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WELDING INSPECTION cwiss) TwI ir “Cnbeee corso 4.0 VISUAL INSPECTION AND TYPICAL DUTIES OF WELDING INSPECTORS. 4.4 GENERAL Wilding inspectors are employed to assist with_te_aualty contel (QC) acivtos tat are. neceseary to ensure that welded Hams wil Teel species ‘equremete snd be fr thes apa For employers to have confidence in thei work Welding Inspectors need hhave the aby 10 understanditerpet the varous QC procedures, ad ls) ha ‘Sound hroatedge of wong tectnagy. sual inspecon is one ofthe Non-Destructive Examination discpines snd for ‘seme apeatons may be tre eny fm o NOE. For more demanding service contens,vaualinepectonis usualy flowed by ‘one or more of he oer NDT fecnigues surtace ack Seecion and olunetne Inspection of ut wee Aeslicton SiandardsCodes wsualy spect (or refer to eter standards) the scceptanescrtora for weld spect and may be very specic about the pret Teatnques tobe used for sutae cack detection anf volumeti inspection, tay 0 ot usuly sive any guidance aul has requtemers for visual inspection, Guidance and basic requirements fr visual inepecton are given by 'BS EN 870 Non- Tneomec across ze Radice SSE a aval speed Sverheatig can occ" nen ica ae Rtorehng » Wal wal ihororiaT | Wels inte at postion arse muna | | Tonsiow a tavel speed Eu ces bal seen ‘eral potion (PB) wig tennis [Incotet etectiode angio Traut corel seco angi i wd 3.6.3 EXCESS PENETRATION Description Projection of the root penetration bead Beyond a specified limit can be lca or Tiong polar used (Gieceade | Erste cores polarty fe BOVE polaty DEVE, Comments The tem “Tenorcoment” used to designate this feature ofthe weld is misleading since the excess metal doesnot noimaty produce a sverger weld in 3 but at ‘rarary steel This mpertacian can bccme a problem, ae the srg ofthe Wed foe an be shap, leading to an nereased evens concarraton athe foes the wa nd {age eracting, 3.64 OVERLAP Description An perfection tthe 00 ofa weld caused by meal Sowing onto the trace of he parent mt wahot eng Causes Prevention [Poor strode mangulaton NWIA) —| Retain wellcr "Hh heatinptfow vavl speed | Redice Rest spd o Asa Oat wal | causing surface flow of lt welds to Omm lg by ing muta weld [nearest posting a wl ‘Change to fat poston ‘Wed heat ptt Reduce are voage andi walang cae ‘eae increase weldrg peed Improve werkbecepreparaion Trasrec was preparation frcesive oot ga, thn odoe preparation, ec of backing sect elerose unauted to wang pesto Tek of welder sk Uae covet ise fr postion Ravan weer Nae tthe maintenance of a pensation bead having unform dimensions requires 1 ea dal of atl partcary nppe but welding Ths can be made more dit indies renrcoy secant the wo or aratfow peparaton. The use of pamanent (or tomporary backing bare can be ured to asia nthe cmt of poeta, tong Electode coating ype | Change slectase cong We amore | resin in too igh ay Suttle fost teesng pe whic las ot Fora fet weld oveiap is often atsoiaed with undercut, a if the weld pod is too ‘uid the fop of te wel wil ow away To produce undercut t to top ai crea ot the taco, he vane ofthe weld pout oo ge nave fae wo hotizentaiverical poston (PB). weld metal wil eallapee dow to gy prosoing Yom dec (adore the top ard vp the ae). Ti dtl cted 3.65 LINEAR MISALIGNMENT “s xz Description Icaignmart between two welded pieces auch that while Her surface planes are paral they are stn tho requited same lane. Prevention Rate checking ot aigarent par To ‘weg coupled wth the use of amps and Gases accuacae naw procedures or itor Rom other Description Misalignment betwoen to welded pieces such that paras oratthe mtndad ane Causes and prevention ‘Same aso ear megnment. 3.6.7 \_ INCOMPLETELY FILLED GROOVE ~~ Description ‘Avtoree, or ete chanel in the surace of weld dun to nsticent Gepestin of wo ter ta as tres re wedges | aie oa offered what | Check aczuracy taled wecon prior fold plates cx eects esting cas [Rrsrenton icant wad aT Tnateste he nario oT WaT OE ‘Comments regula wold bead sua Resrain welder Coen e ot realy 0 wold imperfection, but a stucural preparation problem salar amcart of ssignmert can crastial increase the loel sear sess a ‘jo and induce being Sere 3.6.6 ANGULAR MISALIGNMENT ‘This mperecton cifrs ram under, a incompletely filed groove reduces the load tearngcapacy ofa wel, ubereas unre pocuces a sharp sesoraamy heh at theedgeota wei " ° "| 3.6. IRREGULAR WIDTH cue Prevention Caan Prevention ‘Severe abo ‘Sich om DO Ta AG Reap an 06 Soa ieeqiar weld bond was | Retain velar Comments ‘tnoug his imperection may not affect he intogry of competed wel, can affect {he nh of HAE and reduce he load caring capac ofthe ott case of no (rained sural sows) oF mpi carosion fesstance (in e386 of duplex saris Sect) 3.6.9ROOTCONCAVITY @ Ce Sm Description [shal groove that cccurs de to shinkago atthe root fs but we into we To ES | extneend Exostve cg go ea 0) Lack ofl “4 Taise ae oe Comments “The use os backing stip canbe used to cont the enter ofthe root bea, 9.6.10 BURNTHROUGH < Description ‘A colapse ofthe weld pool resuting in aol inthe weld Irs wal speed Excessive welling cu ent [back of weer sl Excess gihdng recta | scataNe ol gor Prevention Thnrease the Wave speed Reduce welding cured Retin wa Ensure corec up ‘This 9 gross imperfection, which occurs basically du 0 lck of welder sil can be repaired by bridging the ga formed ino the fr tu 2 Faas by ‘the gap formed into the jt. butreqaree 8 reat desl of 3.7 MISCELLANEOUS IMPERFECTIONS: 3.74 STRAY ARC Description “damage tothe sutace ofthe parert metal scacert othe wo esting fom LecAySaBhng te ar cts he wed groove. The festa fom of random SSR? ean whore te seco, te ble caret retin camp ha scent toured the work 372 ‘SPATTER Description Globes ef weld metal far meal expeed ing wedng and adhering othe Stites open mato slced wa al " Ganses Prevention Fgh a Sa Ree are arent Magnets are Ham Reduce af lengih Swick AC poner Ineorect stings fr GHAW praceas_| Medi seccal etings (bl be crea alate prone an sed est ‘lve forthe aecrede older oF och Those exrent ern mp. Adjusting wire feed (WAG wen) eat pain cre au lam Retran war tubo oaling welding Carer Serre eke can produce a hard heatfleced zone, which may coin cracks. ‘Mest clea o conan Calg sence tis bt ovemove an me SUK By ‘dng tan wel eae {omantan fi tion} tr Prsveniion a [psec ay ere aaa Ra Tagore Soo (TSA eT ry slciono sing gos rere upon coment RS, Reseeeee saqvence) coo cor) weve too pha of gon ey lead ‘isang wit on daceds TAS ate Tu epacion sce {0 lack ot penaon br Slectederolirsanstectee | Pro an nese ring > comments Spattorin sos 2 cosmetic imperecton and doesnot ate! the ntegity ofthe wo, Howover as tls usualy caused by an excessive vlding curt his ashe he welding condtions ae nt Ideal ahd so there ae usualy her associated probes ‘pen te consumatie {sed onthe parent metal to reduce scing and the spate can ten bs scoped ot 3.7.3_TORN SURFACE Description Suuface damage due tothe removal by fracture of temporary welded aiachments {The aca shoul be gna of tan sbjeted to a dye penevant x magnetic parle narration and then restored fo fs orginal shape by weidng using © qualified Srocedte, NOTE: Some appscaons do not alfow the presonce of any velay weld hte stars ofthe part ater 3.74 ADDITIONAL IMPERFECTIONS. Grinding mark Description Local damage due to grinding chipping mark Description Local damage due tothe vse ofa esl other tol. _Undertushing Description Lk of hickness of he workpiece du to excessive grinding Misalignment of opposite rune Description Diference tetween the coielies of wo une made tom apposite of the it Temper eolour (visible oxide fn) Doseription Light excises eurtacen the weld zone. Ususly occur in cate of stants sel 3.8 ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS. Wel impertctons can seriously reduce the intetiy of a welded structure “Thorfore, rr to serce ofa welded jn is necestry to oeate em using NOE tectniques, assass tal slgicance, and ake scion to avd thet eorerrence. “The acceptance of @ certsin sie and type of defect fr a gven structs is normaly expressed asthe dec sccopance standard. This usualy incorporated in Sopteston standards o spectators Ait oral weld mperecton accepance standards totaly reject racks. However, 0 ‘xcoptona creumetances, and subject the agreement oat pais, racks ray bo jowod fo emai can be demestated beyood doubt that fey wl not ead "0 faire. Ths can be sifleut to eatabish and Usually nwehes facture mechanics Its important to note that the levels of acceptability vary between aterent ‘pplication, and In most cases vary between aierent standards fr te same "pplication Consequenty, when inspecting ferent fos fie mporant © tse the Spplicable standard specication usted the corract (Once unacceptable weld imgarfectons have been found, they have to be removed Ie weld imperfection inst he soface th eet canada ls wee