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Department of Architectural and Interior

Design Engineering
Bachelor in Interior Design Engineering

Research &


Lecture learning outcomes/
Lesson Aims :

Demonstrate elementary knowledge of evidence-based design approach as an essential part of the

design process.

Demonstrate understanding of common types of design research and methods relevant to design
Evidence-Based Design Approach/
Design Research & Methods and
Design Process
Design Research & Methods…
A design research is a plan to answer a research question or a design problem. A
research method is a strategy used to develop and implement that plan. In a design
process, research and methods are different but interdepended and closely related,
because good research design ensures that the obtained data will be effectively useful
to answer for the research question and alternative for the design problem.
Evidence-Based Design (EBD) Approach…
Evidence-based design is the process of constructing a building or
physical environment based on scientific research to achieve the
best possible outcomes. Evidence-based design (EBD) relies on
credible, quantitative and (sometimes) qualitative data to
inform design decisions of physical spaces that measurably affect
positive outcomes. Evidence-based design (EBD) is about creating
better buildings through the knowledge and application of proven
best practices (i,e, healthcare design). EBD is a process that uses
concepts identified through the collection and sharing of knowledge
learned in the planning, design, construction and, ultimately, building

The three major dimensions of an Evidence-based design:

The best possible research, Expert judgment, and Situational analysis:
what the user wants & needs.

The mentioned dimensions are deployed based on the following parameters: The analysis of the Literature, Context
Analysis, User Research and Testing, Intercept Surveys & Feedback, What can we learn by reviewing published research?,
What can we learn about how users interact with the use/context?, What can we learn by studying users and performing
usability testing on prototypes?, What can we learn by asking users questions?

Source: Evidence-based design, 2018-09-21,

Design (EBD)

Quantitative research methods,
Qualitative research methods,
Mixed methods research:
“Quantitative research deals with numbers and
statistics, while qualitative research deals with
words and meanings. Quantitative methods allow
you to test a hypothesis by systematically
collecting and analyzing data, while qualitative
methods allow you to explore ideas and
experiences in depth. Mixed methods research is a
procedure for collecting, analyzing and “mixing”
both quantitative and qualitative methods in a
single study or a series of studies to understand a
research problem”,

Creswell & Plano Clark (2011).

Source: Research Methods, 07/05/2019,

Evidence-Based Design for
Interior Designers:
“A design solution is only as good as the quality of its research. Evidence-based design
is an approach in which qualitative and quantitative research inform
decisions. Evidence-Based Design for Interior Designers examines how designers
conduct research into commercial and residential spaces and use this research to
achieve optimal design solutions”.

Source: Nussbaumer, Linda L. (2009), Evidence-Based Design for Interior Designers, Fairchild Books, Illustrated edition,
USA, ISBN-13 : 978-1563677595
The Design Phases:
Analysis / Synthesis / Evaluation / Decision
Design Research & Methods and
Design Process:

Process Analyse (Analysis
(Research / Resources Present (Analysis
(inputs Methods&Tools/Data
/ “Quanti-Quali” approach & Cases)
/Select/Organize) Treatment)

Discuss Interpret
(Synthetize/Outputs) (Implement for
Project Development)

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Textbook / References :
-Creswell, John W. (2013). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 4th(latest ed.). SAGE Publications.
-Denscombe, M. (2014). The Good Research Guide: For Small-Scale Research Projects. 5 Rev. ed. Open University Press.

-Yin, Robert K .(2013). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 5th edit. SAGE Publications.

-Groat, Linda and Wang, David. (2013). Architectural Research Methods. 2nd Edit. Wiley.

- Nussbaumer, Linda L. (2009), Evidence-Based Design for Interior Designers, Fairchild Books, Illustrated edition, USA, ISBN-13 : 978-1563677595

-W. W. Norton. (2006). Inquiry by Design: Environment / Behavior / Neuroscience in Architecture, Interiors, Landscape, and Planning, Revised
edition, ISBN-13: 978-0393731842

-Watson-Guptill. (1990). Designing Places for People: "A Handbook on Human Behavior for Architects, Designers and Facility Managers, 2nd
Edition. ISBN-13: 978-0823013333

-Sally Augustin. (2009). Place Advantage: Applied Psychology for Interior Architecture, 1st Edition, John Wiley & Son ISBN-13: 978-0470422120
-Bella Martin & Bruce Hannington. (2021), Universal Methods of Design: 100 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and
Design Effective Solutions, Rockport Publishers ISBN-13 : 978-1631593741-

-Anthony E. Kelly, Richard A. Lesh, John Y. Baek. (2008), Handbook of Design Research Methods in Education, 1st Edition, Routledge, ISBN-
-Bella Martin & Bruce Hannington. (2021), Universal Methods of Design: 100 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and
Design Effective Solutions, Rockport Publishers ISBN-13 : 978-1631593741-
-Anthony E. Kelly, Richard A. Lesh, John Y. Baek. (2008), Handbook of Design Research Methods in Education, 1st Edition, Routledge, ISBN-
Further References :
-Karwowski, W.(2005)'Ergonomics and human factors: the paradigms for science, engineering, design, technology and management of human
compatible systems',Ergonomics,48:5,436 — 463. Article retrieved October 14, 2009, from Ryerson University Database.

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