Java Stream Course Content: Module: Foundation Phase (Phase I)

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Java Stream Course Content

Module: Foundation Phase (Phase I)

Programming Foundation

Classroom Start Date Monday, 28th February 2011

Classroom End Date Thursday, 3rd March 2011
Faculty Ravi
Module Test # 01 Friday, 4th March 2011
Mini Project Start Date Friday, 4th March 2011
Mini Project End Date Monday, 7th March 2011
Module Test # 02 Monday, 7th March 2011
Project Coordination One of the junior candidates who would
leave for Kakinada on 2nd March 2011

Classroom 4 Days
Subject Area Topics
Project 3 Days
IDE environment, First program in C
Basics of C Primitive Variable declarations and initializations
programming Formatted input and outputs
Associatively and precedence
Expressions and Arithmetic, logic expressions and their evaluation
Statements Learn the artifacts pertaining to usage of the code constructs
One dimensional and two dimensional arrays
Arrays, Strings and
String reverse, concatenation, length etc
Working with functions, passing primitive types and arrays to functions
Introduction to
Functional decomposition
Efficiency of algorithms Time space complexity issues, Big Oh notation
Searching Apply search algorithms
Sorting I Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort
sorting II merge sort, quick sort, Heap sort
Working with Type reusability typedefs, enums
Types Code reusability
Linear data structures Implementation and applications
Representation – recursive data
Tree –Traversals
Expression trees
Design and implementation of BST

Web Programming

Classroom Start Date Tuesday, 8th March 2011

Classroom End Date Wednesday, 9th March 2011
Faculty Ravi
Module Test # 01 Thursday, 10th March 2011

Subject Area Topics Classroom 2 Days

Introduction to Internet
World Wide Web (WWW)
o Webpage and Website
o Web Browser and Web Server

Internet Terminology URL and Protocols


Intranet and Extranet

Search Engine
Introduction to HTML
HTML Elements
HTML Basic Tags
Introduction to HTML HTML Formatting Tags
HTML Images
HTML Hyper Links
HTML Lists
HTML Tables
HTML Frames
Advanced HTML
HTML Forms
Introduction to CSS
Basic CSS structure
Cascading Style Sheets Inline CSS, Internal CSS, External CSS
CSS Background Images Properties
CSS Font, Borders, Colors etc.
Introduction to Java Script
Java Script Applications
Writing HTML with Java Script
o Document.write()
o Alert()
Java Script Fundamentals
o Confirm()
o Prompt()

Java Script Variables

Basic Math Functions
Event Handling Introduction to Event Handling
Working with Events
o onClick
o onLoad
o onFocus
o onBlur
o onChange
o onSelect
Introduction to Document Object Model
Window object
Navigator Object
Document Object Model Location Object
Document Object
Reading and Writing HTML elements
Client Side Validation
Case Study Web-page Design using Dream Weaver


Classroom Start Date Thursday, 10th March 2011

Classroom End Date Friday, 11th March 2011
Faculty Ravi
Module Test # 01 Saturday, 12th March 2011

Subject Area Topics

 Overview of XML
 Well formed XML rules
Introduction to XML  XML Validation - Document Type Definitions (DTD)
 What is a Stylesheet?
 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
 Viewing XML Formatted with Various Stylesheets (CSS)
 XSLT Basics
 Creating the Outline Foundation of an XSLT Stylesheet
 XPath Practice
Basic XSLT Templates
 Outputting Element Content
 Outputting Attribute Values
 Formatting XSLT Output With HTML
 Using a Simplified Stylesheet
 The Nature of XSLT Templates
 Using <xsl:apply-templates> To Control Processing Flow
 Comparing <xsl:apply-templates> and <xsl:call-template>
 Sorting Elements in <xsl:for-each> and <xsl:apply-
Basic XSLT Templates, Part 2 templates>Contexts
 Elements, Attributes, Comments, and Text
 Using <xsl:element> Elements
 Using <xsl:attribute> Elements
 Exploring the uses of XSLT Comments and Text
 If/Then Conditionals
 Using the <xsl:if> Element
 Testing Multiple Conditions
XSLT Conditional Elements
 Using <xsl:choose> Elements
 Using <xsl:for-each> as a Conditional
 Filtering and Order Control with <xsl:for-each>
 General Purpose Functions
The Built-in XSLT Functions
 The document() Function

Operating System

Classroom Start Date Saturday, 12th March 2011

Classroom End Date Saturday, 12th March 2011
Faculty Ravi
Module Test # 01 Monday, 14th March 2011

