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Name: Lovely Grace A.

Year & Section: 4 – 401
Course & Specialization: BSED – ENGLISH

Reflective Journal # 9:
Creating my Instructional Materials

Instructional materials as we all know are the content or information conveyed within a
course. It could be through textbooks, multimedia components or the old school Manila paper. It
doesn't matter what kind of medium you use as long as the information conveyed is clear. First of
all one must start at the end or what we call the foundation of the instructional material. First, One
must precisely pinpoint what is it that the learner will know and be able to do when the
instructions is completed. Instead of going through loops and hoops. Instructional materials must
be straight to the point and more importantly include the most valuable information that a student
may learn in that course. One must also try to create goals that both trigger demonstrable skills and
behaviors. Since everyone one of us is different and no two men are the same. This where knowing
your audience comes in handy. Which is the second way of creating my own instructional materials.
In a distributed learning situation. A teacher doesn't have enough information about the
people/students she/he will face. That is why knowing who you are facing is important. One must
be able to estimate know the students literacy level, prior knowledge of the instructional content,
level of comfort with the instructional content and the intelligence of each individual. Then after
learning all the bases of the instructional materials which are two I've mention above. It’s time to
develop the ultimate game plan of successfully creating the perfect instructional materials that
include the musts in the two I've mentioned. One must develop instructional strategies based on
your analysis of both the learners and the course content but beware. This is not as simple as slicing
a piece of cake though. This part is lengthy and most of the time draining. Since there are a lot of
students a teacher must teach but since you've already placed the foundation it will make this part
lot easier. Then after all of these have been laid out. It’s time for you to create your very own
instructional materials with the guide of the ways I've mentioned above. One must consider what
kind of medium one must use to convey his/her content so that it may be effective in conveying the
lesson of the content. Not all of us are comfortable of the new virtual learning system so that's why
a teacher must find a way that is both suitable, and comfortable for both the students and teacher
with the help of the 3 ways I've mentioned above.
Now the educational stressors that I've experienced is the lack of experience itself. All of
these important information’s that I've listed is a 50/50 of whether it will work or not. It is because
of this pandemic that is wreaking havoc in everything especially in the education system. Sure it is
easy to say all of this and claim that it works but does it really work? What we/I lack is experience
and how do we fill in this gap? Simple, bringing back the face to face classes. So that all of these
useful information’s that I've listed and carefully written will be put to use and is not just some
crazy theory, thought or opinion. This pandemic really is a great hindrance in the education system
that’s why it must eliminated quickly.

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