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TLEd 204 (Introduction to ICT II)

Module 4

Learning Task
1. What is broadband wireless technology? (5 pts)
 Broadband wireless technology are high speed wireless networks that allow high-
speed wireless internet access intended to serve nomadic users over a wide area.

2. Differentiate fixed from mobile wireless. (5 pts)

 Fixed wireless has low latency than mobile wireless. However, in terms of speed, fixed
wireless are much faster than mobile wireless because method of data provision is
faster with fixed wireless, so the connections are faster in turn. But unlike fixed
wireless that offers much greater banwidth access, mobile broadband are optimized for
a high volume demanding fairly low bandwidth. Lastly, mobile wireless has more
advantage in terms of its portability that utilizes cell towers to transfer data to mobile
phone, unlike in fixed wireless  requires a line-of-sight connection, or close to it, to
produce a connection.

3. How can you compare the said technologies based on its coverage? (5 pts)
 In my understanding, mobile wireless are much good and convenient in terms of
coverage because it allows wide area of access for users on its network since it depends
on cell towers. On the other hand, though fixed wireless transfer fast internet speeds
but somehow it has a limited coverage on its internet in its fixed location.

4. If you are to choose, which technologies will you used and why? (5 pts)
 I’d rather choose fixed wireless because it offers higher speed internet connection
rather than mobile wireless. In today’s online class it is an advanatge for me as a
students to have a fast internet connection because it allows me to scan or searched
articles swiftly. Besides, it enables me to participate in any zoom activities without any
inconvenience or interfere in our connection.

5. How do these technologies help us in our daily task? (5 pts)

 These technologies pave way for us to browse the internet anytime and anywhere. It
helps us to be knowledgeable about the different issue and facts around the globe. It aid
us specially at this recent times of Pandemic to continue our life and stay connected
with our loveones as well as to still participate in our work or job.

Performance Task
Search on the internet the 5th Generation Networks. Read the entire article and get the gist out of
it. Compare the 5th Generation Networks to 4G, 3G, 2.5G, 2G and 1G. Cite the source. (40 pts)
 5G is the 5th generation mobile network that is designed to connect virtually
everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.
Unlike in 1G that only delivered analog voice, 2G that were mainly used for voice
applications, 3G which brought mobile data and 4G that ushered in the era of
mobile broadband, 5G deliver higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra low
latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a
more uniform user experience to more users. It is a unified, more capable air
interface that has been designed with an extended capacity to enable next-
generation user experiences, empower new deployment models, deliver new
services and thus, drive global growth as a whole.


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