English (Aave) in Iggy Azalea'S Selected Songs: Syntactic Variations of African American Vernacular

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Laksmy Ady Kusumoriny1, Rizki Pratama Ris Hermawan2

Universitas Pamulang

This study concerns on analyzing the syntactic variations of
African American Vernacular English in Iggy Azalea’s selected songs,
Down South, 1800 Bone, Yo El Rey, Flexin Finessin, and My World.
The data were analyzed based on the theory from Wolfram (2004) in
order to identify syntactic variations of African American Vernacular
English and Miller (2002) in order to compare syntactic variations
between African American Vernacular English and Standard English. In
conducting the study, the qualitative approach was used where the data
and the result of the study were presented descriptively rather than
statistically. The purpose of this study was to identify syntactic variations
of African American Vernacular English (AAVE), to describe the
differences between syntactic variations of African American Vernacular
English (AAVE) and Standard English (SE), and the last, to know which
syntactic variations of African American Vernacular English were
mostly used in Iggy Azalea’s selected songs. Thus, from the study, there
are eight types of syntactic variations of African American Vernacular
English, copula absence, Invariant be, remote been, subject-verb-non-
agreement, specialized auxiliary (finna), double negations, the use of
ain’t for negation, and demonstrative them. The most usage of syntactic
variation of African American Vernacular English in Iggy Azalea’s
selected songs is Copula absence with 12 data from 37 data.
Keywords: African American Vernacular English (aave), Iggy
Azalea’s songs, syntactic variations

INTRODUCTION which is different from one particular area to

Language is the important tool for human another that makes more variant in language.
beings to communicate due to the role as a Sociolinguistics is a study of language that
social creature. Human beings use language uses in society. In social contact, the way
not only as a communication tool but also human speaks are different from each other
share information, gives ideas, and express depends on the contexts that indicate such as
feelings. Among many languages in the entire politeness and also depends on speaker’s
world, commonly people speak at least one background that indicates who they are and
language or two languages called bilingual or where they belong to in a community. Trudgill
even more than one. Even though human (1983) claims that Sociolinguistics is an area of
beings speak the same language, it may occur study that deals with actually the way human
that they speak different language dialect beings apply language in social interaction in
daily activity. However, human can adopt

what they do not belong to in some conditions and the usage of invariant, “he be here
including the way that human beings apply tomorrow” for Standard English “He will be
language itself. It is possible to occur due to here tomorrow” (Rickford, 1999). That is why
interaction among people in multilingual this dialect is more popular by the
circumstances that make people from different sociolinguists due to it is influenced by the
background share across their culture historical background of the speaker that make
especially in language to each other. Even this dialect has its own syntactic variations.
though they share across to each other, it is not
totally adopted or shared and also has an In this study, based on the problems can be
impact of the speaker itself. proposed as follows:
African American Vernacular English 1. What are the syntactic variations of
becomes the topic of this study due to this African American Vernacular English (AAVE)
dialect is unique with its syntactic variation in Iggy Azalea’s selected songs?
that quite different from Standard English and 2. What are the differences between
related to the historical background of working syntactic variations of African American
black class where this dialect is kind of Vernacular English (AAVE) in Iggy Azalea’s
vernacular language in United States. This selected songs and Standard English (SE)?
dialect is popular in Sociolinguistics field even 3. What are syntactic variations of African
though there is another vernacular language in American Vernacular English mostly used in
the United State such as Chicano English but Iggy Azalea’s selected songs?
not as popular as African American Vernacular Based on identifying the problems, the
English. AAVE itself is associated with social purpose of analyzing African American
factors that dominantly spoken by African Vernacular English (AAVE) are as follows:
American as an identity as a student was 1. To identify syntactic variations of
interviewed by Richford and Richford (2000) African American Vernacular English (AAVE)
who states that “it keeps me close to my family in Iggy Azalea’s selected songs.
and friends, as well as serving as a living 2. To describe the differences between
reminder of my history in this country as a syntactic variations of African American
member of a distinctive group.” It seems that Vernacular English (AAVE) in Iggy Azalea’s
this dialect reminds this student of his selected songs and Standard English (SE).
historical background that shows who they are, 3. To know which syntactic variations of
where they belong to and proud to use it even African American Vernacular English are
though only the minority group. The existence mostly used in Iggy Azalea’s selected songs.
of African American Vernacular English still There are the similarities and the
feels today with its syntactic variations but the differences between the previous studies and
usage of this English variant only in a specific this study. The similarity is on the focus of
area such as at home, with friends in a study where this study and the previous studies
community and another informal institution. focus on African American Vernacular English
Further, due to its kind of non-Standard and the differences between this study and the
English, African American Vernacular English previous studies are in the theory used and the
still keeps its authenticity of syntactic object term where the writer uses wolfram’s
variations which are different from the theory and Iggy Azalea’s selected songs as the
Standard English that has been standardized. object of the study, Giyandari uses Chomsky’s
The examples of syntactic variation that theory and The Help movie as the object,
originally can be recognized as the syntactic Pratiwi uses theory of Richford and The Help
variations of African American Vernacular Novel as the object, and Prastitasari uses
English are the copula absence, “she nice” for Chaika’s theory and Hustle & Flow movie as
Standard English “She is nice” or “They acting the object.
all strange ”for Standard English “They are In society, language takes an important
acting all strange” (Wolfarm& Estes, 2006) role due to the usage as a communication tool.

