Strange Things: Named

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In a very small town, lived a boy named Joe, he was very happy playing with his two
best friends; Logan and Michelle, ran and jumped through the woods near Joe's house,
until from one moment to another an explosion sounds in the center of town, these
three bewildered best friends go running to see what is happening, as it was a small
town did not last even fifteen minutes to reach the center of town. When they arrived,
they were stiff to see what was happening, what was once a town full of people and
happiness, it has become a cemetery, but that was not all, what most impacted them
was the hole that was in the center of all the chaos, they three of them curious went to
see, and what they least expected was to see a giant stone in which a strange little
creature was coming out, or so they believed because after it came out it was
becoming bigger and bigger.
This creature when coming out of the hole the first thing he saw was a fruit shop in
which Joe's mother worked, this when he noticed that he realized that his mother was
still in the store, this was trying to join since she was passed out but when she noticed
the creature this was stiff , the creature was already closer to the tent, Joe runs to
where his mother is but the creature is faster and destroys the roof of the tiendita, Joe
runs faster but a man stops him.
- What that hell do you think you do? - joe asks the man.
-Boy stay here, I will save your mother from that creature. - the man tells Joe.
Joe noticing the military suit he is wearing listens to him, this man with a rifle in hand
gets a little closer to the creature and makes noises to get his attention, when he
achieves his goal he is paralyzed to see the horrible appearance of that creature, the
man returns and catches the three children Joe screaming to see how the creature rips
the head of the body of his mother , cries and cries watching the scene, the other two
children do not react from the traumatized ones they are. But from one moment to
the next he meets a man with a giant sword, he runs to where the creature is and tries
to cut his head, but only manages to cut a little and sends him flying to where Joe is,
the lord when he sees him smiles and offers him the sword understanding that with
that weapon he can avenge his mother , this without hesitation escapes from the
military and grabs it, then runs to where the creature is.
Logan and Michelle react and follow him to help him, they run faster so they overtake
him to distract the creature and so Joe can cut off his head, the creature is crouching
eating the remains of Joe's mother, which gives more advantage to him to kill her. The
two friends go closer to the creature, Michelle is the first to distract her, she achieves
her goal but is thrown into a wall, Joe is already on the back of the creature and this
does not even realize, Logan also fulfills his goal of distracting her but this nails a claw
in the stomach and then throws it to the ground , Joe already tired and with tears in
his eyes, raises the sword in the air and then snuck it in the head, the creature and Joe
fall to the ground, this sore from the fall stays for a moment on the ground, recovering,
but the creature still moves and sticks to him also a claw in the chest to then die. Joe
dying little by little empieza a reír pero esa risa muere quedando solo en una sonrisa. Al

end Joe dies with a smile on his face because he fulfilled his promise... avenge his

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