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Volkswagen Credit, Inc.

– Level 1 NHT
Managing Delinquency: Handling Accounts 1-30
Days Past Due
Leader Guide
October 2020 (v.2)
Volkswagen Credit NHT – Managing Delinquency

Managing Delinquency 45 Minutes

Timing 45 minutes

Participants • Level 1 New-Hire Customer Experience Representatives

Materials and • Managing Delinquency presentation

Handouts • Managing Delinquency MyCompass Worksheet (physical or digital)
• Laptop
• Projector
• Presentation remote
• Microsoft Teams (distance learning)

Training • Discuss past due payments with the customer

Objectives • Obtain and note a “Reason For Delinquency”
• Obtain a valid “Promise to Pay”
• Document the account accordingly

Session Timing Objectives 5 minutes

Call Routing 5 minutes
Facts About Delinquency 5 minutes
Terminology 5 minutes
Identifying Delinquency 5 minutes
Process 10 minutes
Practice! Practice! Practice! 10 minutes

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Volkswagen Credit NHT – Managing Delinquency

Managing Delinquency


• Launch Managing Delinquency presentation
• Provide location of MyCompass Handout (if remote)
• Distribute MyCompass Handout (if in-person)

• A very important part of your job as a Level 1 Customer
Experience Representative will be managing a customer’s
• We’re going to spend the next 45 minutes or so discussing how
you will do that if a customer is 1 to 30 days past due on a
monthly payment.

• Advance to Objectives slide, and cover session objectives.

• Today, we will be covering how you can and should be discussing
past due payments with a customer.
• I will also go over how obtain and document a customer’s reason
for delinquency, obtain and set up a valid “Promise to Pay,” and
appropriately document the account.

• Advance to Call Routing slide.


• When a customer call comes through the IVR, there is logic built
in to recognize if a customer’s account is past due and by how
many days.
• If a customer is 1 to 14 days past due on a monthly payment, the
call will be routed to Customer Experience for assistance. This is
where you come in!

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Volkswagen Credit NHT – Managing Delinquency

• If a customer is 15 or more days past due and has verified

themselves through the IVR, the call should be automatically
routed to our Collections department.
• In the event you receive an incoming call from a customer who is
15 or more days past due on a monthly invoice payment, you
should be transferring the customer to Collections.
• It is likely you may get the call if the customer has not verified
themselves through the IVR.
• It’s very important that we do not try to handle these calls
ourselves, as the Collections team is specifically trained to assist
these customers and provide any necessary disclosures regarding
the status of their account.
• You do not have to wait for a Collections representative to come
one the line. You can and should cold transfer the customer.
• Additionally, our Collections team manages outbound campaigns
to customers who are delinquent on their monthly payments.
• If a customer is 1 to 30 days past due, the Dialer Team will place
outbound calls to the customer letting them know they need to
contact Volkswagen Credit at their soonest convenience.
• These calls are made from an auto-dialer but will be re-routed to a
live representative for handling if the customer answers the call.
• If a customer is 31 or more days past due, outbound calls are
placed to the customer by Queue Analysts within the Collections
• An important side note to be aware of: If the customer is 15 or
more days past due on a final invoice balance, our Collections
team does not handle the call. In the case of a final invoice
balance, you will transfer the customer to a Level 2

• Advance to Facts About Delinquency slide.



• Per a customer’s contract, their monthly payments are due by or

on the indicated payment due date.
• We will assess a late charge to the customer’s account if their
payment goes past due beyond their Late Charge Window.
• We are also required to report customer accounts accurately to
the credit bureaus, so if a customer’s monthly payment goes 29 or
more days past due, we may report it as a late payment.

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Volkswagen Credit NHT – Managing Delinquency

• If the customer defaults on their contract, we reserve the right to

repossess the vehicle or begin taking actions to repossess the
vehicle at around 75 to 90 days past due.
• Our job is to work in partnership with our Collections team to
manage and resolve delinquencies before the previously
mentioned actions take place.
• Managing delinquency refers to bringing an account current by
receiving a payment, offering and processing a form of payment
assistance or looking into termination options.
• Please keep in mind that every customer’s situation is different,
and just because they are past due does not mean we should
assume what will be best for them.
• It is also our job to ask effective, probing questions to figure out
why a customer is past due, and then provide any available
options at that time.

