially during the first wedding

night (or with a new partner) a
woman wants to remember the
process penetration into her, and
she is unlikely to be able to do this
if the process proceeds at the speed
of light. The official moment of
penetration comes when she feels
like the swollen head of the penis
pushes the entrance to the vagina.

This feeling instantly makes her feel

wide open, right here you need to
take a short pause so that she has
time to prepare her body and
consciousness of what will follow.
**** Division of labor **** (division
of lay-bor) Too many men take over
all the work without thinking that
women, left to themselves, will float
"where the wind blows." The
position of "man on top" does not
imply the passivity of a woman - in
no way case. This position perfectly
allows a man to indulge his pride,
and in at the same time, she allows
the woman to do at least half work,
if not more. Let your woman "put"
herself on your penis, "pull" it into

It's especially good if she's a virgin

because in this way she is freed
from the fear of what you will cause
her pain. In addition, it will give her
time to take the necessary pauses in
order to Courage. If this is your first
time sleeping with any woman,
then, of course, the likelihood that
she will not turn out to be a virgin is
almost astronomical. But in this
case, if you give her part of the
initiative in a missionary position,
she will benefit psychologically.

Subsequently, she will not feel used,

fucked and thrown out, as women
sometimes feel with new partners
who treat them too quickly and
rudely. After all, if you let her "come
out to you" and meet you halfway,
you can it is fair to say that
intercourse is a form of official
acquaintance, and she will be able
to tell you quite sincerely: "It was
very pleasant become acquainted".

And above all else, it will best allow

you to discover a woman's sexy
temperament, as well as her "size",
and you will have the ability to
better adapt to it. So, if she has very
little vagina, then you will know
about it before she screeches like a
cut; if - on the contrary, then you
can correctly position yourself
before you "fall out" of it (I will tell
you more about this below).
**** Not a man, but an engine
(It's not a man, it's a motion) One of
the most common complaints you
usually hear from women: "It would
be better if the men wobbled and
moved more!" Despite the
discovery of the significance of the
clitoris and the debunking of
Siegmund's theory Freud that all
the feelings of a woman are
concentrated in the vagina, many
men still believe in this erroneous

They think the vagina full of

exposed nerve endings, like a
broken tooth, and that a woman
starts to get stunned as soon as
something (no matter what!) enters
it. What really abounds in a
woman's vagina is slippery rolling
folds that make you stun a man
when his penis rubs against them.
The simple sensation of male
"blows" will not lead a woman to
orgasm. And not it is important how
long he can continue this simple

His a woman would rather get tired

- in all respects - than receive
satisfaction. What really leads to
orgasm is the sensation good tight
penis inside her plus weight,
pressure and friction the male body
throughout its entire body
(especially in the pubic area and
this little devil - the clitoris). Exactly
how a man clings to a woman, rubs
against her body, etc. and leads the
woman to orgasm.

And a man can't do it all if he sits

down on his knees and elbows and
just moves penis back and forth.
Many men out of a false sense of
discretion and tact strive not to lean
too heavily on a woman.

They think that the most give the

woman the opportunity to move
freely. But often they give her too
much freedom - sometimes so much
that she just as well could use a
vibrator. Personally, I've always
liked it terribly feel the rubbing of a
man's belly or his hairy chest
against my body.
*** Circular movements with
blows ******
(roll with pushes)
First, lie down with your legs
stretched out. Lean on elbows,
thereby raising your body so that
your groin is pressed against her
pubis. Insert the penis into the
vagina to its full depth (as deep as
possible). Introduce it gently at
first, slowly, then thoroughly.
Thereafter start making circular
movements with your hips.

She will immediately join the game

and raise her pelvis in search of a
position, in which her clitoris will
be properly pressed against your
groin. When you move together, her
clitoris will receive maximum
friction. To provide even greater
groin compression, the woman may
freely stretch your legs on the bed.
When both partners have their legs
extended, their bodies are in an
extremely curved position,
providing the ultimate the angle of
intersection of their bodies in the
groin area.

Remember, I said that all this has a

lot to do with dancing - wiggle hips,
nudges, rhythmic movements, and
hip presses to each other? Rumba,
samba and cha-cha-cha got their
start on the mattress (on a mattress
with a mistress). Sometime there,
later, partners got married, became
respectable, and the memory of
their lovemaking was moved to the
dance floor.

At least this is Xavier's version.

about the history of dancing. Does
anyone have a better one?
****** Dear men, I'm not going to
deny your personal style at all, I just
want to tell you how to help a
woman finish first. And then after
she finishes, you can do whatever
you want and how you Like. One of
the reasons many women fail to
experience orgasm is that they are
trying to compete with men in
making love or adjusting too
quickly to behavior men in the
following cases - all this is definitely
not true:

* Don't squeeze her legs too tightly.

Or rather, do not squeeze them at
all. until she finished. Too many
men like to insist on so that the
woman lies with her legs raised so
that they can pinch her hips with
elbows. I understand it's nice to
enjoy the full an armful of juicy
attractive female thighs. But it takes
your woman out from the most
successful and advantageous
position for her. She's not going
anywhere leave, remember, she will
want to get up and leave, if you
always make her feel like a
prisoner, bound hand and foot.

* For heaven's sake, don't grab her

buttocks. They are also not going to
nowhere to run. However, men are
very fond of reaching out and
raking in them anyway. Some men
begin to pinch a woman's buttocks,
and others squeeze them with such
force that she is unable to do
undulating movements. Remember,
the basic rule is next: don't hold her

* Do not place it on your head. It is

very easy to define a man who is
selfish; such a type does not have
time to get into bed, as he begins to
command: "Pick them up!" Some
want the girl's feet to look right in
ceiling leaning on air; others
demand that she put their feet on
shoulders. A woman in this position
turns from a woman into a hole; her
clit turns out to be out of work and
gets nothing but air.

I often thought about is one of the

reasons why so many women have
problems with orgasm, is as
follows: women feel just funny and
ridiculous in some of the positions
in which men put them. In order to
cum, a woman must first of all feel
attractive and sexy. She feels like
this if she's rhythmic bends in a
wave-like manner, and - quite the
opposite, if it keeps bounces up and
down like a ball.
* Do not speed up the rhythm of
your movements when she starts
moaning. She is moans because,
first of all, she feels good about
what you are doing in this moment.

* Do not ask questions that require

stupid answers from her. Most
annoying are men who, by doing
anything that, without doubts,
delights the girl, suddenly ask her:
"Do you like this? "What else can
she answer him besides yes? At
such a moment, trying answer "yes"
or "no", the woman will feel
ridiculous from the fact that barely
whether he can make an articulate
sound at the same time.

This, in turn, can force her to try to

construct a correct and competent
phrase. Usually such attempts end
in failure, since in such moments it
is not easy formulate your thoughts.
Another example?

Imagine a man who makes his

girlfriend wriggle like a snake in a
frying pan, so that during
intercourse it licks nipples. When
he brings her to the highest point of
passion, he suddenly stops do what
he did and asks: "Do you want me
to kiss you nipples? "In other
words:" Should I continue what I
am doing? "Why ask questions to
which she has already answered
with her actions, especially in those
cases where this would require
interrupting and therefore messing
up the entire process?
**** How to do the "wrong"
things right *****
(The right way to do wrong)
There are two types of basic
missionary positions that can help a
woman cum:

* The "schoolgirl twist" is the

missionary position, usually
practiced in the back seats of cars.
In order not to roll off the narrow
seat, the woman wraps her legs
around the man. Whether in the
back seat or in bed, it makes them
even more press your groins
together, increasing friction. It also
gives a woman the ability to
"control" a man; she can use a
man's legs, to push him when she
herself moves in waves, and, at the
same time, keep him at the
"distance" at which she wants.
* Let her do everything herself. I
guess it might hurt someone's
masculine vanity. However, after
all, not every time you resort to
such things. In addition, the benefit
that a man will receive in this case
from his an enthusiastic girlfriend,
will make him feel like a king.

After the man inserted the penis

into his partner's vagina like this as
deeply as possible, he must stop
moving and stay completely
motionless. At that time, a woman,
bending her knees and rested as
follows the feet into the mattress,
raises the hips so that it is free
could make jerky movements up
and down.

For a woman who usually finds it

difficult to reach orgasm, this
technique has a tremendous
psychological advantage. The
immobility of a man reduces her

Since he seems unfazed, she will not

so worried that he will finish before
her. Moreover, such exchange of
traditional roles in sex - the man
becomes "passive" - helps a non-
terminating woman to naturally fall
into sexual aggressiveness. After all,
someone has to move. And if he
does not move, then - it's up to her.

This is the perfect technique for a

woman who craves be aggressive,
but does not like for one reason or
another the position of "woman
from above. "Having shown her
aggressiveness in the missionary
position, she is equally get both
physical and emotional pleasure. It
will be good for her man too. He
gets everything he needs sensations
(his member makes movements in
it) and at the same time his
passivity allows him to better feel
what is inside her.

Plus to everything he gets the

opportunity to rest if he is
somewhat overtired before. When a
man is motionless, he more clearly
feels the folds on the walls of her
vagina and its juices. He will also
win twice: he is on top, and with all
this he experiences indescribable
sexual pleasure without moving a
single muscle!
******* Women's weakness
******* Silly questions -
feminine style. *
"Do you love me?" She knows
perfectly well that he will answer
"yes" (not whether he means it or
not). Is she sincere expecting him to
say no? And besides, what does the
word love mean? As you know,
there is no simple definition for it.
So why good in such matters at
such moments? (another variation
on this the topic may be: "Well tell
me, say it!")