The functions of language itself are to express b. Social Dialect
feelings, share information, and give ideas. Social dialect is type of dialect variant
Language and society are connected to each related to social factors. This type of dialect
other and the study of this term called gives a big proportion in considering the
sociolinguistics where sociolinguists are background of the speaker and there are some
interested in both as Holmes (2013) who states factors of social dialect such as social class,
“Sociolinguists are interested in explaining religion, or ethnicity influencing this dialect.
why we speak differently in different social Wardhaugh& Fuller (2015), social class,
contexts, and they are concerned with religion, and ethnicity are the main factors of
identifying the social functions of language and the various factors involved in social dialect
the ways it is used to convey social meaning.” that come from among social groups while
It seems that human uses language in different regional dialect is based on a geographical
ways depends on the contexts and from the item. As Finnegan (2008) who reveals in the
language they use it has a function of language United State, Eventhough white American
itself such as to express something, to give community and Black American community
information, an argument and so on. live in the same city, they may speak different
Wardhaugh (2006) defines dialect is a English variety and the same as the speech
subordinate language variety, such as Texas characteristics of middle-class and working-
English and Swiss German are, respectively, class speaker easily to be distinguished.
dialects of English and German. Even though Therefore, social dialect is associated with
people speak the same language, dialect makes social factor that affects the way human beings
language a bit different in pronunciation, speak.
grammatical, or lexical. Mostly dialect is AAVE stands for African American
interpreted geographically even though it is not Vernacular English. It is kind of vernacular
always considered as a regional factor only due language or treated as non-standard English
to dialect also has another factor such as social which is used by Afro-American people
factor. Both are connected to each other to dominantly spoken in a specific area in United
know who the speaker is and where the speaker State. AAVE is believed as the dialect of
belongs, as Finnegan (2008) claims Black slavery that became a working class a
thatdialectis associated with the characteristics long time ago in rural south as Wolfram (2007)
of the language variety in a particular area or states that Black English Vernacular is
social group. Thus, dialect classified into two language variety of working-class Blacks.
types, regional dialect, and social dialect. However, the speaker of African American
a. Regional Dialect Vernacular English recently is not only related
Regional dialect is types of dialect variant to the historical items but it has been adopted
spoken in a particular area of a country. Every in some particular area in United State that
particular area has its own word that is not influenced to each other.
typically the same from one particular area to
another particular area and the way they speak Syntactic Variations of AAVE
is quite different even though they speak the Syntactically, African American
same language that makes language more Vernacular English has its syntactic variations.
variant as Holmes (2013) reports some regional Due to it is kind of non-Standard English, this
dialects in a real life that are some British English dialect is different from Standard
dialects, such as Scouse (Liverpool), Cockney English in United Stated or called as Standard
and Geordie have different names that make American English (SAE) especially in
them easy to distinguish to another group syntactical elements.
significantly. Therefore, regional dialect is 1) Pre-Verbal Marker
related to geographical factor that makes each a) Copula Absence
particular area has its own dialect that shows b) Invariant be
who they are and where they are from. c) Completive Done

