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THE SEEKER: (Credit: husiww55! Atbuman man walks down a dark corridor, wearing ‘numerous bags and satchels, carrying a torch, wary of any ‘traps and enemies ahead ‘An old eif pouring over books, each one writen ina diferent language, trying to decipher an ancient scroll, hoping to uncover its secrets. Many amulets hang from his neck, each ‘more beaut then the last. He tums as the door bursts ‘open, clutching them and runs o escape, ‘These socalled Seckers, men and women whose curiosity knows no bounds devote ther lives for hunting the past and its secrets. They believe that all legends, however obscure or convoluted have some grain of truth in them and they seek this ancient powers, clawing atthe ashes for answers, for ‘power, for their manifestations. Their Titans. DUNGEON DWELLERS AND RESEARCHERS ‘While wizards study magic, the seekers study history. They believe thatthe past holds the key tothe future and they hunt for it, and even fight for it. Many centuries of study and practice were spent to develop the tools and powers to delve deep, to search, dig and explore ruins and ancient civilizations, lear from them and even bend them to their will Many Seckers have succeeded, and became quite famous as archeologists, scholars and adventurers. They earned their fortunes and expanded their families, to guard their knowledge and secrets from the wrong hands, ANCIENT SECRETS AWAIT. ‘There is a ticking clock in every secker's head The urge of ‘power and the push for discovery rivals the most wellversed wizards. The only difference between the two is while ‘wizards hunt for spells, Seckers hunt for creatures. Long ago, the first seckers were able to connect to a network different ‘then magic. They couldn't conjure spelis, they conjured creatures, which they called Titans, Titans were created by Hingering magic of souls which taken physical shape and ‘bound inside artifacts Its only the seekers who can synthon these energies into amulets, conjure these Titans, and ‘unleash their powers onto the world, ether forthe better or for wor (Credit: BelleDeesse on deviant art CREATING A SEEKER: ‘While creating a Seeker character it is fondamental to think ‘about their place inthe hidden world they weaved. ‘You may consult with your DM about the spectrum of {involvement ofthis hidden group in their world. Are they ‘searce? Acting as a bunch of fanatics in their earliest days of discovery or are they everywhere? Woven themselves into ‘every government and command massive resources. Another ‘rain of thought could include a rival faction, as Seekers ‘could be as thirsty for knowledge as wizards and as paranoid of their secrets as artifcers. Is your character an heir toa ich Seeker bloodline? Or did you stumble upon an amulet by accident and is now entangled in a world in which you didn't care of knowing. You might be a cast away, determined 10 prove himself to your family. ‘What legends do you follow? What mythical beast you want to prove exists? How the story you are leading could be ‘changed by the past, o form a new future. QUICK BUILD You can make a secker quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Intelligence followed by dexterity: Next choose either the Sage or Noble background. CLASS FEATURES 25 Seeker you gain the following class features Hrrpornts Hit Dice: 146 per Secker level Hit points at Ist level: 6+ your constitution modifier Hit points at higher levels: 146 (or 4) + your ‘constitution modifier per Seeker level above 1st PROFIGIENGIES ‘Armor: Light armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, Whips ‘Tools: Thieves’ tools, two other toolkits of your choice, ‘Saving throws: Dexterity Intelligence ‘Skills: Choose three from Athletics, Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Investigation, Religion, Perception, Survival, Persuasion or Deception. EQuipMent You start with the following equipment, i addition tothe equipment granted by your background: + Studded Leather armor and (a) one simple weapon or (b) Whip * Thieves! tools and another Toolkit of your choice. + (@) an explarer's pack or (b) dungeoneer’s pack. + One uncommon amulet of your choice. Pe” Fetes Sour Tt -42—_Expertse Relic asi — +2 Invoke 2 +2 Syphon magic, Desire 2 +2 Ability Score 3 Improvement a= 3 6th +3—_‘Expertize 3 75 Mat Sura 3 43 Ability Score 3 Improvement 74 Desve Feature 3 4H 4 Wh 4 = 4 +4 Ability Score ‘ Improvement +5 Desire Feature 4 Vth +5 Soul Bond 4 15th 45. Muti Summon 4 Improvement +5 Ability Score 4 Improvement #6) Desire Feature 4 aS 4 15th ly Ab Seare za Improvement +6 Ever EXPERTISE At Lst level, choose two of your skill profciencies, or one of your skill profciencies and your proficiency with a set of ‘pols. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. ‘At 6th level you can choose two more of your proficiencies (in skills or with tools) to gain this benefit. RELIC ANALYSIS Your endless hours of studying et you take and examine ftems to understand their secrets. You know the Seeker spells detect magic and identify, and you can cast them as rituals. You don't need to provide a material component when casting identify with this class feature. Spells Spell Slot-_—_Invocation Krown Slots level "Points" Tran Rifty [== 2 Uncomfon 2 20 st 3 Uncommon = 3 2 st 4 Uncom 402 and 5 Rare 5 2 and 6 Rare] 6 2 Gd 7 Rare oo we 8 2th 9 Rare 9 3 Mth 10 Rael 1003 Ath Very Rare 10 3 ath 2 Very ee Ah Very Rare 13 ath key Re 2 TNA NETS SVEN a a 23 hey ge 150A NNT 7 Cae Saas aS gery 7 Legendary = Invoke Starting at 2nd level you can tap into mysterious magic only Seckers can access and conjure Titans, ‘Your access to this eneray is represented by a number of Invocation points. Your Seeker level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Invocation Points column of the Secker table. you can use these points to fuel the summoning of your Titans. you must spend a numberof invocation