* "Do you really want me?" This

can be compared to the situation
when you pull a warped body out of
a pile of scrap metal after car
accident and ask, "Are you in pain?"
After all, he's in this moment is
making love to her, what else can he

* Two truly amazing things - the

following: "Promise that you wait
for me! "and" Well, are you not
cumming yet? "If he is compliant
and a person who is attentive
enough to you, then he may try
focus on the multiplication table or
yesterday's baseball score match.
But why remind him that he wants
to forget? And if he is in the
moment is in some difficulty and
cannot end in any way, you also do
not need to remind him about it.

* "Are you good with me?" This can

be found on page 331 of the book.
"Peyton place", published in 1956.
Unfortunately, a huge number of
women took it into service, and a
huge number of men to this day get
tired listen to this stupid question.

* Most women know that men have

a strong tenderness in the anus.
This is the place with which she is
very easy can play while in
missionary position. However,
when she reaches out, spreads his
buttocks and lowers his finger
between them, she may ask "here?"
Where the hell else?

* "You feel me?" This is a favorite

question for women who have long
suffered, diligently practicing
various vaginal exercises about
which in so much has been written
in magazines lately. Now that she
finally has mastered the technique,
she needs compliments. However,
this is perhaps the least silly of all
questions. If she's everything is still
learning, then drawing the attention
of a man to his first attempts - if he
will answer her honestly - at least
she will know if she does at least
any progress in these exercises. You
may be too feminine.

Some women think that sex is

mainly a man's business, and they
see it as a "stick-out" procedure,
consisting entirely of mooing and
rough movements. Because of this,
women believe that it would be it is
wrong to try to "compete" with a
man in such things.

And so they try to bring femininity

into the process, doing cute and
graceful things, oh which most men
don't really bother. Hold your hand
through his hair, stroking the back
of his neck, barely touching his
backs and ribs are just a few of the
favorite things for women. Things
this kind can be useful or harmful
depending on a specific situation
and a specific man.

But a rare man (and even then only

incompletely) will be pleased with a
woman who identifies femininity
with maternal care, rewarding the
man with whom she makes love,
gentle spanking and motherly
cooing with him. He is by no means
a child; and if she wants a baby for
herself, then let her his. You women
should forget once and for all
nonsense like "you are Tarzan, I -
Jane. "Be as aggressive as you want.
Get to him ear and carefully
"handle" it with your tongue.
Squeeze his buttocks and play with
his testicles.
Give him as much as you get from
him! And again I think of Germaine
Greer, this time in the attitude of
too feminine behavior in bed. What
they really crave men, - she says, -
it's "a little frank dirt, a little real
relish in business. "And here I say"
amen ", for when you give him what
he madly desires, then you get from.
(The big bang; or the making
of an orgazm)
During a time of strict censorship,
one editor advised the author
sexual novel: "There are two things
in the world that do not lend
themselves to description; one of
them is the sunset. " Unable to call a
spade a spade, the writers tried
describe the female orgasm with all
kinds of romantic euphimisms, such
as: "she plunged into the abyss of
joy" ... "she swam on gold cloud
"and, even, believe it or not," her
thighs were wet. " Today we can say
what we think. But this does not
mean at all that we have gotten rid
of all the old habits.
No matter how we call it - to finish,
to reach the highest point, to
conquer peaks, great shock - it all
sounds like it’s an overwhelming
task, mountain. This is why, in my
opinion, many women just can't
handle it. will cope. I receive
hundreds of emails every week. One
of my most educated
correspondents drew my attention
to the charming the way of thinking
about orgasm she found in French
translation novel by Mary McCarthy
"The group".

In English, the man says girl: "you

came" ("you finished"), and in
French he says (and, note, does not
use the familiar "you"): "vous avez
joui" that literally translated: "you
played." One of the reasons people
have trouble in that delightful game
that they trying to play by the
wrong rules. And it's not surprising
that all it becomes more like work
than play. First let me to consider
some misconceptions and
misconceptions that many take for
rules. And then I'll introduce you to
a new set rules for this "game
without rules".
**** Misconceptions about
orgasm ****
Here are some of the most common
misconceptions about orgasm that
men and women tell each other
never meaning ourselves: * Any
woman can cum if a man lasts long
enough long. This is partly true -
but the fun part is lost. sex,
delivering the main joy to partners.
Most intense orgasms usually
happen within the first five

Twenty thirty minutes of

monotonous "pumping" that many
men try to do, rather make your
woman feel like she was being
served in automated store. She may
eventually end, yes, but it will be an
"almost-but-not-quite" orgasm.
Technically it's an orgasm, but
practically - this is a weak surge,
after which she will feel herself
even more upset than if she had not
experienced anything at all. The
answer here might be more
pregame. Remember what you
almost said Hamlet: "The foreplay's
the thing ..."

* When the woman starts to cum,

the man should start "applying
blows "what are the forces.

No! Quite the opposite; he must

move as much as possible quieter.
In this case, both of them will be
better. I got a huge amount letters
from women who ask why their
orgasms during masturbation is
much more intense than what they
experience during intercourse with
a man. The reason is that during
masturbation a woman is able to
feel the spasms of her vagina
because she weakens her touching
when he feels the beginning of an
orgasm. A man who begins to drive
his penis with all his might partner,
as soon as she starts to cum, does
the same with her vagina what we
usually do with our nose when we
want to avoid sneezing, pressing
your finger tightly to the upper lip.

On the other hand, while continuing

to move relatively calmly for her,
and yet, with gentle rhythmic
thrusts, letting her know that he
still in play, not only will he let her
feel her throbbing vagina, but he
himself will be able to feel her
spasms. A hard beating penis is not
can feel almost nothing but their
own sensations.
* "I will give you an orgasm!" One
of the most recent sexual problems
revolution lies in the fact that too
many men, knowing that a woman
now, it seems, should have an
orgasm, take over the vowel
responsibility for this even before
they even end up in bed.

By promising her a sexy rose

garden, you are doing yourself and
her a disservice. The ability to give
also includes the ability to take
away. And not only so. As soon as a
man imposes on himself such a
responsibility, he begins to worry
about whether he can actually
deliver the goods.

His the concern is passed on to the

partner. And as a result, they both
practice love for the sake of
pleasing his male pride, and not for
the sake of a friend friend.
Remember, this is her orgasm. And
he does not give, she has it.

* Simultaneous orgasms are the

best. Again, no! Joint ending
intercourse is something that
everyone should experience. And
this is usually is obtained by
partners who know each other well
and have already many times slept
together. In other cases, it is better
if the woman finishes first. Many
men believe that by "ending
without her" they force a woman
feel used. Others believe that as
soon as a woman finished first, she
immediately loses all interest in
what is happening.

Both of these assumptions are

wrong. A satisfied woman can relax
and enjoy the strong male blows.
Still fluttering the vagina at such a
moment will be much more
sensitive to pulsations penis than
during your own orgasm. The
woman who has already
experienced orgasm, can now focus
on feeling like ready to cum the
penis swells in anticipation of
orgasm. And she foresees the
second when the eruption will

The feeling of a man cumming

inside her can be the most amazing
thing for a woman. Some men also
believe that a woman gets hurt if
they keep hitting after she's
finished. But this is also wrong
opinion arising from the fact that
the male penis remains sensitive for
some time after ejaculation.
Women, however, and emotionally
and physically different from men.
As I said, after her own orgasm, a
woman can enjoy her heightened
sensitivity to a man. And trust me
she won't feel no pain.

She may even want to indulge in

additional psychological pleasure
with the help of fantasy - to imagine
yourself "taken" as the ancients
said. Finally, a woman who has
already finished can enjoy
contemplation of the face of his
man when he finishes. During this
time she also can do what many
women secretly dream of: dirty
talk. Now that she has finished and
can think harmoniously again, she
will be able to construct a beautiful
colorful phrase.

And, of course, now, after the

woman has used her turn to strike
and is at second base, she will be
able to calmly enjoy the
opportunity to "enter the house"
while her partner is all still on the
way to first base. (If this sounds too
confusing, don't be very hard on
me. What an uneducated Dutch girl
might know about American
baseball game?)
**** "Her breathing became
choppy" ****
This is my favorite line from one
porn novel. She talks about why so
many women have difficulty with
orgasm: they hold back breathing
when they feel its approach. Any
strong emotion makes people hold
back their breath; we all do it
instinctively when we scared or
surprised. Some women have
subconscious orgasmophobia - not
so unusual expressed stating, "It's a
bit like you're dying!" Orgasmic
they associate agony with what, in
their opinion, should be like death
throes, and this causes anxiety,
which makes hold their breath.
Even rhythmic breathing helps to
relax in any strained situations.
Ideally, orgasm should be like
breathing - that is, what we cannot
stop. Breathe in as deeply as
possible, then breathe out him with
a desperate harsh sound. If it looks
like an orgasm, it feels like an
orgasm, sounds like an orgasm,
there is every reason to believe that
this is orgasm.
***** Orgasmic spasms *****
One of the hardest things for a man
to understand is that some women
need an orgasm in order to ease
spasms when menses. On the first
day of the menstrual period, when
these cramps especially strong,
many women masturbate even if
they never indulge in the pleasure
of self-excitation in more favorable

Men cannot understand how a

woman can experience sexual
pleasure when feeling iron pain. it
has nothing to do with masochistic
perversions, as mistakenly many
men believe. That women achieve
the highest sexual susceptibility
during or shortly before the onset
of menstruation is well documented
fact. And the stronger the spasms,
the more attention women are
concentrated on the pelvic area.