d) Sequential be Done or bigger phrases, and how clauses are
e) Remote Been arranged to build sentences. Syntax discusses
f) Simple past had + verb about the structure of sentence that human
g) Specialized auxiliaries makes all day which is how a sentence is
h) Irregular verb constructed.
i) Subject-verb non-agreement In answering the problem statements, the
writer used the theory of Wolfram (2004)
2) Negation which highlights four syntactic variations of
a) The use of ain’t African American Vernacular English,
b) Negative concord preverbal marker, negation, nominal and
question form used in purpose to help in
3) Nominal analyzing the syntactic variations of African
a) The absence of suffix –s in inflectional American Vernacular English in Iggy Azalea’s
possessive and plurals song. In addition, the theory of Miller (2002)
b) Pronominal is used to compare syntactic variations between
c) The use of y’all African American Vernacular English and
Standard English.
4) Question formation
In every English-speaking country has its METHOD
Standard English. Literarily, Standard English The primary data sources were taken from
is English that has been standardized. Iggy Azalea’s song, Down South, 1800 Bone,
According to Wardhaugh (2006), the process Yo El Rey, FlexinFinessin, and My World and
where a language has been codified in some the secondary data sources were taken from
way called standardization. For instance, In journal articles and books.
UK they have their Standard English called as There are some steps to collect the data
British English (BE), in Australian they have from Iggy Azalea’s song, Down South, 1800
their Standard English called as Standard Bone, Yo El Rey, FlexinFinessin and My
Australian English (SAE) and in US they have World. Firstly, the writer listened to Iggy
their Standard English called as Standard Azalea songs, Down South, 1800 Bone, Yo El
America English (SAE). Those are mostly Rey, FlexinFinessin, and My World one by one
used in a formal institution such as education, repeatedly and carefully. Secondly, the writer
government and so on. Yule (2006), Standard underlined the syntactic variations of African
English is easier to explain in terms of the American Vernacular English found in Iggy
written language rather than the spoken Azalea’s song. The last, the writer noted the
language such as vocabulary, pronunciation, syntactic variations of African American
and grammar which is obviously related to Vernacular English as the data found in her
education and broadcasting in public contexts. song.
Those are mostly used in a formal institution After finding and collecting the data from
such as education, government and so on in Iggy Azalea’s song, the writer arranged some
order to use the language properly. steps in analyzing the data. First, the writer
The language that human builds needing a classified the data based on types of syntactic
process to make a sentence and the process variations of African American Vernacular
itself is not as simple as human beings speak. English. Next, the data put on a table based on
To make a complete sentence, it needs a the types of syntactic variations of African
process started from a word into a complete American Vernacular English. The last,
sentence associated with grammatical system analyzed syntactic variations of African
which studied in Linguistics field especially in American Vernacular English by using
Syntax as Miller (2002) states Syntax deals Wolfram theory (2004) and compared to
with how words are arranged to build phrases, Standard English by using Miller theory (2002)
and how phrases are arranged to build clauses descriptively.

