Answer Key - Student Assignment Chapter 01: Introduction To Health Care Agencies

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Answer Key - Student Assignment

Chapter 01: Introduction to Health Care Agencies

1. C (p. 5)
2. E (p. 6)
3. P (p. 5)
4. O (p. 5)
5. A (p. 5)
6. F (p. 5)
7. I (p. 5)
8. B (p. 6)
9. L (p. 6)
10. D (p. 6)
11. G (p. 6)
12. K (p. 6)
13. N (p. 6)
14. H (p. 6)
15. Q (p. 6)
16. M (p. 6)
17. J (p. 6)
18. S (p. 6)
19. T (p. 6)
20. R (p. 5)
21. On comfort, not cure (p. 3)
22. Health team (p. 4)
23. Those who provide nursing care (RNs, LPNs/LVNs, and nursing assistants) (p. 7)
24. Answers in any order (p. 9)
 The federal government
 State governments
 Accrediting agencies
Chapter 02: The Person’s Rights
1. That nursing centers provide care in a manner and setting that maintain or improve each
person’s quality of life, health, and safety (pp. 12, 14)
2. Answers in any order (p. 19)
A. Protect the person’s rights
B. Provide for safety
C. Help keep the agency clean and safe
D. Act in a professional manner
E. Have good work ethics
F. Follow agency policies and procedures
3. Answers in any order (p. 14)
 Closing privacy curtains, doors, and window coverings
 Removing residents from public view
 Providing clothes or draping the person to prevent unnecessary exposure of body parts
4. Answers in any order (7) (pp. 14–18)
Information, refuse treatment, privacy and confidentiality, personal choice, grievances, work,
take part in resident groups, personal items, freedom from abuse, mistreatment and neglect,
freedom from restraint, quality of life, activities and environment
Chapter 03: The Nursing Assistant
1. To improve the quality of life of nursing center residents (p. 23)
2. Answers in any order (p. 25)
A. What you can and cannot do
B. Your legal limits
3. Nursing assistants cannot delegate. You cannot delegate any task to another nursing assistant
or to any other worker. (pp. 26, 27)
4. The nurse observes the care you give. The nurse has to make sure that you complete the task
correctly. The nurse also observes the person’s condition and response to your care. The
nurse must follow up on problems or concerns.
(pp. 30, 31)
5. Answers in any order (pp. 31, 32)
A. The task is beyond the legal limits of your role.
B. The task is not in your job description.
C. You were not prepared to perform the task.
D. The task could harm the person.
E. The person’s condition has changed.
F. You do not know how to use the supplies or equipment.
G. Directions are not ethical or legal.
H. Directions are against agency policies.
I. Directions are unclear or incomplete.
J. A nurse is not available for supervision.
Chapter 04: Ethics and Laws
1. Make judgments and have views before knowing the facts. (p. 35)
2. It means that you are overinvolved or under involved with the person. (p. 35)
3. A wrong committed against a person or the person’s property (p. 37)
4. False imprisonment (p. 37)
5. The doctor (p. 38)
6. Crime (p. 39)
7. Neglect (p. 40)
8. Answers in correct order (p. 40)
A. Physical abuse
B. Verbal abuse
C. Involuntary seclusion
D. Financial exploitation or misappropriation
E. Abandonment
9. Answers in correct order (p. 42)
A. Physical abuse
B. Sexual abuse
10. Answers in correct order (p. 42)
A. Rape or sexual assault
B. Incest
C. Child pornography
D. Child prostitution
11. Domestic violence, intimate partner abuse, partner abuse, and spousal abuse
(p. 43)
12. Describe the matter and your observations to the nurse. (p. 44)
Chapter 05: Work Ethics
1. Reporting to work on time and when scheduled, performing delegated tasks, keeping
obligations and promises (p. 49)
2. Willingly helping and working with others, taking that “extra step” during busy and stressful
times (p. 49)
3. It may be your first chance to make a good impression. (p. 48)
4. Poor eye contact sends negative information (being shy, insecure, dishonest, or lacking
interest). (pp. 52, 54)
5. Explain that you are willing to learn the skill if your state allows nursing assistants to
perform the task. (p. 54)
6. You need to work when scheduled, be cheerful and friendly, perform delegated tasks, be
available to help others, help willingly, and be kind to others. (p. 55)
7. Spread rumors or talk about the private matters of others. (p. 56)
8. Chipped nail polish may provide a place for microbes to grow. (p. 48)
9. Ask for more orientation time. (p. 55)
10. Call the agency. Follow the agency’s attendance policy. (p. 56)
Chapter 06: Communicating With the Health Team
1. B (p. 67)
2. A (p. 76)
3. D (p. 67)
4. C (p. 64)

5. Answers in any order (p. 64)

 Use words that mean the same thing to you and the receiver of the message.
 Use familiar words.
 Be brief and concise.
 Give information in a logical and orderly manner.
 Give facts and be specific.
6. Answers in any order (p. 69)
 Be prompt, thorough, and accurate.
 Give the person’s name and room and bed numbers.
 Give the time your observations were made or the care was given.
 Report only what you observed or did yourself.
 Report care measures that you expect the person to need.
 Report expected changes in the person’s condition.
 Give reports as often as the person’s condition requires. Or give them when the nurse
asks you to.
 Report at once any changes from normal or changes in the person’s condition.
 Use your written notes to give a specific, concise, and clear report.
7. Answers in correct order (p. 69)
A. 0530
B. 2220
8. Answers in correct order (p. 69)
A. 9:00 PM
B. 9:00 AM
9. Answers in correct order (p. 71)
A. Distal
B. Posterior
10. Answers in correct order (p. 72)
A. Double, two, twice
B. Bad, difficult, abnormal, painful
C. Under, decreased, less than normal
D. Bad, illness, disease
11. Answers in correct order (pp. 72, 73)
A. Eye
B. Vein
12. Answers in correct order (p. 73)
A. Excision, removal of
B. Condition
C. Paralysis
D. Condition of the urine
13. Answers in any order (p. 71)
 Prefixes
 Roots
 Suffixes
14. The real problem (p. 76)
15. Answers in correct order (p. 76)
A. Define the problem.
B. Collect information.
C. Identify possible solutions.
D. Select the best solution.
E. Carry out the solution.
F. Evaluate the results.
Chapter 07: Assisting With the Nursing Process
1. D (p. 80)
2. A (p. 82)
3. C (p. 82)
4. E (p. 80)
5. B (p. 82)
6. Answers in correct order (p. 80)
A. S
B. S
C. O
D. S
E. O
F. O
G. O
H. S
I. S
J. O
7. Answers in correct order.
A. Involves collecting information about the person. Nurses use many sources. (p. 80)
B. Describes a health problem that can be treated by nursing measures. The RN uses
assessment information to make a nursing diagnosis. (p. 82)
C. Involves setting priorities and goals. Nursing measures or actions are chosen to help the
person meet goals. (p. 82)
D. Is performing or carrying out the nursing measures in the care plan. Care is given in this
step. (p. 86)
E. Involves measuring if goals in the planning step were met. Progress is evaluated. (p. 86)

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