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BSBMED301 Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately

BSBMED301 – Project Version 1.5 (2020/07/14)

BSBMED301 Interpret and apply medical terminology

Name Jasleen kaur bumra

Email address

After recently joining a new medical practice you notice there is a wide range of Medical
Terminology used and, sometimes this is not quite appropriate or is inconsistent. You have
decided to write a training document utilising the Practices’ Report Template to demonstrate
and standardise the use of medical terminology in the practice.
The training document produced will demonstrate your ability to use medical terminology
appropriately in both written and spoken form, as you would in the allied health workplace.

Using the Report Template supplied , include examples of the use of medical terminology by
staff using four different formats:
1. Interpretation of written instructions

2. Medical documents created from templates

3. Oral communication with a client using medical terminology

4. Appropriate use of medical abbreviations in the practice

To expand on each of these sections in the body of the report, you are to add the following
• Provide your interpretation of the supplied instructions.

• Utilise the supplied instructions to complete documents using the templates within the
report for a letter and notice

• One recording of your use of medical terminology in oral communications based on the
supplied role play scenario in the template.

• Provide at least two examples of when it is appropriate to use abbreviations for

medical terms.

BSBMED301 Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
BSBMED301 – Project Version 1.5 (2020/07/14)

Quality outcomes

Ensure that your submission is (i) grammatically correct (ii) error-free (iii) in simple English (iv)
comprises of an average of 15 words for each sentence with, (vi) separate headings and
paragraphs for each new content/topic for discussion. Include references to relevant legislation,
which must be defined and explained.

Attach any models, tools, resources which could be used in an organisation to improve the
situation presented. (Tip: Read all text aloud to identify any gaps and correct, and ask another
person to proofread to check for accuracy – before you submit).

Your document should comprise of:

(i) Introduction (an overview of the situation, what you are trying to achieve and your intended
outcomes. Refer to the format required, which is a comprehensive report.
(ii) Body (or most significant part of the presentation, with key details). Please do not use the
word “body” as a heading. This is the largest part of your submission. Use headings that are
relevant, include templates, tools and charts where appropriate. For each heading, discuss
and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of this unit. Reflect on what you have
learned. Refer to risks, costs (if relevant), legislation, models, or templates or resources that
you are aware of, and then finally,
(iii) Conclusion (or recommendations). Use an appropriate heading and then state actions which
could be taken to ensure correct completion and finalisation.
The document is to contain a minimum of 1,500 words in total. Any attachments should not be
included in the word count.

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