Spasms are aching, rhythmically

throbbing pain. And it makes a
woman feel herself as if her heart
were suddenly down there. And
then comes the moment when a
strong feeling merges with a strong
feeling. That's why many women
who have difficulty reaching
orgasm may quite easily and
quickly to reach it during such

A man who becomes a "good

Samaritan" for his woman,
masturbating her during her
menstrual contractions often gets
reward in bed a few days later. All
he should to do is to wet the index
finger with saliva and cuddle her
clitoris, bringing her to orgasm.
**** Imitation *****
Proud Puritans and some feminists
claim that women should never do
that, but let me disagree. Most
women pretend from time to time.
And, without a doubt, pretense is a
far more appropriate method than
resorting to the famous the phrase:
"Do not pay attention, it does not
matter, go on!". If you are going to
"play", ladies, then do it like follows.

Do not smile at all. Remember, an

orgasm is more than anything that
looks like a convulsion, and no one
smiles when he is driven spasm.
Freeze, tuck and squeeze your
thighs and buttocks, arch back,
grimace, baring your teeth, as if you
were tearing the finishing ribbon on
Olympic hundred meters. As for the
various conversations during
simulated orgasm, then you, you
will probably sound like the heroine
of a porn novel if you give out: "Yes
yes yes yes yes yes!". Don't bother

The reason why porn heroines do

this is is that the writer is impatient
to finish the book as soon as
possible and get a check; six "yes" s
take a whole line and help the
writer reach the end of the page
faster. Other porn monologues
should not be used either. Still none
a person who actually ends up will
not be able to fit it pronounce.
**** Damage compensation
Let's say that the woman hasn't
finished and hasn't faked an
orgasm. Most men want to help
them. And the only obvious solution
is replacing that no longer capable
unit with a finger. Take action as
soon as the penis has left the
vagina. A still aroused woman can
take at least two fingers. Use your
index finger and second finger
while rotating your thumb finger
around the clitoris.

If your thumb is extremely large,

then it will look like a penis in more
than one or more other fingers.
Lower it into the vagina and then
insert your index finger into the
rectum. When both fingers are fully
inserted, gently bring them
together together so that she feels a
pulling sensation on a thin the
septum separating the vagina and
rectum. Enter each finger
alternately - first one, then another,
etc. And while you do this, lick your
tongue and clitoris. You don't have
to wait very long.
**** Has he finished? ****
This is a rare problem, but it does
exist. A man can just lose an
erection while inside the vagina.
This usually happens due to fatigue;
sometimes it is a psychological
reaction to any number of things
that may not have anything to do
with this woman. Inability to cum
called anorgasmia in medical terms.

The reason anorgasmia in extreme

manifestation in men is priapism -
by name the Greek god Priapus,
who had a permanent erection.
Priapism is not happiness, but
trouble, a painful medical problem
that, fortunately, is rare. There are,
however, different types of orgasms
in men. Described medical
language, they all look like
convulsions, to one degree or
another intense.

But an orgasm is, after all, an

intense reaction - enjoyment.
According to Dr. Alfred Kinsey,
about 20% of men experience
moderate orgasms with very small
pulsations of the penis, with
ejection of semen drop by drop, not
a stream. 45% of men tense with
the whole body, "convulsions cover
one or both legs, mouth, arms, or
other parts of the body.

"About 17% experience flattening

muscles of the legs, "convulsive
spasms, bulging eyes and have a
strong eruption ". 5% become
"insane" and go into hysterics when
they start talking and laugh. Others
experience "violent tremors,
convulsions, discoloration face, and
sometimes complete weakening.

"Others may scream and experience

unbearable pain if movement
continues after ejaculation or
simply with a light touch of the
penis. Which type is better? Not the
slightest difference, as obviously
men hardly able to control
themselves during orgasm. I'm just
saying you which group you (or
your partner, if you are a woman)
belong to, if you are interested. A
woman should always remember
that a man is given a huge joy
"filling it up".

So take your time to jump out of

the bed and run to the bathroom,
even if you feel uncomfortable
sticky, and you are afraid to stain
the sheets. Keep in an accessible
place near bed a towel and place it
under you. Many women who use
diaphragms are especially
meticulous - and tactless in
"washing" after intercourse. Never
behave like that way with a man, as
this gives him reason to think that
he poured into you something dirty,

People in a sophisticated society,

until recently, did not allow myself
talk a lot about orgasms. They were
secret, "forbidden" experiences for
all women and most men. It all
matched Puritan laws that still stifle
our society. Even in today's "liberal"
atmosphere about the most famous
orgasm we know from the thirties,
during the Spanish Civil War, when
radicals and revolutionaries around
the world united in a holy war
against fascism. It was then, as
recounted in Hemingway's
bestselling novel "For Whom the
Bell Tolls", Spaniard Maria tells
American Robert that she in fact, I
almost felt: "The earth was
shaking!" Xavier's appeal to the
modern generation: "The earth
shaker of all countries, unite - in the
knowledge of earthly
(The power of positive
Needless to say, I'm sure of the
need to always be liberated and
independent sexually. Normal bed
sport demands it. And besides, just
wondering use your imagination
and fulfill your fantasies, even if you
are do not get those supersexual
pleasures (super sexperinse), about
which you dreamed. There is
nothing more exciting, or just sexy,
than trying different positions,
while you maintain a sense of
proportion, without reaching
ridiculously, and you understand
that there are only a few basic
However, there are enough of them
to make happy those who
experimenting. This means that the
rest of the thousand - or something
like addition - positions are
"pseudo" positions slightly deviated
from basic, which usually do not
add physical pleasure, although
some of them can give additional
emotional pleasure, if they help to
fulfill your erotic fantasies.
Seriously speaking, I consider the
position to be erroneous if there is

It is also wrong if one of the

partners suddenly blurts out
something like: "Hell!" "Oh! Wait,
wait, wait!" "Maybe, for Christ's
sake, you will get off my foot after
all !!" "Yes, but you said that this is
exactly what you want." "They got
me?" "Got where?" There is no
position that you can call new. AND
it was not our sexual revolution
that aroused interest in various