points equal to the titan's numberof hitdice in order to summon it When you spend a invocation point, i is unavailable unti ‘you finish a Long Rest, atthe end of which you draw all of ‘your expended energies back into yourself. ‘Amulet are classified like magic items and you can Invoke a titan of equal or lower rarity that your level allows (displayed ‘under Titan rarity in the class table) ‘As an action, you can invoke one Titan you possess, ‘You must have atleast one hand free and able to speak. The ‘Titan appears in an unoccupied space within 10 ft of you and ‘obeys your every order for 1 hous ifthe duration ends it will return to its amulet automatically. ‘You can dismiss your Titan as an action. IFnot given orders it ‘would do its best to protect you and attack your enemies. ‘You must spend a bonus action on your turn to verbally ‘command your Titan to move upto its speed and perform any action it can perform such as attacking. the titan is able to cast a spel it will use your spellcasting, ability and spell save DC, In battle, you may have only one titan active on the fie. Iyour titan is reduced to 0 hit points, it will return to its ‘amulet and you will take pysic damage equal tothe Titan's Hit ce. ‘While most titans are vastly different from one another they all share these traits: + They are all considered to be Fey, regardless oftheir appearance. + They/re immune tothe exhaustion, frightened and charmed conditions + They/re charismais 1, they cannot speak but understand any language you address them in. «They only listen to their summoner. + They can not be healed or become a target with any positive effect spells such as haste or magic weapon. «They gain Darkvision withthe range of 60 ft if they don't possess it already. Once a Titan retums to its Amulet, it cannot be Invoked again ‘until you finish a long rest SyPHON Macic ‘The magic you generate is special it comes from the amulets that grant you power. See the chapter 10 inthe player's handbook forthe rules of spelicasting and the end ofthis document to the secker spel ist CanTrirs At 2nd level you know two cantrips from the Seeker spell list. ‘You will gain more cantrips at higher levels, as shown in the ccantrips known column on the Secker table. SPELL SLOTS ‘The Seeker table shows how many spell slots you have, ‘The table also shows what the level of those slots are. Al of your spell slots are the same level. ‘Toast one of your Secker spells of 1st level or higher, you ‘must expend a spel slot. You regain all expended spel slots When you finish a short or tong rest. For example, when you are 7th level you have two 2nd-level ‘spel slots. Yo cast the Istlevel spell thunderwave, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 2nd-ievl spelt SPELLS KNOWN OF 1sT LEVEL AND HIGHER [At 3rd level you know two Istlevel spells of your choice from the Seeker spell lis. ‘The Spells Known column of the Seeker table shows when you learn more secker spells of your choice of Ist level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than Whats shown in the table's Slot Level eoluima for your level ‘When you reach 7th level for example, you learn a new Seeker spell which can be Ist or 2nd level Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can. choose one of the Seeker spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Seeker spel list, which also must be of A level for which you have spell slots. SPELLCASTING ABILITY Intelligence is your spelleasting ability for your Seeker spells, 0 you use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spelleasting ability In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Seeker spell you cast and when, making an attack rll with one. ‘Spell save DO= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier ‘Spell attack modifier= your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier RITUAL CasTeR ‘You can cast a Secker spell asa ritual if that spell has the ritual tag SPELLCASTING Focus You can use an amulet as an arcane focus (found in chapter 5) ora spelicasting focus for your Secker spells. Desire ‘At 3rd level you choose your desire, which defines the way you Took at the world and the reason you seck power in the First place. Choose one desire from: Discover, Protect and Dominate. All labeled atthe end of the clase description. Your choice grant you features at 3rd level then again at th level 13th level and 17th level ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT ‘When you reach 4th level and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th evel, you can increase one ability score of your choice bby 2,or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal you can't increase an ability score above 20, ‘using this feature. MULTI SUMMON ‘At Tth love you gain the ability to have two Titans active at ‘any glven moment, you pay the cost of invocation points and take damage as normal You may now also forgo your action to verbally command the additional Titan as detailed in the Invoke feature ‘At 15th level you can have 3 titans active ata time. Sout BOND At 14th level you forge a deeper connection to your titans, strengthening them and you in the process. ‘When you gain this feature, choose two titans you possess to ‘become your soul bonded titans. This decision could be ecided by multiple factors, both mechanical and narrative based. Once you choose your soul bonded titans, the decision cannot bewndone. ‘The titans that you chose wil gain the following benefits: + Their Hit points and hit point maximum is doubled + They gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to half ‘your proficiency bonus. + You forge a telepathic bond with the titan, you do not need ‘to spend a bonus action to verbally command these titans. + You take half damage when the soul bonded titans are reduced to O it points, EVERFIGHT ‘At 20th level you become a master Secker Ifyou enter combat with no invocation points, you gain 