Trabajo 2

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Section 1. Put a check in the word or phrase that does not belong in each list. Follow the example:


-Walking _______

- driving _______

- watching X

- running ______


-on the left _____

-straight ahead____

-bus stop_____

-on the right_____



-hotel _____

-bus ______

-taxi ______

Section 2. Put these sentences in a logical order. Write the words first, second, or third under each
sentence. Follow the example:

-She is going to work. Second

-She’s at work. Third

-She’s at home. First


-He’ getting off the bus ______

-He’s getting on the bus ______
-He’s standing at bus stop ______

-I’m sitting at the subway station. ______

-I’m getting off the subway. _______
-I’m getting on the subway.________


-They ‘re going home. _______

-They’re at home. _________
- They’re at school. ________


-We’re at the café _________

-We’re going home _________
- We’re at home __________

Section 3. Complete the sentence with one appropriate word. Follow the example:

Where do you want to go? We…want…to go to the stadium.

1) How do you get to work? I …………….the bus.

2) The bus is ……………… left.

3) The women are…………………off the subway.

4) Where are you going? We’re…………….to the restaurant.

5) Go straight………………… to the museum.

6) He’s……………………….a taxi.

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