Vernacular English which each specialized
DISCUSSION auxiliary has its own function. For example,
Analysis of Syntactic Variations of AAVE come indicates indignation state, steady
1. Copula absence indicates activity that occurs continuously, and
One of the syntactic variations of African finna indicates immediate future or planned
American Vernacular English is the absence of event. As the writer found one of specialized
copula, is & are. In Standard English, the auxiliary in Iggy Azalea’s selected songs.
subject must be followed by copula (she is, he
is, you are, they are, & we are) when it is in 6. Negative concord
non-verbal sentences, progressive sentences, Negative concord or double negation is
and passive sentences while for African commonly used by many African American
American Vernacular Language, the copula Vernacular English Speakers in their daily
commonly will be dropped after the subject. As communication which put double negation in a
the writer found some copula absence in Iggy sentence to indicate negative sentence. In
Azalea’s selected songs. addition, it is also possible for Standard
2. Invariant be English has two negations in a sentence
For African American Vernacular English, however double negations for Standard English
invariant be indicates habitual aspect and indicating positive sentence rather than
future continuous tense while in Standard negative sentence. As the writer found
English “be” depends on the subject (I am, he negative concord in Iggy Azalea’s song.
is, she is, it is, you are, we are, and they are) 7. Use of ain’t for negation
followed by habitual “usually” + verb (ing) and African American Vernacular English
will + be + verb (ing) indicate future speakers use ain’t to indicate negation in a
continuous tense. As the writer found some sentence. While Standard English has the
invariant be in Iggy Azalea’s selected songs. pattern to be+not as I am not, He/She/It is not,
3. Remote been and You/We/They are not to indicate negation,
For African American Vernacular English, the speaker of African American Vernacular
remote been indicates the action happens in a English put ain’t only to indicate negation such
long time ago which is the same as present as I/You/We/They/He/She/It ain’t. Here the
perfect with the pattern have/has + been. writer found the usage of ain’t in Iggy Azalea’s
However, in African American Vernacular song. As the writer found the use of ain’t for
English, the auxiliary verb “have/has” will be negation in Iggy Azalea’s song.
eliminated. As the writer found some remote 8. Demonstrative them
been in Iggy Azalea’s selected songs. For African American Vernacular English,
4. Subject verb non-agreement them is commonly used as demonstrative
In agreement rule, the verb should be which is for Standard English it should be the,
followed by suffix –s/es to indicate subject- this, that, those, and these. As the writer found
verb agreement which depends on the subject. the usage of them as demonstrative in Iggy
When the subject is third singular person (he, Azalea’s selected songs.
she, and it), it needs suffix –s/es after the verb
that indicates the verb is an agreement to the CONCLUSIONS
subject. However, the inflectional suffix –s/es Based on the study that the writer has been
to indicate subject verb agreement will be conducted from Iggy Azalea’s selected songs
dropped in African American Vernacular (Down South, 1800 Bone, Yo El Rey,
English. As the writer found some subject verb FlexinFinessin, and My World), the writer
non-agreement in Iggy Azalea’s selected found and recognized eight types of syntactic
songs. variations of African American Vernacular
5. Specialized auxiliaries English from thirty-seven data. The eighth of
Come, steady, and finna are the syntactic variations of African American
specialized auxiliary of African American Vernacular English found in Iggy Azalea’s

selected songs are Copula absence, Invariant African American Vernacular English is
be, remote been, subject-verb-non-agreement, part of Sociolinguistics which an interesting
specialized auxiliary, negative concord, the use topic to be analyzed where the syntactic
of ain’t for negation, and demonstrative them variations of African American Vernacular
where those are syntactically different from English became the limitation focus of the
Standard English. writer’s study in Iggy Azalea’s song. The
The differences between African further study can analyze other interesting
American Vernacular English and Standard aspects of African American Vernacular
English are the absence of copula forms of is English phonologically or semantically by
&are which Standard English uses it as using the other experts and objects in order to
auxiliary verb, invariant be for habitual aspect enlarge knowledge.
which Standard English uses “is/am/are”,
remote been to indicate specific aspectual REFERENCES
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