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Set elah membangun t ungku at au peralat an indust ri berlapis refrakt ori baru, at au perawat an
refrakt ori at au pelapisan ulang peralat an yang ada, langkah yang diperlukan adalah memulai
operasi, yang biasanya melibat kan pemanasan unit dengan cara yang t erkendali, unt uk
mencegah pengelupasan at au pemendekan masa pakai bahan yang diprediksi.

Castable tahan api dan pembuangan air

The most well-known problem t hat can be avoided wit h proper heat -up is t he dry-out spalling,
which is oft en t he result of excessive pressurizat ion of ent rapped st eam aft er heat ing above
t he ebullit ion point of wat er. Similarly t o t he Port land concret e used in civil engineering, wat er
is added t o t he refract ory cast ables t o provide workabilit y and allow molding, pumping,
shot cret ing or ot her forms of placement . Wat er exist s wit hin cast ables in free or combined
forms: while free wat er remains in t he pores wit hout react ion wit h t he mat erials' ot her
const it uent s, combined wat er is present usually in t he hydrat ed compounds of cement . As a
result , t he energy needed for t heir removal is different and, while free wat er leaves for t he
at mosphere at higher rat es from about 100 degrees Celsius, t emperat ures at t he range of
150 t o 300 degrees Celsius may be necessary t o remove t he combined wat er. Because of
t he t echnological t rend t o reduce alkali cont ent from t he majorit y of refract ories, t he amount
of combined wat er present in t he moment of heat -up was reduced in t he last years. On t he
ot her hand, recent development s which led t o increases in mechanical st rengt h, t hermal
shock resist ance, erosion resist ance, et c., also led t o a reduct ion in permeabilit y. Such
permeabilit y reduct ion caused an increase in vapor ent rapment , which can lead t o explosive

Underst anding t he effect s of different heat ing rat es on green concret e st ruct ures is of
primary import ance t o engineers and indust ry, part icularly t o avoid t he occurrence of an
explosive spalling event . If an explosive spalling occurs, project iles of reasonable mass (1–
10 kg) can be t hrust violent ly over many met res, having safet y implicat ion and rendering t he
refract ory st ruct ure unfit for service. Repairs will t hen be required result ing in significant
cost s t o indust ry.[1]

Microstructural engineering to avoid explosive spalling

Several effort s can be carried out t o increase t he mat erials' abilit y t o wit hst and a more
aggressive dry-out . They involve incorporat ing low melt ing point fibers, such as polypropylene,
or oxidizing met allic powders (e.g. aluminium powder) t o provide permeable pat hs t o deliver
t he vapor t o t he at mosphere, t hereby relieving t he int ernal pressure. Anot her opt ion is t o
mechanically reinforce t he microst ruct ure so t he mat erial can dissipat e enough energy wit h
t he beginning of crack growt h, avoiding explosion.

Kejutan termal

When t he mat erial goes from a t hermal configurat ion t o anot her one, t he result ing t ransient
t emperat ure fields will lead t o variat ion in t he t hermal expansion condit ion at adjacent places.
Therefore, t hermal st resses may result in t hermal shock crack propagat ion, which can short en
t he lifet ime expect ancy for t he mat erial.

Metode pemanasan

Teknologi yang dipilih unt uk memanaskan peralat an t ert ent u harus memperhit ungkan fit ur-fit ur
berikut :

1. St abilit as t ermal sumber panas heat

2. Homogenit as t ermal dalam semua peralat an

3. Keselamat an operasi

4. Reproduksibilit as
Met ode yang paling banyak digunakan didasarkan pada perpindahan panas konveksi .


1. The Accelerated Drying of Refractory Concrete – Parts I and II, Volume 6, Issues 2 and 4 /The
Refractory Worldforum (

The Accelerat ed Drying of Refract ory Concret e – Part I: A Review of Current Underst anding.
ht t ps://www.refract ml?art icle_ id=100312

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