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Activity for Module 3.

Lesson 2 (Writing Memo& Business Letter)


Name: Ella D. Esperancilla Section: BSBA-101 Sem/S.Y: 2nd Semester


1. Search in the internet the following:

a. Parts of a business letter

 The Heading - the address of the writer. It includes the date when the letter
is written. Most of the time, it is necessary to have a line before the date,
with phone number or email address. It is possible to not type a return
address unless its stationary because it’s already imprinted but make sure
to always have date.

 Recipient’s Address – tells to whom or where the letter will be sent. Be

sure to complete the address so it gets to its destination.

 The Salutation – It should be always formal. It begins with “Dear,(person’s

name)”. It is always punctuated with a colon.

 The Body - where writers stated purpose and answers all the prompts. It is
the meat of the letter.

 The Complimentary Close – it is a short and polite remarks that ends your
letter. The close begins at the same justification as your date and one line
after the last body paragraph. Capitalize the first word of your closing and
leave four lines for a signature between the close and the sender’s name.
A comma should follow the closing.

 The Signature Line – sign and print name of person writing the letter. This
part will include your first and last name and often middle initial though , it
is not required.

 Enclosures – if you have any enclosed documents, such as a resume, you

can indicate this by writing ‘Enclosure’ one line below the listing. You also
may include the name of each document.
b. One (1) sample of any business letter

Ms. Elaine Sunderlind

1234 Shore Avenue
Victoria B.C.
V1W 3B8

January 28, 2002

Mrs. Gail Hopper

Customer Relations
Victoria Springs Water Company
987 Third Street
Victoria, B.C.
V1Z 907

Dear Mrs. Hopper:

I am a new customer of Victoria Springs Water Company. Your company agreed to deliver
25 litres of water to my home each week. However, I have not received any water deliveries
for the past three weeks.

I am very unhappy with your company. I spoke with Mr. Jarvis about this on the telephone
two weeks ago. I sent you an e-mail message last week, I still have not received my water.
Therefore, I will not pay the bill this month because I received my water. In addition, I want to
cancel my order for water. I will go to another company for my water.

Please send me a letter confirming my cancellation.

Elaine Sunderlind
Elaine Sunderlind

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