And not for centuries until our time,

people came to the conclusion that
natural and what is unnatural. Let it
be known to everyone, in history
already there were sexual
revolutions, and one of the wildest
occurred in ancient Rome. The
Roman poet Ovid dedicated a huge
number of poems to various poses.
In the time of Ovid, an essential
element of sexual pleasure was
considered aesthetics - so it should
be today - and he based his the
theory of postures on the fact that
every woman should take the pose
in which its merits are most
Here is an excerpt from his poem:
Throw up your head, whose face is
beautiful; Flaunt your back, whose
back is graceful; Let your beautiful
legs fall on your shoulders ... Given
the problems of rhyme and meter,
Ovid's poems can be considered
good advice - to a certain extent.
However, the choice of position in
each a particular case depends not
only on the most beautiful parts of a
woman's body, but also from her
mood and the mood of her partner.
**** "Enter it yourself" **** There is
hardly a man in the world who has
not addressed a woman with such a
request. Even men who claim they
can't stand "aggressive" women,
someday they will ask their
partners to perform this is the most
aggressive of all sexual acts. The
ideal position for a woman to insert
a member herself - this is when the
woman is on top of the man. It not
only gives the ability for a woman
to reach the penis without breaking
her hands, but also allows her lover
to observe what is undoubtedly the
most exciting of all the disappearing
scenes. This position is popularly
known as "sit on it" - but, I beg you,
do not do that! Or at least don't sit
down all the way. First, it is may be
uncomfortable for a man with an
unusually sensitive head member.
Moreover, it is bad for both
partners from a psychological point
of view. vision. No woman wants to
act insane at such a moment. pile
driver (device for driving piles).
And although it is known that some
spies hid various things in their
vagina, believe me, there is no penis
nothing contraband - it can even be
smuggled into Turkey. It is much
better to prolong genital sensations
by introducing the woman in the
penis itself as long as possible.
Instead of being overweight fall on
your man, sit on him gracefully,
gracefully. Slow open your legs
wider, wrap them around his body -
if you are very are well stretched,
then you can sit on the twine - and
lower on it pubis, while not
forgetting to keep your back
straight and put your chest forward
(Don't slouch. Remember what Ovid
said about showing your merits). If
your man's penis is vertical when
stressed up, then you can play look-
without-hands. But this does not
happen for everyone. men. For
some, a tense penis lies along one of
the thighs or on stomach. In such
cases, do not rush to delay it as
soon as possible, you can increase
the chances of orgasm (for both of
you) if you massage first the vulva
and clitoris with a well-tense and
swollen head. If he stands by
himself on your own, then put your
hands on your hips and do various
sexual movements like a striptease
dancer, pressing and rubbing
against him. if you have to support
it, which is possible and will, take it
large and index fingers and enter
into yourself. Do not forget that
your the thumb moved slightly
along the skin of the penis, giving it
additional pleasure. Women who
are most sensitive when entering
vagina, can especially enjoy the
position of "woman on top",
because that she allows them to be
aroused only by the head of the
penis. They declare that "The first
inch is the main thing, the rest is the
surplus." This, however, in largely
depends on the consent of the man,
but in the position of "woman on
top" there is no choice: you fuck
him, and he gives himself up. So
enjoy yourself enjoy! If a man is
extremely large, then the position
"woman on top" is especially
preferred over any other, as a
woman can regulate penis insertion
that can be painful in others
positions. With really strong guys, it
will be good for a woman if she will
climb on top of him, insert the penis
into herself, while he has not tensed
yet. No matter how big it is, a
relaxed penis comes in easily; and
then you you can enjoy the
extraordinary feeling of how it
grows inside you. Trust me, there's
nothing better than feeling like this
"fullness". When a woman is in a
seated position, to her partner or
herself it is much easier to
masturbate her clit. Most men are
strong excited by seeing a woman
play with herself. This is not at all
for him by your reaction to his
ability to satisfy you. By this we tell
him that he has ignited your
passion so much that you just
cannot cope with your hands. In the
woman on top position, you can
also play with his nipples, or he can
reach and squeeze them large and
index fingers in time with your
swing. If your man has a long
enough penis that is tense condition
tends to snuggle up to the stomach,
you can achieve the maximum
possible clitoral friction, lying
stretched out on it and pushing
tightly legs between his thighs. But
first make sure his penis is enough
a long; otherwise it will jump out of
you and both of you will be left out.
Perhaps the best reason for a
woman to sit on top is men - in that
it allows her to "fully measure" her
man. Seeing a penis is as reverent
as feeling it. **** Not all desk work
is dreary **** It's hard to go to
college and not try it. The
inconvenience is here according to
a friend of mine who studied at an
educational institution for both
sexes, obvious, but insignificant:
some kind of nonsense dangling on
the naked abdomen, a trace from a
spiral notebook remains on the
back, and, finally, ink blots with all
collected news that will be printed
on the most unprintable places.
Unless college has taught you to use
the table in everyday life, you will
always can make up for lost time at
work. According to my friend her
the willingness to learn new things
has paid off. She fucks with her boss
every evening and counts this time
as overwork. Nothing beats "desk
work" in terms of support. The man
stands firmly on his feet and can
swing with maximum amplitude
without the need to support
oneself, without fear of losing the
rhythm because of a slipping sheet
or too soft mattress. The woman is
sitting on the edge of the table, her
legs wide apart. A man can easily
get to her clitoris, and, most
importantly, he can, with a sinking
heart watch and see how his penis
slips into the vagina - visual the
exciting factor that all men dream
of. The standard workbench is also
ideal height as it is times just below
the groin level of the average man.
Add a woman here and that's it.
falls into place. "Desk work" is also
ideal for "kuiki". A woman needs
take off quite a bit, for a man it is
enough just to unfasten zipper on
the trousers. Another advantage of
this position is that that women, it
turns out, it is easier to finish in her,
because the most it is natural for a
man here to use his fingers on her
clitoris (He, in general, has nothing
else to do with his hands, unless, of
course, he is going to salute the
flag). Moreover, if he has not
removed his trousers, the fabric will
create a pleasant friction feeling
over her anal area. However, it is
best not to use this position if you
are working in state institution,
where bureaucrats like to leave on
all things plates. There may simply
be a sign with the inscription:
"Everything, pinned on this table is
the property of the government
United States "(" Anything screwed
on this desk is the property of the
US government "- the word" screw
"- to screw, twist, fasten, etc. - in
English it is often used in the same
sense as Russian the word "fuck").
**** Dog Bone **** Many reject the
"all fours" position because it too
"impersonal". Partners should
enjoy the view of each other, and so
it is. But it happens that even the
most loving and devoted partners
are driven by lust alone rather than
tender feelings. And then this is the
perfect moment for a "dog bone".
It's also a pretty logical position for
people who don't harbor a friend. to
a friend of special love, but just
ended up in the same bed. Most of
we are met from time to time by
someone with whom we do not
necessarily want continue
acquaintance, but with whom we
just want to sleep - at least one day.
And do not be ashamed of those
animal instincts that move us in
such cases; it's just one of the
private types of sexual attraction
that none of us is deprived of. These
are, so to speak, more complex
reasons to use the "dog bone.
"However, there are more simple
ones: because it is interesting,
because that it brings variety, and
because this position is instinctive.
IN after all, our ancestors did it that
way. Obviously, this should appeal
to male "ass-lovers"; women with
extremely sensitive butts like it too.
Moreover, this is one of the most
sensible and safest postures to be
followed use during pregnancy. The
benefits are many. Breasts are
much more sensitive to to touch
when they hang freely and are easy
to reach. A woman can enjoy both
vaginal and clitoral at the same
time. stimulation, if she places a
pillow under her groin and rubs
against it while the time when she
bends her back up. Instead of using
regular soft bed pillow, for more
enjoyment take sofa cushion with
hard, rough upholstery such as
tweed or ribbed plis. (Please, don't
put this same pillow back on the
sofa. Visitors such as ministers,
mothers, etc. will be shocked.) A
variation of the standard "dog
bone" is the "hand doggy. "The man
sits on the bed, leaning back against
the headboard. The woman at this
time sits astride his thighs, facing
his feet, leans forward and rests on
his hands. If you suddenly hear that
someone sings there: "What kind of
dog is there in the window?" (How
much is that doggy in the window),
then you forgot to close the curtains
again. **** Rocking chair **** A
rocking chair, despite its homey
look, is the perfect thing. for sex.
Many children experience their first
sexual sensations in rocking horses,
and rocking was the most
important factor for Japanese
women who were the first to use
ben-woo balls several centuries
ago. (In one of the next chapters, I
will tell you about balls ben-wo.)
Rocking is pleasant in itself, that's
why mothers swing their kids to
calm them down. Obviously, the
most preferred rocking chair
without armrests. A woman sits
facing a man with her feet on the
bar armchairs. If you prefer to rest
your feet on the floor, then put on
first shoes, otherwise you might
crush your toes. What you can be
sure of is that in such a rocking
chair you do not fall asleep. ****
Last tangle in Paris **** (Similar to
the title of the movie "Last tango in
Paris" - "The last tango in Paris",
here the word tango is replaced by
tangle - plexus - approx. per.) Now,
as you understand, we will talk
about the position that we glorified
Marlon Brando and Maria
Schneider in The Last Tango. I mean
the wrong one position where
Marlon had taken advantage of the
butter morsel so well. About this we
we'll talk later in the special chapter
on sex through the back door. Now i
talking about the position in which
they looked like they were rowing,
sitting on boat - but they didn't row.
Partners sit facing each other with
their knees bent and looking up; the
woman puts her hips over the
man's thighs; both lean back
leaning on straight arms; he
plunges his oar into her abyss. The
disadvantage of this position is the
reverse. Easy to move towards each
other, but it is not very convenient
to do reverse movements.
Psychologically this position is very
sexy as both of you can see your
groins, but it's pretty hard to wiggle
your ass on the floor for a long time.
I find that "last tangle" works best
on the standard the size of a double