• Advance to Terminology slide.

• There are certain key words and phrases that you will hear or see
noted on an account, so we will take the next couple of minutes to
review some of the most important terminology as it relates to
managing delinquency.
• First up is Late Charge Window – this is when a late charge will
be assessed to a customer’s account.
• This information can be found in DM and depending on how the
customer’s contract was set up, it can range anywhere from 8 to
16 days past a customer’s payment due date.
• It’s important that we do not call this a “grace period,” especially
for our Retail customers since interest still accrues daily.
• Reason for Delinquency, which is often shortened to RFD, is a
customer’s reason for why they are late on their payment.
• Promise to Pay, or PTP, is a valid statement that indicates the
customer’s intention to make a payment on or by a specific date
in order to bring their account current.
• Broken PTP refers to a Promise to Pay that was set up and noted
on the account, but no payment was received by the promised
• DQ Letter is a Delinquency Letter. This is sent out automatically
around the time the customer’s payment goes past due beyond

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Volkswagen Credit NHT – Managing Delinquency

their Late Charge Window. It is also sent out again before the
payment goes 30 or more days past due.
• Collection Calls are what we talked about a couple slides back.
They are auto-dialer calls made by our Collections team in an
effort to notify the customer of their delinquency and collect
• You may use the abbreviations of any of the phrases listed on this
slide in your call notes when documenting the account.

• Show/remind representatives where they can confirm the
customer’s late charge window in DM.
• If time permits, can also indicate where a representative may find
this information in the customer’s contract.
• Advance to the Identifying Delinquency slide.


• You can quickly identify whether an account is delinquent or not,
as well as by how much and how many days, by looking at the
Account Information section in DM.
• Although the Work Screen and Customer Servicing Screen tabs
will show most of the same information related to account
delinquency, there are some notable differences.
• In the Work Screen, specifically, you can find the balance of any
late charges that have been assessed to the account, as well as
the date of the last Promise to Pay and how many previous
Promise to Pay arrangements were broken.
• On the Customer Servicing tab, you can find the customer’s oldest
payment due date as well as their normal, scheduled payment

• Advance to the Process slide.


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• So, in order to properly manage a customer’s account when
they’re past due, the first step is to determine if you can handle
the call or not.
• Remember, if a customer is 15 or more days past due on their
monthly payment, our Collections team will need to assist the
• So let’s say our customer is 1-14 days past due…
• You will need to inform the customer of how many days past due
their account is, what the total amount due reflects, as well as if
any late charges have been assessed or when they will be
assessed and any possible credit reporting.
• In order to determine the customer’s reason for delinquency, you
will want to ask effective, probing questions unless the customer
is forthright. Keep in mind, that is not always the case but it’s still
our job to find out!
• Our first goal is to collect a payment on the call; however,
depending on the customer’s situation, you may be able to
schedule a Promise to Pay or look into other options or types of
• If the customer has multiple accounts with us, you will need to
check their other accounts for delinquency as well.
• And as always, you will need to thoroughly note the account with
the details of your call and set follow-up days if a Promise to Pay
was discussed.


• Advance to Step 1 slide.


• Remember, if the customer is 1 to 14 days past due, we can

handle the call and assist them.
• If they’re 15 or more days past due, cold transfer them to
• You can confirm the number of days past due in DM under both
the Work Screen and Customer Servicing tabs.


• Advance to Step 2 (1) slide.

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• To inform the customer of the status of their account, you can use
the following verbatim! Just don’t forget to include the customer’s
account specific details.
• For this specific example, it would sound like:
• “Your 04/04/2020 payment is 24 days past due with a total
amount due of $420.48, which includes your regular monthly
payment of $409.04 plus $11.44 in late charges.”


