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WELDING INSPECTION cwiss) TwI ir “Cnbeee corso 4.0 VISUAL INSPECTION AND TYPICAL DUTIES OF WELDING INSPECTORS. 4.4 GENERAL Wilding inspectors are employed to assist with_te_aualty contel (QC) acivtos tat are. neceseary to ensure that welded Hams wil Teel species ‘equremete snd be fr thes apa For employers to have confidence in thei work Welding Inspectors need hhave the aby 10 understanditerpet the varous QC procedures, ad ls) ha ‘Sound hroatedge of wong tectnagy. sual inspecon is one ofthe Non-Destructive Examination discpines snd for ‘seme apeatons may be tre eny fm o NOE. For more demanding service contens,vaualinepectonis usualy flowed by ‘one or more of he oer NDT fecnigues surtace ack Seecion and olunetne Inspection of ut wee Aeslicton SiandardsCodes wsualy spect (or refer to eter standards) the scceptanescrtora for weld spect and may be very specic about the pret Teatnques tobe used for sutae cack detection anf volumeti inspection, tay 0 ot usuly sive any guidance aul has requtemers for visual inspection, Guidance and basic requirements fr visual inepecton are given by 'BS EN 870 Non- Tneomec across ze Radice SSE a aval speed Sverheatig can occ" nen ica ae Rtorehng » Wal wal ihororiaT | Wels inte at postion arse muna | | Tonsiow a tavel speed Eu ces bal seen ‘eral potion (PB) wig tennis [Incotet etectiode angio Traut corel seco angi i wd 3.6.3 EXCESS PENETRATION Description Projection of the root penetration bead Beyond a specified limit can be lca or Tiong polar used (Gieceade | Erste cores polarty fe BOVE polaty DEVE, Comments The tem “Tenorcoment” used to designate this feature ofthe weld is misleading since the excess metal doesnot noimaty produce a sverger weld in 3 but at ‘rarary steel This mpertacian can bccme a problem, ae the srg ofthe Wed foe an be shap, leading to an nereased evens concarraton athe foes the wa nd {age eracting, 3.64 OVERLAP Description An perfection tthe 00 ofa weld caused by meal Sowing onto the trace of he parent mt wahot eng Causes Prevention [Poor strode mangulaton NWIA) —| Retain wellcr "Hh heatinptfow vavl speed | Redice Rest spd o Asa Oat wal | causing surface flow of lt welds to Omm lg by ing muta weld [nearest posting a wl ‘Change to fat poston ‘Wed heat ptt Reduce are voage andi walang cae ‘eae increase weldrg peed Improve werkbecepreparaion Trasrec was preparation frcesive oot ga, thn odoe preparation, ec of backing sect elerose unauted to wang pesto Tek of welder sk Uae covet ise fr postion Ravan weer Nae tthe maintenance of a pensation bead having unform dimensions requires 1 ea dal of atl partcary nppe but welding Ths can be made more dit indies renrcoy secant the wo or aratfow peparaton. The use of pamanent (or tomporary backing bare can be ured to asia nthe cmt of poeta, tong Electode coating ype | Change slectase cong We amore | resin in too igh ay Suttle fost teesng pe whic las ot Fora fet weld oveiap is often atsoiaed with undercut, a if the weld pod is too ‘uid the fop of te wel wil ow away To produce undercut t to top ai crea ot the taco, he vane ofthe weld pout oo ge nave fae wo hotizentaiverical poston (PB). weld metal wil eallapee dow to gy prosoing Yom dec (adore the top ard vp the ae). Ti dtl cted

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