bed with a very hard mattress. Ideal
if it is an old-style bed with sturdy
metal rods. The man grabs by the
bars so that he can row, row, row ...
**** Morpheus attack **** It is
possible to have sex while in a state
of sleep (or at least start in this
state). As many couples have
discovered, pressing against each
other in the "stick bundle" position
in the cold early morning, leads not
only to insignificant mutual
warming. Przitiya on the side,
facing the back, although it does not
allow vigorous move, is very
suitable for winter temperatures
when too cool to kick off the
blankets. I especially love doing this
early. in the morning after a night of
more lively sex: you both feel the
strength for more once, but you're
too tired to turn it into a routine
"slam-bam" (shoved-took out). This
position is especially suitable if a
man wakes up in the middle of
nights with burning desire, which
can be caused, for example, by
seeing sleep. Often in such cases, he
does not want to wake the woman.
If he lucky, she will sleep on her
side with her back to him, and he
will not have to wake her. He only
has to settle down. Turn on your
side, lift her up nightgown if she
sleeps in it and "slip" into it. Many
women object to this by stating how
they feel yourself "used". No one
should ever "enjoy" sexually a
different person, but every woman
should understand: no matter how
much a man appreciates a woman's
response, there are times when he
needs absolutely passive woman.
Perhaps his physical schedule is in
the lowest point that day; there are
many reasons why a man
sometimes wants quick, quiet,
unconditional primitive sex.
Everything, what is required of you
to serve him is to bend a little while
you continue half asleep. ****
Narcissism; with mirrors **** Now
is the time to pay attention to
women's pleasures, not considering
men. The ability to see yourself
from the outside sometimes helps a
woman get orgasm. It is difficult to
accomplish in a missionary position
when all that you are you can see in
the mirror it is your partner's butt
and legs In order to become the
lead actress in your own porn
storyline, place the mirror in front
of your bed. Kneel down in front of
your man with his back to him. Do
not pay any attention to him:
concentrate on the movements of
your image in the mirror. Play with
your nipples and clit and watch the
scene unfold in front of you,
imagine yourself as a film director.
Imagine that your the partner is
only the penis, testicles and two
legs - that is, only those parts of him
bodies that you can see. Plunge into
your own world erotic fantasies,
not thinking about anyone but
herself. It's possible called "artificial
egoism"; this can be especially
useful for women who are used to
sacrificing their pleasure in favor of
men. Female narcissism has been
promoted for centuries, but for a
completely different reason and in
other ways. Women were always
allowed to spin in front of mirrors.
fully clothed. But, in reality, such
narcissism antisexual. He leads to
the appearance of female slaves of
his toilets, women whose hair is
always styled "the way it should", as
well as women who do not like sex
because they are afraid of being
disheveled. **** Great pleasure with
a sore back **** **** This is a great
position that I accidentally
discovered for myself, when my
lower back hurt. The doctor advised
me to remove the mattress from
bed and put it on the floor. I did so.
However, the doctor is nothing said
about abstinence, so there was no
question of it. I was lying on my
aching back. The bottom of my
bottom was on the edge of the
mattress. My partner knelt between
my legs, I stretched out legs, put
them on the floor. The carpet kept
my feet from slipping so I had a
good emphasis (as opposed to a
smooth sheet). because of back
pain, I could not bend and fidget,
but I could properly bump into my
partner's groin and meet the blows.
Awesome! **** Hanger **** It's not
quite as painful as the name might
suggest (if, sure not to call it pretty
flour). (the word rack in English has
several meanings - hanger, torture,
etc. - approx. per.) A woman can
easily compare herself to Venus
emerging from the sea, depicted in
the famous painting by Botticelli.
All women feel especially pleasant
and especially attractive when
leaving the bath, so how they know
they are fresh, clean, their body
emits a pleasant aroma. AND, in
addition, the bathroom can contain
two perfectly suitable for sex object
- a towel rack and ... a toilet. We,
however, usually do not want to tell
our lovers to entered our bathroom:
the element of surprise is lost.
Leave the door was slightly ajar so
that he knew it was "green". If he
doesn't got the hint, leave the door
wide open. A man must enter,
undress, get into the bathroom and
start his "surprise" on the crest of
the wave. The best position for this
is when a man comes in "from the
rear" and both partners hold on to
the towel rack. (Screw it tightly into
the wall before you "screw"
anything else; and also make sure
that there is a rubber mat on the
bottom of the bath - otherwise, you
risk landing on your own bottom.)
If all the water has leaked and you
are not done yet, move to the seat.
toilet bowl. This is by no means an
unaesthetic place if the lid is down
and that's it. the seat is covered
with a nice fluffy blanket (cover).
And besides, it is the fixture is at the
correct height. (This position is of
course recommended for spacious
bathrooms. with large bathrooms;
so do not try to apply it in your
humble apartment. - approx. per.)
**** "And he rolled his cart ..." ****
You may remember that you did
something similar as a child, and
you it will take a child's agility and
taste for fun to get the pleasure of
such a technique. A man should be
standing on the floor holding a
woman by the thighs with which
she grabbed his body. A woman
looks with her face at the floor and
rests on his hands. Yes, this is the
"cart". This little trick is quite good
for one or two minutes - simply
because of its unusualness and
insolence. But, it's hard to be in this
position for a longer time, perhaps
to everyone except the employees
of Barnum & Baily. In addition, this
position is truly dangerous for a
couple without feeling. humor. A
husband once persuaded his wife to
try the cart. This the woman was
one of those clean housewives who
lose their temper, seeing someone
put their foot on the sofa. In the
midst of their energetic sex, she
suddenly noticed several specks on
the floor and began to pick them up
here and there. She turned into a
cold vacuum cleaner. Maybe he
ought to leave her right there, on
the spot, and not wait for a divorce?
Basically, any position is good as
long as it does not go beyond
framework of common sense. There
will be positions that you will try
only in order to laugh in each
other's face - or somewhere else.
And this good, since laughter is a
necessary component of any
intimate relationship, and is often
the primary language of love. After
all, doesn't it have almost each
couple has their own funny story
about something funny and
outstanding, what happened to
them on their honeymoon?
COUPLING. (Bottom up! Or a shot
course in anal intercourse) Anyone
who wishes to expand the area of
his erotic knowledge, sooner or
later catches himself thinking about
this semi-forbidden fruit - anal
intercourse. However, many people
do it in such a way that - both in
direct and in a figurative sense - it
can be called "through the ass".
Worth people try or even just think
about sex "through the back door",
as they have a lot of all kinds of
negative emotions arise. So let's
take a look this subject is objective.
One of the main problems is fear:
fear of pain like women, and in men.
In addition, disgust and even a
sudden change in feelings for a
partner caused by the fact that
many do not allow the possibility of
associating sexual love with a part
of our body that is used for bowel
movements. There is also - more
imaginary than real - "long arm"
law, both civil and religious. (In
reality, of course, This "long arm"
almost never interferes with action
"short hand", as long as they both
behave prudently, and if it is not a
question about minors.) In many
states, the only "legal" sex Penis-
vaginal sex in a missionary position
is recognized as contact. The laws
condemn many very common
sexual practices, such as, for
example, oral sex. But anal
intercourse is the only form of
"unnatural" sex, the name of which
has its beginning from the Bible:
sodomy. The fact that this kind of
sex is often associated with
homosexuality and animality,
makes it more similar a crime than
anything else, and assigns it to the
so-called the category of
"abnormal". Sharp criticism when it
comes to anal sex, deserves
pornography and porn films. Both
books and films leave the wrong the
impression that this form of sex
does not differ in its ease from
normal intercourse. Whatever it is,
the heroine invariably "accepts" it
without any difficulty; her partner
slips in her bulging ass like that as
easily as he does it in the vagina;
and orgasm, from which it drives
teeth, overtakes her after the first
few movements. Spectators and
readers who take this at face value
can rush into battle, discarding all
caution, and are often so shocked
that forever leave a similar idea.
Modern speech patterns also do not
elevate dignity. the subject in
question. When you call someone
"ass" (this word in English has two
main meanings: ass, donkey -
approx. per.), then you rather have
in view of the directly rear opening,
and not a four-legged animal.
Although the latter is also not a
compliment. Besides whether fear
or expectation, or in general fear of
something unknown, always force
the sphincter muscle to contract,
which controls anus - anus (from
Latin anus). This, in turn, protects
us from discouraging randomness
in times of stress. it is also a serious
obstacle for those experimenters
who want to experience sex
through the back door. But no
matter what, many couples
discovered to their delight that
there should be no taboos in
lovemaking. Anal sex enjoy those
who fit together like a male and a
female porcupine - very careful.
**** Boy, looks like you got the
wrong number! **** The fuck
before anal intercourse starts long
before the physical part begins
directly. Many men for no reason
from this they scare women away
with the way they raise this topic.
The first barrier which must be
overcome in this game is an
understanding of what is not
necessary tell your partner to say
yes. We are, of course, talking about
the case when the question is posed
by a man. If the woman herself
invites man, then everything is
clear: forward! Most men wait until
the very last minute when it comes
to before insertion of the penis into
the vagina during normal sexual
intercourse, and followed by, "How
about we try it in the ass this time?"
The first reaction of a woman is a
strong fright: she thinks that he is
going to make her do it. After all, in
the end, between the vagina and the
back a hole only two inches; all he
has to do is aim slightly lower.
Another bad start: "Have you ever
tried this thing in your pope? "If a
woman says" no ", she is afraid that
this will give her some virgin
attraction and will make him even
more persistent; if a she says yes,
then she gives her partner the
green light, regardless of whether
she wants it at the moment or not.
She may one day tried anal sex and
hated it; and maybe she is I tried it
repeatedly with another man and
she liked it. But this is not means
that she wants to do this at the
moment with this man - that is,
with you. She may have several
reasons and not necessarily
offensive to you. Maybe she likes
anal sex with little ones men, and
you are too big; maybe she prefers
