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Grammar 1

A.Match the rules about the use of the Present Perfect Simple and the Present
Perfect Progessive with the examples 1-8 below.
The Present Perfect Simple is used:
a.for actions that happened in the past but the exact time is not mentioned. 1
b. For recently completed actions. 4
c. for past actions whose results are obvious in the present. 6
d. for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present (emphasis on the
action). 8
e. with adjectives in the superlative form and expressions like the only / first /
second.etc. 5
The Present Perfect Progressive is used:
f. for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present (emphasis on the
duration of the action). 2
g. for actions which happened over a period of time in the past and may have finished,
but the results are obvious in the present. 7
h. to show annoyance resulting from a recent action. 3

1. I have just sent an e-mail to a friend of mine who lives in Jamaica

2. My sister has been using Cellusurf's Internet service for about three weeks
3. Have you been looking through my e-malls again?
4. She says that it's the best she has ever used.
5. She has worked for other companies that provide Internet services before.
6. can't log into my account because I have forgotten my password.
7. I'm exhausted ! I've been working on my assignment all day.
8. Cellusurf has acquired 100,000 new clients since last January.
B. Complete the dialogues with the Present Perfect Simple, thc Present Perfect
Progressive or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
Andrew: Hey Matt. I (1) I’ve been calling (call) you for the last three hours. Why (2)
didn’t you answer (you / not answer) your phone?
Matt: Sorry. I (3) have been (be) kind of busy.
Andrew: Too busy to remember we're going to the football match tonight? We (4)
planned (plan) it last Tuesday. I was calling you to arrange a place to meet.
Matt: I (5) didn’t say (not say) I would go, did I? I (6) have been telling (tell) my wife
for a month now that i clean up the garage and I still (7) haven’t gotten around (not get
around ) to doing it.
Andrew: Do you know that I (8) bought (buy) tickets for us just yesterday? What do
you expect me to do with them? I can't go on my own and it's too late to ask Ted to
come witnme because he (9) has been (make) other plans!
Matt: Oh, I (10) didn’t know (not know) you had tickets for the match! If that's the
case, you can count me in, l clean up the garage tomorrow!
Jack: I (11) visited (visit) your website yesterday when I went to the library. I (12)
noticed (notice) that you (13) have been making (make) a cartoon of yourself. What
made you do that?
Jill: I (14) have always felt (always feel) shy about sharing my pictures publicly, so I
(15) created (create) an avatar. I don’t know if you noticed, but I also use a pen name.
Jack: Yeah, well i did notice and I (16) did (do) that as well, but I (17) have been
thinking (think) of making an avatr picture of myselffor quite some time. Perhaps you
coukd give me a hand?
Jill: Um, well, i have a Project thet i (18) have been working (work) on lately and i
really need to get it done.
Jack: Are you talking about the one that Mr Peters (19) gave (give) us two weeks ago
that's due on Friday?
Jill: That's the onel
Jack: Well, I (20) have done (do) mine already soI can help you with yours If you like.

Grammar 2
A. Match the questions 1-4 with the answers a-d and then answer the questions
that follow.
1. What does that mean? C
2. What kind of events take place during the week? A
3. Who designed the website for you? B
4. Who did you send an e-mail to? D

a. Organised rides, stant shows.races and concerts

b. A friend who is in the advertising business
c. That we want to regroup
d. Mary Jane. I thought I’d let her know about meeting we're having on Tuesday
C. Match the questions 1-8 with the answers a-h.

1. What did they hold? D

2. Who was texting you throughout the talk? G

3. What do you do for a living? H

4 How did you inform Jane about the meeting? F

5. Who is the email from? B

6. Who is the new laptop for? E

7. What did the weather forecast say? C

8. Which is the best computer? A

a.They're all basically the same

b. It’s from my sister in Hawaii

c. That it’ll rain all day tomorrow

d. A press conference

e. It’s for my sister, it's her birthday today.

f. I left a memo on her desk

g. My boss was

h. I’m an advertising agent.

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