5 Invocation points, or you can spend 1 minute to draw energy from your amulets, recovering al your spell slot. Once you use this feature It cannot be used again until you nish a long rest. pea How TO MAKE TITANS (One thing that wasn't quite explained is hows to create Titans t could be very simple or quite difficult, depending on the situation, Players please remember that the DM has final ‘word in creating these. Since Titans vere made to be handled like oot is using rarity. The DM is the cone which will be giving these to the player over the course of the campaign. Nowe It is easy to convert monster stats from the ‘monster manual, especially if they are used to ‘emulate a beast or other creature, ‘Any special abilities and spells are up to the DM to add but here is a short guide using the rarity as a comer stone: == aes TITAN CR By RARITY Rarity Challenge Rating Uncommon CR 1/2 or less Rare CRIA VeryRare CRS-9 Legendary CR 10+ a ee > Custom creations are more than welcome. Most would probably work better than suggested above. ‘Once again. Up to the DM's discretion. DESIRE ‘Seckers are as old as history. They discover, innovate and explore places most adventurers would rather not go. The ‘magies that Seekers command come from experience, hhardwork and dedication. These endeavors often are physically as well as mentally demanding and help them shape themselves into master explorers, They are nimble, ‘quick witted and most ofall ambitious. very secker has his ‘own reason for traveling and why they seck power. Their desire is unbreakable as their will and curiosity. Some sock to discover and learn, some seck to protect those they care about from unknown powers and some seek for the power to ‘change the world. Discover ‘Those who seck to discover are there forthe thrill of the ‘hunt, the excitement, the difficulties and rewards that come ‘with the job. Seekers who choose the discover desire are natural explorers, archeologists and scholars. They wish, above all else to plant ther foot on a forgotten city they discovered, explore the culture and swim in the riches, Lore INITIATE ‘When you choose this desire at 3d level you gain proficiency {n the history skill if you haven't already. Ifyou are proficient vith History already, you gain expertise in the skill instead. Dunoon Diver ‘When you choose this desire at 3d level you gain advantage ‘n intelligence (investigation) checks to detect both non- ‘magical and magical traps. If discovered, you may attempt disarm a non-magical trap with advantage as well LoRE KNOWS NO BOUNDS ‘At 9th level you are able to read and understand even the ‘most obscure of languages. ‘You can attempt to read or speak a language you don't normally know for 10 minutes by succeeding on DC 20 {intelligence (History) check. On a success of 5 or more you ‘can gauge the time the message was written in and approximately where the speaker or message originated cealturaly ‘STAND BY ME ‘At 13th level you forge a deeper connection with your titans, cextonding one of your active Titan's duration to 8 hours. Must ‘be chosen upon summon. Additionally, as an action, you can ‘switch senses with any titan, becoming deaf and blind from your perspective and casting spells with the range of touch as if you were in their position whl the titan is within 100 ft of you. ‘WHISPERS OF THE PAST ‘At 17th level you can tap into somewhat fading memories ‘rom your Titan's previous lives and gain an aspect of their strength. ‘Asan action, you can reach out to a friendy Titan within 30 f of you and choose ane of these options: +You can emulate one of their ability scores. + Gain proficiency in one skill or saving throw they possess. + Gain the ability to cast a certain spell they possess as a seeker spell once. * Gain any damage resistances they possess. * Gain their AC, Protect ‘While most seckers send further back and let ther titans ‘handle melee combat, those that want to protect themselves ‘and others will take the fight to the enemy, batling beside their dans ike brothers in arms, These seekers are tougher, stronger and faster then most other Seekers, focusing on ‘raining the body as well as the mind BONUS PROFICIENGIES ‘When you choose this desire at 3rd level you gain proficiency ‘with martial weapons, medium armor and shields. BATTLE HARDENED ‘When you choose this desire at 3d level your Hitpoint ‘maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class IN SYNC COMBATANT You and your titans become more in gyne. At 9th level, while cone of your titans is within §f of you, you can spend your ‘bonus action to make a melee attack against the enemy you both are engaging, when you perform this bonus action, your titan can make a singular melee attack on the same target ‘You can perform this maneuver an amount of times equal to your intelligence modifier You regain all uses when you finish ‘a short or long rest. PENDULUM CONVERSION ‘At 13th level while you are within 5 ft of one of your Titans, you may decrease your weapon attack bonus by an amount ‘equal or less than our Intelligence modifier and add it to your ‘Titan's damage rolls until the end of your turn. At the end of, vwhich, the bonus resets ‘You can use this feature a numberof times equal to your Intelligence modifier, you regain all uses when you finish tong rest. FIGHT WITH ME ‘At 17th level you achieve battle mastery with your titans ‘While within 5 ft of one of your titan, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, Furthermore, when a melee attack hits you, your ta ‘can spend your reaction to immediately make one melee attack against the creature that damaged you. DomInaTE ‘As there are those who seck for the fame and glory, there are those that seek for the power torule, to stand atthe top of the ‘world and eallit their own, Those who choose this desire ‘think they meant for greatness and distaste current rule. This

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