to have a long and a thin penis
through its "back door" and a short
thick one through "front" - and you,
buddy, he is too fat. Or maybe she
just at this moment, she is not very
calm about her digestive tract. (Not
forget that women have much more
problems with this than men, due to
their premenstrual gluttony.) In any
case, putting her in front of the
need to answer "yes" or "no", you
will achieve the fact that she will
nervous and constricted, and anal
intercourse more than any other
sexual an act that requires physical
and psychological liberation. ****
Let your fingers speak **** When
you don't know what to say, be
quiet. It might be easy to find out
about your woman's interest
without saying a word. Like any
other erogenous zone, the anus
(both inside and outside) in various
women has varying degrees of
sensitivity. In anal sex, as well as in
genital sex, preplay is vital. is
necessary, so don't spoil your
chances with too much haste. Get
started stroke her buttocks all over
the surface and watch her reaction.
Shifts Does she tight her cheeks? If
so, then she is nervously tense, if
her "cheeks" are relaxing - this is a
good sign. Next, starting from the
base of the spine, draw your index
finger down her anal cavity. See if
she makes a move backwards trying
to pinch your finger between your
buttocks? Flips over Is she
invitingly on her stomach when you
begin to feel her rectum? If a she
does one of these, then your
chances are going up. A good way to
persuade a woman to have anal sex
is next: prepare it in the same way
as if you preparing her for parting
with virginity in the vaginal area
sex. Almost every woman has
experienced on myself the "manual"
work of an impatient young
boyfriend. So spend her the anus
through the same logical steps.
With a woman who has never had
anything in her back, must be
handled in the same way as you did
with the frontal a virgin. And do not
immediately stick your finger into
the rectum, knowing that there no
hymen. Imagine that it is. Moisten
your index finger her vaginal juices
or your own saliva. Easier use this
natural lubricant than suddenly
start fussing around it with a jar.
Simply, an inexperienced woman in
such matters can find the killer
connection between your finger on
her anus and the jar the petroleum
jelly that you brought to bed with
you, and thus decide that you are
going to rape her anally. For such a
first (introductory) test
penetration, it is better to just use
your little finger. Your index finger
is a welcome guest in a vagina, even
a virgin, but a virgin rectum is
something else. Remember, your
actions should be as gradual as
possible. Instead of going inside
right away, drag your finger around
folds forming the rim of her anus.
You will quickly find out whether
she likes it or not, because she will
begin to squeeze her sphincter a
muscle, either to help you insert
your finger inward, or to push it
out. In this regard, the sphincter
muscles have large abilities. When
your fingertip has passed the
external muscle ring, do not start
moving your finger back and forth
as you would it is in the vagina - the
pleasure that a woman gets from
anal love is not in movement, but in
an all-encompassing feeling the
fullness of the space filled with
either a finger or a penis. Slowly
insert the little finger inward, all the
way to the joint, then start make
slow circular motions with your
entire wrist without moving your
finger back and forth. These
movements and pressure will be
given to the vagina as well, so as the
rectum directly borders on the
female genital organs. While you do
it all, make sure to do some more
anything not anal - kiss her nipples
or caress her navel with your
tongue - to distract her from
thinking: what else have you got
anal for her. The woman who
enjoys every step of anal preplay
just for the sake of this pre-game
itself will more naturally mature
into everything else. **** When the
pinky has done its job **** Now she
has completely "tasted" your little
finger and is pleased to begin move
away from you - and protest. When
a woman first passes through such
a procedure, she usually cries out
and says: "Oh! Stop! Don't need! "-
even if, no doubt, he enjoys every
minute of it. Little girls were taught
from childhood that they should be
legible and graceful - sometimes too
much. She is afraid that during her
thorough research and
measurements, you will stumble
upon something, gently speaking,
unromantic. Even though she, of
course, thoroughly washed the
whole body in the shower and took
a bath before lying in bed, and
knows that it is absolutely clean
everywhere. Don't make her
anxious - give in to her
immediately: remove your finger,
but keep pre-playing on the outside.
Also kiss her rim - that is, the rim of
her anus. Gentle but how follows -
around, more and more. Besides,
there is something in every kiss
soothing, wherever he goes, even if
he (with a smack) falls on ... well, on
the ass. **** Cheek to cheek ****
(sheek-to-jowl) Analingus - in Latin
means "anus-plus-tongue". Some
call it is "reaming" - from the Old
English "remen", which means
"open up". That's why I suppose it's
so easy to remember the name of
Harry Reims. - stars of porno films.
The word "rim" (circle, girdle) is
best expresses the essence of this
technique, since the anus from the
outside is a rim formed by a ring of
folds. I call this process "around
light "not because, of course, I
invented this expression, - because I
like to completely, completely
indulge in this activity when I do it
to someone; and I like to do it for
me too. (I also love, so that this
procedure is stretched and lengthy,
like a cruise around light on a slow
boat.) Women who have never tried
it call it "O-This is awful!" by at least
until the moment when they try and
under a skillful leadership will love
it. The woman should lie on her
stomach, legs wide apart and a
pillow under your belly in order to
lift yourself up. Otherwise, a man
may break your neck. This position
also provides you with the
delightful view of her lower charms.
Spread it slightly buttocks with
palms. Do not stretch them too
much, otherwise, if you get aroused,
you can hurt her. Before
concentrating on the anus, exercise
leisurely licking up and down along
her anal cavity. Pay special
attention to crotch: tight, sinewy,
about the size of a dime coin the
area separating the anus from the
vagina. This place is extremely
erogenous, especially in women
who have undergone an episotomy
- surgery done during childbirth in
order to widen the passage. Suture
does some good by doing this the
place the inaudible endings are
more sensitive. By the way, women
should keep in mind (for another
point) that the same part of the
man's body is also has increased
erogenousness. When you caress
her anus with your tongue, do quick
circles with your tongue.
movement, while not forgetting to
breathe hotly so that your heavy
breathing excited her even more.
Just do not "eat" deeply - just as for
other erogenous zones, the rule is
true here: the less, the it is better.
Obviously, at such a moment, it's
time to properly lubricate it. your
own saliva and, at the same time,
excite her even more. Yes, yes, I
know that this is a very animal,
cave-like kind of sex. But at the end
after all, aren't we descended from
people who really came out of
caves? The traditionally romantic
approach is fine, but every now and
then time, a man must play the role
of a gentle beast for his woman. And
if she will follow the instructions in
this chapter, he will be pleased
surprised by the intensity of her
arousal in response to his primitive
passion. Such a change of place and
action can excite and ignite her
more than ever. earlier. Many
consider such a procedure useless,
since the language cannot it is good
to penetrate inside. Of course, you
won't be able to do it lightly. talk
your tongue all the way down to her
colon, but you can insert your uvula
directly into the sphincter muscle
ring. Horny woman will help to do
this by trying to pinch the tip of the
tongue for a few seconds - a
completely new and unexplored
ambivalent sensation. **** The
thumb went all the way to the
house **** (baseball term again -
approx. per.) Your partner is now
relaxed and wet enough to take
your index finger. Insert your finger
using gentle circular movements
and pause whenever she tenses, in
order to so that she has the
opportunity to prepare herself for
the reception of greater length and
width. She will least of all feel
"pierced" if she lie in an embryonic
position on your side, with your
knees pressed to your chest. Such
position will allow you to insert
your thumb into it at the same time.
vagina; this is useful from a
psychological point of view,
because, as as you punch your way
through the back door, you exercise
and a "normal" procedure. Once
your finger is past the sphincter
muscle, do not pull it out. The
sphincter is a Rubicon. Numerous
transitions will only inflame him. If
a she is uncomfortable, wait, do not
remove your finger at all. Any
trying to start over will make her
more and more nervous about
about her ability to accept it. ****
The funny club **** Now that the
subject of anal intercourse is being
discussed openly, I I should note
that most women in this business,
as in any other, have a latent sense
of rivalry with other women. They
want to be able to have a penis in
their rectum because it is makes
them equal with those women who
can do it. And they want to be more
skillful partners in bed than those
who cannot. The woman who
manages to take her man's biggest
toe may want to go further, but she
is worried about completely natural
things. First, cleanliness; she
doesn't want to "dirty" you; and
especially, she is not wants to see
the state of your penis after - just in
case ... well, not enough or
something ... To eliminate this fear
that interferes with pleasure, it is
easier using a condom than arguing.
Best of all - one that with grease,
but, nevertheless, do not forget to
be sure to use more additional
lubricant. Vaseline, for example, is
more suitable than baby cream, as it
is thick and jelly-like. Spare no
grease - use it on both your penis
and her anal area. The woman
should kneel down, touching her
hips with her breasts; only a big
"specialist" can sit on top of a man.
Get on your knees behind your
partner's outstretched buttocks,
insert the penis between her
"cheeks" and gently press his head
against her rim. Let the following
the movements belong to her; ask
her to rotate (as if twisting) with a
pelvis, she leaned towards you.
When will she start do it, give
yourself - but don't push! - forward.
Unless you're a real giant, the head
of your penis should enter her
rectum. Do not assume that the
battle is won and do not start wield
the way you would start while in
her vagina. Again, Wait. Pauses in
anal sex are more important than
active moments. During this time,
maintain a constant flow of gentle
verbal encouraging your partner,
constantly letting her know that
this is her performance that you
will wait for her every time, before
you do next move. (This is where
you shouldn't shut up.) Don't hold
her tightly by the hips, as this will
make her feel trapped, and she may
be afraid that you suddenly
suddenly rush into it, using your
hips for leverage. Instead of this,
find your hands a job on her pubis:
if you excite her enough clitoris,
then she will be ready to give
everything in the world, if only you
entered her any way. Since the anus
is narrower than any vagina, a man
does not need move the penis
vigorously in order to get pleasure.
Such conciseness in itself is quite
exciting, and such fullness causes
pulsations that cannot be felt in
more elastic vagina. In addition,
there is a psychological factor,