is 13 ype, which i normaly shafow enough tobe repaed by serial desing ‘Superical imple thet afer removal ofthe detec, the remaning mera thekness suffeentot to requ the ation furor weld meta te detect sto deep, « must be removed by some meant and new weld real 20403 10 ensue 9 minimum design oat theeness RRoplcing emoved metal or weld real ( in ling an excavation or re ‘making 8 eld in) has fo be dane in accordance wh an approved procedure. The igor wth which ti proces is qualified wl depend onthe appacaton standard for the Jo, In soma cates # yl be ceptable to use a procedure quaifd fer making Row jeets winner fling an excavation of making compete Jin Ifthe level of| aaseurance equa le fgher, the qulfeaton wil have te be rade using an exact ‘Stnuloten of welded jor, hich is excavated and then reflod sing a speced nctod. Io citer case, gullston ‘napecton and Tesing wil be required in {cordance wth he pplication standard 4.24 TRANSVERSE TENSILE TESTS wal nypre + Testobjectve ‘isk ronadure quslfleston tests aways require transverse tors tests shaw hat the eng ofthe ont ete the design etercn + Test Specimens Dorbecne tensie tat piece typical of the ype specied by European ‘Weting Standards e shown below andar sch 8 EN 05, tat spect densi tants fra st pices i acoso ke eoved a nro t be ee om sSaben “Test pieces may be machined to represent the ful thickness ofthe jon bt for ‘very he ost ray be ecesaary to ake several aneverse tenets specimens {beable eat the hl bkness eran + Test Method z Test spocmens ate accurately measured before testing Specimens are then fited ino the jaws of a tana toring machine and subjected 10a continually {Meieasng tneie rc un te spocrmen tactures “The tense strong i aust by dividing the masimaam oad by the cross- sectional area ote ee specimen = measured beoretestng “Te tet fe tended to measur the tense io ae thereby how tht te basi fr design the base metal properties, remains the vid ern, + Acceptance Criteria fine tet pece breaks In the weld metal, Is acceptable provide calelte srength nt ess han the minimum trae eer specie, which fs {ual the minut pected the base metal mateal grade. 4.0. DESTRUCTIVE TESTING 4.4 INTRODUCTION European Welding Standards require tst coupons that ae made fr weiding procedure qualfeaton tesing to be mbjoced to nen destuctve testy and tho Serene esting, Te test ate called desvucve tts because the welded jon ie destoyed! ten various types of et place ae taken Hom ‘Desbucve ere canbe divided ino 2 groups, namely - 2 those used io measize a mechanical propery — quantative tests Shove used to assess he ort ity —quaatve teste Mechanical tate are quanitatve because quanty is measured — = ‘mectancal propery such ae tense song hardness an anc ogress, ‘custative tests ae used to verity that he ot tee om detec — thy are of sound qualty- and exams of hase ate bend ests, macoscope examination lana rare toss (et racture k beah 4.2 TEST TYPES, TEST PIECES & TEST OBJECTIVES. ‘eve pes of mechan ete ed by mea mand supplies to very that piles, pipes forgings ee have the minimum pope val ‘Speed for partulr grades Design engineers use the minimum property values lated for partulrorades ‘of material as the basis or design and the mast cost flecive designe are Sared on 2p Stun tat welded jt have propa tat reno was than tow he The quanttative (mechanical) tet that are cared cut fr wong procedure guatcton'ae tended to donors tat thea porns ss Seson “The emphasis in the folowing subsectons ie the desructve tests end test rmatreds tat ee wisey used for welded ets IT he test specimen beaks ouside the wed of fusion zone, the weld joint strongn may be secepable provides that nt loss than 98% ofthe minimum (onslesvengh specifed forthe bass met 4.22 ALLWELD TENSILE TESTS = Testobjectve ‘There may be occasions when & fe necessary to measure the walé metal strengh es part of wolsng procedure quaiiston = paricuarly for wavated temperate desis a CE The tosis card out n order to messure not only Lene strength but also ‘il (ot Poo srg) ans tena dctty © Aled tonsa teste ate alo reguay cary out by woking consumable imanutactrers 10 votly at slectedes and fae wives satty the lene properties ‘Serie by te standard to whch the consumables are certfed + Teatspecimens AS ne name ndeates, tet specimens are machined fom wells patel with ‘he lngitainal ai an the specimen gape length mus be 100% weld tal

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