• Advance to Step 2 (2) slide.


• You will also need to let the customer know when we will assess
a late charge to their account.
• In the example of the picture shown, we would assess a late
charge on day 11 – so the customer’s Late Charge Window is 10
• It’s also very important to advise the customer that we do report
late payments to the credit bureaus if the payments have gone 30
or more days past due.


• Advance to Step 3 slide.


• After we’ve summarized the customer’s account status, we will

need to figure out why the customer has not made their payment.
• Remember, this is their Reason for Delinquency.
• Every customer’s situation is different. Some may be going
through a traumatic life experience, they may have lost a job, or
they simply may have forgotten.
• We never want to sound accusatory, so it’s extremely important to
use a soft approach when asking these questions.

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Volkswagen Credit NHT – Managing Delinquency

• These are a few ways you can ask a customer why they are


• Advance to Step 4 slide.


• After you’ve gotten the customer’s reason for delinquency, you

can begin discussing payment arrangements.
• If the customer says they were having issues submitting their
payment, or something similar, make sure to let them know of the
various options to make a payment.
• As a quick review, customers can submit payments the following
• Over the phone with a representative, online, through the IVR, via
the customer’s bank bill pay system, or by mailing a check or
money order.
• Make sure the options you are providing are the ones best suited
to the customer’s situation.


• Advance to Getting a Valid Promise to Pay (1) slide.


• If the customer needs to set up a Promise to Pay, you will need to

get three pieces of information: the date they will be making the
payment, how much they will be paying and how they will be
making that payment.
• Take note of these details because you will need them for when
you note the customer’s account.


• Advance to Getting a Valid Promise to Pay (2) slide.


• If the customer does not satisfy the Promise to Pay, it is

considered a Broken Promise to Pay.

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• Again, the number of broken promise to pays can be found under

Account Information in the Work Screen.


• Advance to Step 5 slide.


• Now, if the customer has multiple accounts with us, you will need
to check them for delinquency as well.
• You do not have to announce to the customer that you are
reviewing their other accounts, but by doing this you are ultimately
improving the customer’s experience by providing First Call
• If we can spot delinquency on their other accounts and offer our
assistance, the customer will not have to worry about calling back.


• Advance to Step 6 slide.


• If the customer wishes to set up a Promise to Pay, be very careful

when noting the customer’s account.
• Once a Promise to Pay has been submitted on a customer’s
account, it is logged and cannot be removed.
• If the customer is not sure they want to schedule a Promise to
Pay, or they do not have answers to when, how or how much they
can pay, we should NOT be noting the account as a Promise to
• The Contact Method will always default to Inbound Call. If this is
not correct, make sure to change it accordingly.
• Contact Result will need to be changed to “Promise to Pay” and
you will need to select the proper payment method option in the
additional field to the right.
• The Amount field must be filled out with the exact amount the
customer plans to pay, and the Promise to Pay Date should
reflect the date the customer plans to make the payment.
• You can click on the calendar icon to select a date.
• The Follow-Up Date will automatically set itself to 3 to 5 days past
the Promise to Pay date.

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• You will then need to include the Promise to Pay information you
collected in your call notes, which can be typed into the notes field
below, as normal.


• Advance to Let’s Practice! slides.


Do: Slides build to reveal the

• Provide Test Account links, log-in information and test account answer to each scenario.
numbers if they have not already been provided.

• Alright! So now that we’ve gone over the process, let’s practice
properly noting some accounts.
• Go ahead and log in to Test DM with your log-in information and
pull up one of your test accounts.
• We’re going to ignore the test account’s actual due date, payment
amount, etc.
• Just go off the examples and images that I will provide on the next
slides. There are four scenarios in total.
• Remember the information you need to gather!

• Advance through each example, allowing about 1 minute each for
the trainees to properly note the Promise to Pay in CE3.
• By advancing forward on each slide, you will reveal the answer to
the provided scenario for the trainees to check their work.


• Great job, everyone!

• Does anyone have any questions at this time?

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