Subject Area Topics

Peek to Operating System.
Overview of Computer Fundamentals
Introduction to Hardware
Operating System What is an Operating System?
Definition, Functions of OS
Types of OS, Examples of OS
Kernel and its API/System Calls
Tasks and Processes
Process states
Process Scheduling
CPU scheduling
Threads, Examples on Windows (Task Manager)
Logical versus Physical Address Space and binding.
Paging and Segmentation
Demand Paging
Virtual Memory Thrashing
Demo on virtual memory settings Windows
File Management File system interface.
File concept.
Access methods.
Directory structure
File system structure, Example – Windows
Protection and Protection and Security.
Security Example – Windows

Classroom Start Date Monday, 14th March 2011
Classroom End Date Tuesday, 15th March 2011
Faculty Rao
Module Test # 01 Wednesday, 16th March 2011

Subject Area Topics Classroom 2 Days

File System & its Disadvantages.
Introduction to DBMS
 DBMS definition.
 Advantages.
Introduction to
Roles in DB environment
DBMS & its
Overall DBSystem structure and its components.
Query processor component.
Storage manager.
Database Schema & Database state.
3 schema architecture (Logical, Conceptual and Physical).
DBMS Languages
o Types of DML
 DBMS Interfaces, Utilities, tools
Two and Three tier Architectures
Classifications of DBMS
Database models
 Variations of DDBMS
 Cost Considerations
Database Models
 Hierarchical
 Network
 Relational
OO data models
Database design process
ER symbols
E-R Model
Degree of relationships
Cardinality Constraints
Total and partial participation
Relational Model Relations
Relational Keys (Super key, candidate key, Primary key, foreign key, composite
key, alternate key)
Constraints(Entity, Domain, Referential Integrity)
Mapping ER to Relations
Database Anomalies
Functional Dependency
Normal Forms
 1NF
 2NF
 3NF
 BCNF (concept)
Demoralization (concept)
Designing a
Case study ( using ERWIN tool)

Oracle Duration- 5 Days

Classroom Start Date Wednesday, 16th March 2011
Classroom End Date Monday, 21st March 2011
Faculty Rao
Module Test # 01 Wednesday, 22nd March 2011

Subject Area Points to Cover

Introduction to Oracle  What is Oracle
 Oracle’s role in Client/Server Computing
 What is Personal Oracle
 Features of Oracle
 Database Architecture
 Overall System Architecture
 Oracle Instance
 SGA memory structure
 Query process
 Oracle versions
 Oracle9i Features & Benefits
 Oracle9i Products
 What 9i supports
 Data concurrency and consistency
 Locking and Read Consistency
 Environment
 Introduction to SQL
 SQL in Application Programming
 Writing simple queries
 Expressions, conditions and Operators
 Arithmetic Operators
 Comparison Operators
 Character Operators
 Concatenation operator
 Logical Operators
 Miscellaneous Operators: IN, BETWEEN and DISTINCT
 Distinct operator
 Order by clause
 Predefined functions
 Group functions
 Aggregate functions
 Single row functions
FUNCTIONS  Arithmetic Functions
 Character Functions
 Conversion Functions
 Date and Time Functions
 Miscellaneous Functions
 ALL group functions
 Having Caluse
 Single row sub queries
 Multi row sub queries
 Multi column sub queries
 Correlated sub queries.
NESTED SUB QUERIES  DML statements in sub queries
 Exercise
 Single row sub queries
 Multi row sub queries
 Multi column sub queries
 Integrity constraints
 Table and Column level constraints
 DDL statements
 DML statements
 Implicit commit, Auto Rollback
 Defining and Viewing constraints
 Creating table from other tables
 Referential Integrity constraints
 What is a Join
 Perform an equi-join
 Perform a non-equi-join
 Perform an outer join
 Join a table to itself
 Cross join (cartesian product)
 Sequence Object
 Altering sequence
 Views
OTHER OBJECTS  Rules for deleting, updating and inserting rows
 Index
 Simple and Functional Index
 Using Synonyms
Introduction to  Advantages of PL/SQL
 Architecture of PL/SQL
 Introduction to PL/SQL Block
 Control Structures
 Concept of Error Handling
 Introduction
 Creating Sub programs
 Advantages, procedures VS Functions
Sub Programs and
 Creating packages
 View the Source code
 Compiling procedures, functions and packages
 Replacing and Dropping
 Cursor Management
Cursors and Database  Implicit Cursor
Triggers  PL/SQL Composite Data types
 Records
 Database triggers