which replaces the more active
movements of a man: one
consciousness that you are directly
there is perhaps the most powerful
of all incentives. By generally
recognized traditional standards,
this area is still considered taboo,
and human nature is always prone
to action contrary to prohibitions.
During the first few attempts at anal
intercourse, you are not at all be
sure to insert your penis to full
depth. I cannot accurately estimate
the required duration of the
sequential approach; a week may
pass, a month or more before you
can bottom out. Important to
remember next: let your success
build up gradually - a woman who
will take one inch today, perhaps
next time will want to take two
inch. **** Intermediate refuge ****
Now that you both have gotten used
to this idea, you can remove
condom and do something similar
to normal intercourse. Penis blows
possible in the female rectum, but
remember that she is by no means
"old queen ", as the" blue "guys call
it. The woman has less men's hands,
feet and everything else; it also has
a lesser rectum. And not it is
important how much she likes it,
she will not be able to withstand the
tremors head. " You will be able to
enjoy slow, easy penis insertion
with swinging movements and very
slow reverse motion. Anyway was,
do not try to "reach the end", as you
do with vaginal intercourse. The
cervix is a hard, resilient stump-like
organ, but the intestine is more
tender. After some practice and
searching, you will probably find
the ability to use for anal
intercourse and other positions.
Somehow time when I thought that
I was going to have a normal
vaginal intercourse with my client,
he suddenly changed his intentions
and inserted a penis into my
rectum. We were in the missionary
position, and at first I decided that I
was planted on a spear. Then when
I experienced excruciating pain, he
brought his penis out for a while,
and then again jerked him in.
Suddenly all the pain was gone and
a delicious sensation close to
orgasm overwhelmed me. So then it
happened, I finished, experiencing a
throbbing sensation - almost like
itching - very different from
throbbing in the vagina during
orgasm, but just as amazing. Later
this client told me that he was
practicing anal sex for several years
and found that re-introduction was
comparatively painless for almost
every woman he knew. **** Ass-
exercises, anyone? **** (Exercises
for the ass, are there any)
Unfortunately, there are no known
exercises for a woman could do in
order to prepare herself for anal
intercourse. I listened, "gay" men
said that they train themselves with
the help of bananas and cucumbers,
but I am strictly against it - for both
sexes. Vagina closed on one side,
the rectum is not: it continues to go
up, so things can just get lost. By the
time the doctor will find and
retrieve them, the damage can be
severe. Also remember that the
smallest protection, caution is
worth full ass of drugs. If you have
hemorrhoids, which are just as
difficult to handle, as well as to
pronounce, then never even think
about anal intercourse. Buy some
drug "n" and read a good book:
your horoscope, eg; see what the
stars have to say about the planet
Ur-anus. Finally, never hop back
and forth between rectum and
vagina, without first washing the
penis. Common naturally occurring
vaginal bacteria may resist contact
with fecal bacteria. In reality, anal
sex is not at all rough and animals.
It can contain the greatest
tenderness and consistency.
partners, as it implies a special
concern for comfort and sensations
women - a kind of care that no
other form of sex. The fact that
some women try to achieve anal
enjoyment, despite the fact that at
first they feel pain, it is also proof of
the erotic power of anal sex. The
temptation of virginity dies off with
difficulty. Even today a woman who
has deep feelings for a man, dreams
of appearing before him a virgin.
You cannot bring back the past. If a
man is number forty-six then there
is no way in the world to make him
number one. However, you can
make him the "first" if you have
never tried anal before intercourse.
Many men find this just as
flattering, if not more. flattering
than being the first "front". Since
this is proof the fact that she
completely trusts you and donates
to you gift is something new. If a
woman has chosen you to be with
you to experience this for the first
time, you can consider it the highest
compliment. it means that you are a
special man for her. From what I
told you, remember everything -
LESBIAN LOVE. (Girl meets girl; or
the lore and lure of lesbianism) In
the very first sentence of the book "
Hollander on the best part men "I
said of myself as" a woman who
enjoyed love with both sexes. "This
is true! But in this chapter I want to
stop on love between a woman and
a woman - with a lot of very useful
instructions for men. And I want to
start with the quote that drew my
attention to one of my most read
lesbian partners. In the eighties of
the last century, the novel
"Aphrodite" was published in
France. (by Pierre Louys). As my
friend told me, this novel has the
famous saying that the heroine
Chrisis addresses to her to the
rejected lover: "A woman is a
perfect creature. From head to but
it is made beautifully and
exclusively for love. Only a woman
knows how to love. Only a woman
knows how to be loved. Therefore,
if a pair consists of two women, she
is perfect; if there is only one
woman in a pair, then it is only half
good; if there is no woman in a pair
at all, then this complete idiocy. "
Basically, I am, of course, more
inclined towards men than women,
and I consider myself heterosexual.
But there are times when I'm
thirsty women in my bed. And in
moments like this, I agree with
Chrisis. Not too many years ago,
whenever the question of lesbian
love, the "right" woman winced and
declared: "Oh! If only a woman
touched me, all my insides would
oppose it! she could not understand
that it was that with such a
statement she was insulting herself;
in fact, she stated that everything
related to the female sex, including
herself, is disgusting. Today, women
have a higher opinion of themselves
as human beings and have gained a
lot in terms of self-esteem. So no
nothing unusual in the fact that they
now began to look at each other in a
completely different light - and
often this light comes from a lamp
in bedroom. The positive feelings
that women now have for each
other friend, have always existed. In
women, in general, emotions have
always manifested themselves in
rather strong form in relation to
persons of the same sex.
Unfortunately, these emotions often
manifested themselves negatively
in the form of anger and deceit,
jealousy, gossip - all because
women saw each other as natural
rivals in pursuit of the same prey -
men. They have developed the habit
of mutual scrutiny of each other.
They are noticed every detail of the
figures, faces and clothes of each
other in order to compare your own
data with those of your rivals.
Naturally, this has led to a high level
of awareness among women of
sexual charm each other. Some
brave and uncomplexed women,
when this charm captivated them, it
took a little: jump-jump, and they
found themselves in one bed. In
today's more relaxed atmosphere,
women do not the need to be
exceptionally brave or
unconventional in order to be
willing to experience lesbian love.
They know that a journey into
oneself - from now on there is not
only the privileges of men; women
are free to test themselves in the
ultimate way - to lie in bed with
someone who is physically similar
to themselves. Some psychiatrists
classify lesbianism as a form of
sexual immaturity. Perhaps they
read a lot of old books about
English schoolgirls, where Lesbian
love always figured somewhere
between hockey sticks and hot
chocolate. In these novels, fresh
little girls in tweed sundresses
usually snuggle up to each other
and are naively surprised why it is
so good for them. IN in fact, lesbian
love is a purely adult female game.
Psychiatry also classifies lesbianism
as neurosis, but I I have a
completely opposite opinion: a
lesbian is a woman with an
unusually developed sense of self.
Her partner is her own mirror
image; by what she does in bed, she
says: "This is me, and I am she." And
this is the highest level of a
woman's love for herself yourself.
There is another reason why the
current emancipation and
increased openness between people
led to the spread of lesbianism.
Women constantly excite each
other with "verbal preplay" - by the
fact that was called "girlish talk" at
the time when it was talked about
more restrained. Today the hair
stands on end of the man who will
happen to hear something like that.
Men have always recognized that
women are very love the details.
And it is true. Two women talking
about sex tell each other everything
and at the same time excite each
other. When these two are left
alone, and it all begins. The
widespread interest of women in
lesbianism is a relatively new
phenomenon, although it is well
known that this subject has always
led to admiration men. Lesbian sex
shows and porn movies for men for
many years were the main subject
of male interest. And the reason is
simple. Men never admit how
strong their fear of their rivals is
lesbians, and it is this feeling that
lies behind their admiration. It is
believed that lesbians have some
mysterious and magical tricks,
guaranteeing a woman's
excitement. And men want to know
them. Well, they are right! **** How
to master licking perfectly:
cunnilingus **** In case you wonder
why I didn't say anything about
beautiful art of cunnilingus above in
the "heterosexual" chapters, then I
will answer: I I believe that the best
way men can learn this from
lesbians. Almost every woman I
know has complained to me about
how men "work with their heads."
Too often it becomes like
circumcision al dente. Many men
try to bite off more than they can
chew - such as the clitoris, outer
lips, inner lips, or both. Another
common male mistake is constant
nodding and swaying. head, as we
usually do when eating apples.
Some men trying to do too much at
once. They rub their noses against
the clitoris, wishing excite him; they
jab their chins into the vaginal
opening in a weird trying to get
inside. Under the influence of
misplaced cleverness, such men try
to maintain a constant rhythm. But
for all their efforts, x all they lack is
to turn on the radio next to the bed
and stamp their feet. Even if the
man has just shaved, his chin still
remains tough enough. And if he
still wears a beard, like many men
in our days, then his woman will
feel as if she is making love with a
cactus. And as for his intensive nose
work, it is more looks like a head-on
collision, not a caress. The third
male mistake confirms the old
adage: "Poor knowledge -
dangerous thing. ”Now that 50
million words have been written
about the clitoris, men finally
realized its importance, but their
knowledge is accepted murderous
form. Such men perceive
cunnilingus as "sucking pussy ", and
that's exactly what they do. The
only difference is that they they do
not suck the whole pussy, but only
the clitoris. And they suck - what
are the strengths! The only thing
that can enlighten such men - and
they are quite that deserve - this is
a compulsory course of study of
Latin. Perhaps then they learn that
"cunnus" means "vulva" - that is,
the whole area as a whole, and
lingere is the verb to lick. If sucking
was meant then such a thing would
be called "kunnisakus" (from the
English suck - to suck approx. per.),
or something like that. The fourth
male mistake can be compared to
chatting at the table when your
mouth is full of food. They are
guided by the best intentions;
usually such a man wants to
reassure his woman that she is very