Module: Core Java (Phase II)

Java Essentials Duration- 13 Days
Subject Area Topics
Object Oriented Concepts
 Class
 Object
 Inheritance
 Encapsulation
Object Oriented  Polymorphism
Programming  Abstraction
OOAD Concepts
Identifying OOPs concepts in a Scenario
Let us Starts Java Wagon
Java’s Building Blocks (Editions)
Architecture of Wagon
Characteristics and Benefits of JAVA
Part of Wagon
Data types
Basics of Java Constants
Type Casting and Conversion
Control Statements
Command Line Arguments
Driving Java Wagon (Programming in Java)
Installation of JDK
CLASPATH and PATH Variables
Compiling and Execution
Decorating Java Wagon with OOP kids. Part I
Class in JAVA
Class creation
Class members
Objects in Java
Access Specifiers
Instance Variables
Implementing Identifier Naming Conventions
Object Oriented Encapsulation in Java
Paradigm in Java Constructors
 Default
 Parameterized
 Non-Parameterized
 Copy Constructor
 Constructor Overloading
Method Overloading
Decorating Java Wagon with OOP kids. Part II
Inheritance, Extending a Class
super, final, abstract
Polymorphism in Java
Implementing  Static(Over loading)
Object Oriented  Dynamic (Overriding)
Paradigm in Java Packages
 Introduction to Built-in Packages String, String Buffer, String Builder,
String Tokenzier, Math
 Creating User defined Packages
Object Class
Exception Handling Mechanism
 try
 catch
 throw
Fix the Errors ,  throws
Handle the
Exceptions and Overriding
 Checked Exceptions
 Unchecked Exceptions
 User Defined Exceptions
Working with Benefits of Thread,Thread Life Cycle
Core Java
Thread Creation
Extending Thread Class
Implementing Runnable interface
Thread Class
 sleep()
 join()
 yield()
Object Class’s method related Thread like notifiy() notifyAll()
Thread Priorities
Inter-Thread Communication, Synchronization
List, ArrayList, Vector
Set, HashSet,TreeSet
Map, HashMap, TreeMap
Enumerator and Iterator
Date and Time
Understand the
importance of Locale
Collection Enumerations
Framework Auto Boxing
Generics, Generic Class
Generics and Collections
Input and Output Stream
File Class
Buffered IO Stream
Handle Files in
Data Input and Output Stream
Object Input and Output Stream
Piped streams
Filtered Streams
Core Review Code Conventions for Java
Techniques Common compilation Error

Software Engineering OOAD Duration- 5 Days

Subject Area Topics
Key domain terminology
Introducing the case
Case Study introduction Presentation from Participants
regarding their understanding about
Phases of SE
SDLC overview
Need of SE and Existing SE standards ( SWEBOK)
reinforcing SE concepts Software Engineering Process
( Models :- Water fall, Prototyping,
Spiral , Agile , clean room process)
MSat Project Life Cycle What is project
Project types
Project Life Cycle
MSat QMS for Team Webqualify Presentation
Process – MSat EITVOX model for Process frame
Practices work
MSat Best Practices in Phases of V- Model and its respective
Software Model – V deliverables
Software Configuration Management
and demo
Usage of SVN
OOAD over view
OOAD Methodology
Deliverables in OOAD
OOAD fitment into V- Model
UML orientation
Use case analysis
Requirement Analysis
Use case documentation
Requirements – Participants presentation and
discussion discussion
Sequence diagrams best practices
Software Requirement
Types of testing
Testing introduction Phases of testing
Techniques of testing
STR introduction
Introduction to System
testing STR

Participants presentation and

SRS & STR– discussion
UI design practices
Design ER and DB Designs
Class diagram introduction
Object Oriented Design Class Diagrams
Documents Preparation OODD
OODD and design Participants presentation and
deliverables discussion discussion
Coding Standards
Construction (Sample code walk through)
Unit testing
Unit testing Exercise Unit Testing
Sample Bug report – walk thorough
Bug life cycle ( Bug
reports ) Testing reinforcement
Case study solution Participants presentation and
analysis discussion
Caselet Duration- 1 Day

Module: Phase III

Case Study Oriented Duration – 1 Day

Intermediate Java (JDBC, Servlets, JSP) Duration- (3+4+3=10 Days)

Subject Area Topics
J2EE Overview
HTTP Protocol
Understand Web
Tiered Architectures
application fundamentals
Web Servers
J2EE Web components
JDBC architecture
JDBC drivers
Getting Started with JDBC
Setting Up a Database
JDBC – Introduction Establishing a Connection
Setting Up Tables
Retrieving Values from Result Sets
Updating Tables
Using Prepared Statements
Using Transactions
JDBC – Prepared & Callable
Batch updates
Using Callable Statements
JDBC Connection Pooling
Scrollable Result Sets
JDBC 2.0 API Updatable Result Set
Inserting and Deleting rows programmatically 
Introduction to Servlets
The basic structure of servlets
A simple servlet that generates plain text
A servlet that generates HTML
Servlets API
The servlet life cycle
Servlet debugging strategies
Servlets – Basics Handling the Client Request: Form Data
The role of form data
Creating and submitting HTML forms
Reading individual request parameters
Reading the entire set of request parameters
Handling missing and malformed data
Filtering special characters out of the request
Handling the Client Request: HTTP Request Headers
Reading HTTP request headers
Reducing download times by compressing pages
Differentiating among types of browsers
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Response
Servlets – Request and Headers
Response Headers Format of the HTTP response
Setting response headers
Understanding what response headers are good for
Building Excel spread sheets
Generating JPEG images dynamically
Sending incremental updates to the browser
Servlets using JDBC
Access a DB from a Servlets using JDBC
Servlets – JDBC & Session Validating Login Credentials with Database records
Tracking Accessing and manipulating database records
Session Tracking, its API
Introduction to JSP
Understanding and evaluating the need for JSP
Comparing JSP to other technologies
JSP lifecycle
JSP Scripting elements
JSP Introduction and Static vs. dynamic text
Scripting Elements Dynamic code and good JSP design
JSP expressions, JSP scriptlets, JSP declarations
Servlets vs. JSP pages for similar tasks
Predefined variables
Comparison of expressions, scriptlets, and declarations
JSP pages in XML syntax
JSP Directives
The JSP Page directive
The JSP Include directive
JSP – Directives and Actions JSP Actions
The jsp:include Action
The jsp:forward Action
The jsp:param Action
Using JavaBeans components in JSP
Understanding the benefits of beans
Creating beans
Java Beans & The Model Accessing bean properties
View Controller Explicitly setting bean properties
Architecture Automatically setting bean properties from request
Sharing beans among servlets and JSP pages
Understanding the benefits of MVC
Using Request Dispatcher to implement MVC
Forwarding requests from servlets to JSP pages
JSP – the Tag Libraries JSTL – JSP Standard Tag Library
Various JSTL tags with examples
Custom tag libraries
What is a Custom Tag?
Creating and Using Tags
Declaring Tag Libraries
Types of Tags
Defining Tags
Tag Handlers, Tag Library Descriptors
Simple Tags, Tags with Attributes
Tags With Bodies, Tags That Define Scripting Variables,
Cooperating Tags

Case Study 1 Duration- 8 Days

Struts Framework 1.x Duration- 4 Days

Subject Area Topics
Problems with Model 1 Architecture
Model 2 Architecture - MVC
Advantages of Model 2 Architecture
MVC Architecture
First look at Struts
Tomcat and Struts installation
Comparedifferent application servers such as
Apache Tomcat, Sun Application Server, and JBoss.
Struts request lifecycle
Struts Framework
ActionServlet, RequestProcessor and Action
Components and
ActionMapping, ActionForm, ActionForward,
Work flow
ActionErrors and ActionError
Struts Configuration File - struts-config.xml
View Components - FormTag

First Struts Handling multiple buttons in HTML

Application Message Resource Bundle

MVC compliant usage of LinkTag
Using LinkTag's action attribute
Using LinkTag's forward attribute
All about Actions Using ForwardAction for Integration
Protecting JSPs from direct access
IncludeAction, DispatchAction,
Managing struts-config.xml
Form Validation
Using Commons Validator with Struts
validation-rules.xml - The global rules file
validation.xml - The application specific rules file
Using the ValidationForm
Configuring the Validator
Struts HTML Tags
The recommended way to use ImgTag
Using Images for Form submissions
Struts Tag Libraries
ImageButton and JavaScript
& Tiles
Struts Bean Tags
Integrating the Files
Framework with Struts
Exception Handling Basics
Principles and cost of Exception Handling
Declarative exception handling
Struts and
Using the Exception Handler
Exception handling
Logging Exceptions
Strategies for centralized logging
Reporting exceptions

Case Study 2 Duration – 6 Days

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