tasty and tasty. However, nothing
unsettles a woman like being
stifled. a dull voice coming from
somewhere out of her crotch:
"Umhm! You are so delicious!
Honey, sweetie, I would eat you.
"And so on. (Sometimes these men,
when speaking, raise their heads,
which makes the words legible, and
the whole process interrupted and
worthless) The fifth male mistake is
short duration. Often a man tinkers
there for half a minute, then
exclaims: "Wow! You are already
wet! Well, let's go! "and jumps into
a position for intercourse. How can
he understand that this is his own
saliva, not its lubricant ?! Lesbians
understand this more. With a few
exceptions most women, even
hardened lesbians, found
themselves in bed with one or more
men before they first made love to
another woman. They went through
all the absurdities described above
and learned what not to do when
they discover a piece of wonderful
treats right in front of your nose. So
this is how a woman does it to a
woman. Put your woman on back,
under her thighs after placing a
pillow: the longer the longer your
neck lasts, the longer the treat will
last. She must spread your legs
wide, but at the same time keep
them extended, unbent in knees.
The lips of the vagina will already
be slightly parted, thanks to the
parted legs, but that's not enough
for a really good cunnilingus. FROM
using both hands, gently spread
them as wide as possible. And again
I repeat what she said earlier about
the nipples: "Let the air pass to
them." This excited pink flesh filled
with "bristling" nervous endings,
and the clitoris is, literally, a bundle
of nerves. IN unlike the nerves of
the tooth, the exposed nerves of the
clitoris feel fine. Loose outer lips
need to be folded back. Remember
that the main the source of joy here
is the clitoris. So find it and keep it
open. Start with the lightest licks up
and down along the cleft of your
vulva. Swift, like a vibrator, the
tongue delivers much more
pleasure than a slow all-
encompassing heavy licking. Last
thing more like a mother cat licking
her real pussies. This approach is
only suitable for cats. Gradually
focus on the area around your
clitoris. Run your tongue around it,
making quick licks from time to
time the very, - it's better than to
process it "in the forehead". Any
continuous focusing on the clitoris
(no matter how skillful) soon will
replace pleasure with irritation,
painful sensations, maybe even
make the clitoris insensitive. When
your woman starts wriggling and
moaning, don't let her finish. The
beauty of lesbian love lies in the fact
that none of partners do not have to
worry about maintaining an
erection; women can continue
caressing and licking all night,
bringing each other up to highest
point, stopping and starting over.
The first rule cunnilingus - endless
replenishment of pleasure. To
prevent her from coming too
quickly, distract from the clitoris
and start working your tongue
around the opening of the vagina,
with each loop penetrating deeper
and deeper. If your partner now
lifts her legs and bend them at the
knees towards your chest, then you
get the ability to insert your tongue
at least an inch. Very few women
end up with it, but this change in
action will allow the clitoris slightly
cool down before you start fondling
him again. When she finally
finishes, try to hold as gently as
possible. her clitoris with your lips
so that you can feel the lightest
ripples piercing it (this is very
difficult to do, since at that time she
already rushes all over the bed,
however, try it). **** "69" is good,
but "34 1/2" is even better **** All
partners, regardless of gender
combination, usually with pleasure
try position "sixty-nine" (jack) -
either in order to just to see what it
is, or in order to enjoy a little exotic
change of point of view. However,
as a means of complete mutual
satisfaction, this position leaves
much to be desired - namely,
concentration. The best sex is built
on artificially created a sense of
self-care. And it's almost impossible
to bring your partner to orgasm,
focusing at this time on your own
pleasure. In this position,
heterosexual partners experience
more difficulties. Such a position is
by no means safe for a woman if the
man is on top - he can accidentally
insert the penis too deep down her
throat. Another problem is that
between men and women there are
often there is a significant
difference in height. Lesbians have
nothing than they could strangle
someone, and the difference in
height among women, in mostly, it
is insignificant. So lesbians get a
little more pleasure from the sixty-
nine position. However, a favorite
practice for lesbians to enjoy each is
called "34 1/2". Partners lie on
opposite ends beds, one on top of
the other (jack on the side may not
work). Female, which is on top,
makes cunnilingus to her partner,
and she licks tongue rim of the
girlfriend's anus. So the woman on
top gets intense stimulation and
great pleasure, while not focusing
on her own orgasm and bringing
her to orgasm partner. I personally
prefer 34 1/2. However, like many
others the women I taught this.
Most of them agree that Mutual
cunnilingus is too crazy an activity
for all-encompassing enjoyment.
**** Dairy Sisters **** It doesn't
matter how much different men
bow to this or that part of the
female anatomy, ultimately they are
all interested in vagina. Lesbians
have breasts. This may be due to
instinct originating from the
relationship between mothers and
daughters - which is more
developed in lesbians, than other
women. But from the letters I
received, I learned that women are
generally much more interested in
breasts than traditionally was
considered. Some women who do
not want to "go to the fullest" with
another woman, often satisfy
themselves only with breast
tenderness, resorting to
masturbation to complete the act. A
huge number of women who are
absolutely "correct" and not want
physical contact with another
woman, often have something like
breast fetish. They may never touch
another's chest women, but they
dream about it and even excite
themselves with such thoughts,
making love to men. The best way
to learn how to handle breasts is to
have a pair of yours. own. So, in this
sense, it is obvious that lesbians
have known advantage. The
favorite technique of fondling
lesbians is as follows: with open
palm, stroke the nipple as gently
and lightly as possible, moving back
and forth in a steady rhythm, using
both palms at the same time. (again,
nothing prevents men from
adopting everything these
techniques, much more subtle and
useful than those that they usually
let in move using your own funds).
One woman should lean on kneel
over the other. Or, she can sit
behind her partner's back, holding
the partner's body between your
thighs, and grab her from behind
with your arms. Nipple contact can
turn a simple hug into something
special, very unusual. Young girls in
boarding schools with barely visible
breasts they often do just that and
nothing else. But it works best with
nice beautiful, conically pointed
breasts. Expose your chest forward,
as the soldiers in the ranks do and
press the nipples to the nipples
partners. (This is more difficult for
men to learn, although it is possible
in slightly altered.) When the
nipples come into contact, begin
move slightly relative to each other.
Or, one of you may remain
motionless while the other sways in
waves, taking care of so that your
nipples touch each other as much as
possible. Both of you will reach It
feels even better if you lubricate
your nipples with slippery body
lotion. **** Tribadism ****
Tribadism is the simplest and most
primitive of all forms lesbian
practice; partners take up a normal
missionary position and rub their
clits against each other, achieving
simultaneous (if possible) orgasm.
The word "tribadism" comes from
classical Greek and literally means
rubbing together. This way was
especially widespread - and this is
natural - in eastern harems. Many of
these harems numbered hundreds,
if not thousands, of concubines.
However, there was only one
sultan. He would need to make love
hourly in during the year to get to
the same woman again. therefore
the languishing concubines in the
harems were undoubtedly the same
hungry like college girls. Not being
busy all day with nothing but lying
down and waiting when another
year will pass, women turned to
each other in search of sex.
Moreover, it is quite possible that
they turned literally sense. As can
be seen in the famous painting by
Ingres, the premises of the harems
were cramped and crowded. So
maybe the first tribadists
discovered each other by accident.
In all this sea of bodies is a woman
turning to her friend in the harem
for a bunch of grapes, could easily
be on his girlfriend. (Although it is
quite possible that Ingres and I
exaggerated slightly.) As a modern
lesbian practice, tribadism is
attractive and exciting, but often
difficult and painful. To flatten two
clits together in a missionary
position is almost impossible. More
Moreover, as their sexual arousal
increases, women begin to rubbing
against each other harder and
harder, forgetting about the
"mound of Venus" - hard protruding
bone - under this charming fluffy
mound. Usually this method is
practiced by young or
inexperienced lesbians. it favorite
pastime of girls in girls' schools.
Naive girls having, however, a
sufficient understanding of
heterosexual intercourse to to
know that a man, it seems, should
lie on top, and a woman - under
him, by analogy (and by mistake)
take this as the only way and for
two women. They manage to rub
their clits for a while, but rather
quickly they "lose contact", more
and more inflamed each other and
at the same time causing each other
pain to a friend. The clitoris is too
hidden for tribadism. However, you
can make ends meet, but not in a
missionary positions. There are
three main ways to do this: 1. Both
women kneel opposite each other,
putting yourself a pile of pillows.
Each reclines on a pillow, pushing
forward pubis. Then they press
their hips against each other,
resting their palms on bed or
carpet. If one of the women leans
back against the wall, then her
hands will be free, and she can open
her vulva with her fingers. Her
partner moves towards her,
opening her own lips with her
hands. 2. One woman lies on her
back on the table, her buttocks on
the edge of the table, and with with
the help of fingers, it spreads the
lips of the vagina as wide as
possible. Her partner gets between
her legs and spreads her own lips
with her fingers. Then takes a step
forward. If the table is wooden,
remember to keep it close at hand
jar "liquid gold" ("liquid gold" - the
name of the cleaning agent wooden
furniture - approx. per.) to remove
stains left by "liquid silver ". 3.
"Scissors". Imagine you have
scissors in both hands, blades
which are divorced as wide as
possible. Now bring the scissors
together so that the intersection of
the blades of some of the scissors
merged with the intersection of the
blades of others. This is what the
position of the two women looks
like in this version. tribadism. One
woman should lie on her back and
the other on her side. Their heads
are on opposite ends of the bed. Or,
both can lie on their sides. IN in
both positions, they must hold
hands in order to snuggle up to
each other. friend. Obviously, the
clitoris will be oriented in different
directions. hand, but trust me, it
doesn't matter! There will be
enough friction and pressure to
bring both women to orgasm in a
matter of minutes. Sometimes, very
rarely, two experienced women
manage to bring them together.
vaginas and create a kind of mutual
suction that causes wild pulsations
similar to a real vaginal orgasm. It's
rare, but when such

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